Photographic Journal 2000 
June and July Charters

These photos are the actual Charter Results in June and July 2000

Click here for June 2000 Guest Log    Click here for July 2000 Guest Log
We prove what others can only claim!


dinezio.jpg (18463 bytes) AndreaLeslie.jpg (26562 bytes) Reggie.JPG (60512 bytes) MikeLane.JPG (61326 bytes) Browns.JPG (29873 bytes)
6/24 Dinezio                     6/25 Jurasek                  6/26 Reggie West            6/29 Mike Lane                  6/30 The Browns

Todd&john.JPG (66157 bytes) Flash.JPG (57529 bytes) Sloan.JPG (64721 bytes) RickyWilson.JPG (59328 bytes) RickHorn.JPG (67952 bytes)
7/6 Richardson          7/7 Flash Murthum             7/12 Rick Sloan               7/14am Rick Wilson      7/14pm Rick Horn

Mattews.JPG (55091 bytes) NatEmory.JPG (60787 bytes) Gilio.JPG (40564 bytes)   Swonger.JPG (39586 bytes)
       7/17 Matthews              7/18 Nate Emory               7/21 Gordon Arnold           7/22Tom Whipple          7/23 Bill Swonger

PanamaEd.JPG (67762 bytes) PefleyBrn.JPG (61307 bytes) PefleyKing.JPG (61619 bytes) KipCarey.jpg (59687 bytes) Molly.JPG (33528 bytes)
7/24 Schlachter            7/25 18 lb. Brown          7/26  King Salmon          7/30 Kip Carey         7/31 Tallahassee