Archived Updates from July, August & September 2011
9/30/11 Deer baiting becomes
legal once again tomorrow. 2 gallons of deer food
spread over a 10' by 10' area is the rule set forth by
the MDNR.
9/28/11 trail cam does
9/29/11 NW gale force winds
to 40 knots is the reel story for the Port of Manistee,
MI today. Building huge seas making waves from 12'
to 18' by tonight. Surf's up!
9/28/11 Late September is
producing excellent fishing for Kings now. Based
on this time frame MI & WI catch rates are ahead of last
year's at S. central & central Lk. MI ports.
9/27/11 There's multi state
movement afoot to quell the threat of Asian Carp
building sustainable populations in the Great Lakes thru
the Chicago Canal.
9/26/11 Fishing was OK out
of Manistee this past weekend as Lk. MI continues to
cooperate with the weekend fleet. This is a
radical departure from what a "normal" late September is
like, meaning lots of wind. Next year's juvenile
crop Kings comprised most of the catch off Manistee's
shelf, along with a few Steelhead.
9/25/11 The E shore of Lk.
MI is playing nice this September so far with waters
that are fishable. Generally, later Sept. brings
wind and lots of it. Received a decent phoned in
report this morning from Sheboygan, WI on 2 and 3 year
old juvenile Kings.
9/24/11 In 2011 all 2
million Chinook/King Salmon stocked by the MDNR have
coded wire tag in their snout along with an adipose fin
clip. This will provide more scientific data on
where and when fish were planted. Having this new
crop of tagged fish will better sort out the possible
overblown conjecture on "estimated" natural reproducing
Kings. 9/23/11 First day of autumn 2012 and T.G.I.F.
9/22/11 If today's update
doesn't frost your cookies? ...nothing will!
But, first let's explore the facts involved with the
member's of the LRB of Indians who have treaty rights
guaranteeing super/special citizen status and by tribal
law they can spear Salmon.
9/21/11 NOAA wind and wave
forecast says 2 days of S at 15 to 25 knots with gusts
to 30, then shifting to a W wind about the same
intensity. This will push the thermocline deeper
off the Port of Manistee, MI. In turn, ridding my
home port of extended stay of cold water that has kept
the fish scattered here to points unknown
9/20/11 Sketchy info from
last weekend's results in Manistee, MI say juvenile
Kings in the top 60' on metal. Dedicated meat
fishermen were pulling adult King even at this late
stage of the game. Big and Little Manistee Rivers?
...Kings are on their way upstream.
9/19/11 Let's travel back in
time before the era of cell phones in the 1970s thru the
later 1990s. In those bygone days of yesteryear
fleet wide communication was done strictly by marine
band, or CB radio. Beauty of CBs was limited range
of maybe 3 miles. So, you knew whoever was over
the hotspot ...was fairly close.
9/18/11 I don't have a clue
about what happened yesterday in Manistee, MI with the
fishing. Tying up loose ends on outside projects,
taking inventory, and working tackle store orders kept
me to busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking
9/17/11 There's more hills,
valleys, twists, and turns every season, then there is
on West Virginia Turnpike. Take this season
for instance.
9/16/11 Good luck to all
fishing today and this weekend. Hope to have more for
you by this afternoon. Rough seas have kept the
fleet tied to the dock most of the week. Making it
extra difficult for share a fishing forecast/report from
Manistee, MI.
9/15/11 Forecast for this
coming weekend looks favorable for the fleet.
Predicted seas for central Lk. MI are 1 footers for
Saturday with 2 to 3s for Sunday.
9/14/11 As this Lk. MI
season winds down it's exciting to look to forward to
next year. If you were impressed by the size of
the King Salmon in 2011? ...hang onto your hat in 2012.
Saying Lk. MI is on an upswing is a gross
9/13/11 Last weekend's
recount of the Salmon action off the Port of Manistee,
MI reveals those who fished straight out did OK.
This is proven with Brad P's double digit catch of
Salmon. He said 300' of copper with the OCS combo
was good.
9/12/11 Today's update is
courtesy of Gordon A. A former charter guest of
mine & current tackle customer. My association
with Gordon spans about 20 years, or more. 9/11/11 This website is closed today to honor and respect the victims in the WTC sneak attack that happened 10 years ago. Normal updates will resume tomorrow.
9/10/11 Need to clear up a
misconception and eliminate any confusion concerning
the future of this website. This website will not be
shutting down on 10/1/11.
9/9/11 Reel-decent weather
is what weekend fleet can expect for this Saturday &
Sunday with seas in the 1' to 2' range according to
this forecast (click).
9/8/11 Fished Manistee for a
few hours yesterday morning. Water temp on the
shelf was 49 to 51 degrees and turned much colder about
20'-25' down . We did a 3 mile N troll in 70 to
100 fow from the 12s to the 15s. We had one hit on
a rigger 50' down.
9/7/11 Last weekend's N blow
has moved cold water onshore with surface temps in the
high 40s and low 50s. This makes fishing more
challenging with an expanded playground for adult Salmon
that could be anywhere.
9/3/11 Arcadia, MI King
9/6/11 Big news today is the
formal announcement to sell my tackle manufacturing
business. I'm looking at 65 in November and can no
longer push myself as hard as I did even a few years
back. Lk. MI's resurgence back to the land of 20
pound Kings, some to and past 30 ...says the time is
right to sell! I am keenly aware the reel-net
worth of my company is the fishing contacts, friends and
customers made over the many seasons.
My tackle company is officially for
sale If you have no grandiose ideas about getting rich quick in the tackle business I'm willing to negotiate terms of this sale. Please consider this as a total turn key business with an existing cash flow without mass marketing to larger outlets, ...lets get serious and talk
9/5/11 Labor Day Weekend
fishing in Manistee, MI lasted thru Sat. evening with
building seas. Sunday the wind started to blow
around 20 knots from the N & increased to over 30 knots
by the evening pushing 5' to 8' waves. More of the
same is on tap for today.
9/3/11 Good luck and safe
times afloat this Labor Day Weekend. Recreation is
what makes life worth living and refreshes the soul from
today's pressure cooker culture.
9/2/11 Manistee, MI's First
Street Public Boat Launch is under major construction as
of yesterday morning. The normal exit is blocked.
Just return the same way you came in.
9/1/11 Today I have
successfully completed 27 Augusts in the fishing
business. 20 as a charter skipper and river guide.
Plus, the last 7 as a tackle manufacturer. My only
regret is not starting sooner in both cases when I was
8/31/11 The history book on
August 2011 closes today. We all learned to expect
the unexpected with the return to larger Salmon.
Even though, the Lk. MI season started off slow, it's not
how it starts?'s how a season ends up that counts.
8/30/11 Today's update began
on the phone with Craig from Capt. Chucks in Ludington
ordering more of my tackle for their store yesterday.
Click Capt. Chucks
tackle store
8/29/11 Congratulations to
Team Getaway for winning the big deal Benzie Frenzy
Tournament held at Frankfort, MI this past weekend.
Capt. Bob K leads his team that includes his dad, Bob
Sr. They won the big fish award for this event too.
Along with 2nd place in the tournament within a
tournament, the 333.
Click Frankfort winning big King
8/28/11 Today's headline
photo is a 29.9 pound King caught yesterday by Team
Getaway in Frankfort's Benzie Frenzy Tournament.
Click 29.9 Frankfort, MI King
8/27/11 NOAA increased the
wind and wave forecast a slightly yesterday. 1-3s,
then 2 to 4 footers later today. Tomorrow is 1 to
3s. Wind is
suppose to be 15 to 25 knots.
8/26/11 Good news for the
Lk. MI fleet. Hurricane Irene is parked over the E
seaboard. Trapping a stable weather over Michigan
for the next several days. Seas are predicted at 1
to 3 footers. Then, diminishing to 1 footers by
early next week, if all holds true.
8/25/11 This is probably the
busiest weekend for the Great Lakes trailer boat fleet.
Please remember ramp etiquette by turning off your
headlights if you're launching, or retrieving your boat
in the dark. Have your boat ready to go and splash
8/24/11 Saying the return of
20 to 30 pound Salmon to Lk. MI is an understatement.
Especially, considering the inshore fishery limping
along with small catch numbers thru the 2nd-3rd of July
at central Lk. MI ports this season.
8/22/11 25# Manistee King
8/23/11 Unlike at this time
last year, the weekend warrior fleet is gonna catch a
reel-break on upcoming 4, 5, and 6 foot seas predicted for
today and tomorrow. Then, towards the weekend the
forecast is much more favorable for the trailer boat
8/22/11 S and SW wind
improved the catching at the central Lk. MI ports of
Ludington, Manistee, and Frankfort. Temp was said
to have moved down to around the 70' range.
8/21/11 To big water Salmon
anglers this time of the season is their birthday, Super
Bowl, Christmas and World Series all wrapped up into
8/20/11 5 decades of Great
Lakes history has taught me the 20th of August thru
September 10th is best for numbers of Salmon. So,
enjoy next 3 weeks. I know I will!
8/19/11 Recent S & SW
wind have pushed the thermocline a little deeper to
50-55'. This is about 25' deeper then what I saw
last Tuesday.
8/18/11 Two days ago, or
this past Tuesday ...Grant F and I boated the largest
King aboard my boat since probably about 2007.
Click for this Bad Boy Bruiser
8/17/11 The setup on today's
fish tale began yesterday morning a little after 7am 8
miles south on Manistee, MI on Lk. MI. The seas
were glassy calm and the fish were high, due to the temp
break being only 25' down.
Click table top 5/16/11 flat seas
8/16/11 It's remarkable how
a flasher that started out as a joke ended up ruling the
roost in Manistee. Here's an unsolicited
testimonial from Manistee, MI:
8/15/11 Continuous brisk
winds from the N kept the majority of the fleet dockside
yesterday at central Lk, MI ports. Waves were
diminishing as of last evening.
8/14/11 Stimulus (OCS)
flasher pattern introduced last Aug. is still earning
it's keep!
8/13/11 Looking for
something out of the ordinary?'s story meets
that criteria!
"Well it finally came together Thursday morning about 10:00 AM.
I found a ball of bait and caught enough alewives to get started with.
Rigged up and turned back around for a first trolling run through the
same bait ball.
In my kayak, out of Arcadia, trolling X-Glow King Kryptonite super mag
meat head with a 6 inch alewife rigged to spin effectively 18
feet behind a dipsy set on 3 and 15 feet back over 25 feet of water
(bait ball was about 10 feet down).
Got through the bait ball and BAM. Now the fun began!!!
Needless to say, but I did have to unwrap the line from around the
second dipsy line several times. Had to hand line the last 10
feet, or so ...since I had such a long leader, but the fish did
finally make it into the kayak. Must have pulled me quite a ways
before coming to the 'yak. FUN!
Click 8/11/11 Arcadia
Kayak King
Took one picture, but managed to get my own forearm in it. Anyway, I
think you can appreciate the effort that this took. See attached
for proof that the above is very true. Couldn't have happened
without your fine product."
Thanks again, Chuck ....aka website member Cbull
8/12/11 Central Lk. MI wind begins
today WSW, then swinging to SSW. Saturday's wind
direction goes SSE becoming ENE in the afternoon.
Sunday's breeze will be directly from the N going NNE is
the evening. Monday's N wind stabilizes into:
light & variable by Tues.
8/11/11 Sustained strong NW
wind at 20 to 30 knots that lasted thru noon yesterday.
Wind has been going down ever since, but not by much.
8/10/11 Check out today's
starring photo of a 24 pound King caught off Big Point
Sable yesterday morning. It's not hard to verify
the size of this King that's every bit of 36 inches long.
Just use the 12" Mamba for a guesstimation ruler.
8/9/11 The best part of our
Salmon season for the big water fishermen still awaits
us with great promise. Last 10 days of August and
first week of September is the pinnacle for numbers.
Look for a few Adult Coho to show up by the August 20th
off Manistee, MI.
8/8/11 Today's photo of the
day transcends all ages. Whether your 6, or 65 we
all have the same beaming smug grin on Ethan's face,
...even if it's on the inside Reel pride comes in
when you master a fish to the net and feel in control of
your own destiny. Thanks to Ethan's dad, Jamie G
aka "the Luce" for sharing.
Click for
Ethan's grin
8/7/11 Reel facts from
Manistee, MI begin with the better catches coming from
south of port. Guerney Creek to Big Point Sable
produced boxes of 3 to 7 big adult Kings (high end
numbers) in the mid-teens to the lower 20 lb. bracket.
Biters are 30' to 60' down range spread out from
the bottom depths of 60' to 300'. Temp is still
high, like 25'-30' down.
8/6/11 Yesterday spelled
tough fishing for the Manistee, MI sports fleet.
Throw in a very high messed up thermocline at only 22'
down, glassy flat calm seas, gin clear waters, and it's
no small wonder why fish were so hard to come by.
8/5/11 Captain's Log
Supplemental: Fished from 7am to 9am this
morning. Took a goodie on the New 2012 Smurf Mamba at
7am, and missed another fish on this same rig at 8am.
Pulled lines at 9am and was home by 10:30am.
Click 2012 Smurf Mamba King
8/4/11 Recent happenings
from Manistee, MI is big Kings at, pushing, or over 20
pounds. Sports fleet catch numbers are from 1 to 3
fish a boat per morning, or evening trip. Dialed
in charter boats are doing somewhat better, ...if they
land in the right spot.
8/3/11 Today, central Lk. MI
is supposed to be lumpy with strong winds from the N
pushing 4'-6' seas. Tomorrow the waves will little
more tolerable at 2s and 3s according to NOAA.
These N winds will shake up the Salmon fishery and raise
the thermocline.
8/2/11 Big Kings have
returned to WI's KD big fish contest. 32 pounder
is leading and it takes a 27 and change to make the top
10 on the leader board. Wasn't that many years back when
a mid 20s King was a winner. One thing I can share
with you about the KD WI bite is riggers are slow, but
wire divers and copper are producing.
8/1/11 August, the big time
Salmon fishing and it's here! This is the month
all dyed in the wool Salmon fishermen wait for. As
the run of returning fish build, you won't have to look
for them. The fish return to parenting streams and
planting sites near you!
7/31/11 Here's a quote from
Mike G about his 7/28/11 fishing trip out of the Port of
Kewanee, WI, "Ran other stuff til 7:30 am then
dropped 3 meat rigs and caught one on each with in a
hour. Out of Kewaunee harbor"
for Mike's WI catch
7/30/11 Yesterday we put
over 50 scenic miles on my boat out of Port of Leland,
MI. Started at N Manitou Island, then traveled S Manitou Island before
calling it quits around 1pm. Main reason for
leaving the north island? ...we were amongst a
pack of 10-15 boats and never seen a net go down.
Click Leland Puke BTI King
7/29/11 Posted one of the
best photos ever taken with the tackle we make courtesy
of Lk. Ontario's Capt. Ryan Hare. A monster King
with our 12" King Kryptonite flasher pointed at the
camera is one helluva amazing photo!
Click for this truly awesome picture!
7/28/11 Today's top featured
photo proves Salmon with hit more that just green
trolling flies. Our Black Mamba Glow has been hot
in Frankfort lately. I have a photo of 27.25 pound
Master Angler King caught on the Mamba Fly, but the
photo was shot in very low resolution and not suitable
for publishing.
Click Black Mamba Fly proof
7/27/11 Yesterday N & NW
wind was the deal in Manistee, MI. Tonight the
wind is supposed to shift to the E. Generally,
these conditions are favorable for Kings caught in and
around the pier heads. Time will tell if this
plays out today.
Click 7/24/11 King
7/26/11 The story of central
Lk. MI last weekend was definitely hit and miss.
Some of our members did 5 to 8 fish with some good sized
Kings. Others struggled to buy a bite. The
reoccurring common theme on the better King catches?
...the good boxes were taken inside the 100' depths
working structure ...just slightly below, or at the
7/25/11 The company that
made the inserts for our popular Meat Rigs &
Flasher Storage Cases has went out of business.
Not from having a great product, but probably from poor
management. It was always a chore to
contact them, or so it seemed.
7/24/11 Website members with
smart phones are posting reel-time port reports on our
message board. To someone of my generation (I'm
pushing 65) this form of communications is far beyond
anything in our wildest dreams.
7/23/11 Posted a new photo
of a very respectable 5 fish box for this season taken
off Arcadia, MI by Team Chummer. Chummer is
hitting his fish early and late, saying the bite was
done by 8am on morning outings.
Click 7/22/11 Chummer's Arcadia catch
7/22/11 This is tournament
week at my home port of Manistee, MI. Shared info
has tightened up and rightfully so. Tournament
competitors spend 100s of dollars in entry fees.
Their good info should remain on the QT for the time
7/21/11 Yesterday's plus 20
wind from the S and today's predicted W wind will drive
the thermocline deeper off Manistee, MI.
7/20/11 There's a new leader
atop the Lake Trout division in Alpena, MI's 37th Annual
Brown Trout Festival/Tournament caught by Team "4 C's."
This hog Laker tipped the scales at 20.65 pounds and is
currently 5 pounds ahead of second place!
7/19/11 The top 3 amateur boats
scored more points then the top pro fishermen in the
recent Ludington Offshore Classic held last weekend.
This proves there is absolutely no such thing as
amateurs when it comes to fishing money tournaments!
7/18/11 There's a grand
feeling that goes into planning a trip on the Great
Lakes. Kinda like when you're a kid waiting for
Santa to arrive on Christmas Eve. Anticipation has
a hold on me, cuz I know I will be going fishing this
week come hell, or high water!
7/17/11 Big story is the 90
some degree heat wave we'll be enduring this week thru
next Saturday. Last year we had just a couple of
90 degree days in Manistee County, MI. This year
we're going to have several days with the thermometer
reaching into 90s.
7/16/11 The Little Manistee
River received a small run of Kings last week.
Normally, this happens around the 4th of July when the
first fish of the season begin showing up.
7/15/11 The heat wave that's
been sweltering the mid section of our country is moving
north. By Sunday going into Monday temps in the
central portion of Lk. MI will be in the 90s. Long
range forecast says 90s are going to be with us most of
next week.
7/14/11 Full moon is
tomorrow night and I'm seriously considering fishing the
evening till about midnight, then head in. Seas
are on my side, but thunderstorms are predicted.
7/13/11 Yesterday, spoke
with a charter skipper from Ludington who I respect
greatly. He said charter boats were averaging
about 2 to 4 fish a trip. Withholding his name, so
no one to accuse him of painting a bleak picture that
might hold charter customers back.
7/12/11 Last weekend Lk. MI
ports of Leland to Pentwater showed what a
humbling sport chasing fish on the Great Lakes can be.
7/10/11 Manistee King
7/11/11 Sketchy details at
best means I'm better off delaying today's discussion
until I have something rock-solid to report.
Limited info says Michigan waters of Lk. Mi was no bed
of roses. Saginaw Bay was decent if you were in
the right area to pull keepers?
7/10/11 Haven't heard
anything too hot about this weekend's fishing off
Manistee, or Ludington, MI yet. Preliminary
reports from our website members say it's been tough and
all mention heavy concentrations of bait on the inshore
7/9/11 Owning a boat comes
with a responsibility to make sure everything is
shipshape before venturing out on the Great Lakes.
You owe it to yourself and crew.
7/8/11 Prime time for summer
Salmon begins in about 10 days, then builds thru August
into early September. One of the biggest fears all
Lk. MI fishermen have is a bait fish crash like what
happened in Lk. Huron during the early i2ks.
7/7/11 Two reel-stories for
you today. First one kinda explains why
recent Manistee, MI fishing has been hit, or miss.
It's water temperature is goofed up. From top to
bottom on Manistee's shelf is locked in with all warm
water. Meaning no thermocline to speak of. This
defies explanation to have this much warm water so early
in the season in spite of the cold ...delayed spring.
For a 4th weekend 11:30am Manistee King
click here.
7/5/11 Northern Michigan had
a beautiful 4th of July Weekend. Not too hot, or
too cold, just right with blue skies & temps in the low
Click teener 7/4/11 Manistee King
7/4/11 Weather for the 4th
of July weekend in Manistee, MI has been great, but the
big lake fishing has left a lot to be desired.
Those fishing S of port to a few miles north of Big
Point Sable are not finding much on the inside of the
200' depths.
7/1/11 Have a safe and very
enjoyable 4th of July Holiday Weekend. Like you
I'm going to take some time off from my normal daily
duties including updates. Need a break to put some
distance between myself and any form of work, go