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Capt. John's Encyclopedia of Tips and Trix
Spanning a 36 year career as a Great Lakes Fisherman and 22 years as a full time charter operator on Lakes Erie, Huron & Michigan. 18 years of guiding on the Big Manistee River too! You'll gain full access to the hot lures of the day the best times, and what's working and what's not. There's almost 50 info packed articles presented from the view
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This area used to be absolutely free and was for 4 years. However, rampant sharing of member's private links, and most importantly internet piracy has forced mw to go the route of password word protection. To put it simply, how would you like to work on an article for a good long day, then see your
intellectual property, photos or excerpts from website posted on someone else's website almost word for word.
So, I hope you understand my reasoning and the issues I'm up against