5/23/04 South Haven, MI |
5/21/05 Manistee, MI |
5/17/06 Manistee, MI |
7/2/07 Manistee, MI |
5/24/08 Manistee, MI |
Above photos are the first Salmon of the season taken over the last 5
Captain's Log
3/31/09 Reminders
will make a good update. As of tomorrow, you
will need the new 2009 MI all species licenses if you
fish salmon and Trout. 3/30/09
Last Friday, what looks like another net marker buoy
was found approximately a mile south of the Manistee,
MI pier-heads. There was line attached buried in
the sand. Surf action washing onshore prevented
further investigation.
Click 3/28/09
net buoy
Sporadic attempts from our message board members
fishing Lake Michigan have not yielded not much to
show for their efforts ...yet! This weekend's
gale force winds will keep the early season anglers
off the big pond. March is proving at wild as
ever. At midnight last night, it was snowing at
a good clip at my place in Manistee, MI.
There's little really true information concerning our
sport of big water trolling. We grab onto any
info in the hopes it will make our time on the water
more productive. One of the fairy tales I fell
for big time was dark days, means dark lures.
I measure success in small steps and accomplished
another goal yesterday by reinstalling my Mercruiser
outdrive. Test fired the motor in the driveway with
water to the engine via a hose and earmuffs. It
ran just fine!
Click freshly greased u-joint 3/26/09
Like many of you, I'm getting antsy and readying my
lake boat for service. Charging the batteries
and general maintenance tasks have been accomplished. Taking
time to do it 100% right the first time means less
grief down the road.
Is there such a thing as free press? In
Manistee, MI it does not exist. Local TV
stations do not report both sides of the story about
the Manistee LRB trap netting fiasco in fear of losing
advertising revenue/i.e. big dollars from Indian
Going to try real hard not to vent, but I must issue a
stern warning for all waters north and south of
Manistee, MI. Buoys and line from nets have
washed ashore! 3/23/09 Since the first of this year, I've completed 7 new pages. 6 of them are brand new fishing articles that are connected to our fishery. Please use the below links:
We're very grateful to everyone who
purchased during our early preseason sale. 3/22/09
All spring promotional sales ends tonight at midnight.
We will be shipping herring 3/21/09
Just one day left to take advantage spring tackle sale
on flies, bait, line and storage cases for flies, or
meat rigs.
Click for
michigan angler webstore
Hallelujah! Spring 2009 has finally arrived.
Mr. Winter 2008-2009 was one mean sucker and died a
dreadful slow death yesterday spitting snow and temps
in to 20s in Manistee, MI. Temp last night was
chilly too, in the mid teens! 3/19/09
Today's featured photo shows a modification to the protector sleeve that
helps keep the Mylar strands under control with snelled double trebles.
Click for this
3/18/09 Took
full advantage of yesterday's sneak peek of soon to be
here: spring weather! Fished the upper section Big
Manistee River (High Bridge down) with Capt. Tom
Rasmussen from Sue Lee Charters in Manistee, MI.
Click for T-4 Flatfish
Patrick's Day:
Last week WI website
member jlars and his buddy, Ham went hardwater
Steelhead fishing. After boring thru 2' of ice
with they set lines and were soon rewarded with the
chunky Steelhead that ate a spawn sack.
Click for this stocky fish 3/16/09 It's Steelheading time on the
Big Manistee River. Recent warming temps for
Manistee County have been pushing 50 degrees lately
and will go higher this week. Yep, the 2009 fishing
season is finally here and don't let no one tell you
When we're born, we don't pick our names. Our
parents get do that job. I learned early on in
grade school with the last name of King my classmates
had an open door to razz me. Especially, if I
didn't exceed the going standard. This has
carried over thru all my adult life where the ultimate
best is sacrosanct in all my endeavors.
3/14/09 Let's look at the advantages
of using the internet to buy tackle from me.
First is the selection in all colors and sizes that no
tackle store can afford to stock. Second is easy
button part that involves no driving and the webstore
is open 24/7.
3/13/09 Today, thru this Sunday you
can buy my number 1 selling X-Glow Sea Green fly.
Plus, the newly introduced 2009 King Purple Glo Fly
that's clone to the hot selling number one in BTI 10"
flasher sales, the King Purple Glo.
Click for flies on sale
If you live in deer country, you probably know this
already. The edges of the highways are packed
with deer in the early and late hours of daylight.
So, be careful!
3/11/09 Today, I come to you with a
heavy heart with a reprehensible announcement
concerning the Port of Manistee, MI. It seems
like the Little River Band tribal netters pulled the
same crap they did last season by leaving their nets
in all winter.
Esteemed website
member, Mike R found this is link to the MDNR
trying to develop a new strain of Brown Trout:
Click for this article
Click 17#
2002 Brown
3/9/09 Today
let's focus on the vanished Lk. MI Brown Trout Fishery
in Manistee, MI. From the early 1990s thru 2001
my charter guests would boat between 200 to 300 Browns
in the month of April alone. In 2001 I wrote a
"tell all" exclusive article for instant success on
shoreline hugging April Brown trout.
Brown Trout 7.0
3/8/09 Looks like the Jordon River
National Fish Hatchery might get 2.5 mil from the
federal stimulus fund. This facility raises
about 2 million Lake Trout annually. 3/7/09 A couple of important things
on today's agenda. First is we spring forward
one hour as we adjust for Daylight Saving Time
3/6/09 Today's update is about saving
major cash by cleaning the inside of your computer at
least once a year. I clean mine with compressed
air in my shop, but you can buy canned air at any
office supply that will do the job just as well.
Computer fans move massive amounts of air to cool the
case, CPU, and power supply.
Incredible temps in the 50s for Manistee County are
predicted for tomorrow. If this doesn't give you
a case of severe spring fever, not much else will.
Posted a couple archived photos
from back in my charter and river guide days as
temporary fix. 3/3/09 March comes in as a Lion and
goes out like a Lamb? Not quite sure how to
interpret that saying for this March, cuz that Lion
needs replacing with frost-bit Siberian Tiger.
Probably, like many of you ...for the past few nights
we've had a steady diet of zero and below zero low
3/1/09 temp at 10am in Manistee
3/2/09 Lot's of great things in store
for us this month. Next Friday, the Flint
Steelheaders Show at Birch Run, MI begins. I'll
post exact times and dates later this week. In a
departure from the past in 2009 I will not be doing
this event.
2/28/09 Following up on yesterday's monel wire line rod photo
from the 1940s ..is my pleasure. Monel wire has
been around a long time, dating back to the 1930s at
least. Monel is a way to fish deep. The
wire takes your lure down, but it's done with extreme
amounts of line. To hazard a guess, I'd say you
need 500' off the reel to get down to the 100' range
with an unweighted straight monel rig.
Click 1940s monel caught Laker 2/27/09 Whitefish
are the species targeted most by commercial net
fishermen. More than like you'll never catch on
when you're trolling for Salmon and Trout. In
four decades of fishing the Great Lakes I've only
boated 3 Whitefish that struck lures. So, these
fish are few and far between for the average troller.
Whitefish catch
2/26/09 Need to
change focus today to the new King Purple Glo trolling
fly introduced this past Monday was made to match the
flashers. In case you don't know the story
behind this pattern, it was originally requested by
one of our WI website members.
Flat calm water in the middle of the day is a hidden
resource not many choose to that advantage of.
That's the good news, cuz you'll have this water and
time frame mostly to yourself. The big morning
rush is gone and fishing pressure will not increase
until later in the afternoon. Most of the fleet
relies on the early/late low light periods to produce.
This is for those that lack confidence pulling an all
attractor program.
2/24/09 Today's featured dual photo shows
the 2 boats I've fished out of most since 2004, after leaving the
charter business in 2003. John J's, "Megan Ann" is a 23' 4-Winns
and mine is below, an older 1979 22' Sea Ray. There are
differences in these 2 boats.
It's about time for a fresh caught fish photo and
thanks to Nick L, aka No fish Nick website member we
have one. Last week Nick was casting off the
Milwaukee pier when his buddy CT hooked into a
colorful Brown Trout. Nick's best is small jigs
tied with marabou & hackle just like flies.
Kinda non traditional, but it works!
Click WI Brown
2/22/09 Haven't
adjusted my snow gauge in quite a while.
February 2009 has been tame compared to frigid January
and last December's record snowfalls.
2/21/09 Mentioned the king anchor on trap nets yesterday that
warrants further explanation. King anchor is
further west by as much as a 1/4 mile from the flag on
the trap net pot. I lost a cannon ball to the
line to a king anchor last summer down towards Big
Sable from a next to impossible to see milk jug.
Until we were right on it. 2/20/09 Good news on the net deal in Manistee. The hard to see deep-side King anchor on trap nets will now be marked with more than a floating milk jug. Here's an email from Lt. Dave Deforest explaining the situation: Evening Capt. John: We, the NRC and I, presented the Tribal Council with a new regulation on marking trap nets. The markings were agreed on late last year by the Tribal fishers and the other anglers (charter and sport), thru numerous meetings. The new markings are as follows: 1. Lead, shore side, 4 foot staff buoy
with orange and black flags RE your King and Zebra mussels, the
whitefish are full of adult Zebra mussels.
2/19/09 Southern
Lake Michigan (IN & IL) anglers have been fed
misinformation and mistakenly think commercially
prepared strips are the only way to go. I've
haven used a store bought prepared piece of meat since
2005. I've ran both and had a bunch better fish
production with either hand-cuts or whole bait.
Click & judge for yourself
2/18/09 Took a
photo on 7/5/08 that's fascinated me ever since.
We caught a OK rogue 12# King about 3 miles north of
Big Point Sable. This was a deep fish that hit a
rigger 180' down over 200 FOW. Wanted to see
exactly what this "Nemo" Salmon was eating down deep
and opened it up to examine the stomach contents.
2/17/09 Finished
a new article about the Spectra fiber so-called, super
lines. Those newer to big water fishing will
probably benefit most. Fishermen from all skill
levels and years of experience on the water visit this
2/16/09 In
1923 upon opening King Tut's 3000 year old tomb
Lord Carnarvon asked, "do you see
anything thing?" Seeing by the flicker of candle light Howard Carter
replied, "yes, wonderful things." That pretty much sums up the
same way I feel about 2009.
2/15/09 Daytona 500 later this
afternoon is one of the few places you can see fully
USA made cars. All be it may, they're hand
built. You can't show me one other place in the
world where any country races versions similar to
their highway passenger cars at close to 190 mph for
500 miles. Then do it on a oval track with 30
some degree banking racing bumper to bumper with
168,00 fans in the stands and many millions watching
on TV. The USA is one helluva grand country when
you get down to it!
Spectra braided lines have been in vogue since the
early to mid 1990s. The thin diameter works
wonders for attaining depth with divers, but there's
another use as line for downrigger rods. I have
3 rigger rods set with braid and 3 rigger sticks with
2/13/09 Please take a long hard
look at today's featured photo of the three Diawa 47
reels. These reels were spooled all the way to
the bottom with spectra braid line. You can
plainly see the progressive tension on the top of the
spool has cause the line beneath to get crushed, look
wavy, and become entangled.
Click compressed braid
2/12/09 MDNR
quote, "Since adult
deer have few natural predators, harvesting deer
through hunting helps to keep the herd in balance. A
deer herd can increase rapidly, therefore, it is
necessary to remove at least 1/4 of the deer herd each
year to maintain a healthy and stable population. In
most cases, half of these deer are antlerless." 2/11/09
Last fall the MDNR came out with a ban on deer baiting, or where I live
prohibit feeding the deer thru-out the winter. Winter feeding is
done so the deer don't maw down everything in sight, like all your
evergreen trees, shrubbery and blueberry bushes. 2/10/09 Water
temp by Tippy Dam on the Big Manistee is 33 degrees according to the
info supplied on the USGS website.
Click to explore this link.
The media has used several terms to describe the state
of our economy. Terms fishermen know darn well!
Re-session? ...to a fisherman that means going
back out to catch the evening bite, after being on the
pond in the morning. Depression? ...well ,the
fishing public gets lots of practice dealing with this
word. It's the sinking feeling in your gut from
a skimpy box when you grand plan goes down the tubes!
2/8/09 Big
Manistee River, 'bout time to think Steelhead.
The big river up by High Bridge Public Access had some
shelf ice last Friday. I expect these chunks
have broke loose from shore and the river down to Bear
Creek will soon be clear of all ice flows.
Noticed something I didn't see the last couple of
times when ordering Ande line from Bass Pro and
Cabalas. Seen this when we restocked our new
supply of Premium Triple Fish mono. That being:
Triple Fish line was shrink-wrapped to guarantee
freshness. The line received from the big box
stores wasn't!
fresh wrapped mono 2/6/09 Wanted to continue with more
info about the shocking rise in cases of triple S, but
it's far more important to debut a page supporting the
members of this website.
2/5/09 The CDC (Centers for Disease
Control) is closely monitoring a building tidal wave
of Salmon Serebellum Syndrome outbreaks. The
most effected areas of our nation is the Great Lakes
region and the Pacific Northwest from California to
2/4/09 The eternal proverb: "necessity is the
mother of invention." is credited by many to the
famed Athenian Greek author and philosopher, Plato
back in about 400 BC. While I didn't invent
insulated shipping cartons, we've been able to keep
costs low by making our own boxes for around 5 bucks.
building insulated shipping carton
All backlogged bait orders will be shipped today.
Normally, we ship bait on Mondays, but a delay in
shipping boxes being delivered ...put us behind a day.
This past Saturday I held a free workshop for our
website members.
Capt. Ken, Reed S, George B, Buckeye 2, & Dreamer
honored me with their presence from about noon to 4:30pm. We
covered many aspects of tactics for Great Lakes fishing. Our
members practiced on a few of the most effective knots. Plus, the
way we snell (tie) our deadly double treble hooks a.k.a. as 6 Pack
Click for 1/31/09 workshop
2/1/09 Super Bowl Sunday and one of
the slowest days for web traffic there is. So,
I'll save my comments about our recent workshop for
website members until tomorrow.
1/31/09 Holding a
in-house workshop today for some of our website
1/30/09 As we prepare to
say goodbye to January 2009, I say, "good riddance!"
The "inconvenient truth" is: this January is one of
the top 5 coldest since they began keeping records.
I can not recall one single day at my place where the
temp was above 32 degrees this month. Weeks of
zero and below zero for lows is how this frigid month
played out. Coldest recorded this month at my
place was 19 below at 6am last week.
1/29/09 It's about
time I turned into a cheerleader for the 2009 season.
Several good things are on the horizon. The new
3 rod rule will now apply to places like Saginaw Bay.
1/28/09 Need to pay
the bills with an informative commercial today about
bait and the products offered at my webstore:
1/27/09 It's my firm
contention later August and early September Salmon
fall into 2 categories. One being fish fully
intent on eating. The other is fully adult
Salmon that have the urge to just strike out at a
lure, but have lost the ability to swallow a meal due
to a shrunken belly/stomach. Much like fully
mature river Salmon known for not eating.
1/26/09 Need to
expand a little on yesterday's update concerning how
important good line is to Great Lakes fishing.
All mono lines on rigger rods take a tremendous amount
of abuse from being pulled thru the water vertically,
then subjected to wear & tear from any rigger release
mechanism. That's why it's in your best interest
to use 25, or 30# test when towing expensive attractor
rigs. Click if you
line or
bait for 09
1/25/09 There's a lot of
new things you can get by without to fish the 2009
season. You don't need a new boat and loads of
new tackle. However, you'll need good fresh line
to ensure costly attractors and meat rigs/flies don't
break off for little or no reason. 1/24/09 Just not a lot of fishing orientated news out there right now. Big story from this past week is Gander Mountain is no longer a sponsor of the July Ludington, MI tournament in any way, shape or form. Ludington tournament is still on for July 2009. 1/24/09 Just not a lot of fishing orientated news out there right now. Big story for this past week is Gander Mountain is no longer a major sponsor of the July Ludington, MI tournament in any way, shape or form. Ludington tournament is till on for July 2009.
1/23/09 Let's close out the week on a high
note. Semi fostered by recent more normal temps in the 20s.
We've gained more that a half an hour of daylight since a month ago.
This shows winter is shrinking, all-be-it may ...ever so slowly!
1/22/09 Kinda didn't
give credit where credit was due in yesterday's update
about Capt. Paul Vantol. The rectify this
situation I need to make it clear I fished with savvy
Capt. Larry Buckle from Fish Patrol Charters.
Larry did a heck of a job on the Saginaw Bay Walleyes
and was a sheer pleasure to fish with. Plus,
Larry is one of the finest taxidermists in the State
of Michigan.
Click for
Capt. Larry's website
1/21/09 Looking for free
trustworthy fishing knowledge? If you live in
the Tri Cities area, or SE Michigan Capt. Paul Vantol
will be the guest speaker this evening for the Flint
Steelheaders monthly meeting.
Click for Capt. Vantol
Today history will be made as OUR USA swears in the
soon to be 44th President,
Barack Obama at noon today. This
is a man did not come from the politically elite and
rose to the highest office in OUR land. In spite
of being black and raised by a single mother and his
working class grandparents.
1/19/08 A minor heat
wave overtook Manistee County, MI yesterday. For
the first time in close to a week, daytime temps broke
20 degrees.
Today's featured photo was taken around 4:30pm and
read 20 degrees. It was a few degrees warmer
around 2pm.
1/18/09 Extended periods
of sub-normal winter temperatures effect the entire
biomass of Lake Michigan. This has been
evidenced by larger amounts of cold water waiting to
come ashore, like it has during the past couple, three
Augusts. Successful Manistee anglers have
adapted and learned to work inside of 30' to right on
the beach to catch. 1/17/09 Just looking forward to it warming up today. Cold weather means cold water, and that says seasonal adjusted temperatures for Lake Michigan could be on slide. This is in part from the ever clearing waters that absorb less sunlight. The other part is from how winter temps cools down the Great Lakes. Salmon that live in extended periods of water below their base metabolism restricts growth. Common sense says this. More on this topic tomorrow and included temp effects on bait and active Salmon temps.
1/16/09 T.G.I.F!
Some weeks are better left forgotten and this week is
a prime example of that. Pushed about another 1'
snow that had built up in my driveway since the past
Monday. Thermometer at my place never rose above
4 degrees yesterday. Tomorrow's update will look
at how severely colder winters can mean smaller fish.
1/15/09 This bitter cold
snap has me appreciating the extra fishing day John J
and I took last 9/2/08. This was an unplanned
adventure, but the lake was supposed to behave itself
and there were fish waiting to be caught!
for a warm 9/2/08 fish pic
1/14/09 Let's focus
on some tackle that works in today's featured twin
1/13/09 Installed
1 lb. bulk spools of
Triple Fish Premium Perlon mono line in 25 and 30
lb. test at the webstore. Special introductory pricing
at 29.95 a spool, 9 bucks below retail for the first 5
spools sold. We learned in 2008 this line is far
superior both Big Game & Ande. This excellent
line is worth every cent of 38.95 a spool. More on
this in the future.
1/12/09 After some
final proof reading, a new slant on catching fish in
the middle of the day called "Mid Day Mayhem" will
debut ...hopefully, later today. 1/11/09 Getting ready for some very important announcements this week. Fresh news on bait shipping policies and a brand new article will debut early this week. Please be sure to check back tomorrow for an important message concerning the future of this website.
1/10/09 Need to
update my Manistee snowometer to 97 inches since last
Nov. Got about 5 inches total last week.
Generally, the first week or two we'll get a January
1/9/09 In doing
research for a future article I ran across several
archived photos of the past seasons since I went into
tackle manufacturing in 2004. Reminiscing these
images brought to mind the disparities between the
seasons since i2k. Ever mindful of tougher one's
like the 2008 season played out to be.
Click decent 2006 fish box
Today's to-do list begins starting on our new 2009
Members Services Page. This is for our message
board members to show case their companies, or what
they do. We have a vast talent pool of members
the world should know about. 1/7/09 My prediction
for the 2009 will be a rerun of the 2008 season.
We will have some OK fishing for Kings, but you'll
need to be spot on. Gone are the easy-easy days
like 2003 thru 2007 for now. I expect Kings will
be more plentiful in 2010 evidenced by the large
number of juveniles fitting the 2 year bracket we
caught in 2008. 1/5/09 Let's start
off the first Monday in our new year of 2009 with a
world debut of a brand new article about hooking up on
fish. This work is called 6 Pack Stickers,
referring to 6 sticking points on two treble hooks.
for new 6 Pack Stickers
1/4/09 Ove from
Sweden's Team Extreme emailed me a New Years greeting,
along with a photo of a huge Atlantic Salmon.
Ove said this fish was over 20 pounds, but it looks
more like over 30 to me. Not sure if Team
Extreme caught this Salmon in the Baltic Sea, or in
Sweden's largest lake, Lake Vättern.
for this fish 1/3/09 Here's a good idea: Pre-dating some of the checks you have to the last two digits "09" saves scribbling over "08." Al least it does for me until embedding 2009 is firmly in my head. Lots of great things in store for next week. Including a brand new article that will be announced this coming Monday. More new fishing works will debut about one a week during this month of January, 2009. 1/2/09 While to 2009
big water season is a good 3 to 4 months away, the promise of
what awaits us is a mystery. Mystery is good, cuz I view
2008 as a horror story with gas prices that kept many away
from fishing the Great Lakes. In the best case fishing
scenario pressure was down as much as 50% from what I saw with
my own eyes. 1/1/09 Happy New Year!