Bow season tomorrow, but here in Manistee
County, MI the weather looks wet, cool and dreary.
No acorns to speak of, seeing deer without bait will
be challenge.
Fishing this
past weekend in Manistee was so, so. Manistee
Lake towards the mouth of the big river was
producing late run Kings.
Look for
Manistee to improve, ...if, and when the Steelhead
show up. Hopefully, that should be soon.
October? ...Lk. MI can be awesome to fish weather
Focus of
tomorrow's update will be my celebrating my 40th anniversary
Fishing in Manistee is medium. Reported catches of a few adult
Kings and some immature Salmon to 8 pounds. Hope to supply more
first hand info soon.
Today's feature photo is a eagle's
nest about 800' downstream from the Little Manistee Harvest Weir.
This nest is on the far side of the river. The picture does not do
justice to this nest's actual size. Click
for eagle's nest
9/28/08 In
a few days the 2008 bow season will begin with a deer baiting ban in
effect. In my area of largely, mostly woods ...natural deer
movements don't exist like those hunters using sections of
farmland. Food piles attract deer, mostly does, but where's
there's does, bucks won't be far behind.
Last I heard, there's a court case
pending over the baiting issue that looks like a red herring to
me. Cuz, you can't fight city hall, or in this case the MDNR when
it comes to setting policy to prevent the chronic wasting disease found
on a deer farm in the bottom 1/3 of MI's lower peninsula.
9/27/08 Let's
take a look at the action on Lake Huron at Roger City,
MI last week. Julie S, aka "fishsqueezer" on
our message board says this area is experiencing
some of the best fishing, so far this year.
Her catch included Lake Trout, Kings, Coho and
Steelhead to fill out 2 legal Michigan limit
catches. Click
RC catch on 9/22/08
Julie is a
DNR census taker and is very dedicated to the sport
of big water fishing and is a blessing to have as a
member of our website! Also, Julie has written
a complete article available to the public
describing her stealthy approach to targeting warmer
water fish higher in the water column that most
fish. Click
Julie's great article
Fished out of the Port of Manistee, MI
yesterday. Foggy conditions meant a slow ride
out to the "shelf" (approx 3 miles
offshore). We found temp deep, like 90' down
it was 58 degrees. At the 100' depth, it got a
tad colder. Click
9/25/08 fish box
We had 4
bites and boxed 3 Kings and one Coho in the time
span of 9am thru 2:30pm. These were not huge
fish by any standards, going 4 to 7
The King
Purple Glow BTI produced 3 whacks, resulting in 3
fish boated. While the "puke" BTI
took one fish. We used trolling flies in
X-Glow Sea Green and X-Glow BTI fly.
having fished Lk. MI in about 3 weeks, but ...it
sure felt good to be back on the pond again with my
number 1 fishin' bud, John J! Click
largest 9/25/08 King
We had
bites until 1:00pm when the wind organized the seas
into 1' to 2' footers directly out of the
north. Our last 90 minutes of effort was a
total exercise in futility.
9/25/08 A
couple of days ago, John J and I were at the Little Manistee Harvest
Weir. This is a big deal place if you're a big water Great Lakes
angler and a fascinating place to visit. When we were there, the
barriers to block upstream passage were in the open position.
Allowing full access for the Salmon to migrate upstream & procreate
If you carefully examine
today's on subject photo, you'll see a few King Salmon in the Little
Manistee river, just below the weir. Click
for 9/23/08 weir photo
There was only a couple of tanks
that had fish in them. Look for the DNR to close the gates and
divert Salmon into the holding pens for the annual harvest of milt and
eggs for the MDRN's hatcheries. Click
for holding pen w/a few Kings
9/24/08 Today, Manistee, MI gets a gold star award for
the way they maintain their fish cleaning
station. Manistee has a couple city employees
thoroughly clean the station every day.
They scrub the tables and floor with soap and
disinfect the fish boards with bleach, then wash
with soap, and rinse to a spiffy clean
For the
tonnage of fish entrails processed at this station,
it's amazingly in good order. This station
closes on 10/1/08 Click
station being cleaned on 9/23/08
Took a
sight seeing trip yesterday morning and check out
the south end of Manistee Lake be where the Little
Manistee River empties into the lake. There
are DNR no fishing buoys across the mouth running
east to west. I'm sure this closed area is
prevent fish poachers from snagging. Click
Little Manistee no fishing zone
9/23/08 In today's featured photo the camera caught
something ...I didn't see initially. There's bands
of red, green, and blue colors (RGB) reflecting off
this King's head. RGB is the colors our eyes
can recognize. Light is an extremely compound
subject for the Einstein all-to-smart crowd.
There are 7 bands of what we call light.
Infrared and UV
are the closest to what we know as visible light,
but we can't see either infrared, or UV. I
suspect evolution has trained a Salmon's eye to see
things a whole bunch different than us.
Nothing in a Salmon's diet is green, but they whack
this color with absolutely no hesitation
what-so-ever! Click
for RGB close-up photo
The point
I'm trying to make: the camera's flash reflected
some color from the flasher. I'm aware of
that. However, these colors were not visible
to the naked eye when the image was taken. RGB
only showed up when I expanded (blew-up) the photo.
Some complexities in fishing will never be fully
understood. Especially, when you factor in
water can act like a prism, bending light waves into
a vast array of many colors.
Reviewing the sales records for 2008 turned up
some interesting facts. Best selling BTI
flasher in the glow category and the often featured
in photos was the King Purple Glow. Sometimes
you just hit on the right combination for current
conditions and that's the reel-story behind the King
Purple BTI. Click
for King Purple BTI
sellers earn their ranking on the water, cuz the big
water fishing crowd does not buy something that's
not working. More top sellers later this week.
Autumn is officially here today, good bye to summer
9/21/08 Fishing
is supposed to be pretty good right now in Manistee, MI. Steelhead
in the top 60' of water. Juvenile and a few adult Kings are coming
deeper around bait.
Yesterday, I mentioned "make
work." While it don't read well, it's my speak for nothing
pressing, but looking for tasks that need accomplishing.
9/20/08 As the 2008 season winds down, it's make work to
lay the ground work for the 2009 season.
Restocking is part of manufacturing and it's better
to get ahead, rather than trying to play catch-up
from behind the eight-ball.
I'm sure
you've all heard about the stuff going on with the
financial markets where buying and selling debt
looks like our national product to the tune of a
possible trillion taxpayer dollars. Maybe, if
we made more in the USA, instead of the policy of
relying on foreign investment to keep us
afloat. Heck, Budweiser is no longer USA
You can
take this to the bank, if there's one still gonna be
open. I'm proud to ship the products we make
in Manistee County, MI to Indiana, Illinois,
Wisconsin, New York, South Dakota, Minnesota,
Washington, Massachusetts, Texas, Florida,
California, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland,
Denmark, England and Scotland.
I'm still waiting on my first order from Mexico, or
9/19/08 Today's
featured photo is a 3 Fly Undertaker Meat Rig. This exact rig saw
limited duty in May-June and was a staple during July, August and early
September. We fished this with a King Kryptonite 12" flasher
on our deepest rigger. Did it produce? Yes, but the deep
rigger with meat is always the most productive, no matter what the color
is. The trick is to get everything working, not just deep
rigger. Click
for this rig
I think we found the solution that last 3
times off the dock leading into late August and early September.
2008 was not a great year to test, cuz you had to be spot on with depth,
speed and color selection ...due lessened fish numbers.
Is the Undertaker a favorite color with
me? No, I have no favorites, but ran it when John J was
aboard. Which was most of the time and he likes this particular
Considering this very same rig in
the photo took at least 20 fish, it's still in pretty darn good
shape. The hook harness does need replacing before next usage.
9/18/08 Updated the Net Locations Page with info
supplied by Capt. Dave Deforest. While the
fleet is a much diminished capacity of a couple,
three weeks ago, it's still necessary to keep the
diehard big lake fishermen informed. Click
Net Locations
big question is: if the nets that are fishing now
will be pulled before the winter, or left to languish
until the '09 season of April & May? Lake
Michigan is a moving body of water with
semi-buoyant, or water logged wood drifting across
it's bottom.
tree trunks, boards & limbs were retrieved in a
wadded up tangled mess. This happened Manistee
Tribal netters neglected to pull their nets last
winter and an outside contractor was hired to clean
up the mess the Stone tribal fishers left behind.
Tomorrow's update will be about durability of the
meat rigs I sell. Today's featured photo is a
beat-up, chew-on Undertaker meat rig that took well
over 20 fish in 2008.
The 2008 season will not be a record setting year. For about the
last 5 seasons we've been riding a crest of easy limits, until this
year. Fishing got tougher and if I could pin down the exact
reasons, you'd be the first to know. This I do know, 2 weeks of
cold water in August drew the bait shallow, like 7' to 20' of water on
the shore.
Precipitating a early run of fish that would have stayed out in lake
My recollection of 20 years
ago of the 1988 season when the first signs of the BKD aka Bacterial
Kidney Disease reared it's ugly head. Kings were hard to come by
in 1988 and next to nonexistent in 1989. Many gave up Salmon
fishing on Lake Michigan until about 1995 when there was a resurgence
Kings beginning to happen.
Is there a 20 year cycle of
ups and downs in the Great Lakes? Who knows? I sure don't,
but even if you factor in the more difficult fishing, 2008 was still a
heck of a lot better then 1988 with the roof fell in on our Great Lakes
Salmon Fishery!
9/16/08 You know, there's something overlooked a lot
when it comes to our fishery. It's the food
value of the fish that inhabit the Great
Lakes. Think I'm kidding? Just check the
prices in the grocery store for Salmon. Then
get ready for sticker shock when you price Walleye
fillets. I won't stress how much money you're
saving by eating what you catch, cuz of the costs associated
with catching them. Never the less, recouping
some value back from your catch just makes plain
good sense.
smoked fish in today's featured photo were caught
back on 8/31/08. Then cleaned, and put in
brine the same day. Having fresh to work with
is a bonus, but I've had good results smoking frozen
Salmon & Trout too. Click
for smoked Salmon
here's a Manistee fish update: a few Coho inside,
the shelf was showing some juvenile Kings. Harbor
was best over last weekend and Manistee Lake is
plenty crowded with those seeking adult Kings off
the Big Manistee River. The south end of
Manistee Lake is far less crowded by the mouth of
the Little Manistee River.
9/15/08 Today's
feature photo is courtesy of message board member, Bob K aka
"Getaway." He was fishing with friends last Saturday on
Lake Huron out of Harbor Beach, MI. What happened next probably
belongs in Ripley's "Believe it, or Not!" They caught a
Smallmouth Bass every bit of 4 pounds on a 10" Silver Bullet BTI
and Sea Green Fly while fishing 70' down for Lake Trout. Click
9/13/08 BTI Smallmouth Bass
This past
weekend's rainfall will call what remaining Salmon out in the lake to
the rivers and streams. Manistee Lake, Big Manistee River, and the
Little Manistee all have Kings in them now. Fishing for river-run
Salmon is medium, cuz we've had fish going up since mid-August in fairly
large numbers, instead of a huge push of fish in September.
Timeline for river Salmon
will hold up thru the second weekend of October. The third week of
October generally signals a good run of river Steelhead, if you can put
up with the leaf drop that inundate every cubic yard of water.
Big water fishery can
be excellent for next year's Kings in the last couple weeks of September
with a few Steelhead mixed in. First week on October is best for
Lk. Michigan with excellent numbers of Steelies. Only problem is
after mid-September the big pond gets too rough to fish. You might
get out 1, or 2 days during a week in tolerable seas.
9/13-14/08 We're closing in on the home stretch of the 2008
season as far as adult Kings are concerned.
This weekend probably signals the end of a viable
fishery for adult Kings. Sure, there'll still
be a few Salmon trickling in, but the main herd has
migrated into the rivers and streams that surround
central Lk. Michigan. Probably, all of the
Great Lakes too, but I can only speak with knowledge
about home waters around me.
Big problems
with the weather have combined Saturday's and
Sunday's update in one. My satellite net
connection does not function well in the rain, or
thick heavy cloud cover. Fresh fishing news
from Manistee will happen on Monday 9/15/08.
9/12/08 This
fishing news is from day before yesterday, or last Wednesday 9/10/08.
Boats the fished the shelf did well with the first light bite, taking 4
to 6 fish per vessel. An hour after the sun came up the deeper
water on the shelf bite evaporated.
Those that stayed in close and
fished the harbor to just slightly south of the golf course in water
depths less that 30 feet caught about the same numbers. The
charter fleet's catch was a little better, but not much beyond double
Getting a late start John J and I
were out on this very same day doing research for an upcoming article
that will debut Thanksgiving Day 2008. Our focus was mainly
gathering data on water temps from the surface down to 60 feet.
Our results were lack luster on the
fish, but I have neither the want, or where with all to wake any earlier
then 6am and leaving my yard any sooner then 7:30am.
9/11/08 Out
of respect for the victims and their families of the 9/11 attacks,
today's update has been put on hold.
Going with a guest update today and my thanks to Jim A for emailing it
"Hi John, I am a
longtime viewer of your site - customer of your products and wanted to
just tell you that we fished the Niagara Bar last week - drove out there
from Michigan ...most of the guys were not catching any kings - and I am
not a pro, nor do I fish as much as I would like...but - we went 11 for
19 in 2 days with the hottest rig being your B/G 12" mamba - and a
pearl squirrel..... Click
28# Lk. Ontario King
&ing research for an upcoming article
that will debut Thanksgiving Day 2008. Our focus was mainly
gathering data on water temps from the surface down to 60 feet.
Our results were lack luster on the
fish, but I have neither the want, or where with all to wake any earlier
then 6am and leaving my yard any sooner then 7:30am.
9/11/08 Out
of respect for the victims and their families of the 9/11 attacks,
today's update has been put on hold.
Going with a guest update today and my thanks to Jim A for emailing it
"Hi John, I am a
longtime viewer of your site - customer of your products and wanted to
just tell you that we fished the Niagara Bar last week - drove out there
from Michigan ...most of the guys were not catching any kings - and I am
not a pro, nor do I fish as much as I would like...but - we went 11 for
19 in 2 days with the hottest rig being your B/G 12" mamba - and a
pearl squirrel..... Click
28# Lk. Ontario King
Fish were all kings - average
was 21# - they went from 18# to 28.5#...
We fished it off a wire dipsy - 2.5 setting - 250' back - over 95-120
FOW - it took the majority of rips - and here are some pics of the
results - thanks for all the info - and thanks for all the tips - tight
lines!" Jim A. aka Reel Deal
9/9/08 Thanks
to Ove J from Sweden's highly regarded tournament crew of anglers named,
Team Extreme ...we have a new photo of a Swedish Char. While this
fish does resembles a Lake Trout, it's a separate species in the Char
family. Our Lake Trout and Brook Trout are a members of Char
family too. Click for 60
cm Swedish Char
Then, the next thing that
come to mind is what works in our waters transcends oceans. I'm
referring to the King Purple BTI that's been excellent on my divers the
last couple of times off the dock out of Manistee, MI. This
pattern/color is very popular for those that prefer to pull flies. Click
for King Purple BTI catching in Sweden
Last, but not least:
the internet has shrunk our world. Making it possible for the word
to spread about the line of tackle I sell. Prior to the net,
getting this kind of info was unheard of. My products sales are a
direct result of "word of mouth" advertising. I've never
paid a cent in print advertising, cuz my view is, "if it works?
...the word will spread fast enough." Credibility is earned
on the water, not thru expensive advertising!
9/8/08 Capt.
Chris Bronner from Happy
Hooker Outfitters says fishing in the Pere Marquette River for river
run Kings has been decent. Depending on if the fish have been
holding in the lower section of the river, or on a direct shot to gravel
further upstream.
Chris shared there were
plenty of fish inside of Ludington, MI's harbor this past Saturday and
Sunday. Click
Pere Marquette 9/6/08 river-run King
I've started on a new
article that will debut Thanksgiving Day 2008. The focus of this
piece on catching Salmon during the off-peak, mid-day time frame.
My mental notes from 2008 adds up to not much ...of an early bite.
Best time catch times aboard my boat were past 9am. The only
exception this season took place 7/31/08 where John J and I boated and
released 10 Kings by starting early (7am to 9am).
Here's a tip for you that
will pay dividends for the later morning thru the mid-day time
periods. Take an old off-colored diver, ...that never seems to
work and spray paint it black on the top and bottom. Color coding
your newly painted diver is recommended to eliminate confusion when
first dropping lines. Click
for proof this works
9/7/08 51
pounds of Kings in 2 fish is a plus 25lb average! Our featured
photo of day is from Lake Ontario and these fish were caught in the last
week of August 2008. My thanks goes to Ed C for sharing this
picture. Silver Bullet BTIs with green meat rigs did the damage on
these two very impressive Kings.
Click 51 lbs of Lk. O King Salmon
Don't have much
info from Manistee, but the harbor was very crowed yesterday morning.
There were some immature, or juvenile Kings being taken in the deeper
water on the shelf. These fish were going from 5 to 10 pounds.
Best depth was said to be down to 110 feet over 120' to 200' of water.
Those that did fish
Manistee's harbor this past Thursday ....when the lake first turned
cold, cleaned house on adult Kings from 15 to 20 pounds.
This season Mother Nature threw all
Central Lk. Michigan a curveball in August.
For 21 days we had cold inshore, on the beach water
temperatures (55 or less). While it's not
unusual for the lake to roll over to the cold side,
never in my almost 40 years has this happened for
such an extended ...uninterrupted amount of
Is the
solar engine that drives the big lake broke from
ever clearing waters? Clear water does not
absorb heat when compared to stained, or off colored
The past
Labor Day was early. The first Monday in September
is set aside for this holiday and it won't come this
soon again for 6 years. This shortened the
season drastically as today's featured photo clearly
shows. Last Tuesday (9/2/08) there were hardly
any boats fishing. Most all charter boats were
tied to the dock and hardly, any of the sports fleet
was to be found. This photo was taken 2 miles
south on Manistee (13s) looking south to Big Point
Sable and there's no boats on the horizon
for a deserted Lk. MI on 9/2/08
Today's featured photo is John J holding up a good
sized Coho pushing 10 pounds. This fish hit a
Monkey Puke BTI with an X-Glow Sea Green Fly.
This was the largest of the 3 Coho we took last
Tuesday. Click
John J holding 9/2/08 Coho
Look for the
piers and the harbors for the place to fish this
weekend. Wind from the north and an all
day cool rain yesterday will draw Salmon to the pier
heads like a magnet. Tomorrow's (Saturday)
seas are predicted at 1' or less with daytime temps
in the low 70s. Good luck to all venturing to
Salmon waters this weekend!
9/4/08 2 days ago John J and I fished the mid-day shift
again in Manistee. About 9:00am lines went in
the water and we pulled after we took our last fish
around 2:30pm. During our middle of the day
journey we pulled 6 Kings, 3 Coho and a Laker.
Our program was a mix of 12" Flashers with 3
Fly Meat Rigs and 10" BTI flashers in Monkey
Puke and King Purple. Best flies were the
X-Glow series Sea Green and BTI Fly. All fish were
released after a quick photo session. Click
for BTI Puke w/Sea Green Fly
We ran a 3
rigger, 2 diver spread and the rods stayed active
throughout our time on the water. It wasn't
fast fishing, but a steady pick where we'd hit a
couple, 3 fish in a row, then ride for 30 minutes,
or so. The "John J Special:" King
Kryptonite Flasher with the Undertaker 3 Fly was
productive at a 100' to 115' down on our chute, or
center rigger. I estimate we trolled 10
to 12 miles of water for about 14 nibbles.
Water depth we fished was from 90' to 170' with no
one place, or said bottom depth being superior.
Our second
photo of the day is from Ed C who recently fished
the New York side of Lake Ontario from Sodus Point
to Oswego. Ed reported catch numbers were down
slightly from past years. Our their last day, the
10" Silver Bullet BTIs towing green flies took
a couple of Kings over 25 pounds. Click
for 25# Lake Ontario King
9/3/08 Here's a recent product testimonial from a charter skipper from Manistee, MI:
"A slow day became productive with your flashers and rigs. On Labor day we caught 7 kings, including a 20 pounder, 2 coho, 2 lake trout & a steelhead. The lake trout didn't get in the brag board picture. We trolled North just past Onekama. 80' to 100' down in 130 feet of water was our best." ...Capt. Len Mitchell
Click for this box of fish
Our second featured Labor Day photo is from Lake Huron's Port of Harbor Beach, MI with a heck of a nice catch of Steelhead. Plus, some Walleyes & Lakers that were not photographed. Good to see Lake Huron silver fish! Click HB Steelhead
Kewaunee, WI reported in with fair fishing, not fast, but some decent catches for this season. More on WI soon with new King Salmon pictures.
John J and I fished the mid-day shift Manistee yesterday with even better results
than last Sunday. 9/2/08 was one of those kinda days that makes living in Manistee County a joy, cuz the summer crowds have went home and the lake was deserted!
Fished banker's hours this past Sunday with OK results. Lines
went in the water at 9:15am and we pulled by 4pm. We had 10 bites & boxed 5
Kings and 1 Coho.
Area fished was just
south of Manistee's Guerney Creek to avoid Labor Day
Weekend traffic. We started in 100' and worked
out to 180', with the best being 120 to 140 fow.
Temp was down about
70 feet. Our rigger bites came at 87' to 125'
down on the counters. Fished a very easy 4 rod
spread for the most part, being 2 riggers & 2
Best on the
riggers was 12 inchers in King Kryptonite w/3 fly
Undertaker and Clear Doub L Glow w/the new matching
2009 3 fly meat rig. Click
8/31/08 fish box
Our last 4 strikes
came on our divers, but we missed 3 of these
fish. On the divers, King Purple BTI with the
X-Glow BTI Fly provided action from noon until about
3:30pm. Losing 75% of the diver whacks is
unacceptable. Click
BTI King Purple & BTI fly
10 hits and 6 fish during the middle of the day
considered good? Well, you can be the judge of
that. I do not rank fishing trips on numbers
killed. Instead, I use the grief factor, like
no tangles, good company and fairly tolerable
seas. Fished is not supposed to be w-o-r-k,
it's about fun and relaxation! Click
8/31/08 largest King
Labor Day Weekend in Manistee, MI continues with splendiferous
weather. Temps in the 80s & fairly
cooperative seas (1' to 2') are not hard to take.
This is the least trafficked Labor Day I've seen on
the Lake Michigan, possibly ever! Undoubtedly,
gas pushing 4 bucks a gallon kept many home. Click
Manistee's S pier
John J and I fished
about 6 miles south of Manistee and seen maybe 10
boats in our vicinity all day. We fished
bankers hours, 9:15 to 4:00pm to avoid the rush at
the boat launch in the morning. How'd we do?
...tune in tomorrow for the reel-story!
8/31/08 Today's
weather and wave forecast for Manistee, MI is too good to turn
down. So, I'll be fishing today. The plan is to get later
...8am start. Then fish behind the crowd thru mid-afternoon.
Look for the crowd to thin by tomorrow morning. Leland was said to
be hot-hot and Arcadia is offering decent fishing for Kings too.
8/30/08 Good luck to all fishing today, on day one of
our 3 day holiday weekend!
Let's start the Labor Day Weekend with a
forecast for nice weather and tolerable seas.
Wind direction is predicted to be from the
south. In Manistee look to the depths of 80'
to 150' down over 150 to 250 fow of water for the
best action. It's likely conditions will stay
the same. Your best bet for deep fish is
attractors with meat/flies.
The high cost
of fuel will keep many at home. Resulting in
slightly less fishing pressure. Unless you're
a greedy fish-hog that demands limit catches, all
ports are producing Kings. Just not in the
numbers of previous seasons.
While it seems
there's less adult Salmon this year, a lot of this
could be from the steady diet of north blows &
cold 50 degree water on the beach. Then, on
the other hand, we might not have seen the main run
of fish yet. Keeping in mind. the delayed
early May Salmon Fishery in southern Lake Michigan
ports ...like St. Joe.
2 years ago the
DNR's in IL, IN, WI and MI reduced the Lk. MI King
Salmon plant by 25% to lessen the burden on a
stressed/dwindling forage base. Trying prevent
what happened Lk. Huron from repeating itself on Lk.
MI. If we have to deal with lower catch
numbers, so be it! I'm all in ...for
preserving the future of our Great Lakes Fishery!
8/28/08 Today's featured photos are from Steve E aka
"Chaos" on our message board.
Team Chaos recently fished the Port of Pentwater, MI
for the first time ...and did well. Steve's
go-to rig: 12" Black Mamba Glow with the X-Glow
BTI Fly and Silver Bullet BTI/matching fly did most
of the damage. Click
Steve's hot rigs Click
Steve's catch
I fished 3
miles north of Manistee last evening from 5:00pm
until 8:30pm. The trip started off good, with
3 hits before 7pm on a new test meat rig for
2009. Unfortunately, we couldn't buy another
strike, ...as the sun sank lower into the
Been out 3
evenings and have yet to see a late bite, or the
success that rivals morning trips. Most
promising happening was all 3 strikes came on the
new Clear Doub L Glow meat rig that will go into
production for 2009. Click
for new meat rig
Today's featured photo is from Terry's Toy who
fishes out of Kewaunee, WI.
What's most interesting in this photo is both a
regular trolling fly (X-Glow Sea Green) and BTI Blue
Bubble flasher with a meat rig went off at the same
time, ...resulting in a double header. Proving
the versatility of the tackle I make! Click
Kewaunee 2 Banger
Long range weather forecast for Labor Day
Weekend is for excellent. Highs in the mid 70s
to low 80s with no rain. South wind is
predicted for Friday and this should keep the fish
in the deeper waters and not scattered in the
shallow stuff. Look for less traffic this
Labor Day and decent fishing for those making the
trip to all Salmon ports.
Updated the net
page to reflect the latest net movements by the
tribal netters. Please print out this page if
you're fishing Manistee, or Onekama, MI:
Click here for current
8/26/08 trap net
According to
inside sources, south in the 11s was the hot spot
for yesterday's morning action off Manistee,
MI. Hopefully, more info will follow later
Big buzz on our message board is marking fish
and piles of bait with little, to no action.
Some things in fishing will never be understood,
...this is a prime example. Seen this happen
myself and have no explanation what-so-ever!
It's one thing to not mark fish and not get bites,
then it's another to see fish, ...that won't hit?
Late August has been
traditionally "limit city." 2008 is contrary,
very few limits caught since late July by our
website members. Seems like everyone is doing about
the same numbers (2 to 7). This goes for all
ports on the MI side from Charlevoix down to St. Joe
and the WI reports on our message board.
State of MI certified scales at Instalaunch
Campground in Manistee, MI says we have Master
Angler King coming in at 27.8 pounds. This
fish was brought over to my place yesterday
afternoon by John & Tom. Michigan DNR
Master Angler Awards go to Chinook, aka King Salmon
that weigh over 27 pounds on certified legal
scales. This fish was caught with a 12"
King Kobra Reel Flasher with a glow 3 fly meat
rig. My thanks to John and Tom for letting me
photograph their trophy. Click
for John's 27 pounder
numbers I heard on yesterday's results came from
Capt. Len Mitchell's Lucky Charm Charters.
They took 9 fish in the morning on 12" Clear
Double Glow Reel Flashers and 10" BTIs in the
Blue Bubble pattern. Click
Capt. Len's 8/24/09 catch
the Salmon going deep again my products and meat are
more than earning their keep big-time. Fishing
off Manistee for adult Kings will stay sound thru
about the 15th of September. Didn't hear a ton
of big catches, but everyone I spoke this past
weekend caught from 2 to 9 fish per 1/2 days in the
mornings, or evenings.
The condensed
version of August thus far: not as many fish as past
seasons, but the Salmon are definitely running
larger. So, now it's a question of quantity,
or quality? Personally, I like the quality larger
fish that my line of tackle will produce!
Fishing was decent yesterday morning before a
thunderstorm rolled thru about 9am and curtailed
most the
fleet's efforts. Heard from trusted sources
Salmon were being taken from 50' to 120' down over
150' to 250' of water. Flashers and meat were
doing most of the damage according to those I spoke
with. This coming
week's topics will include "Sonar
Shyness," & how to catch a 30 pound King Salmon
w/less than $ 150 in Salmon tackle. Plus,
everyday fish reports. Click 8/23/08 Manistee
South wind for now has driven the thermocline to
90' down. This will help Manistee's shelf
reload with adult Kings. Having deeper temp
concentrates the fish and structure tends to fence
fish along the drop off. Manistee catch rates
for the sports fleet has been between 1 to 5 a trip
this past week when the Salmon were in shallow
water, harbor & vastly dispersed all over hell's
1/2 acre. Good luck to all this weekend!
Fished Manistee last evening to see if things were
improving in the deeper water. We caught fish,
missed a few bites and come back in well before the
dusk bite. We fished the 15s & 16s in a
100' to 125' of water. Click
8/22/08 John's King
Temp has
improved on Manistee's shelf. It was 64
degrees on the surface until about 45 feet, then the
temp dropped to 54 and stayed that way to 100' down.
We marked a few
piles of bait, something unseen in the deeper stuff
last weekend. The shelf it starting to look
like it's going be productive this weekend, but the
"if" word comes into play.
"If" we get no more wind from the
north! Click
for graph w/bait
Please take a moment, or two and study the
latest satellite surface temp chart. It shows
the colder water inshore, tight to the beach.
These are about the same conditions as last weekend
when a pile of adult Kings were caught in shallow 7'
to 20' depths. What helped last Sat/Sun was W
winds rolling 2 to 3 foot seas on the beach.
This kept the water stirred up & the fish
active. Click
8/20/08 temp chart
Waves help mask boat noise & keep the Salmon on
the bite. Flat calm seas means tougher conditions
when targeting shallow "on the beach"
adult King Salmon.
If you're
new to this website, all pertinent info from
weather, temp charts, general informational links,
etc. can be found on the Great
Lakes Info Page
With the
ever-clearing Lake Michigan waters from the zebra
& quagga mussels we'd better get used to more
days in close, cuz the main body of the lake, off
the shelf (drop off) has been too cold to hold fish
...lacking a discernable thermocline.
charter boats there have been fishing the deep water
(300' or more) surface temperature breaks to catch
some Steelhead, Lake Trout, juvenile Salmon and a
few adult Kings. Good numbers, like double
figures were coming from their deepwater
fishery. Ludington's harbor was producing, if
you can stand the zoo-like conditions?
Manistee: heard a lot of 3 to 8 fish boxes
coming from mostly shallow water. Manistee's
harbor has been a decent action thru the middle of
the day when the crowd lessens. I hope there's
boats doing better than 8 fish a trip, but can only
report on what's known from trusted sources.
Look for little improvement until we get a 2 or 3
day blow from the S, or SW & get a thermocline
that sets up 60' down, or deeper!
8/20/08 If you examine today's featured photo you'll see
bait jumping in the prop wash of Capt. Jack's boat
the "Minnie's Money" as he navigates a
south troll on the shoreline, N of Manistee's harbor
on 8/16/08. This is probably the best news we
all can hear.
Been a lot
of doom and gloom written concerning the future of
Lk. Michigan's bait fish population.
Hopefully, seeing the shoreline out to 15 to 20 feet
deep stacked with alewives contradicts the troubled prophesies.
for Alewives in prop wash
Not catching
what you have for the past 3 to 5 years?
Has your catch
rate per hour declined?
Well, you're
not in this boat alone if you fish central Lk. MI on
either side (MI, or WI). August fishing has
not set up well, with any of several combinations of
constant north wind, or worse: east wind after a
north blow.
This has prevented a
stable thermocline, or the total lack of one like it is
now. 60 degree water on the surface, then
almost an instant drop into the low 40 degree range
provides no comfort zone temps for the Salmon
seeking more moderate 50 degree stuff.
Thermocline's do another thing. The colder
denser water suspends the dead biomass of many forms
of the plankton. Plankton is minnow food and
that's normally where the bait fish congregates.
Thusly, attracting the predatory fish, like Salmon
& Trout.
Kewaunee and Algoma, WI have fishing, not fast, but
decent catches. Temp
was said to be down deep, like 90' with warm water
stacked above that
depth. That's
the exact opposite of what's going on in Ludington,
Manistee, and Frankfort where it's mostly all cold
water. WI's fishing, while not huge numbers is
more stable than the MI side. Many thanks to Steve
S. for today's photo. Click
8/17/08 20# WI King
Kinda betwixt
a rock and a hard place to report the reel-truth
about catching shoreline August Kings, cuz it's so
far from normal, most people might not believe it
anyways! Then, as soon as the word spreads
throughout the fleet, it will become way too crowded to
make trolling in 10' of water with planer boards a viable option.
summer adult Kings are taken with the same methods
used in April for Brown Trout, just replace the
Rapalas with 15 Long A Bombers & J-Plugs.
Long leads, a 100' or more off planer boards, or the
inline planers are the tools. Similar to
trolling for Walleyes on Saginaw Bay, or Lake Erie
is another analogy well suited. Meat is proven
to work in the shallow water, as the 1st and 3rd
place boats from our recent tourney did.
Now, for
the reel-truth about fishing Manistee, probably
Ludington too. It's been a tough go for the
charter & sports fleet, cuz we've had 10 days
wind from the north out of the last 2 weeks.
Deep water fishery, where trolling down 100' and
deeper has almost been a complete waste of
time. Cold water has pushed the bait on the
beach and the Salmon are just looking for a meal
...don't care how deep the water is!
Tomorrow's update will continue
with when to hit the shoreline for summer Kings.
8/18/08 Most important business today is to issue a
strong warning about skirting the nets. While
the pot set-depth is listed on the Net
Location Page ...to completely avoid problems
watch for the king anchor's white float and steer
clear. The king anchor float might be as far
away as a 1/2 mile west, as we found out last
Saturday and donated a cannon ball, rigger release
& lure to the LR tribal net fishers.
Safety first, please!
To rehash
our successful outing for website members this past
Saturday, all who took podium finishes in first,
second, or third used meat in one way, shape, or
form. 1st and 3rd places fished skinny water
within sight of Manistee's pier heads.
2nd place
put an open water deep program together in the
middle of the day with time running out using
Krystal Killer BTIs. A wise choice for the
middle of the day!
My thanks
to all members that braved the high fuel prices and
participated in the Second Annual 2008 Getaway
Challenge. Click
for the winning catch
Tomorrow, I'll have a fishing report
from Kewaunee, WI along with more fresh
We concluded our second annual tournament for
message board members yesterday. Our tourney
format for the 2008 Getaway Challenge was simple, 6
rods, weigh your best 3 fish. Congratulations
to a very resourceful Team Getaway who took first
place honors with 41.7 pounds in their best 3 Kings.
Bob K weighing in fish
Second went to Mike
B, and his crew aboard the Busy B with 40.6
lbs. Busy B had the largest King at 17.8
pounds caught on a BTI Krystal Killer w/matching
meat rig.
Third place went to Kevin E
(aka FBD, or Far Beyond Driven), with his fine team
aboard the his ship, Twilight Zone at 39.9
pounds Kevin's outstanding 3rd place was
fresh off the trailer and he never fished Manistee
before. Click
weigh-in line up
Now, for the fishing
report: plain and simple, Manistee was a
toughie. Recent west winds only pushed the
Salmon tighter to shore. Getaway's winning catch
came on planer boards in 20' to 7' of water right on
the beach north of Manistee's harbor.
Shallow water is not
the place to showcase the line of tackle I
offer. While this might be unbelievable to
some, but Getaway's largest King (plus 17#) came on
a BTI Flasher and meat while trolling in the skinny
water. Click
Getaway's winning catch
After seeing
the results, less than 2 pounds separated the top 3
8/16/08 Updated current trap net locations off Manistee
yesterday afternoon in a printable form to keep
onboard. Please do so!
Today marks the
second annual website members
get-together/tournament for Salmon (we had one last
June on Saginaw Bay). Results to be posted tomorrow.
Next week?
...the fishing looks better, cuz lot's of SW wind is
predicted. This will help form a stable deeper
thermocline and move the fish off the beach and make
the harbors far less attractive. Good luck to all
fishing today.
8/15/08 Big
news? ...there's a freshly set net in the 11.2 to 11.4 area. We
seen the shoreward marker in about 60' of water. This net will
extend out to approximately 150'. Exact location will be furnished
in tomorrow's update, maybe sooner.
Did a whole lot of fishing and not much
catching yesterday. Best action was on the 60' to 100' drop off
about 5 miles south of the harbor in the 10s. Best place to catch
is probably around the harbor, all be it may ...it's combat harbor
I have to take issue with the Sea Grant's
Coastwatch temp chart. It's way wrong! It was 51 degrees in
the 30' to 35' depths on the beach and never above 54 degrees on the
outside in deeper waters to 220'. Chart was 6-9 degrees on the
warm side.
Manistee for mid-August has not been
showing the catch rates in the previous seasons. Cold water has
slowed the deep water fishery. Adult Kings have been squirting up
the Big and Little Manistee Rivers. Normally, these adults will
stage out in the deeper waters for a week or two. Not so this
year! Problem is there's no warm water to stratify Lk. MI,
preventing the Kings from seeking parental streams and rivers.
Thanks to Julie D we have a recent
photo of Rogers City, MI Kings from Lk. Huron. She's been doing
good on warm water Kings. Julie D. aka fishsqueezer on our
message board was kind enough to write a "how to" article on
catching these fish. Warm water Kings kinda goes against
traditional wisdom developed on the Great Lakes since the inception
of our fishery in 1966. Click
8/13/08 Lk. Huron Kings Click
for Julie's article
8/14/08 Manistee boats fishing the skinny water (less
than 35'), in close to shore are getting limits
working the early bite. There "was"
a wad of bait of the south pier in what locals call,
"the Meat Hole." Seen this bait
myself last Tuesday. Manistee's pier heads
continues to be a crowed zoo, but they're pulling
good catches of adult Kings!
Fishing the structure
on the outside, over the depths of 100' to 200' was
said to have picked yesterday. Can't totally
verify, but the info came from a trusted source.
I'll be fishing this
morning to research areas and all depths for our
upcoming website member's tournament this
Saturday. So, I should have a complete
hands-on fishing report to share with all
Please note today's featured photo showing the
correct bend on how to insert the hook thru the
baitfish. Drawing this slight curve is
absolutely necessary to have the meat roll in an
enticing looping circle that destroys fish. Click
properly rigged bait
toothpick at the rear of the meat head acts as a
tensioning device, as not to over-bend, or pull a
sharper curve that causes a spin, way too fast like
a Mepps spinner.
Anchoring the first hook thru the bait ensures
proper hook placement when a fish does decide to
chomp. This works with either whole bait, or
hand-cut homemade fillets.
MI's action slowed to a crawl yesterday with the
onset of flat calm seas. Early bird, first
light fishermen did OK, then the bite evaporated, as
more boats hit the pond. Most of the damage
was done on the Salmon in close before 8am.
Deep waters
150' to 220' bite off Manistee's shelf was
ugly with a whole lot of fishing going on and not
much catching. Temp is high, 53 degrees on the
surface to 20' down, then it drops rapidly into the
low 40s to 80' and deeper. John J and I
were out from 7:30 until about 10:30am.
Besides our 5 bites, we seen 2 other fish netted and
there was no shortage of boats, not to be aware of
what's going on around you.
Best report
from yesterday was just off Leland, MI's first
drop-off according to website member,
"chaos" aka Steve E. Steve and his
son, Warren got sore arms from fast action on Kings
and released triples on Lake Trout. Click
8/12/08 Leland catch
What helps
Leland is lack of a sizeable fishing fleet, cuz
there's only a single boat launch ramp, limited
parking and other than the public docks inside of an
extremely small harbor, there's just not much to
chose from. If you can put up with lack of
facilities that cater to Salmon anglers, Leland's a
gold mine for excellent
Fishing remains sound in Manistee, MI as of
yesterday. The harbor
was hot, with several limits
reported before 9am. Open water, ...off
structure, or the "shelf," as it's known
in Manistee was a slower bite, but produced
limits just the same on 8/11/08.
One today's
featured photos is Jillian's Lake Trout out of Leland,
MI. With the younger set, a fish doesn't have
to be huge for them to enjoy the outing. It's
nice to see fishing as a family sport where all partake.
for Jillian's fish
Glen Arbor,
close to Leland reported in yesterday morning with
decent fishing. Heard good things about
Frankfort too. Ice water off Ludington has
slowed the bite, but Michigan's number one port is
still catching. Just not on the same pace of
Manistee, or Frankfort. Most of the fish
caught were in the top 50', or shallower by the
Kewaunee, MI
was socked in with a load of warm water down to a
100 plus feet and rougher than a cob this past
weekend. Some WI Kings were caught never the less.
Big news from this past weekend is a blow from the
north. Friday afternoon Manistee's harbor
loaded with fish and good harbor fishing continued
into Saturday morning. Sunday? ...I doubt if
many fished at all, due to seas running to six
Surface temp close to
shore is now in the 50 degree range. With a
major temp change like what we've just had, comes
hardships in locating the mother lode of
The fish can be 300'
down, over 600 fow, or inshore in 40' of water and
be happy as a clam.
What works in our favor is mature Kings are eager to
strike, but can be spooked by boat noise, or an
overloaded spread with too many offerings.
Especially, when the Kings are in the top 50' of
water. Click
for a rough Lk. MI on 8/10/08
Remember the
100' rule mentioned on the 8/8/08 to combat skittish
fish! This could turn the tide in your favor,
or ...at least increase the odds for success!
If you're fishing Lake Michigan this week, you'd better be able to
adapt tactics to targeting Kings in the top 50' of water, possibly
shallower. N, NE and E are in the long range weather forecast thru
this coming Thursday (yeah, like we needed more N).
For salvation look to full and 1/2
lead core outfits, if the lake cools down as much as past history has
shown. Long leads from the riggers and divers with smaller, or no
rings. Slide Divers are good choice for high fish too. This will
helps get you're lures further away from the boat. Keep these tips in
mind when the surface temp is in the 50s.
North blows followed by east wind
will pull Kings in and around the harbors. Only problem? All
we've had is pretty much north winds and Manistee's shelf needs to
reload with adult Kings before we get into super-easy catching again.
Good luck to all today. Hoping to get out
this weekend too, but the weather
says otherwise with 3' to 6' seas. Next
stretch of flat seas looks to be this coming
Monday. Let's hope the big seas prediction is
wrong and the weekenders get on the pond.
Reports on Kings over 20 to 23 pounds are coming
from Manistee, MI now!
Here's something that might be noteworthy to you
and concerns what's long been called the 100' rule. It refers to
adjusting leading on the riggers to let's say 50' down with a 50' lead
from the cannonball, or 70' down, 30' lead from the ball ...etc.
I know from my limited time on the water
best action has been approximated to this rule. Factoring in Clear
water and adult Kings that can be every bit as wary as any Brown Trout,
close to my boat has not been working. Divers out a 100' yes, lead
core and copper have been working. Even when we had the hot action
in Manistee about a week ago, our highest rigger bite was 66' down, 30'
to 40' back from the ball. Keeping in mind, so-called prime temp
(54 degrees) was about 40' down.
Don't take this as absolute gospel, as
I'm limited to averaging maybe 4 hours a week on the pond. I do
know, high fish have not been hitting my stuff, except for the divers,
which are ....once again a 100' from my boat.
Here's a tip for the weekend warriors soon to descend
on their favorite Salmon ports. More north
wind is predicted thru this Saturday. When
this happens, look for the bait to load up around
the harbors, as it's done in Manistee and Ludington
this passing week. With the bait comes the
Salmon. So, look in close first before
spending the long green on gas with a lengthy boat
ride to fish the deeper waters.
featured photo is one of Tony C's creations from
Eyefull Custom Rods. It's a 10' roll-over rod,
where the guides transition to the bottom side of
the rod. Kinda like a spinning rod where the line
guides are on the bottom of the stick.
This lessens the pressure on the rods guides
and let's the rod blank soften up. The photo demonstrates
how 45# test copper line is working with a good
sized King. Previously used 9' Shimano Talora
rod for copper & consider the Eyefull rod a
major step up. Click
roll-over rod
Word on
Manistee's latest hot spot has been the 12s to the
7s over deeper water depths 150'+. Look for
this to change fast with the onset of a predicted
north blow.
Tomorrow, I'll explain the 100' rule. This
seems to be working on spooky adult Kings.
3 generations of Team Getaway fished Manistee last
Sunday and Monday. It's great to see grandpa,
dad and kids on a family outing. Bob K. is
Getaway on our message board. He's a very
savvy skipper and found a good pod of bait holding
Kings in the low to mid teens near Manistee's
harbor. Click
Team Getaway younger set
This past Monday they
took 6 fish in short order working the outside of
the pack in 30' to 40' of water fishing 25' down
with flashers & meat rigs. Lead lengths
off the cannonball were said to be around 50' behind
the ball. Click
8/4/08 harbor hot rigs
more to this story than meets the eye, cuz when the
temp is high (like it's been) the bait will often
load on the edges of the color plume of the Big
Manistee River where it enters Lk. Michigan.
None of the harbor caught fish were ready to run the
river yet. These Kings were still about 3 to 4
weeks away from full mature adulthood.
a tackle testimonial about my stuff from Steve E:
"Capt John, See attached picture of 22# Leland king
(weighed on Carlson's scale) after being in the cooler all
morning with the rig that has been hottest for me this year CJRF glow black mamba and 30" leader to a
x-glow BTI fly." Click
Steve's 22# King & rig
Good news is most all ports in MI and WI have
fair fishing. Limits have not been easy.
From the sound of things, the sports fleet boats are
catching 3 to 6 Kings per outing. Some of
these fish are over 20, but not many hogs. Click
for hot rigs
Kewaunee, WI has been
decent, but Kings over 20 have been scarce. WI
anglers are seeing a few more Steelhead than their
counter parts in MI. Click
WI brag board
Now, for the not so
good news: 5 out of the next 6 days in the long
range forecast are saying more wind from the
north. North seems to move the bait to the
more southerly ports. Good news for them, but
it sucks to be us in the central Lk. MI area.
Word from Ludington's Big
Point Sable last evening was dreadfully slow.
Like reel-slow with not many nets going down.
Blame this on the north winds.
Here's what I noticed
fishing 3 days last week. Kings will hit
divers 100' away from the boat. Salmon will
take 300' of copper, or lead core. The problem
is riggers set 40 to 70 feet are not taking a ton of
fish. Adult Kings are wary spooky creatures
and gin clear water is holding back the up high
rigger bite back. Click
for a good WI King
Now, when you sink your
riggers to 100' and deeper, the rigger bite picks up
dramatically. Look for me to explain the 100' rule
tomorrow, it might help your program.
Many thanks to Nick and
Steve for the use of their great WI fishery photos!
Manistee catching cooled off to just fishing
with the strong north wind last Saturday.
Scattered, all over the place Salmon is what
Manistee is about ...until we get some SW wind to
concentrate the King Salmon back on the drop-off, or
Manistee Fish Report from Last Evening
Hours fished: 5:30pm thru 7:00pm. Got chased
in early by an unwanted thunderstorm before we could
take advantage of the grand finale last-light bite.
Temperature: 68 degrees to 45', then it
dropped to 55 degrees. 70' to 110' it was in
mid to low 40 degree range.
Lure Speed: 1.7 to 2.2, strong under
currents, meant it was hard to troll any slower.
Fish Take: 2 fish, one on 300' of copper
w/X-Glow BTI combo, one at 105' on a rigger.
Rigger fish hit a 12" King Kryptonite with an
Undertaker 3 Fly Meat Rig w/20' lead.
Should have a more wide
ranging Lk. MI commentary for you by tomorrow.
Winds from the north plagued central Lake
Michigan yesterday. While I'm sure everyone
caught some fish, more cold water is not what we
need. Reports from Ludington, MI says bath-house to
north of Big Point Sable is where some of the better
fishing has been. This morning this wind has
come full circle and it's out of the east now.
I have no doubts there's fish in and around Manistee
& Ludington' harbors.
Here's a another
interesting fact from 2008, colder down temps along
structure seem to have tended to push the Kings to
suspend over the 200' to 300' depths. Not
tighter to structure, conflicting with traditional
wisdom where the opposite is generally true.
Fishing in Manistee is called catching.
Hope to get out this weekend for further testing and
avoid that dreaded, nasty word of
"work!" Good luck to everyone
Devoting the whole space of updates to just one
subject: yesterday morning in Manistee, MI.
It's nearly impossible to touch on the key details
in 2, or 3 paragraphs.
is good and only getting better from what I've
personally witnessed. Yesterday morning we got
into a pile of Kings, 2.5 miles south of the harbor
on the shelf.
---- IMPORTANT Measurements
Make sure your bait is not too large, the
heads will not work as well.
Trim to dimensions shown in the image.
The head has to rotate, or spin. If it
goes thru the water like a dead stick, it
will not produce!
Put a hook in the bait, pull a very slight
bend if necessary. |
below program should work, producing excellent
results in Ludington & Frankfort too.
Yesterday's Exact Program:
1. Time with lines in the water was about 7am until
9am. No first light bite needs to be
mentioned. Boats there by dawn's early light
did well in 50' to 80' of water.
Two riggers, 12' to 20' leads of the
cannonball. Started riggers at 70' and 100'
feet down, towards the 8am we moved the spread down
to 100' to 120' and that was the ticket.
Fished 150' to 190' overall depth of water.
Our deepest rigger had was pulling the "John J
Special," that being a 12" King Kryptonite
flasher and Undertaker 3 fly meat rig. Second
rigger we fished was carrying a 12" X-Glow Frog
with matching 3 fly meat rig. We maintained a
20' separation between the 2 riggers. Let's
say one rigger at 80' and the other at 100' to more
clearly define this point. Deepest rigger was
best, as it always is, ... when you're meat
fishing. 12 pound cannonballs were used.
For continued info, click
3. Two divers (regular Dipsys dialed on 2 with big
ring) 5' to 6' foot leaders to flashers.
Divers were towing X-Glow Green Frog BTIs with
matching 2 fly meat rigs.
4. Temperature, 69 degrees to about 50' then it
broke into the mid 50 degree range. 100' down
it was 42-38 degrees and that's the temp where we
took most of out bites.
5. Speed was darn slow, like 1.2 to 1.4 mph. I
kinda think the slow-whoa speed helped, cuz the
water was nearly flat calm, with only a slight
ripple (see photos for verification).
6. Fish take was around double figures. All
fish were released. Learned by spearing the
fish hard head first into the water, they took off
like nothing happened at all. If we'd have
kept fish, we'd have been done with 2 measly MI
licenses in about one hour (6 fish). Hate to
admit it, but our bite vs. boated fish ratio was
maybe only around 50%. Most of the missed villainess
critters occurred on the divers, like usual.
I hope all website visitors have the same ideal
trip me and my ace number one fishin' bud, John J,
experienced ...soon. It was wild, crazy and
big fun for the two of us!
Today's featured photo is from the recent
Alpena, MI tournament on Lake Huron, courtesy of
website member, "Codfish." Click
looking Lake Trout
Hope to play more
hooky reel soon, if and when the lake
cooperates. Right now, the X-Glow
Frog pattern in all sizes has the hot hand. As
adult Kings mature, they start keying in on the glow
stuff more and more. Can't give you a
convoluted stand on a soap box answer why glow gets
hot now. Let it suffice that it does, and go
with the glow!
Manistee is hot with scads of Kings now!
Full update tomorrow, read about then.
While the temp has been all over the place on
Michigan's side of Lk. MI, the WI anglers have had
it even worse with lots of cold water. The
happens from west wind, shoving the warm water to
the east shore of the big pond.
It's far from any
secret the high fuel prices have hurt the economy
and discretionary spending is at an all time
low. So, please keep in mind, Great Lakes
charter fleet still remains one of the best bargains
there is. Based on a per person split, it's
highly cost effective to charter and a lot better
than a boat payment in January.
As we get more
comfortable fishing plus 150' down, I spotted
something that might help you lessen the problems
with tangles. When a good King whacks your
offering with a 160' of cable off the rigger spool,
these fish can go sideways under the divers.
We had 3 fish do this last Monday. Mag Dipsy
Divers on setting 2 cost us a fish, or two when our
chute (center) rigger biter stitched itself around
said divers. Mag divers get down deeper,
quicker and closer to the boat. To me, Mag
Dipsys are problematic.
Once you start
targeting depths below 80 feet, shorten up your
rigger leads. 10' back worked just peachy keen
at depths of 100' and deeper last time out.
Too many frogs? ...topic tomorrow's
update, as adult kings are keying on glow now.
7/29/08 Played
hooky from work yesterday morning. Yes, being owner and your own boss,
does have it's advantages (once in a while). Teamed up with
message board members, Megan Ann aka John J & Tony C. aka Eyeful,
who makes custom fishing rods.
Lines in the water from 7am until
11am. We took fish from 35' to 160' down. For these weird
conditions we did OK, not great, ...but still ended up with a fair box.
North winds have raised the temp up high
again, instead of concentrating the fish deep. For now, the fish
have a pretty huge neighborhood in the depth column to roam.
Motivation of today's trip was to prove
to you and myself the new 2008 Red Label sized herring from Fish On
Company works: Click
for the new 2008 Red Label
Our best
rigs by far: the X-Glow Frogs, 10" and 12" with matching 2
& 3 fly meat rigs. Plus, the 12" King Kryptonite X-Glow
and Undertaker 3 fly meat rig deserves an honorable mentioned fished on
our deepest rigger. Click
7/28/08 hot rigs
I have a small amount of the exact
Red Label featured in today's photo available at my shop for sale to the
public. Call me at 231 723-1130 beforehand, cuz I do not have a
24/7 tackle shop, not do I want the hassle of one. Click
for Eyeful's King
Tomorrow's topic will be called Capt. Nemo Kings and the
problems deep fish present.
Bait for 08: Shipwatch Marina in
Manistee (231 723-9314),
Capt. Chuck's in Ludington (231) 843-4458, & Frankfort's East Shore Marina
(231 352-7511)
have been recently stocked with fresh frozen bait. I've
seen this stuff and the scale retention (excellent) and
firmness is OK. All 3 of these places carry my line of
tackle too.
I have some bait at my shop available to
the public, as long as prior arrangements can be made.
I do not have an open door, stop-in policy. Call ahead
(231 723-1130) and make
an approximated appointment time, ...so I know when you're coming.
Temp off Manistee has
been like a yo-yo with big swings in where the
thermocline has been. From 25-30' on Friday, down
to 75-80' last evening. More fishing news
Capt. Bruce Nicholson and message board member "FBD" said
Whitehall, MI is producing excellent catches. Yesterday morning in
Manistee was very lumpy withseas in the 4 to 5' range. Manistee
catch rates were not on par with the ports south of Little Point Sable,
like Muskegon. No word from Ludington, or our WI anglers
yet. Expect to hear more from around Lake Michigan soon.
Not too much in the way of offering
theories, but the north wind we had last week has set back the central
Lake Michigan ports, while offering the more southerly ports some of the
best fishing so far in 2008.
First good shot of adult Kings came into Manistee
and Ludington harbor's on the evening of the
25th. Let's look at this as the opening
curtain on Act 1.
Strong winds from the
north pushed in a lot of cold water, causing the
Salmon to home in on their parenting rivers. This is
just preview of coming attractions, not the big
show. Not to fear, there's still plenty of
season left!
This weekend is
Manistee's time to host tournaments, coming right on
the heels of last weekend's Ludington Gander
Mountain events. Let's hope structure off
Manistee called, the "shelf" reloads
quickly with more Kings, as it always does.
To keep semi-sane, went fishing yesterday morning with Todd and his
7 year old son, Dillon. We had lines in the water for 3 hours
(7-10am) and was a slow go. The recent north winds has raised temp
big time. It was 42 degrees at 40 down. We hit 2 fish, with young
Dillon landing a small King, by himself. Click
for Dillon's Salmon
Now, factor in Dillon brought the fish in on a
300' copper line rig. So, this was a worthy accomplishment for any
7 year old! The broad beaming smile on this young lad's face is
worth more to me, than a 20 fish box! Click
for Dillon's grin winding in copper
In hindsight ...which cures all the
world's ills, we should have stayed in the 50' to 80' depths where we
marked at least a few fish. We marked no fish once past 100' and
never seen anything out to 350'. No bait fish in shallower, or out
deep either.
Today's featured photo is Nick's King Salmon
tipping the scale at 22 pounds and change. This
picture is courtesy of seabeesportfishingcharters.com
This fish was caught in Muskegon, MI last weekend. Click
for Nick's 22.5# Salmon
Latest fish
info from Ludington is lots cold water tucked in
behind Big Point Sable. Look for Ludville's
fishing to take off once the temp gets stabilized a
little deeper.
Best Report I
heard yesterday was from the south tip of South
Manitou Island. Figures, cuz it's plus 30
miles from Frankfort and about 20 from Leland,
MI. Boats fishing out of Glen Arbor can get
there in around 10 miles, but the launch is in open
water. Meaning no harbor, or breakwall to
limit the incoming seas during boat launching.
Shipwatch Marina in Manistee, MI now has a good
selection of my products. East Shore Marina in
Frankfort, MI will be stocked with my line of tackle
by this Friday.
Both stores mentioned will have bait this Thursday,
if all goes according to plan.
Here's something
interesting: website member "No Fish Nick"
fished Manitowoc, WI from dusk to 3am EST and did
well in the dark with glow baits. Shocker was
most of his catch was taken within 10' of the
surface. Seems like the Salmon will rise up from the
depths to feed off the surface during the night. Click
for graveyard shift Kings
After sorting thru several recent port reports, here's the
Fishing off Manistee is leading Frankfort and Ludington presently.
Last weekend's top Gander Mountain tournament boats traveled from
Ludington to Manistee and fished the 12s to the 16s (pretty much
straight out of Manistee). Boat traffic in the afore mentioned
ports is semi light, but increasing every weekend.
Kings are averaging about 3 pounds
heavier than the 2007 crop. This was bore out with the big King in
the Ludington Gander Mountain event. The 08 winner was on the
other side of 23 pounds, compared to last season's almost 20 pounders
that won.
Here's a copy and paste job from
the 7/21/08 Ludington Daily
The Dreamweaver Big Fish for the weekend was a 23.3-pound king caught by
the team Tickle Pink II. The fish, worth $3,000, came on a blue John
King flasher pulling a blue John King meat rig head, according to Eric
Hutchinson of Port Huron.
“Fishing’s good,” Hutchinson said when asked
why he fished the Ludington event. “It’s well-organized, good money,
good tournament. Usually everybody catches some fish.
My products top honors in this prestigious
tourney in 2004, overall big fish in 2007 & top spot again this
year. My hat's off to Roger Bogner, owner of Dreamweaver Tackle
Co. who makes Spin Doctors, spoons, flies, & J-Plugs for putting up
the prize money.
Many thanks to website members, No Fish Nick and
Tokenfinn for sharing their big fish photos with
us. Kinda interesting to see both meat and
artificial flies work behind my flashers. Capt. Rob
Presson from Seabee Sport Fishing Charters in
Muskegon reported a 22.5 lb. King on the new 2008
Silver Bullet series. Over 22 is the largest
I've heard thus far. Look for bigger as the
season progresses.
Full report on this
weekend's fish activities tomorrow once we can sort
out conjecture from the reel-facts. This I do
know, most all ports are catching and the pressure
off Manistee is slowly on the build.
Last I heard fishing was still the reel-deal off
the Port of Manistee, MI. Was kinda hoping to
get out this weekend, but swamped with orders.
Taking care of business always comes first and
there'll be time for fishing later this week.
The downside on being
a tackle manufacturer is the better the fishing, the
less time personal time there is. Should have
current fishing news for you tomorrow.
Early morning thunderstorm hit a fisherman off Ludington, MI.
Details are sketchy, but it was said, "he survived the
strike." You know, Mother Nature isn't playing any games with
weather. Whether it's big seas or bolts from the sky. I was
always terrified of lightening on the water, over my Great Lakes career
dating back to 1968.
Here's a fact I'd rather not discuss, but
June floods have made outside activities nearly impossible. Mosquitoes
populations herald biblical proportions like the plagues sent to Egypt
back in Moses days. They are thick and the worst I've ever seen,
...ever! Was lucky enough to find a fogger at Ludington's Home
Depot yesterday. If you're coming north and considering camping, bring
the Deep Woods Off, cuz you're gonna need it!
It's "game on" for adult Kings in Lk.
Michigan, as today's featured photos plainly illustrate.
Manistee is good and getting better! Click
7/16/08 Kings Depth of the Salmon is
said to be about 100' down. Kings to almost
20lbs are in my home port now!
First Street Beach in
Manistee has been closed, cuz of all the debris that
has washed ashore. 12 yards of trash was
scooped up off this small section of beach. A
lot of the flotsam came from the recent flash floods
in WI along with a dead body that was found in a
more southerly Lk. MI port. I think the corpse
was found near Muskegon, MI.
Need to thank website
members "Just Enough" &
"jlar"s for keeping this website vibrant
with up-to-date fresh fish pictures. Click
7/15/08 Marinette, WI King
If there's any doubters about what my products
are capable of doing, today's featured photos should
any uncertainty. Capt. Mark W. took top honors
in the recent Detroit Area Steelheaders Tournament
with my stuff. Click
for Mark's hot rigs
I've known Mark since
2003 and he's blossomed into one of the better
fisherman I know. His accomplishments are only
outdone by his passion for big water fishing.
Plus, he's one heck of a nice guy. Mark is
known on our message board as
took heaviest fish, along with first place.
Hat's off to "Bobbys Toy" for a strong
podium finish in last weekend's DAS contest
too. Click
Mark's winning catch
Recent fish
news from Ludington says the fishing got harder with
more south wind. Fishing is easy in East
Chicago, IN, but larger Kings in the mid-teen are
hard to come by. WI anglers are socked in with
cold water off Kewaunee with medium results.
According to my personal timeline calendar,
we've now entered prime time for adult King
Salmon. Today's featured photo proves that
point. All be it may, it's from last
Friday. I need to thank Joe VG for sharing his
afternoon's catch photo with us.
It's one thing
to tell you fishing is improving in Manistee,
MI. Showing you with proof adds one helluva
lot more credence. Click
Team Sloppy Joe's 7/11/08 Kings
Best news, is
the majority of the Salmon caught recently are
running from 15 to 18 lbs. Not huge by
yesteryear's standards, but we're in the here and
now. Kings in the mid to high teens are dandy
fish for 2008. If there's one draw back, it's
the fish are deep to 100', to reel-deep like
190'. This is attractor territory plain and
Those using
my products: meat fishermen are doing best on
Black Mamba, X-Glow Frog, & Green Doub L Glo
with 2-3 meat rigs. Those preferring artificials
are getting the job done with 10" BTI Flashers
in the Gold Bullet, or Pearl Glows
Fishing reports from this past Friday and Saturday were very
encouraging for Manistee, MI. Several limit catches were
mentioned, with the Kings going from the mid to high teens.
Yesterday morning (Sunday) was pretty lumpy, so look for recent reports
to be a day, or two old. When I hear more, so will you ASAP.
Visitors to Manistee: the First
Street Public Launch fees are automated and collected by a
machine. You'll see this work of art upon leaving the launch to
park. Failure to get a daily 5 dollar pass will result in a 40
buck fine. This was already mentioned on this website back in May
when this machine was first installed when Manistee did away with a
person to collect gate receipts.
Special treat for all dedicated big water
fishermen today with photos from our brother Salmon
anglers on the west coast of the USA. Thanks
to DJ, or DJFISHS2XS (on our message board) we have
images showing a King weighing in at over
21lbs caught in waters adjoining the Pacific
Ocean's Puget Sound. Click
west coast 21lb. King
West coast
techniques approximate ours, but generally they use
longer leaders behind their attractors.
Today's featured fish is currently sets in 4th place
in a WA Salmon derby. It never ceases to amaze
me at how small the world has shrunk with the advent
of the internet. Plus, the huge amount of
information we can now share!
Here's an
obvious reel-fact that still needs to be stated:
from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean's
Baltic Sea and many bodies of water in between, my
products have proven themselves ...'nough
said! Click
for close-up of 21lb. King
As an ambassador for the town of Manistee, MI, I
was invited to give a short presentation on what's
up in my home town for the Detroit Area
Steelheaders. This group is having a
tournament today, weather permitting.
On behalf of
Manistee, let's thank them for choosing our town for
their contest. Let's face it, the hype from
the 20 some trap nets in last year's fiasco did not
help the Port of Manistee one bit in attracting the
big water fishing public.
This has since
changed in 2008 with less nets. We only have 9
trap nets now spread over a wide area of plus 20
miles. So, there's plenty of room to fish
tight to structure with no fear of getting tangled
up in nets, or losing costly gear.
Mark W.
had an awesome box of Kings yesterday, when he was
pre-fishing for today's DAS tournament. By the
looks of things, they boxed out within 4 miles of
the pier heads using structure as a key for success.
Let's hope this keeps up for today!
Seven come eleven, as the countdown to prime Salmon
season nears. Third week of July thru the
weekend past Labor Day is the best time for adult
featured photo is a goodie and comes from Jason F,
skipper of the Rawhide Fishing Team. It shows a King
just shy of 20lbs, an attractive young lady & "sumptuously
tempting" Silver Bullet 10" BTI with a
fly combo (OK, so I might of laid it on kinda
thick). It's hard to tell which is the
prettiest and most dear to my heart. You can
be the judge by clicking
here to view which of the 3 ...rates number 1 in your
continues to be a frustrating hit and miss
situation. Spoke to the DNR creel census taker
yesterday and the sports fleet (17'-25' boats) had a
hard morning. One or none was the deal.
Don't despair, this is the transitional time of the
season when the Salmon will soon start looking for
home and come inshore. Look for Manistee to do
complete turn around in the next 10 to 14
days. Also, slow days make the good ones seem
that much more enjoyable!
Here's an outstanding report emailed to me with
the reel-facts from Ludington:
Hey John, "Sorry was out of town, should got the pics to you sooner. Screwed up and didn't put the flashers in the pics, will not happen this weekend. The pics are from
last Sat. morning at the point. 12 kings, 9 were 12lbs to 17lbs. Hot baits were BTI x-glow frog on riggers, and 12in x-glow king kryptonite on divers. 12 Kings by 8:30am. just in time to get breakfast."
Thanks, Chris S. Chris's
Reel Meat Catch 7/5/08
As you can plainly see in today's featured
photos, the Kings are getting larger as the season
continues. Capt. Russ P. fished out of Alpena,
MI on Lake Huron by the wreck of the Nordmeer and
did well on Kings with limits of Lakers. Good
to see Lk. Huron beginning to recover some of it's
former glory! 7/6/08
Lake Huron Kings
Southern Lk.
Michigan ports from St. Joe, MI to East Chicago, IN
are doing well on Salmon, cuz there's bait
available. Question is when will the bait move
N in mass?
Kewaunee, WI is
producing respectable catches of Kings in the low to
high teens. WI side seems to have a very
stable fishery. 7/5/08
Kewaunee, WI King
Manistee is
good one day, then a struggle the next. Look
for this to improve once a thermocline deeper than
50' develops. Last Saturday, the temp break
was 40' down. A deeper thermocline will
concentrate the bait right on Manistee's shelf. Not
all over hell's 1/2 acre like it is right now. It's
still early in the season & the best has yet to
Let's discuss the art of keeping a good fishing
buddy. One you can always count to be on-time
and not a pain in the butt while onboard complaining
about slow fishing. John J, aka Megan
Ann (on our message board) has fished with me dating
back to early i2ks when I was still in the charter
business, as a first mate, or deckhand.
Secret to
keeping everything on a even keel is to allow leeway
in your program if you're the skipper. Let
your fishing partner run a few of his
That way you don't
have to shoulder the full burden of productivity
issues. Besides, you'll have someone to blame
if the box isn't full and still share a few
laughs. Friendly jabs about why is stuff is
not working is allowed. Just keep in mind,
that's a 2 way street. So, be prepared to give
credit, where credit due in case your program sucks
big time and you're getting out-fished. John
J's go-to flasher & meat Rig
John J's not
like me, as he has a favorite rig (I don't) he runs
everyday throughout the season. That rig is a
12" X-Glow King Kryptonite Flasher with a 3 Fly
Undertaker Glow Meat Rig. He runs this combo
on his deepest rigger, day in, day out with success!
Generally, we're besieged with not-so-good news
with our Great Lakes Fishery when it comes to the
cold water species of Salmon and Trout. Things
like diminishing bait fish populations, shrinking
Salmon, problems with mussels, viruses ...etc.
Well, here's a welcome
change of pace and good news. The water fleas
are on the increase and the size of the bait fish,
or Alewives is much larger in 2008. Stuff like
this indicates the biomass is healthy and growing
the basic building blocks of the food chain.
fleas on diver rod
contents w/6" Alewife
I suspect the recent torrential rainfall has
washed in additional nutrients to jump start the
food chain, cuz this is the most water bugs I seen
on my lines since the early i2ks!
It was my great pleasure to fish yesterday
morning with John J and his grandson Kris L.
We set lines at 8am and fished to a little past
lunchtime. Our fish take was couple Kings in
double digits. First fish was on 300' of 45#
test copper and the second was 180' down our chute
rigger. Click
for Kris L's King
With the off/on
again fishing in Manistee it's imperative
is get a early start and have lines going in the
water at first light. Myself? ...I no longer
have the want to rise at 4am. Been there, done
that in the charter business for 20 seasons ...'nough said!
I'll have first hand proof of what I perceive as
extremely important
good news concerning the overall health of our
great, Great Lakes Fishery!
Heard lots of 1 to 3 fish per vessel out of
Manistee yesterday. A few boats in double
figures at the first light bite, then action slowed
to a crawl. Flat seas and low fishing
pressure, as not many boats were on the water for
the Fourth of July.
Have a great 4th of July Holiday, cuz you
deserve it! I'll post the latest fishing
report good, bad, or indifferent ASAP this info
becomes available to me.
You know, now's the
time the MDNR could come to the aid of the smaller
boat fishermen and drop the 3 of one species of
Salmon. Raising it to 5 right now would afford
those boats with 1 to 3 anglers some relief on the
sky-high fuel prices.
The MDNR has proven
they do what they want, when they want, by flushing
our constitutional rights down the crapper in 2008
...by allowing us to be stopped by agents of an
external government (Indian Tribal Police) for
fishing license checks.
Many of the
original signers of this celebrated Fourth of July
Holiday's Declaration of Independence help frame our
constitution. I'm absolutely 1000% positively
sure these signatories never envisioned giving any
rights to an foreign police force over US citizens!
Fish report from Craig at Capt. Chuck's in
Ludington, MI was decent. Craig said the fish
were north towards Big Point Sable and tight to
structure in 90 to 110 FOW.
Capt. Dick Donovan from Adventure One Charters had a
good report too. They had a respectable catch
this past Tuesday in Manistee, south of the harbor
in 95 FOW. 80% of Capt. Dick's action has off lead
core, as the rigger and diver bite was very slow.
From the
U.P. "Just
thought I would send a picture of what we are doing
up on Goulais Bay, Canada. Goulais is the
first bay on Superior just north of Sault Ste Marie,
the colder than normal water temps are really
keeping our normal Spring only fishery
continuing. This picture shows the Goulais
Grand Slam: Salmon, Laker & Steelhead.
Lake Superior Salmon tend to be smaller than your
fish, but the fights are sensational!!
Loyal reader of your site"…Rob
H. Click
Rob's Lk. Superior Fish
I'd like to thank
Rob for sharing his photo with us. I welcome
all Lake Superior fish photos and it breaks up the sameness
of posting mostly just Lk. Michigan fish.
Today's featured photo is courtesy of WI website
member, jlars. It's a world first, as far as
my product line is concerned! It's shows the
12" Reel Flasher Silver Bullet with the Pearl
Glow Fly offered at: www.michiganangler.com
with a hefty Salmon.
This is the first
King seen by me, taken on a 12 incher with a fly
combo. In late August 2007, out of the Port of
Leland, MI, Capt. Jim Munoz took the very first King
on a prototype 10" Silver Bullet & Fly: 1st
King 10" BTI Silver Bullet 8/30/07
Well, that feat was
equaled yesterday with experimentation and open
minds the WI fleet has! Our esteemed, savvy WI
members cracked the plus 300' barrier, as far as
catching deep-deep fish 2, or 3 years ago &
they're a blessing to have at this website!
7/2/08 Fish
News: Craig at Capt. Chucks said
Ludington was picking up, will find out where today.
Charter Reel Pleasure out of Manistee took double
figures yesterday.
Waiting for a good report from Manistee,
MI? Well, you're gonna have to keep waiting,
cuz last weekend's catches were no big deal.
Many struggled to get into a fish, or two.
Water temp is way behind what we used to have.
Gin clear water does not absorb heat well and the
water seems to be clearing more every season.
The bottom line is the fishing off the Port of
Manistee this season has been hit and miss thus far.
Best game on Lake
Michigan seems to be coming from the WI side of the
pond, as today's featured photo from Kewaunee shows:
King in mid-teens That fish whacked a 12"
Krystal Killer with the X-Glow Frog 3 Fly Meat
Rig. Team No Fish Nick ended up with 6 Kings
for their efforts on 6/29/08 from 8 to 15 pounds.
Hope to get out later
this week and rid myself of empty net fever when the
lake is behaving itself. Weather for the
Fourth of July Holiday is looking good!