Our poll on the planned cuts in the Kings ended up pretty close,
after a strong start to those willing to accepts reduced
plantings. 53% (yea) to 45%(nay), while a clear majority, is
by no means a mandate (unless you're a politician).
Now, it seems to me,.......something has
got lost in the shuffle when it comes to the graph (click
for graph) that was in the DNR document posted on 9/25/05.
Something akin to 8.5 million pounds of Kings (Chinooks) were
harvested, most of which would be from Lake Michigan. We
all the know the Kings have shrunk of the past 2 or 3 years, so if
we increase the catch rate by 40% by Michigan anglers this could
help relieve the pressure on the forage base by harvesting more
This could be accomplished by giving back
the 2 Kings that were taken away in 1988, or 1989, when the DNR cut
the legal limit from 5 to 3 Kings. All in all, this solution
is very simple, too many fish?....then let the fishermen harvest
more and gain a better value from monies spent on fuel, trailering
their boat, then the gas burned to and from the fishing
grounds. This is a win-win proposition and a serious chance
for the DNR to take a positive
direction helping preserve our fishery.
I installed poll concerning the issue of
raising the Michigan legal limit of Kings to 5. There's a vast
difference nowadays in size, 3 average Kings in 1996 would weigh 60
pounds plus in August! From what I've seen, 3 average Kings in
2005 might go 40 pounds if you're lucky. Also, in 1996 more
alternative species of Steelhead, Browns and a far better Coho catch
rate meant you might be able to take for a legal 5 fish combined
limit. In 2005 it was pretty much all Kings ballgame in
central and northern Lake Michigan. Please vote and we'll see
how the new poll ends up.
Gale force winds, cold and rainy is the deal here in Manistee
today. This coming weekend is predicted to be pretty decent
with sunshine & highs in the 70s.
Took a ride thru Wellston on M55 yesterday
and it looked like a ghost town. Normally, at the time of the
year, all the motels and cabins in Wellston are full.
Generally, there's a big influx of river anglers. Not so in
2005! Gas prices must be keeping a certain amount of folks
home, along with tougher anti-snagging enforcement. Wellston
& Brethren, MI are the two towns (and I mean small) closest to renowned
Tippy Dam. 9/28/05
Manistee County has had a fair amount of rain in the last
week. This flush of new water has Kings staging at the river
mouths. The mouth of the Big Manistee River in Manistee Lake is
showing some pretty decent catches for the small boat fishermen.
Trolling with Flatfish in pearl, or white are best from what I
Look for action for river Kings to reach it's peak
very soon. The predicted cold snap for tomorrow with lows sinking
towards the 30 degree mark should make the fishing even better. 9/27/05
Mr. Tom Rozich was in a guest in my house yesterday, via Channel 7
TV out of Traverse City. Mr. Rozich is the DNR's fishery
management leader for my neck of the woods in the Cadillac Office of the
MDNR. He was at the Little Manistee Harvest Weir doing a TV
interview about the spearing of Salmon going on at the weir by militant
members of the Little River Band of Native Americans.
Tom handled himself knowledgeably, explaining
the DNR was there to take names of the tribe doing the
spearing. Rozich is to be applauded for his TV appearance
and concern, even though the DNR's hands are said to be tied by the
federal courts.
This is clearly a publicity stunt by the tribe to
draw attention to this highly controversial issue. Unlimited
inland rights hunting and fishing rights issues are now in the federal
courts. It's not enough the members of this tribe are all instant millionaires
(casino monies paid to them over a period of time), they demand more!
Those spearing are claiming tribal immunity and
citing the rights from the 1836 treaty. This is a disgusting
display of no ethics from a group calling themselves the First
Americans. I'm sure,...all members of the LRB do not subscribe to
these actions!
Making your own "Salmon Candy" is the title of a new article
on the drawing board. Preparing Bait 1
which concerns how to fillet and cure your own herring fillets at a substantial savings needs updating.
Much has been learned since 2004 when a viable alternative for the commercially prepared strips
went into use.
While many view using cut-bait, or whole herring as a new way to catch Salmon,
it fact, it's the oldest method, far pre-dating all the tackle currently on the
market! After the poll about cutting back the fish plants
of Kings Lake Michigan, I'll install another poll pertaining to the your most productive lures
in the 2005 season. Polls from 2003 and 2004 are archived and available for a true comparison.
What worries me about the DNR discussions on
Salmon plant reductions? Once they take something away,
history shows the DNR unwilling to give it back, hence the 5 King
limits we once could catch,.....are only a footnote in the history
books! 9/25/05
With the recent news about a planned reduction in the Chinook
(King) Salmon plantings in Michigan I have a .pdf document
pertaining to this fact. Several options have been outlined,
including a 25% cut across the board in all species which is plainly
shows MDNR's lack of wisdom. I know my comment will be viewed
as cynical by the DNR hierarchy, but cutting the Browns and
Steelhead which feed on differing parts of the forage base at
certain times of the season is plain stupid! Factoring in,
Browns and Steelhead the populations have been down spiraling
downward the past few years. Click
here to for the DNR .pdf file and read it for yourself.
In this day and age, generally everything
concerns cutting back and downsizing. Why not give Michigan's
Great Lakes fishermen the 2 Kings back the DNR took away in 1989 and
reinstate the 5 Kings as a legal per day limit? Anglers in
other states have this luxury, so why not us Michiganganders?
Lake Michigan fishing info has been pretty hard to come by for the
past few days. Rain and wind has prevented much off the dock
action from what I've been able to discern. Rumors about
illegal wholesale harvesting of Kings from the Little Manistee
Harvest Weir have been mentioned to me. Before I give these
rumors one iota of credence, more investigation on my part must be
Our new poll was running at 2 to 1 with the guys favoring a cutting
the King Salmon plant. The mere mention of this would have
brought about war cries 3 years ago! We'll just have to wait
until 2006 to see what the master plan is.
A missed opportunity by our DNR was not raising
the legal limit on Kings to thin out the herd even more in
2005. 5 Kings are legal in Wisconsin, so why not here?
This would help the charter fleet and the boats with 2 or 3
fishermen get more value out of the fuel costs. Let's face it,
the way fishing has been in 2005, 3 King limits are fairly common
place and pretty easy for the knowledgeable angler to come by.
Plus, 5 Kings used to be legal in Michigan until the BKD (bacterial
kidney disease) fiasco in 1987 and 1988 that severely depleted the
amount of Kings in Lake Michigan.
Please take the new poll I installed in the left border of this
website. It concerns if you're in favor of smaller Salmon
plantings. While I'm in favor of any efforts to preserve our
fishery, steps must taken to have a better balanced fishery instead
of the "Kings, or not much else" we have
now. Lake Trout, Coho, Browns and Steelhead are part and
parcel of the fish that dwell in the waters bounding Michigan's
north, east and west coasts. We all realize the DNR can not
work miracles, but addressing the issues of ALL Salmon and Trout
species is in everyone's best interest. Let's hope for a sit
down, face to face meeting of all the fishery chiefs from Michigan,
Ontario, New York, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin to put this issue
on the front burner. The states and province mentioned all
have a big stake in this! Click
for a
fairly average salmon from just a few seasons ago
Something I never seen before and was brought to my attention on
last Friday's prototype testing session. In all my years of
Salmon fishing on the Great Lakes I cleaned plenty of smaller early
maturing male Kings (jacks), but never seen a mature hen (female)
that was under 10 lbs, ripe, full of eggs and ready to
We had a couple females around 8 pounds that were true
adult spawners. If forced to guess the age of these hens, I'd
say they were 2 year old adult female Kings. Granted the times I fished in 2004 and 2005 you could
count on your hands and toes, but this new weakening gene pool trend
is cause for major concern.
Scuttle butt from the MDNR is an upcoming 25%
reduction in the 2006 King Salmon plants and eliminating local net
pen projects. With this cut-back, no downsizing, or layoffs
are planned in the DNR. Nor are there to be increases in other
species to make up for the trimmed down
hatchery efforts, or a 25% decrease in our yearly resident fishing
licenses. Please keep in mind, this info is not 100% confirmed
However, I'm willing bet the licenses will not
be cut 25% for 2006!
If anyone is under the impression Salmon Season 2005 is over,
please check out today's photos posted from Capt. Len's charter
yesterday. He took 14 fish with a good mix of Coho and
Kings. 6 of the Salmon came after 11:30am, all on the meat and
my stuff. Not too bad for a 1/2 day Click
for this catch
There's a side bar to this story, as Capt. Len
stopped by my place the previous evening to cut-up and prepare the
whole Green Label Fish On herring I recommend. If you're gonna
run meat, your meat program is only going to be as good as the
Click here for Meat Head
mug shot Click
for the hot rigs used
It pays huge rewards if you take the time and prepare your own, as
today's photo of Lucky Charm Charter's brag board clearly
prove. Len's big catch sidetracked me from a disturbing
trend I never seen before with our be discussed
tomorrow! 9/19/05
Good weather and good fishing is a hard combination to beat here
in Manistee County. Now-a-days charter operators are blessed
with a big crop of Kings in 2005. All be it may, the size is
way down from a few years ago. Smaller, under 20 pound Salmon
are a lot easier for the charter customers to handle then the over
25lb. ruffians. In the 1990s when 30 pounders were roaming about,
fish of this size would plain tucker folks out. I seen a 32
pound King fatigue 3 people, all taking turns on the same rod.
For easier limits and Salmon that can be landed with relative ease,
the constant evolving Great Lakes Fishery has the charter fleet
grinning form ear to ear!
Tomorrow's focus will be on a new problem I never witnessed
before with our Kings! 9/18/05
I guess, I'm still kind a wowed by the amount of adult Kings
still providing an excellent fishery this late into September.
This is a vast departure from what is considered normal in anyone's
book. Generally, by the second week of September adults start
getting fairly scarce, not so for the 2004 and 2005 seasons!
Fishermen that fished yesterday off
Manistee all had fair to good results and I heard of one charter
boat that took 16 on his morning 1/2 day trip. The boats that
did best adjusted from the former deep Salmon (70' to 100') over
depths top 200' to fishing much shallower and tighter to the 50 to
60 foot drop off (Manistee's shelf).
Phase II prototype tests were completed yesterday afternoon.
From 4:00pm to 6:15pm we had 6 strikes and boated 3 Kings, then Lake
Michigan decided to get ugly. We started out in comfortable 1 to 2
footer that built to 2 to 4 footers when it got a little to
uncomfortable to fish, just past 6:15pm. We pulled lines after
boxing our last King and were underway towards the pier heads about
All 5 strikes came on a brand new
product/conception for the 2006 season. My thanks goes out to
Capt. Len Mitchell and John J for helping make the test session a huge
success. Click for
the 1st fish on 2006 product I look to refine this project
even more next week, so this product (like all my stuff) is fully proven
before it's world's debut by March 2006.
Click for further product
There's still plenty of Kings left in Lake
Michigan from what we witnessed, thus extending the season well beyond
normal. Full cores and divers did all the damage and never had a
rigger hit. Surface temp was 69 degrees and the thermocline was 60
to 70 feet down.
Fishing yesterday in Manistee was pretty darn good. Capt.
Dave (a neighbor of John J's) took his limit of 9 Kings mostly
after 10am. The Salmon were coming 90 to 100 feet down, over
180 to 200 feet of water. His best rig was a
X-Glow Bluetail
Flasher with a top-secret 2006 prototype X-Glow 3 Fly meat rig.
This afternoon I'll have to change my
status as a land lubber and eagerly climb aboard Capt. Len
Mitchell's 32' Sea Ray Amberjack. Look for a hands on,
straight skinny Lake Michigan report tomorrow from yours truly.
Small game season and with bow hunting right around the corner means
less pressure for the dedicated anglers. High fuel costs have
kept our weekend crowds far below normal and that's gonna help
More water testing is in order for a brand new
product line I hope to debut in early 2006. Favorable weather
and Capt. Len Mitchell's 32' Sea Ray is what the plan is for
tomorrow afternoon.
Did a water test on a top-secret project for 2006 yesterday
afternoon. Initial test went OK, but some minor tweaks still
may be necessary. The Big Manistee River is like bath water in
the lower half, look for an improving river Salmon bite once cooler
weather takes hold.
Recent south winds has done little to enhance fishing off
Manistee. September and south wind team up and pile loads of
warm water on the normal fishing grounds. In fact, I've seen 72
degrees top to bottom out to depths of 200 feet.
Fishing pressure has definitely lessened, as the
unofficial end of the 2005 adult King season is fast
approaching. Look for predicted north and northwest winds to
shake things up a bunch and improve everyone's chances later this
Next year's juvenile Salmon & Steelhead will
soon to pile up
on Manistee's shelf later this month and into early October.
The only question will be how many days the winds let you get off
the dock, cuz the windy season on Lk. MI is just about here.
This past August I had the grand opportunity to meet
"Bayliner" Bob J. Bob's one of those good-natured
individuals focused on doing as much damage to Michigan's
Salmon population, the law allows!
When I spoke with him at 11am
yesterday morning, he'd boated 19 Kings, releasing most. Bob
is now fishing the Grand Traverse Bay not too distant from the
Boardman River. He's in Traverse City and introducing various
members of the Detroit Red Wings (their training camp is based in
TC) to the area's Salmon fishery.
Bob was informed by the local experts and
charter operators cut-bait didn't work, cuz the Salmon were staging
and not eating! After being armed with a good selection of my
products & herring, he's currently setting the benchmark for
fish caught in the TC. Now, he's the go-to guy, as the local
"experts" are seeking knowledge from him.
What makes this story more than interesting
is the Grand Traverse Bays offer semi-protected waters and a healthy
herd of Kings there for the taking after the action wanes on the
more well known ports like Manistee, Ludington and Frankfort.
Hope to have some pictures of Bob's
great adventure in TC with some of the team members from the Detroit
Red Wings very soon.
Capt. Brian G had a passable morning out of Manistee
yesterday. They landed 5 Kings and missed about handful
more. Best depth was around 120' with the riggers set 80' to 90'
down. Brian reported a pitiful early morning. bite. From my
personal experience, deep fish do not get enough light penetration to
turn-on until later in the morning (I've seen this countless times).
The seas were out of the SE and kinda lumpy
compared to last Friday's forecast.
If you're fishing Manistee and there's a strong south, or SE wind, fish
south past Guerney Creek ('bout 5 miles south). You'll have excellent
deep-water structure closer to shore and Big Point Sable will partially
shelter you from the wind. The seas in the area I described are
generally half of what you'll have straight out of Manistee. 9/10/05
Just not much to report today. Reel-busy with a new project
for 2006 and that hasn't left much time for anything else. Capt.
Brian G is using my place as a base camp for his efforts and I should
have a pretty decent fishing update tomorrow.
Great Lakes Salmon fishing has long been dominated by
the west coast tackle manufacturers who use foreign products and, or
outsourcing for pieces/parts. With the pending sale of Luhr Jensen
to Normark (Rapala) I see this problem to only worsen. Eroding our
economy and shipping jobs outside of the USA is not in anyone's best
interest. Buy American, who knows?.......the job you save, might
be your own! 9/9/05
The weather for this weekend is on the side of the fishermen looking
to pick a fight with Mr. King Salmon. Daytime temps in the mid-80s
tomorrow and Lake Michigan is gonna be one foot or less with wind out of
the south at 5 to 15 knots.
Gas in Manistee was $2.98 yesterday, so let's hope we've seen the worst
of fuel costs. There's been talk in Lansing of suspending the 6%
sales tax on gas lately.
I have the world's greatest respect for the Algoma Assassins, cuz
they don't mess around and let a simple thing like the fish being
down over 250 feet stand in their way. During this past Labor
Day Weekend they took 5 fish (WI legal) per person limits at 270 to
288 feet down on their rigger's counters with my
Myself? I never took any Salmon deeper 155
feet and thought that was extreme! Deep, deep trolling and
boxing out sure beats fishing shallower with skimpy results.
Dickie P, Steve S, Terry's Toy, Sea Dog and Blue
Rhino all deserve a pat on the back for breaking into the
"undiscovered territory." Algoma, Wisconsin's
structure is far different then what we deal with here
Michigan. Either they have tons of cold water, or warm water
to depths us Michigan guys can't imagine for the most part.
I've seen those deep marks while fishing over 400
to 800 feet of water while fishing top 30 feet for Steelhead (back
when we had some in 1990s) in June a bunch times and never actually
knew what they were. Although, I strongly suspected those deep
marks were Salmon. Click for Blue
Rhino's Labor Day 05 Algoma report
Once again, my congrats to these wily
Wisconsin Salmon fishermen for being resourceful, open-minded and
willing to sharing their knowledge base with us.
Fishing with the same group of fishermen, out of the same port
can lull one into believing his port and the guys fishing it are the
best on the lake. This a wrong line of thinking. I
fished many ports on Lakes Huron, Erie and Michigan, thus cross referencing
several knowledge bases from more fishermen then I can ever hope to
remember. Some ports/fishermen were better at certain
techniques and some were misinformed, stubborn and a bunch were phenomenal
at all times of the season.
However, for the most part, the groups I'm
speaking of were great at imitating and did little to advance new
methods, or even look at new things in a favorable light.
So, I guess the point I'm trying to make
is; we have a small clan of fishermen, using my products in
Wisconsin that have broke new ground all by themselves. I'm
speaking of what I'm gonna call from now on, the "Algoma Assassins"
consisting of Terry's Toy, Dickie P, Blue Rhino, Steve S. Click
for a 9/4/05 Terry's Toy catch
I'll have some extraordinary news for you
tomorrow that should set you back on your heels, courtesy of the
"Algoma Assassins." Click
for a 9/5/05 Blue Rhino catch 9/6/05
The Labor Day Weekend crowd in Manistee was somewhat diminished by
the high cost of gas. Straight out of Manistee and a couple of
miles both north and south had the heaviest boat pressure, offering the
least productivity. The fishermen I spoke with had traveled about 5
miles north towards Onekama, or south of Guerney Creek and had pretty
darn decent luck with many limit catches reported.
Capt. Tom Rasmussen report from last Saturday was
encouraging, he mentioned all bright silvery fish from 9 to 17
pounds. Salmon are in both the Big and Little Manistee Rivers, but
not in full force yet,......for the time being, plenty of adults left in
Lk. MI. 9/5/05
Lighter SE winds today shifting to the SW means everyone will finish
the Labor Day Weekend with fairly decent conditions.
Another boat hit the Ludington pier last night
at 10pm, the tally is 3 for the 2005 season. Those unfamiliar with
navigating a port should not do so in the dark. Not being able to
spot a lump of breakwall can happen, cuz over-shadowing city lights can
be deceiving. Always mark your main returning waypoint at least a
1/2 mile out from any harbor entrance, then mark a number 2 waypoint
between the pier heads for restricted visibility when it's dark, or
Capt. J. Foy stopped by my place yesterday to
replenish is supply of Black Ice 3 Fly Meat Rigs. Joe said,
"in the last 3 days we've caught at least 30 fish on the Black
Ice." He's found his best success with the Black Ice combo on
his divers with 60' to 80' of line off the reels dialed on 2. Click
for a Black Ice stuck in a fish face photo
9/4/05 I
spent the goodly portion of yesterday taking care of my
tackle sale. Leaving little time for me to have much of a
current fishing update for today.
Here's a fairly recent report from Capt. Jerry: John, I have been a member
(of the message board) for a year. My buddy and I caught this 28 pounder last Friday night in Manistee in 40’ of water. We caught it on the Twin Krystal Killer Rig. Your cut meat program has worked great for us for 2 years now.
here for Jerry's 9/2/05 Master Angler King
Thank you for helping us make our fishing trips more successful.
Capt. Jerry P
“Log It So You Never Forget It” 9/3/05
Yesterday's 3 to 6 footers from the northwest has kept pressure
light on the numbers of Kings available to the Labor Day Weekend Salmon
Seeker. In fact several of Manistee's charter operators cancelled
yesterday's trips.
Here's today's wind and wave forecast:
Northwest winds 5 to 15 knots. Partly sunny. Waves 1 to 2 feet.
Saturday Night: Northeast winds 5 to 15 knots. Partly cloudy. Waves
1 foot or less.
Look for the Kings to be up high (top 40 feet) and a war zone in and
around the all harbor entrances in central to northern Lake Michigan.
Inshore surface water temp in Ludington is 60 degrees according to
reliable sources. There should be a bunch of Kings running towards
the rivers in the next few days.
Lumpy seas is yesterday's story from Manistee's Salmonville.
4 to 5 footers meant only the larger vessels fished yesterday. To
worsen the situation, the wind was out of the west, making a
north/south troll along Manistee's "shelf" a very
uncomfortable ride in beam seas. Combating a stout west wind
generally means a west troll to deep water (400'), then turning
east, back inshore.....towards the shelf.
More rough water is predicted for today, so
this weekend's population of Kings haven't been hurt too bad this
week. Gas in Manistee came down a bit to $3.38 at the Wesco in
Parkdale, MI, so there is some slight relief is insight.
I'll be sending most of today tagging items
for my mega-tackle sale tomorrow. The sale starts precisely at
noon on Saturday, Sept. 3,2005. Early arrivers will be not
able to view, shop, purchase until straight-up noon. There
will be no haggling over price. I know what the stuff is
worth, so do not insult me by asking less then my already rock
bottom, low-ball prices for quality equipment.
Those who want to dicker over prices will be asked to leave my
property at once! 9/1/05
Today's normal update about fishing would be out of step with what's
going on with the fast rising fuel prices. Gas in and around my
area now ranges from 3.20 to 3.60 a gallon. Michigan is one of the
very few states to charge sales tax on gas, now is the time for Governor
Granholm and the legislators in Lansing to suspend this tax! That
would save us about .20 cents a gallon. It's also time for the US
Congress to reinstate the windfall profits tax on the oil industry like
they did in the 1970s.
I was on business trip to Cadillac and Lake City, Michigan
yesterday. Gas was $2.99 (highest) at M37 & M55 and ranged
from 2.79 to 2.69 in the rest of the areas I traveled. Marina
gas in Manistee has to be over 3 bucks a gallon and my heart goes
out to the charter guys trying to make a buck in the fishing
More costly gas means staying closer to
port for charter operators. My former 28' Cherokee got about 1.1
miles to the gallon, so a round trip (24 miles) to Big Point Sable
from Manistee nowadays is at least 100 bucks, counting fuel used
while trolling.
It's like the charter operator that hit
the lottery. When the lucky captain was asked,
"what are you gonna do now that you have all that money? He
quickly replied, "I guess,..... I'll just keep chartering until the
money runs out."
Things are setting up nicely for this week's Salmon
fishermen. Catching will improve this week, as the Salmon
population recovers from the extreme pressure and harvest rate from
this past weekend. Trying to describe the crowd in Manistee is
akin to the amount of people it takes to make a "Moses
Movie!" The parking lot at the First Street Public Launch
in Manistee has been totally beyond jam packed.
Labor Day Weekend fishermen can look forward to
outstanding catching if they can locate some "clean" water
away from the pack. In Manistee that means; fishing way south,
or way north. Reports from Onekama and Arcadia have been
decent, but not rave reviews. South towards Big Point Sable is
always a safe bet. The recreational anglers tend to stay
pretty close to port, so be prepared to go on a hike for best
results. The serious die-hards will have continued great opportunities
after Labor Day when the crowd thins out. I plan on some dedicated
product testing after the holiday zoo is over aboard John J's Megan
Ann. 8/29/05
Here's what I know from this past weekend. Saturday it got
lumpy towards noon and a bunch never even left port in the am.
Yesterday, Capt. Tom Rasmussen was sitting on 9 Kings at 9:30am,
pretty much straight of Manistee's "shelf." That
pretty much sums up my total knowledge base for now. As more
reports filter in today, I could add another defined update sometime
later this afternoon.
My hat is off to Capt. Chris S for winning the
Bluewater Club Tournament held weekend before last in Ludington. Click
for Capt Chris & his winning catch His 10 fish catch pulled
the scales down to 136 pounds, nearly a 40 lb. advantage over 2nd
place. He also finished 4th in the Frankfort GLPAA a few weeks
ago too. Capt. Chris is a firm believer in my products and docks at
Thomson's Marina in Ludington. 8/28/05
The Benzie Frenzy Tournament in Frankfort is the big news around my
area. From those I spoke with, the number of boats there this
weekend was insane.
I'll try to update you on the winners, once this info becomes available.
To pick up where I left off yesterday about one
of my pet sayings, "if we're gonna make a mistake again?....let's
make a brand new one!" Equate this with beating on a dead
horse. The point I'm trying to make is: it's impossible to be on
the fish every time off the dock. Just be smart enough not to
repeat the initial bad call.
New adjustments in speed, or depth can
often make a meaningful difference. Changing locations must always
be quickly considered, especially if you're stuck in the barren desert
of No-Fishville! Boats around you can say volumes and if no nets
are going down?'re not the only person suffering from lack of
rodular activity. Learning to be adaptable/mobile will pay huge
rewards in fish tonnage in the long run.
Yesterday's trip to Capt. Chucks in Ludington was concluded by
dropping off whole Fish On herring in the red and blue sizes.
Their supply of my products were replenished with the brand new
Black Ice Reel Flasher and matching 3 Fly Meat Rig. The
red-hot Krystal Killer Flasher and it's twin 3 Fly Meat Rig was
restocked too.
Whether you fish spoons, J-Plugs, or finned
Flashers/flies Capt. Chuck has the best selections of tackle in
Manistee, Mason and Benzie Counties. Both Craig and Dick (the
owners) are avid fishermen and know how important it is to have the
right stuff!
Tomorrow?.....let's have some insights into
one of my original sayings: "If we're gonna make a mistake
again?.....let's make a brand new one!" More on the ideology
behind this line of thought in the next update.
By all recent reports, from Saugatuck to Charlevoix is good, so
no matter where you're gonna wet a line in Lake Michigan, the odds
are in your favor.
I plan on being in Ludington no later then
2pm today at Capt. Chucks. This store will have Green and Blue
Label sized Fish On herring for the Mason County crowd intent on
wrecking havoc upon the Salmon population this weekend! Don's
Bait and Tackle in Manistee was restocked last night with whole
herring too.
Capt. Bill W reported in from Saugatuck with a one hour meat catch
from hell! Here's Bill's exact words: "John, we got these in a one-hour flurry of total chaos off Saugatuck this morning in 40 feet of water....
The Mountain Dew meat rig got our biggest fish. That flasher/meat rig combo has been absolutely dynamite for us this
year"......The "Finchaser" Click
for a 3 man, 9 King limit
Lack of meat in my area of the north
country means a quick business trip to Metro Detroit today, so I can
pick up herring. Don's Bait and Tackle in Manistee and Capt.
Chucks in Ludington will be re-stocked with Fish On whole herring (in
most sizes) and strips by Friday some
time. There will be bait for this weekend's Salmon angler in
Ludington and Manistee.
Fished Frankfort yesterday with John J & Roscoe aka Steve
Burns. Dropped lines on the fish around 4pm and our 9th King
went in the net at 6:58pm. 4 to 7pm is not prime time for
Salmon, but we were there to test new stuff. A true test is
when the fishing is a little on the tough side, cuz just about
anything can catch Salmon in the early and late,
hours. Click
for our lethal weapon: Mr. Black Ice
Our brand new prototype Black Ice combo
flasher/3 fly meat rig proved it's metal to all aboard, by boxing 5
of our 9 Salmon. Please keep in mind, we only ran one matching
Black Ice rig. In the area we were in, we did see several
boats, but never seen another net go down, other then ours! Click
for Roscoe's proof in the pudding
Central and northern Lake Michigan has rolled and
our surface temperature was 57 to 55 degrees with the majority of
our action coming at 20' to 35' down over a 100' to 140'. We
were working an area 2 to 3 miles south of Frankfort's pier
I began my charter career in Frankfort in
1983 and this legendary port still remains strikingly picturesque
with it's high bluffs and miles of sugar sand beaches 8/23/05
Ever since last Saturday fishing info has been hard to come by,
because of lumpy seas running from 4 to 6 feet. The charters that
have been out of Manistee are catching in rough water conditions, but
the guests that can tolerate the big seas without turning into Martians
is no easy matter. The fish have come up higher in the water
column too. 30' to 40' down was reported to me by Capt. Tom R from
Sue Lee Charters and Capt Dave Deforest from Enforcer Charter echoed the
same statement.
Labor Day is still about 2 weeks out, so plenty
of great opportunities await those making the trek to Salmon country. If
you plan on fishing meat, please locate a good source before leaving
downstate, cuz temporarily it's in short supply around Manistee.
A former deckhand of mine weighed in a 27
pounder after the King after sat in his fish box all night. Year
to date, this is the largest verifiable Salmon I know of.
Today's update is courtesy from the land of cheese and Capt.
Steve S:
Kewaunee, WI.....Started the morning waking up past the time we should
of been setting lines, so when we got to Kewaunee with the sun well up, motored
out to 100 fow and went to set-up.....oops NO MEAT!.......did I mention I got
up late?
So, I had to look to see if I could find something to run, sent a
J-Plug , spoon and I dug up a lonely fly on the boat (which I put behind a JK flasher) and ran them. Then I remembered my good buddy out of
Algoma, "Terry's Toy," got him on the radio and begged for some meat. After
looking for his boat for 2 hours (and one small king about 5 lbs. on the fly)
got some meat around 9 am. Within the next hour we had 7 kings (largest
18.6 ) in the boat. The 15+ knot wind keep pushing us out and boat control was
a bit snarly but we ended 10 for 11 by 11:30.
Thank You John for the last shipment, the
Krystal Killer took 4 fish, monkey puke/red took 4 fish, and the new green blade with green/glow took 2 for a 2 man, 5 Salmon WI limit.
Click here
for Capt. Steve's 8.21.05 WI catch
The predicted blow with 3 to 5 footers from the NW, then
switching due north is gonna shake-up Lake Michigan's thermocline
big time. The temp break had been down 80 to 100 feet
(offering the best action), this will surely change.
Warm and cold water to not readily mix, because
the difference in water densities. Our existing warm water will be
pushed elsewhere. Reaching the fish at 150 to 200 feet
down will no longer be the deal. Mr. Salmon should be in
the top 50 feet, tight to structure once this predicted blow
subsides Monday pm. Look for the harbors to load-up with soon
to spawn adult Kings intent on entering the streams and rivers.
August 20th starts the "money in the bank season" for the
best catches of returning adult Kings. From today until September
7th it won't get any better then this! While the run can last into
late September (like in 2004), by the middle of Sept. the majority of
adults could be in the rivers and creeks that enter into Lake
On my travels yesterday, I noticed oodles of
Salmon rigs were being trailered into Manistee. Crowded will not
describe what gonna go on for the next few weeks, as Salmon Fever 2005
reaches epidemic proportions. Salmon fever is a life-long incurable
disease. Symptoms tend to vanish once the patient climbs into his
boat and wets a line. Temporary recovery is only aided by the
sound of a screaming drags and a full box of the villainous culprits
that spread this unshakeable illness in the first place! 8/19/05
Action on all fronts is pretty wild for those seeking King
(Chinook) Salmon on Lake Michigan. While the Kings are about 5
pounds smaller then what they were 5 years ago, sheer numbers make
up for the lack of heft. The Michigan DNR should kick up the limit to
5, as to thin out the herd ASAP. There's just too many to grow
many big quality 30 some pound fish like we used to have.
Let's hope something is done before Lake Michigan follows Lake Huron
down the tubes.
The coming cold front means Manistee's
harbor is gonna load up with returning Kings. Look for wall to
wall boats and plenty of short tempers. Harbor patrol combat
fishing, while not enjoyable is a sure fire way for the small boater
to get his licks on the near shore Salmon. Click
for the hot rigs on 8/18/05 Click
for 8/18/05 catch
Easy catching is the deal for those now cashing in on the Lake
Michigan's over abundance Kings in 2005. All ports are good,
with central and northern Lk. MI leading the way to limit catches,
bent rods, sore arms and heavy boxes of Kings. I updated the
GLPAA results to better show all who used my stuff last weekend.
Here's a rave review E-mail from a
1st time user of my products/meat program:
"I just thought I would tell you the success I had w/ your product at Manistee last weekend. If you remember I called you Thursday night to get a few tips on how to run your product that I have never tried before. Boy, did they help. We didn’t bother messing w/the 4-6 footers Friday morning, but we did go out Friday night. We started fishing about 6pm, and the action was tremendous. I see why you don’t need to run more than 4 rods. I didn’t even have time to get 6 out. Every time I would try to get my lead core out, someone would be yelling “fish on”. We ended up going 7 for 11 in only 2 hours of fishing. We didn’t even stay for last bite, because I needed to find more cut bait for the
Steelheaders Tournament on Saturday. The total catch was nearly 90lbs. The day of the tournament I turned in 9 Kings, for a total of 91lbs.
Placing us, “fishin’ addiction”, with 6th. If I could of caught my 1 off-species fish I would have been right near the top."
Thanks for the help,......Capt. Allen M.
Here' s reel-reports from one of our private message board
"John - So many pics I have with all of my kids
(partners) but I picked two so as to not overload your puter. The
cooler shows the rigs I have used for most of the last month (minus
a Chartreuse Glow or canary that is usually out) and the other shows
me and my 10 yr old. We have boated lots of good fish and have
spread the word on your products to anyone that asks. I made the
teaser rigs with mostly your components and filleted the baits and
myself, as well...... following your directions.
Click for Team Chaos
Click for Capt. Steve's hot rigs
Thanks again for all the good info and products"......Capt
Steve E (Chaos) Midland, Mi
Frankfort Results: 1 FishByte II 186.78, 2 4C's
(Codfish) 184.08,
3 Getaway 179.98, 4
People 176.50, 5 Reel to Reel 171.0, 6 Fish Files 166.28,
7 One in the box 166.20, 8 Official Business 164.22, 9 R&R
(2-shot) 164.06, 10 Sea Joy 163.86, 11 Castaways 163.58,
12 FBI III 163.00, 13 Team RP2 (Fishwhore)
158.02, 14 Reel Screamer (mission awards)
156.68, 15 Big Dog (dgilber)
156.20, 16 Sea Joy II 154.46, 17 Huron Caster III 153.00, 18 Double
Time 147.64,
19 Lucky 146.54, 20 Great White
(mwittbrodt) 145.34 Members in:
Light Blue designates those
who used my stuff, but are not message board members. 8/16/05
9 of the top 20 boats in the recent GLPAA tournament for our
private message board, means these teams are a fish-force to be reckoned
Let's focus on some history of excellent working colors or patterns on Lk. Michigan from 20 to 30 years ago. In 1977, George Richey (Richey Custom Flies) came out with the "Sparkle Fly" that spelled doom for many
King and Coho Salmon ( almost three decades ago). In 1985, Big Jon ( down rigger company) debuted a Jon's Squid that was called, "Crystal Squid," and
tons of Salmon met their death on this lethal offering. Both of the afore mention products had light gathering
characteristics, relying on existing natural light and a prism effect to fool our quarry.
It was a natural for me to design the new
"Krystal Killer" 3 Fly Meat Rig taking a queue from what devastated Salmon a long time ago. For the last 3 weeks, everyone who had this prototype in action reported excellent results, plus came back and purchased twice their original amount. I even changed the name of the clear blade, Cracked Ice Reel Flasher to the
"Krystal Killer," to
better suit this deadly combination. Being able to "match the hatch"
& have exactly matching products gives my stuff a tremendous advantage over my less inspired
foreign competition in this marketplace. 8/15/05
The members from our private message board are all to be
congratulated for their remarkable efforts in the GLPAA Frankfort,
MI Tournament held this past weekend. When you crunch the
numbers, we had 15% of the total entrants, 50% of the top 10 on the
1st day and 30% overall in the final top 10 standings. The
vast majority of our teams finished in the top 25 of a 75 boat
Now, I know,..... I should be expounding
all the virtues about the grand and glorious products I make, but
that's just plain not necessary. I will not subtract any credit
from the total team effort put forth by our private message board
members. It was their skill, determination and cooperation
that put them on the leader board.
Trailerable boats that were in the 20' to
24' range beat out the plus 30' battle cruisers and several local
charter operations, cuz that's what most of our members have.
I am beyond ecstatic for our membership! They all did this
website proud!
Tomorrow, I'll spill the beans on the hot
meat rigs. What was once old?..... is viewed as new again and
kicking butt on Lake Michigan Salmon. I've been sitting on
this rig for about 3 weeks, to aid our members with an advantage in
the GLPAA event. Stay tuned for the reel-story, cuz you ain't heard
much about this meat rig yet.
If you're curious
and can't wait until tomorrow for this announcement? I posted the
reel-story on
This new, yet old pattern has been
hotter then a firecracker for the last 3 weeks.
Yesterday's first day standing in the Frankfort GLPAA tournament
have been very kind to our private message board members. Fish
Byte is leading with 98.26, 2nd Reel to Reel 95.54, 3rd Getaway
90.00, 4th Codfish 89.64, 5th 2
Shot 88.34, 6th Minnies Money,
and 10th place Fishwhore 82.44.
There's 75 boats in this contest and half of the top 10 are ALL
private message board members. This a firm testament to the
knowledge level of our cherished membership & the quality of
info exchanged. Message board members are displayed in: blue
bold type.
The recent Flint Steelheaders tourney
in Manistee was a huge success, all be it may the 2003 & 2004
Manistee winner (Roscoe), plus this 2004 & 2005 Ludington victor
fell a little short and finished mid-pack. Steve
"Roscoe" Burns had a great week in Manistee never the
less, with several outstanding catches. Steve unselfishly
shared all his fishing info with us last week and his fellow
competitors in the spirit of true sportsmanship! While the
details to me on final Flint Steelheaders standings are very
sketchy, a boat named Trophie won. 8/13/05
We're approach the prime time for big catches of adult Kings and
this reel-fact is confirmed by the many summer Salmon
tournaments. I hope to post the 1st day results of the GLPAA
tourney in Frankfort and club tourneys like the Flint Steelheaders
contest going on in Manistee today. I hope to make it to the
weigh-in of the Flint deal today for first hand info.
The word on the fish is a very, very deep
subject! Reported depths where Salmon were being caught was
175' down in Frankfort and 190' to 200' down in Manistee. Does
anyone really want fish this deep? Heck no, but the
alternative could be a skimpy box, if you don't. Early bite,
out of temp fish are coming shallower, after it's gets bright, it
seems like the villains from the deep are far more cooperative.
Tomorrow starts the long awaited Frankfort GLPAA Tournament on Lake
Michigan. We have about 10 teams from our private message board in
this contest. The captain's meets starts at 7:00pm with
pre-registrations beginning prior at 6pm.
I plan on being in Frankfort around 5pm to met and greet several of our
here for a map to the Capt's meeting at Frankfort Elementary School
Roscoe reported in with another outstanding morning on Lake Michigan out
of the Port of Manistee. He boxed 9 good sized adult Kings and a
bonus Lake Trout. His fish today came even deeper, as 200' down
over 200 to 250 feet of water were the magic numbers. He fished
south out of port, and when the crowd started pounding 100 to 150 feet
of water on the shelf, he moved out to the 200 to 250 feet range to
escape the zany zoo of boats. Click
here for Roscoe's deep water meat catch
Congratulations to the crew of "Sloppy Joe" for
winning the Detroit Area Steelheaders annual Ladies Day
Tournament. Capt. Joe fished 2 riggers and 2 divers to lead
the field to victory. His winning weight was 98 pounds in the
allowed 6 fish at weigh-in. Yep, you guessed it, this crew
exclusively used my flashers and meat rigs. Women are a joy to
fish with and seldom loose fish from what I experienced during the
21 years I was a charter boat operator. Click
for the tourney winning catch
I did a "oops" yesterday by not
completing the update about the deep, 190 feet down Kings that are
filling Roscoe's box. He's targeting the tight to structure
fish for the early bite fishing down 70' to 90', then sliding out to the deeper water
(200' to 250') to get away from the extreme heavy morning
pressure all Lake Michigan ports are plagued with. His lead length
on his riggers varies from 12 to 20 feet back, then he fishes the
deep marks at 160' to 190' down. His best flasher/meat rig
combo is a X-Glow Quad Glow and a X-Glow Frog meat rig. The glowie
stuff has to provide a better target, as little light penetrates the
depths mentioned. Sight, sound and scent is what's turning
these deep fish into biters.
for Roscoe's deep water results
I'll give further details about today's update later this
morning. To spike your interest, a goodly portion of the
mid-day fish are coming at 190 down over the 250 to 200
depths. Prior to my flashers, this was the undiscovered
territory and few ever ventured this deep. Tune in later,
..........if you're up for a deep subject?
I'd like to thank all Ludington area Salmon fishermen for their tremendous
show of support at Capt. Chucks for my American made fishing
products. I'm in the process of re-stocking this store
today. Capt. Chucks is a flagship store and a fine example of
how a mom and pop tackle store can survive and surpass the larger
chain stores with far superior service & tailor made selections
to better suit a local area.
Don's in Manistee is almost out of product too
and I'm doing my best to make sure they have the needed colors for
the upcoming Detroit and Flint Steelheaders chapter
tournaments. This store is in the rebuilding stage after the
former owner (I knew well passed away). Don's is located about
7 blocks south of the First Street stop light on the east side of
US31 by the eyeglasses place.
Manistee is still bezerk with Kings and the best
depth yesterday was 70 to 90 down over 100 to 140 feet of
water. Salmon-City was straight out of port and slightly to
the north. The boats that fished towards the trap net in the
6s struggled early and did not have the same pace of results of
those that fished closer to home.
The report from Manistee continues to be an excellent one. The
catching was a tad slower yesterday (Sunday), as the fish continue
to go deeper. Capt. Steve "Roscoe" Burns echoed this
statement by taking his largest King (23.5 lbs.) of this past
weekend with his rigger counter set at 190 feet over 220 feet of
water. The flasher he caught it on was a X-Glow experimental
2006 prototype blade, but it's very similar to the lethal X-Glow
Quad-Glow Reel Flasher. Click
for Roscoe's hot rigs
Roscoe's catch on 8/6/05 was a good one, with
a 122 lbs in 9 fish in a pre-fish day for this coming weekend's
Flint Steelheader's do in Manistee. He's kinda in a dither
over defending his 2003 and 2004 "back-to-back" wins.
Click for his
8/6/05 catch
As a side bar to today's update, there was a 25
and a 27 pounder weighed in MSFAA big fish contest in Manistee
recently. It's good to see some larger Kings coming to the
scale finally! 8/9/05
I'd like to thank all Ludington area Salmon fishermen for their tremendous
show of support at Capt. Chucks for my American made fishing
products. I'm in the process of re-stocking them today.
Capt. Chucks is a flagship store and a fine example of how a mom and pop
tackle store can survive and surpass the larger chain stores with superior
service and tailor made selections to better suit the local area.
Don's in Manistee is almost out of product too and
I'm doing my best to make sure they have the needed colors for the
upcoming Detroit and Flint Steelheaders chapter tournaments. This
store is in the rebuilding stage after the former owner (I knew well
passed away). Don's is located about 7 blocks south of the First
Street stop light on the east side of US31 by the eyeglasses place.
Manistee is still bezerk with Kings and the best
depth yesterday was 70 to 90 down over 100 to 140 feet of water.
The best area was straight out of port and slightly to the north.
The boats that fished towards the net in the 6s struggled early and did
not have the results of those that fished closer to home.
The report from Manistee continues to be an excellent one. The
catching was a tad slower yesterday (Sunday), as the fish continue
to go deeper. Capt. Steve "Roscoe" Burns echoed this
statement by taking his largest King (23.5 lbs.) of this past
weekend with his rigger counter set at 190 feet over 220 feet of
water. The flasher he caught it on was a X-Glow experimental
2006 prototype blade, but it's very similar to the lethal X-Glow
Quad-Glow Reel Flasher. Click
for Roscoe's hot rigs
Roscoe's catch on 8/6/05 was a good one, with
a 122 lbs in 9 fish in a pre-fish day for this coming weekend's
Flint Steelheader's do in Manistee. He's kinda in a dither
over defending his 2003 and 2004 "back-to-back" wins.
Click for his
8/6/05 catch
As a side bar to today's update, there was a 25
and a 27 pounder weighed in MSFAA big fish contest in Manistee
recently. It's good to see some larger Kings coming to the
scale finally!
Ludington and Manistee is reel hot for limit catches of Kings to
20 pounds. Manistee's best area yesterday was from Guerney
Creek, south towards Big Point Sable. Although, there were
some good reports as far north on the structure of Onekama's
barrel. Best depths down were 70 to 100 feet over a 110 to 150
feet of water (tight to the "shelf"). Many said the
meat-bite after 10pm was phenomenal once the swarms of boats moved
off the shelf, scattered & headed for deeper waters. Best
colors were Undertaker, blues, greens, chartreuse, & all the
glow stuff.
Frankfort's deal was much deeper, as I
heard reports of Salmon being caught at depths exceeding 170
feet. Next weekend's GLPAA tourney goes down in Frankfort
where you weigh your best 6 fish each day in a two day
tournament. I figure we have about 10 boats from our message
board members that are going to participate in this inaugural
event. I look to attend the captain's meeting and the final
August means extreme heavy boat pressure, so be
prepared to show courtesy to your fellow Salmon angler no matter how
much they piss you off. Two wrongs never a make a
"RIGHT." Inland waters U.S.C.G. Rules of the Road
are predicated on prevention of collision, so no one NEVER has the
complete ultimate right of way. 8/6/05
Flasher production is my deal for today! I was out of the
deadly X-Glows Flashers in the Yellowtail and Bluetail patterns.
These should ready to ship by this Tuesday. Keeping up with
demand on the 3 Fly Meat Rigs?.....barely, as we were temporally out
of the DSTH series in the Clear Reds yesterday (restocked
Kingfish Products employees that do piece work
have volunteered to come in today & possibly tomorrow to get a
workable amount of standing inventory on all products.
I've had lure tape on order since 6/27/05 from
WTP and submitted 2 more orders since that I haven't received yet.
So, I'm in a world of hurt when it comes to the special die-cut
pieces to complete assembly of both Reel Flashers and 3 Fly Meat
Rigs in certain models. I'm hoping their dedicated,
professional staff comes thru this week and the tape fairy visits my
place ASAP. Click
for production team in action 8/5/05
Capt. Steve H is staying at King's Salmon Camp 2005 as my
guest. His report from yesterday evening was a 3 person, three
King limit off the waters of Manistee for a heavy box of 9 Kings (most
all were adults). His time of the water was just a evening trip
under 4 hours from dock to dock. Best depth on the riggers? 80
feet, a few bites at 90' down and no hits at 70 feet. SW wind has
driven the Salmon deeper then last weekend by about 50 feet. As a
side note, Steve fishes only 2 riggers and 2 divers out of a 19 foot
Lund open.
Ludington was hit by a reel-gulley washer
yesterday morning. Parts of US 10 between Scottville and Ludington
were under water when a severe early morning thunderstorm dumped on
Mason County. This storm kept several boats dockside in the am,
cuz it was pretty lumpy after the storm passed thru.
More on my products are on the way to Capt.
Chucks in Ludington today. They were out of my custom full-dress Mag
Meat Heads in 4 packs. They will be re-stocked in the high demand
colors of Mountain Dew, Secret One, Ruby Red, Wild Canaries, plus a full
series of the glow heads on their shelves for this weekend.
There's still one opening left for this weekend's upcoming
Salmon seminar in Ludington, MI with Capt. Paul Vantol. This
confidence building experience starts at 2pm at Thompson's
Marina. If you're looking to cram a bunch of fishing knowledge
and put it to good use this season, please consider attending.
Recent tournament boats took Kings and that
was pretty much it. Lakers, Coho Steelhead and Browns are no
longer are much of a player in our summer fishery. The few
times I've been off the dock in 2005, I've yet to seeing anything,
but Kings come aboard. Let's all hope for a better balanced
fishery like former DNR Fisheries Chief, John Robertson spoke of in
the late 80s when BKD nearly wiped out our strain of Kings in
MI. Having fishable numbers of alternate species is in
everyone's best interest. 8/3/05
The fishing yesterday in Manistee, Ludington and Frankfort
was just like the weather, hot! Heavy catches are coming
pretty easy, as hoards of hungry downsized Kings are looking for a
easy meal. Let's hope the DNR from Indiana, Illinois, Michigan
and Wisconsin work wisely together to bring the forage base vs. prey
species into a better balance, cuz it's way out of kilter now.
I was able to deliver some Reel Flashers
yesterday to Capt. Chucks in Ludington, including the brand new Blue
Mamba Glow. If you're looking for any tackle across the board
Capt. Chucks has the best selection in Mason, Manistee, Oceana and
Benzie County. Even when I was running charters in the 1990s
and early i2ks I drove there from Manistee to shop for the hard to
find items. If you want it?......more then likely Capt. Chucks
has it, including a complete line of tackle dedicated to
August is here, the month we've waited for all season long with
dreams of hauling heavy boxes to the cleaning station. Well,
dream no longer as all Lake Michigan are showing phenomenal catching
up and down both coasts. Ludington was once
again......reel-hot yesterday with most limiting out on Kings before
A welcome journey to Ludington is in store
for me today to take my Reel Flashers to Capt. Chucks. I
appreciate the opportunity to better serve the Ludington area
fishermen with Capt. Chucks as my only outlet for retail sales in
Mason County. 8/1/05
Steve "Roscoe" Burns (Flint Steelheaders) and Tim Horton
(Detroit Steelheaders) used the structure of Big Point Sable to win
their respective club events this past weekend. Structure, when
available fences up the fish and bait, eliminating 180 degrees of the
compass of where the fish are likely to be. Both of these winners
used my flashers and meat rigs to accomplish their goals. Another
interesting fact is both Steve and Tim used only 2 riggers and 2 divers
to accomplish their well earned victories.
I'm of the belief, the products I offer
are better suited to those with trailerable boats, because changing the
mind the charter fleet into fewer rods and a smaller spread just ain't
gonna happen. Keeping this in mind, you can review my results at:
past results when I was still running charters to see how
deadly 5 rods can be. July 7/31/05
I guess the best news I had yesterday is that Roscoe won the Flint
Steelheaders tourney in Ludington yesterday. This is two years
running, Burns Unit took top honors in the Ludville fish fest with my
products and a simple meat program.
Personally?.....we struggled yesterday
afternoon/evening as lady luck did not want to smile upon our
efforts. While our action was OK (11 or 12 bites), we only managed
to box 4 of these wily escape artists. Still, all in all much info
was gained and shared by Mike, Michael, Larry and Terry. Click
the hot rig Click
for our catch photo
Many in the tackle business are more then willing to sell
you stuff, but not many offer the after the sale support on correct
product usage. I know for a reel-fact absolutely none of my
internet based sales competition has my credentials of being a full
time year around charter operator (21 years) and river guide.
So, there' s a major difference when you deal with me on any and all
tackle purchases.
I will have a far more meaningful update
tomorrow, as I'll be on the big pond out of Manistee this afternoon
with one of my last instructional "on the water"
seminars. 7/29/05
Due to popular request I designed a
new deadly flasher combines the fish catching attributes of the Black
Mamba, Blue Mamba & the Blue Doubl-Glo, all rolled into one
lethal combination. Click
to see the Blue Mamba Glow This one is a winner!
If you're in need of meat rigs and
flashers?.....please consider placing your order now. Some of
products at
are in short supply and I'm out of certain high demand models of Reel
Flashers & 3 Fly Meat Rigs (X-glows mainly).
I hope to be restocked on the X-Glow Yellowtail
and Bluetail flashers sometime late next week, same goes for the X-Glow
3 Fly Rigs.
There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of
Kings at all Lake Michigan ports willing to go toe to toe with the wise
anglers towing meat. From St. Joe to Frankfort and beyond are
reporting full boxes and limit catches. There is a dark side to
this silver lined cloud, as few will reach the 20 pound mark.
However, what the Kings lack in size they make up in huge numbers and
frantic non-stop action. 7/28/05
Manistee continues to produce heavy boxes and limits of
Kings. In fact, it's not fishing!'s plain out and out
catching! If you're looking for a port to pillage, Manistee is
ripe to plunder!
Last Saturday's graduates (Rick &
Rich), from one of my last seminars were rewarded with sore arms and
aching backs from landing and
hoisting a huge box of Kings. I'm highly gratified every time
I see anglers new to my products and cut-meat reap repayment in
spades with knowledge and a new-found skills that work.
I've tried to put my finger on what makes
the difference and is the big player in these "on the water
seminars" so,......I could share it with everyone at no
However, I believe it's a series of often
overlooked small details that I package in an easy to learn
format. Rick and Rich now are licensed to kill, and put into
practice what I preach, doubt my word? Click
for proof of what they did with just 3 rods
They had enough people aboard to cover their numbers of
Salmon on 7/25/05.
Got back to the deep woods (my home in Manistee's National
Forest) well after 1pm this morning from the Detroit Steelheaders
meeting in Warren, MI.
It was excellent to see Roscoe, bignick, Tom G,
Dave S, MCD, etc. and everyone who turned out for this deal. I
remembered all the smiles, grins and wonderful people I've met thru
the years, as I drove home in the wee hours of the morning.
Fishing truly has to be one of the world's greatest common
I was very
impressed with the way the Detroit Chapter conducted business &
gave the latest info to all members for an upcoming tournament,
leveling the playing field.
It's my honor today to travel to the Motor City today for the
Detroit Area Steelheaders monthly meeting. I lived on the west
side of Detroit (in Redford) for 30 years and I am definitely not looking
forward to the traffic.
Here's report from the other side of Lk.
Michigan from Capt. Steve S:
John, Fishing was great in Kewaunee on Saturday, with a cooler full we could
not shut the lid! Ten 4 year olds full of eggs and 5 others making a 3 man
limit. Was giving a quick presentation to all the on lookers at the ramp and
cleaning station so you should be getting more traffic and orders from
this side of the pond.
The X-Glow Yellow Tail is a killer! The KD Salmon tournament started Saturday. Out of the 15 fish our
heaviest was only 16.98 lbs. I would sure like the 24 lbs. fish from 2 weeks
ago!.....Thanks, Capt. Steve Click
for Steve's fish box
This past Saturday I had a brief vacation from shop duties and
completed one of my last seminars. My guests in attendance
were Rich, Rick, Tim and John. In spite of lack luster results
by the Manistee fleet in the am and us hearing a lot of one's and
twosies from the morning crews, we proceeded forward with high
We got off the dock in Solberg's a little after
3:30pm and by the time we dropped lines on the fish it was pushing
4:30pm. Almost immediately the 3 rigger went off, with a
X-Glow Silver Ghost and a Green Frog 3Fly Meat Rig doing the
honors. We had good action throughout, but a drenching rain squall
shut the fish down until the barometer moved off rock bottom.
We never hit a double, or a triple, but maintained good steady
action in less then ideal conditions. Click
for our dockside catch photo
My team was impressed with the non-stop
bite a simple, but effective 5 meat rod program (3 riggers, 2
divers) produced after hearing tales of doom and gloom.
This was my second to last seminar, as
intense demands on my time prevent me from offering this type of
learning experience in 2006. Click
for the hot rigs My many thanks goes to Capt. Dave from
Enforcer Charters for pinch hitting on this adventure.
As soon as I get the word on the conclusion of last
weekend's Ludington Gander Mountain tourney, the results will be
posted here. 7/24/05
Word from day one of the Ludington Gander Mountain yesterday is:
most boats struggled and only 7 in the pro division caught their
allotted 12 fish. The overall big guy Salmon is only 20 pounds and
I guess there was only two Kings weighed in over 20 lbs, as our once
mighty Kings are downsizing at a alarming pace.
Don's Bait and Tackle in Manistee (231)
723-5028 is now stocked with great selection Reel Flashers, Magnum Meat
Heads and 3Fly Meat Rigs. Click
for photo
Hopefully, sometime this week, I'll be able to supply some of my
Reel Flashers in what I consider the best stocked tackle store in Mason,
Manistee, and Benzie Counties.....
Capt. Chuck's in Ludington! If you haven't seen their new store,
it's now located in the shopping center, just behind their old place.
Their new address is: 5770 W. US10.
Completed a great outing with Rich, Rick, John
and Tim yesterday and more details with be forthcoming tomorrow.
We had lines in the water from 4:30 to 7pm & boxed 5 decent Kings,
had 2 come un-pegged & missed 3 bites for the short story.
Rough seas yesterday in Manistee prevented much fishing activity
yesterday, so I'm not able to give you the low-down. I be on
the water this afternoon and should have a complete, eye witness
hands-on report.
To this attending today's seminar in Manistee: be
at Solberg's Marina some where's between 1:30 and 2pm. We'll
be using Capt. Dave Deforest's boat, the "Enforcer."
Mum is the word from my reliable sources who have chosen to clam
up with this weekend's big deal Gander Mountain tournament in
Ludington looming. I have heard the area off Guerney Creek has
been producing strong double digit catches from a recent convert to
pulling my flashers and meat (Bayliner Bob).
Yesterday?.....those that fished straight out of
Manistee caught, but it was not the bonanza the anglers that went
south experienced. From Big Point Sable to the 5s has been yielding
limit catches too, but look for the heavy upcoming tourney traffic
to slow this legendary location down.
This coming weekend's Gander Mountain Tournament in Ludington
has dried up most of my sources. Getting the 9 Kings shouldn't
be a problem for tourney entrants, but the 3 fish of another species
is gonna be a task to complete the 12 fish box you can
weigh-in. This contest looks to be the largest event of the
Let's focus for a minute on the photo Julie D
Emailed to me. The Lk. Huron Steelhead look plump & well
fed, while the Kings are a little skinny in comparison. This
is proof in it's self that Steelhead feed in different parts of the
water column. I guess the point I'm trying to make is; there
is room for larger Steelhead plants, or at least maintaining them at
current levels. Click
for Julie's catch photo from Rogers City.
Here's a fairly fresh report from Capt. Dave in Manistee: "Our
recent charter was very enjoyable for two very nice young men and their dads, thanks to CJ Reel Flashers and CJ3FMR's. A box full of Kings, a Coho,
& one very nice 9# Steelie, all on meat. Again, the Quad X-Glo was the hottest set up."
for catch photo
Capt. Dave DeForest, ENFORCER II Charters, Manistee, MI. Click
for hot rig
I'd like to thank all who've sent in
their photos and reports lately. Pinch hitting for me during
my busiest season means, I can keep up with orders and all facets of
tackle production. All orders received before 10am offer same
day shipping, with no back orders, or lengthy delays.
Right now, the ports of Manistee and Ludington are on
fire. Limits are the norm, not the exception for those pulling
my products teamed with homemade Fish On Green Label herring
pieces. There's huge numbers of 15 to 20 pound Salmon for the
taking. From what I can tell, unless weekend traffic scatters
the fish, from Big Point Sable to Onekama, one place is that
much better,....then another.
Port traffic is increasing as Salmon fever
is starting to grip Michigan, so please remember to display
patience, even if you get jerked around. Courtesy to all is a
must in the hectic days ahead. Click
for Katlin's Salmon taken on a Lemon Ice RF.
Capt. Chuck's in Ludington is now carrying some of my custom
Magnum Meat Heads in 4 packs, plus the deadly KRW 3Fly Meat
Rigs. The KRW 3Fly rigs are well designed and feature an
interchangeable leader to the Magnum Meat Head.
Capt. Chuck's has the ultimate best tackle
selection in Mason, Manistee and Benzie Counties. They've
moved into a larger building in the shopping center, just behind
where they used to be. Their new address is 5770 West US10,
Ludington, MI 49433.
Two of the best catches (that I know of on
7/17/05) that came into Solberg's Marina in Manistee were
charter operator, Capt. Ed P, and the sport fishing craft,
"Capt. Morgan." Both of these boats had a dozen
Salmon yesterday, with fish boxes brimming to the top with good
sized adult Kings. The afore mentioned teams were pulling meat
(Fish On Green Label) and my products. Click
for Capt. Ed box
Full fishing report tomorrow, as I'm
waiting for the good word from our private message board
members. This I do know, most all Lk. MI ports are producing!
about 10 days from when prime time for adult Kings will
start. Sure, right now, everyone is catching Salmon, but the
best....... is still yet in front of us!
Up until today, most Lk. Michigan harbors
were producing good opportunities in close to the pier heads, with
most action coming in less then 40 feet of water.
"Meat-Man," Roscoe had the heaviest catch in
yesterday's Flint Steelheaders tournament Grand Haven with 86
pounds. He only took second, as his 9 Kings could not out
point "Tipsea's" winning catch of 83 pounds in 10
fish. Roscoe's hot flasher was the Undertaker in the 7/17/05
Grand Haven event. The big King in this tourney was some
where's over 18 lbs. My congrats to Team Tipsea on a well
deserved win.
Here's a reel-fishing report from Ludington, just a few days
"Capt John, Just thought I would send you a picture from our latest trip to Lake
Michigan, so much more fun than the Huron side. This is our first trip
over since May and we went out of Ludington. Fished Tuesday night with a
group of five people only three of us in the picture other person wasn't
feeling so good in the bathroom and one taking the picture ended up with 15
kings and 2 Steelies. Click
for big fish
Next morning only 4 of us went out and ended up with
11 fish and 1 steelier... with a few small ones that we threw back... Meat
was the ticket as the pictures will show, we were just south of Big Sable
Point trolling north of the nets, be careful as you know Bob K. got caught in
them. We had a blast with white, mountain dew and blue racer... Fish were
very high, as were temps.. fished 120-200 fow in the top 45 feet. Talk to
you soon."......Capt. Mark aka "ROD BENDER" Click
for catch photo 7/15/05 I
guess the biggest news I got today was Luhr Jensen and Sons located
in Hood River, Oregon was gobbled up by the huge multi-national
company, Normark. Normark makes the Rapala and has bought
other tackle manufacturing companies like Storm, who used to make
the Tots and Wiggle Warts. I foresee a large shake-up in the
model line of Luhr Jensen and the loss of 300+ jobs in Oregon going
to China.
Here's a reel fishing report from Waukegan, IL on
7/13/05 from Capt. Cliff J:
"Hey John, Despite the bad weather yesterday we managed to catch five fish before getting chased off the lake with 5 footers and a 20 plus mph NE wind. The King in the picture tipped the scale at 21.4 pounds and came on a Monkey Puke flasher with a green
3Fly meat rig. The Kings are starting to stage off Waukegan and he came in 55 FOW which is now 71 degrees pretty much top to bottom. Last week that same water was 48 degrees just 20 feet down. July
& August should be fantastic fishing!"
7/14/05 Fishing is pretty good from St. Joe to Leland with reports
of fair catching, as far north as Charlevoix. Lake Michigan's King
population has to be at an all time high, but all cold water species
are needed to provide a better balanced fishery. Right now, we
have all of our eggs in one basket. If the Kings crash like
when the BKD (bacterial kidney disease) disease showed up in 1987
and 1988 we're gonna be in a world of hurt on Lake Michigan.
Back then, we had other species to fall back on.
While the Steelhead seem to be on a small
increase, Brown Trout, Coho and Lake Trout continue to be scant
around Manistee,
Ludington, Onekama, Pentwater, White Lake, Muskegon, Grand Haven,
Port Sheldon and Holland.
Here's a reel Leland fishing report from
one of our message board members:
"Hey John -Here is a pic of a very nice fish next to one of my homemade three fly rigs, CJRF, and mag bait head..............all I can say is "what a blast !" I had six big fish to the boat in 90 minutes right at, and after dark and it was tuff by myself. I was a sore sweaty mess at the end and lost the big battle with a whale that I had close to the boat 3 times. This salmon fishing is the bomb!!
Took my kids and nephews out and they all got the biggest fish of their lives -
what a treat!".......Capt. Steve E Click
for their largest King
Today's update concerns how we are losing our statewide coho
plants. From heretofore, the only place receiving Coho
plantings will be the Platte River, until budgetary problems are solved.
The Platte River Hatchery will not be closing.
This is a retraction from the info that
was previously posted by me. Mark Dietrich from the MDNR
straightened me out on this issue.
In essence, the DNR is cutting back the fish plants
big time, but keeping their current workforce. It seems to me,
something is wrong with this line of thinking! Legendary Dick Swan wrote a in-depth
article about how we are losing our Coho plantings Michigan.
Click here
for Dick's article 7/12/05
Plenty of Salmon being caught in Manistee and Ludington. South
towards the Big Point Sable has been on fire with limits for those
careful enough to avoid the nets. Roscoe has been a mission to
wreck havoc on the King population in Lake Michigan with another good
catch yesterday. Click
here to see his catch
Ted and Stefan had another good catch.
Here's Capt Stefan's own words:
"Capt. John,
In case I repeat myself, I apologize, but this has to be said : Your rigs are working !
I don’t want to make this too long, but Ted and I went out on Sun night
( went 5 for 8). 2 shakers were released & Ted (sorry Ted) lost a couple at the back of the boat.
On Monday morning it took us 1hr and 13 min (Ted got rid of
his bad luck) to get our limit of 6 nice Kings in the cooler ( 2 smaller ones were released) and we lost only one bigger one which took our whole meat rig. (9 fish in the picture because we did not clean the evening fish right
away), (3rd person to cover legal limits took photo)."
Thanks,............Capt. Stefan Click
for Ted and Stefan's brag board catch
Ted and Stefan are Kingfish Products engineering,
design, R & D team.
The big rumor is: a groundswell support for no nets coming from
Ludington, MI in the form of boycotting the upcoming sponsored
Manistee tourneys by the parent company of the commercial fishing
operations. I don't know this for sure, cuz I haven't seen the
nets, from the bath house to Big Point Sable, more were recently
installed. This is a direct deprivation of the most heavily trafficked
sportfishing area in the entire State of Michigan and just pisses
the Salmon Fishermen big-time.
I've long been a anti-net advocate and
highly outspoken on these issues for the past 4 years. While I
totally agree with all laws and treaties of the United States of
America and cede the rights given to our Native Americans in the
Treaty of 1836, but what's going on is pure folly! This whole
deal isn't worth the paper the non-legally binding Consent Decree of
2000 was printed on & will probably only worsen over time.
The best fishing yesterday in Manistee
was from Big Point Sable to the 5s, just before the trap net in the
6s. Salmon continue to be plentiful, all be it may, Kings over
20 pounds are scarcer then "hen's teeth!" I you plan
on fishing this area, make sure to mark the inner and outer boundaries
of this net's location. This area is known to the locals in
Manistee as the "humps." 7/10/05
Traffic was medium yesterday out of the Port of Manistee and the
catching was light due to flat calm conditions. I heard a lot of 3
to 4 fish per vessel, as even some of the charter fleet struggled to put
a good box together.
When it flat, there's not much to break up light
penetration, causing many to scratch their head and wonder why the fish
are not aggressive. I can not supply the reason, I just know flat
calm conditions meant I always a slower bite for me when I was in the
charter business. Especially, when the temp break was up high (top
40 feet) like it was yesterday.
The Little Manistee from the harvest weir down to Manistee Lake has
a bunch of smaller Kings in it already. According to Capt. Tom
Rasmussen, "almost every hole had Kings, but the Salmon were on
the smaller side, not many adults yet."
Everyone's friend, "Roscoe"...aka Steve
Burns had a good day fishing south from Manistee on 7/8/05.
Steve was accompanied by his buddy from college & took 6 adults
to 18 pounds and a fair sized Coho. Best action was in 80 to
140 feet of water south of Guerney Creek. Roscoe's best meat
rig was the blue stuff, meaning the blue double glo and bluetail,
which were hot off the lead cores. Diver bite was Black Mamba
and clear-red. His best depth was around 40 feet down.
The stomach contents of the Salmon showed very few alewives, but
were gorged with some kind of a slender, small minnow about 1 1/2 to
2 inches long. Click
for Roscoe's catch
What I seen first hand, was confirmed by the State Of Michigan's
annual charter boat catch data. This document is compiled from
charter skippers sending in monthly catch reports. The part
that I seen was the total numbers of charters ran in 2004 continues
the downward trend since 1996 (which I'd rate as best for business
and catching). Factor in a increased number of charter
operators and less people seeking charters and you'll see why I
chose to retire from that line of work.
The rest of the report is pretty mundane,
stating facts like the King catch of Lake Huron is down and the
Kings on Lake Michigan comprise the vast portion of the charter
customers catch. When the State of Michigan's Public Act 244
was amended to include these confidential monthly catch data
reports, things like the highest producing ports were not to be for
general public consumption. Info like this can impact certain
ports, causing the further loss of charter guests and not beneficial
to those trying to turn a buck in the charter industry.
Time dictates today's update will come from Ted and Stefan, first
time users of meat and my products last weekend. Ted was the 3D
design engineer in charge the final shape of the Magnum Meat Heads.
Here's what they had to say:
"John, We fished on Saturday morning (3 hours) and Sunday evening (1 hour only). Your advice to separate the flasher 7 feet from the next line made us run 2 spoons and 2 cut bait rigs on the four riggers ( I was afraid of tangling if I do not have 14 feet between 2 flasher rigs). I kept the spoons inboard and on a short leader so they would not interfere. On Saturday we ran also 2 dipsey’s. Those things always scare me because they seem never to run outboard and the line goes straight back. I know there is a bow in the line and they do run out if
the weight is adjusted. We did not run those on Sunday because 4 lines in the water were plenty like you said.
We experienced every thing you said : one line in, the other one has a hit, that one back down and the other one goes off,….....
All of our big fish (lost or boxed) came exclusively on your rig. More help on board was needed as Ted and I had double and triple header on and this more than once.
8 for 14 in the first 3 hr outing and 3 for 4 in the second 1 hr outing......
Thanks again for your advice, help and the stuff we successfully rigged and used.....Capt.
Stefan & Ted H. Click
here for their fish-box and rigs
Spent a good part of the day reformatting the webstore pages
where you can purchase flashers and meat rigs online at:
Listed a couple of new boats on the Boaters Guide page at both ends
of the pricing spectrum.
There's a 21' Starcraft for 5K and a 34' Bayliner at 75K. Click
to see listed boats
Let's use today's catching update
from Winthrop Harbor, Illinois:
I hope you had a great 4th. Mine was fantastic. We were set up by 6:30 after waiting out some bad weather to start the day. It was stormy and very overcast, so we went with black mamba and both monkey puke and red flies. The wind was blowing to about 20 plus from the northeast and we had some challenging current and waves. Although, we had 3 aboard
....we went with only set 6 rods. Four with meat and two boards with spoons. The two dipsey rods were 70' and 80' back on 3 and the riggers were 28' and 35' down. We were seeing the temp break at 25 feet down. It went from 66 on the surface to 48 only 30 feet down.
The fish were on a tear! The Kings were all over the darker colors and some colors I would never have guessed. It was black gold and black red, which may have something to do with them being so high in water column. We ended the day at noon as another storm with rain and 60 mph wind chased us off the lake. We had 11 Kings with 6 being 4 year olds, and 4 nice coho. After a mediocre June, July is off to a huge start".........Capt.
Cliff J. Click
for catch photo of mass destruction
For today's update let's turn the page back to last Saturday
afternoon's "on the water seminar." I had super
folks to work with and enjoyed their company. It was a plain
out and out, a good time. Plus, it was a welcome reprieve from
24/7 shop duties. What comes to mind about Don, Joe, Ken and
John N is what a great common denominator fishing is.
Friendly, well meaning pokes at one another kept the mood light
during the slow times. Click
here for a great group to fish with
Started off and finished strong with
a triple (one escapee each 3 banger), but there were some blank
spots, as we lost the fish and the proper colors to suit light
conditions. After some quick adjustments, we were able to come
back in with a respectable box for the area we fished. We did
nothing special (like no long boat runs) and fished straight
out of Ludington in 100 to 150 fow for the most part.
Lines were in the water from 4pm to about
8:15pm, which of course is not the peak time for Kings.
Personally, I like showing the advantages of my products when the
fishing isn't gangbusters, so the fishermen can see just how
effective it is. We did miss almost as many as we
caught. Coming up empty after a bite adds to the enjoyment and
gives a heck of good reason to kid the person that struck out!
Besides cleaning a full box, crammed with fish has never ranked
reel-high on my list.
Have a great 4th of July! This I can say, Ludington, Manistee and
Frankfort all reported in with fairly good catches of Kings, more on
this tomorrow.
In today's photo of how good Fish On's
Green Label herring looks. I know for a reel-fact no 6 strips
in a tub of frozen, smelly sauce looks as good or performs like this
stuff. Judge for yourself by clicking
here, I think you'll plainly agree. By filleting your own
meat and following the preparations to brine/cure it, you'll save
big and catch a bunch more! Click
here for a complete soup-to-nuts 2 page article on making your
own meat. Saving money & more strikes per hour is the
reel-deal with grn. label!
Green Label is a size designation, meaning whole herring that are
about 6 to 7 inches long vacuumed packed in a heavy duty plastic
wrapper by Fish On Bait Company. Many Wal-Mart stores in MI are now
carrying this premium scent-enhanced product.
the day off like many of you. Will post a complete report on
yesterday's seminar in Ludington tomorrow. Enjoy this weekend, the
weather up north has been lovely, warm in the day, and cool
nights. Ludington was jam packed with people yesterday, as that
town continues to flourish and boom. Ludville has came a long ways
in the past 10 years!
Here's some comments from a confirmed Fish On Bait
John, Ran Green label prepared the "John King" way today, great system.
Get up late, fish when everyone is going home and get doubles!
Thanks again, nice meat rigs too!!!!...WI, Capt. Steve S Click
for his photo
Scheduled seminar in Ludington will take up most of my
day. Regular updates will resume either this Monday, or
Have a great weekend on our 4th of July Independence Day
Holiday. Take in the full meaning of the costly toll to
preserve our national freedom. The brilliant men who penned
the Declaration of Independence in 1776 set a forth a government in
the same form that has lasted for two and a quarter centuries.
Being independent from foreign imports and
keeping our jobs, in our country ranks high on my list (as you all
know). Being American made is a credo I highly believe in.
Another world first for Kingfish Products
today by introducing a RED
Magnum Meat Head. Those who fish with meat, know how deadly
red is and I'm sure this new color will be a added weapon in the arsenal
of many fishermen! Click
for red head
Busting a foreign monopolies like I did
with my new heads comes with a cost. The cost is the
weathering personal attacks as of lately on many competing message
boards. Any publicity, is good publicity, cuz every time this
occurs my traffic goes up and my sales increase. It's my
opinion if my foreign competition spent more time on raising the
quality/selections of their products to my American Made standards,
they'd have less time to worry about what I'm doing......that's a
reel-fact beyond compare!