Free Wallpaper
Free Fish Fhotos to Dress-Up Your Computer
Complete instructions at the bottom of this page


I'll be posting images resized to either 800x600, or 1024x768 for your desktop.
These 2 sizes represent what most of us are using for a screen resolution.
I have seasonal photos reflecting our ever changing fishing seasons as time
goes on.  I do know I have some of the best fish pictures on internet and
sharing them with you is my sincere pleasure.

800x600_Steelhead_Lures.jpg (136046 bytes)1024x768_Steelhead_Lures.jpg (197824 bytes)Flatfish_1024x768.jpg (286519 bytes)Flatfish_800x600.jpg (183787 bytes)
     800x600   1024x768  1024x768 800x600
7.2.04_Hot_Flashers.jpg (279454 bytes)7.2.04_Hot_Flashers.jpg (175121 bytes)8.13.04_Last_Seminar_001.jpg (200650 bytes)8.13.04_Last_Seminar 001.jpg (296295 bytes)
 1024x768 800x600 800x600 1024x768
9.21.04_Warrens_catch 001.jpg (231922 bytes)wpe2B.jpg (57897 bytes)Brown_Trout.1024x768.jpg (190773 bytes)Brown_Trout.800x600.jpg (160902 bytes)
J-Plug1024x768  800x600  Browns 1024x768 Browns 800x600
Steelhead_Flatfish.jpg (193204 bytes)Steelie_Flatfish.800x600.jpg (119512 bytes)Sunrise.1024x768.jpg (77038 bytes)Sunrise.800x600.jpg (195885 bytes)
Steelie 1024x768 Steelie 800x600 Sunrise 1024x768

Sunrise 800x600

Novi_Model_800x600.jpg (67203 bytes)Winter_Scene_002.jpg (273199 bytes)Winter_Scene_8x6.jpg (172001 bytes)Wallpa2.jpg (76294 bytes)
Novi Hottie 800x600 Winter Scene 10x7 Winter scene 6x8 800x600
RickPritchard31noText.JPG (157447 bytes)RickPritchard31noText10x7.JPG (234175 bytes)

Instructions to copy and save photo

1. Click one of thumbnails above that suits the resolution you have your computer monitor set at. 
2. Let your computer load the image completely.  Patience is the key, because either file size is large.  
3. Move the mouse cursers towards the upper right hand corner of the photo.  
4. Click the floppy icon and a box will pop-up asking you if you want to save the photo.  
5. Be sure to save the photo to your "My Pictures" folder.  And remember exactly where it's at.
   Here's a handy tip: Keep your file system organized, so you can always find what you're looking for.
   Be sure to make a new folder for every year, this is done by clicking the "new folder icon" when
   your "My Pictures" folder opens up.  The icon to click will be in the header,

Instructions to display a fishin' photo on your "Desktop"

1. Go to your start button, click it so the program menus come up.
2. Click on your "control panel," then look for the "display icon." 
3. Click on the display icon, a display properties will pop-up, click on the desktop tab.
4. Towards the middle left, there's a "browse" button.  
5. This button opens up your file system where the image that you copied from my site is stored.
6. Click on the saved image and it will light up. 
7. Click open the that image you saved is now in the "display properties" box.  
8. Click apply, and pesto-amazo you're good to go.
   Here's a tip:  you can use your own photos, or images in your own "My Pictures" folder too.
   Just be sure the image is the right size,  Choose tile, or center if you can not re-size the images.
   However, in most cases, picture images from a digital camera are gonna be too large to fit.

I know it might sound kinda convoluted, if you haven't installed a photo on
your desktop before.  But in reality, this whole deal ain't gonna take you 5 minutes. 

MichiganSportsman Copyright©2000-2005