9/30/07 If
there's any doubt why fish hit meat, today's featured photo
certainly clears up any gray area. Click
for obvious meat proof Some things in plain sight need to
be seen, rather than a long wordy explanation leading to a sales
By the way, the piece of fillet featured in
this photo is the one that caught the fish. Sometimes the fish
tear up the bait, but in the case, the meat was still perfect! 9/29/07
Day of fall 2007 started 6 days ago on 23rd. Hunting will be
the big deal for about the next 2 months. Bow hunting for
whitetails starting this Monday.
Manistee River is decent fishing for
river-run Kings. Pine Creek, a tributary of the Big Manistee
has Kings in fair numbers. Pine Creek is a listed Trout Stream
and the season for fishing this small stream closes tomorrow on the
30th. 9/27/07
Inland Consent Decree is in the process of being agreed to.
All tribes seem to be in accord, with the exception of the UP Bay
Mills tribe. Biggest issue was the word,
"settled" with what it meant in 1836 and what it
means today. Yeah, right like our language has changed that
much! Click
for 9/26/07 MDNR announcement
There for a time, Michigan
Native Americans were pushing for access to private property, which
is now null and void. This is the only good thing that came
out of the mess. Stepping on the scared cow of property
ownership was not allowed.
OK, let's make some sense
with the wording of "Consent Decree." I did not
consent to anything, nor anyone I directly voted for, ....consent to
this. This was a cooked up backdoor done-deal where WE were
not given the right to vote on it.
Heretofore, when I mention this
decree mumbo-jumbo stuff, it will be known as the "Dissent
Decree," because no hunter, fisherman, or outdoorsman I know
would have ever voted for it, ...in the first place.
The Dissent Decree that
covers the Great Lakes will be up for renewal in about 12
years. What will the tribes demands be then? So, nothing
is really ever settled! 9/26/07
Anything that devalues our waters in the Great Lakes, makes it
easier down the road for dry parched states to siphon off from the Great
Lakes Basin. By down the road, I mean 25 to 50 years from now as
the population grows and the ever growing demand for fresh water
intensifies. Let's hope, smart people in the DNR & NRC recognize
this potential theft of our Great Lakes precious water
Las Vegas, NV is already fighting
to draw water by building a pipeline to a rich aquifer 300 miles to the
north (seen this on the national news).
One fifth of the world's stockpile
of freshwater is in the Great Lakes and sooner, or later they will be targeted, as a managed national resource, rather than a regional
one. Perhaps, long range plans are in order to keep our water
here, where it belongs! 9/25/07
With the advent of bow season not all that far off, here's the news
on whitetails from the Manistee, MI area. Racks are definitely
smaller this year, just like the 2007 King Salmon downsize over
2006. Most does dropped twin fawns.
Deer are not hitting bait piles, cuz the
acorn drop is pretty heavy this year. One large deer, I think it
was the 10 pointer passed on several times last black powder season.
Looks to be only a 8 this year. I have seen no monster racks, like
last year.
Fished out of Manistee last Sunday
morning for 4 hours (9/23/07) and sure didn't find much in the depths
inside of 300'. If there would not have been a brisk offshore
wind, we'd have worked to west 400' and deeper. Temp was down at
100' to 105'. 9/24/07
This coming November 13th, 2007, I will turn 61 years old.
Next year Social Security and the 401k kicks in. Keeping with that
thought, my goal is to sell this website: www.michigansportsman.com and www.michiganangler.com.
Plus, my tackle manufacturing/distribution companies are up for sale in
a "all in one" packaged deal.
not contact me as of yet!
There will be another person handling the transfer of ownership
issues. No price has been set, as I need more financial advise and
how best to proceed with my long term plan of being fully retired by
Daily updates will continue as usual and
plans for the 2008 tackle season will continue uninterrupted until a new
owner takes the helm someplace in the future. 9/23/07
State of Michigan has been trying to deal with ballast water issues,
since the zebra mussels entered the Great Lakes watershed in about
1985. 22 years later, not much has been
What's the reason for this? The Great
Lakes are a federal waterway more or less governed/maintained by the
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for national defense and
transportation. If the feds can't eradicate SPAM (unsolicited
Emails), what makes anyone think they'll ever get around to limiting
what comes into our Great Lakes?
One good thing did come from SPAM, as I met
this Nigerian prince who used to work in that country's foreign oil ministry.
He found a way to make me rich, beyond my wildest dreams. So,
I gave him my PIN number to help handle his expenses during the
money transfer to my bank in Manistee, MI. My fake Rolex was a
reel-deal too! 9/22/07
gonna show you something you just don't see everyday. The rarely
photographed mating ritual of the highly unusual insect called,
"the walking stick" (I think). It's enough of
a weird oddity to warrant our uncensored photo of the
This trashy bizarre photograph
peering into the private sex life of a bug was captured while constructing storage racks for the
10" BTI flashers. I didn't have the heart to interrupt their romantic
interlude, cuz when you're that ugly, you can use all the help
you can get! Click
for 2 breeding creepy-crawly walking sticks
Watching these bugs change
color to match their environment was fascinating. In about 5
seconds they blended right into every background they clambered
over. Seen 'em change from green, to tan, to a brownish black,
but never blush! 9/21/07
This coming Monday, plan on an important announcement concerning the
future of this website and my product line. 9/20/07
Let's rewind this season back to late April & early May when the
the fishing was off to a terrible start. Nay-sayers spoke of doom
and gloom and slammed herring as the reason the fish were gone.
VHS had everyone shaking in their boots, like there's be no tomorrow and
all the fish were gone forever. Not many took in account the April
2007 which set records for cold weather & blizzards.
Well, my friends this group of nay-sayers
is out of excuses, cuz after the ball got rolling the 2007 season
offered fine fishing with limits of Kings, more August Coho (in
Manistee), and a an improving Steelhead situation (from what I seen).
The fish were and are just late as my
archived 2001 page on the Little Manistee Harvest Weir proved, if you
compare it to 2007. Every year is different and there's no way to
set your clock by the fish. Mother Nature knows NO timetable! 9/19/07
I traveled to the Little Manistee River for some photos and to get
the story straight on the aluminum plates/boards that was stolen by
scrap metal crooks on 9/6/07. Channel 7 in Traverse City was
wrongly touting there was be no egg take this season, cuz of the
missing parts for the holding pens.
What I found out is too lengthy for a
daily update and thought it better just to put up a page with new
photos and current explanation.
If you're interested in something
that directly impacts the State of Michigan's Salmon Fishery, then click
here for the 9/18/07 reel-story and new photos 9/18/07
Here's some news that has a significant impact on our
fishery. On Sept. 6th, 2007 some thieves stole the aluminum
gates/boards from the Little Manistee River Weir. It's unclear
whether the MDNR has been able to find replacement parts.
Today, the plan is to take a quick hike over to the weir to check
and see what's going on.
Full report and photos in
tomorrow's update about conditions at the weir.
Here's another thing that takes the cake, all be it may most of the
crowded big lake season is over. Sometime last summer the
Stone tribal netter placed another net slightly north of the 15.4
north net and never said a word about it! Location on this
unreported mystery ghost net was probably 15.5/15.6.
Nothing the Manistee Little River
Band Tribal fishers said has come true. No 50 jobs, no website
with net coordinates, and no video tape on how the nets are set.
This just goes to show their
TV PR campaign has nothing to do with real facts! 9/17/07
Original plans for today for a trip to Traverse got cancelled when
Capt. Dave Deforest said he had to work to help locate the lost/missing
nets off Manistee, MI. Going to try to reorganize this trip for
this coming Thursday with seas more friendly according to the open water
forecast. Wind for today in Manistee is supposed to be 30 knots
and from the south. High winds and big waves have held up the
search for the nets that got washed away on 9/7/07. 9/16/07
a few days ago knocked out my home and office phones. So, if
you've been trying to contact me and haven't been able to, you now
know why. Phone service where I live in Manistee is
terrible. The reason? The land phone lines are 50 to 60
years ago and have never been updated.
Then, the Manistee DOT dug-up and
busted a main junction slice about a year. While service was
poor beforehand, it's a bunch worse now, cuz the splice is by a
creek. With every rain, the phone service degrades and more
problems occur. This is the 4th time this year dealing with
this very same exact issue!
So, it pretty hard to get a fish
report, unless I can do it with smoke signals. To compound
matters even further, my cell phone is in between towers and does
not get a good enough signal to work at home either. Hence,
the reasons for no fish report! 9/15/07
High winds, gales force winds have made Lake Michigan out of touch
for SR 1979 (22 footer) as the last week, or so. Soon as the seas
become manageable, more big pond fishing is definitely in my
future. Traverse City looks very fishable this coming
Monday. Reports from TC are not all that encouraging, but a bad
day of fishing is still better than a good day at work. Unless,
you're in the charter business! 9/14/07
SR 1979 is living in tall cotton now! Fully enclosed cabin has
the skipper pretty happy too! No longer will we have to endure
the biting cold wind that makes fishing Manistee Lake in Oct/Nov
plain outright miserable. Manistee
Lake lays in a N to S direction & is for the most part, it's
always windy. Click
for new backdrop
Today's featured photo of Project SR
1979 was taken on 8/18/07 by message board member,
"Getaway" while we were fishing out of Arcadia in the
Herring Hole. Kinda nice to see your own rig from someone
else's point of view. Click
for SR 1979 9/13/07
Here's a email from Tom B in regards to one of the Manistee's
missing nets:
"Last Saturday (9/8/07) we passed by an inside staff & wing buoy's @ 10.25 N in
80' fow. We thought this might have been a new set, but we never did see the the
outside staff. This may have been one of the missing net's."
There were no nets in the area Tom B.
reported prior to last Friday's blow and goes to show how dangerous the
situation is in Manistee, MI for the time being. The way things
stand, either fish around the harbor, or out past 200' to stay clear of
ALL potential problems ....no matter where you fish out of Manistee.
I've seen rip currents along
Manistee's shelf that look like a fast flowing river before. So,
it's no wonder why these nets are drifting in places unknown! 9/12/07
tribal net fishers the Stones are in a world of hurt and looking
less enlightened all the time, as the nets in the 11s to the 15s
seeming got lost. This could mean there's miles of nets
unaccounted for, until you get tangled in them.
There's no way to hold any nets when
the current starts ripping along the shelf. While the Stones
are crying vandalism, the truth is gale force winds from the SW last
Friday (9/7/07) caused this mess. Lost gear on the bottom is
unsafe! This just goes to show the inexperience of where these
nets were put in the first place.
Also, inside sources at the LRB of
Native Americans says the Stone netter is taking the tribe to tribal
court, cuz the tribal council has put a hold on the 2000 Consent
Decree monies that were being dipped into at a alarming rate!
I doubt the tribe will be unwise
enough to reimburse the Stones for their lost gear, cuz they pulled
this same crap before in Ludington. 9/11/07
off SR 1979 to have new side windows and a full back drop
installed. The weather is cooling and having an enclosed cabin
to fish out of is the way to go. Just keeping the wind off you
is 90% of the battle of staying cozy.
This new canvas will pay further
dividends in Oct. & Nov. on Manistee Lake, when Steelhead will
grab center stage. Overall, I'm happy with my new/old
boat. It's fuel stingy and OK in seas pushing 3 footers.
So, far this season, in my trips out of Manistee, Arcadia &
Leland has put 18 hours of runtime on the main engine.
This week, if we catch the right day,
fishing off the Boardman River out of Traverse City, MI is the next
target .....weather permitting. Any west, or south wind in TC,
means the bay is fishable and it's only a little better then a hour
from my place. 9/10/07
are always a mystery, as I never know what's going to happen with
orders. Plans for this week include more product test fishing,
weather depending.
Yesterday, Capt. Dave Deforest
had a good charter trip with former guests of mine, from back when I
was still in the charter business. The late morning bite put
11 fish in his box. Capt Dave said, "200 feet of water
with depth down 100' to 150' feet using flashers & meat.
Early bite did not happen in 80' to 100' of water."
Capt. Jim Munoz called me from
Leland, MI around 10pm yesterday morning. He finished his trip
early with 18 Kings, using BTIs & flies (3 rigger & 2 diver spread).
Here's Capt. Jim's exact words, "it
took longer to motor out to North Manitou Island, then it did to
pull the 18 fish ...6 person limit catch!
The tackle store in Leland, MI, the
"Fish Hook" now carries BTIs in the popular
colors/patterns (the same ones the charter skippers are using). 9/9/07
remains good to excellent in Manistee, MI. Yesterday's action
was over the depths of
200 to 250 feet, as there's a lot of water warm piled up on the
Manistee's "shelf." 100' to 125' down on the riggers
is where the bites were coming.
Kings are scooting up the Big and
Little Manistee Rivers in fair numbers, but the run is far from
over. 2 things will bring down the curtain in Salmon Season 2007:
either the lake will roll (cold surface temps), or a cold rain will
draw the adults still holding out in the deep water. We have 10 days
to 2 weeks to the outside left for adult Kings. 9/8/07
After yesterday's humongous seas and gale force winds, Lake
Michigan is behaving itself quite nicely today. I have an
former charter guest fishing aboard other boats today and
tomorrow. Expect a full fish report as this weekend
progresses. 9/7/07
featured photo is the north tip, of North Manitou Island, MI.
This area is about 16 statute (land miles) from Leland. Be
sure to check the settings in your GPS, as nautical miles are
approx. 1/7 larger. Click
for North Manitou Island, MI
So, there's about 15% difference
between these standards. Look into the settings menu to see
how your GPS is configured, default in most cases is nautical.
Big time blow is predicted from the
SW with gale warnings for today. Gale warnings kick in once
the wind exceeds 34 knots. In land lubber terms: a 40 knot
wind is pretty close to pushing 46 mph (in land, or statute
The reason behind the two differing
measuring standards that dates back to the 1500s when Dutch mariners
calculated water speed with set distance between knots on a piece of
line (rope). Counting the knots over a fixed period of time
measured by an hourglass gave them their speed thru the water. 9/6/07
Joined a message board on the west coast. Someplace around
Puget Sound, in the State of Washington. We have a lot in common
with these fishermen in WA. They have same problems with the
tribal fishers, only much worse from what I read.
The name of the parenting club sponsoring this
message board is Puget Sound Anglers. Something I thought was
unique, they hold derbies for scholarship monies for students going into
the fish biologist business. Click
for Puget Sound Anglers
So far, this year they raised 24k to help out 4
students. What a great way to put tournament money exactly where
it needs to go. Students receiving financial help will always
remember the money came from sport fishermen and be more apt to give
them a fair shake. Hopefully, this is an idea that should catch on
in our Great Lakes States! 9/5/07
Fished four out of the past six days. That's probably
almost as much as I fished in all of the 2006 season and part of
Starting to put a program together out of
Manistee where I feel comfortable not running into the BS trap
nets. I've jumped on the fish off Guerney Creek in the 7 to 11
numbers fairly hard 3 times.
My north results in the 15s to 20s net vacant area, has been OK, but
not stellar. Guerney Creek vicinity has been far better to me.
5 of the 6 we took yesterday morning
were still a long ways from running the river. This fact is
evidenced by the skein being tight holding the eggs in the hens we
caught. Supposed to be lumpy all week and the next reel chance
to fish Lk. MI looks to be this coming weekend. Nice to see
the fleet of August pack up and go home! From here on out,
only the reel dyed in the wool fishermen will be harassing the fish!
Got a bunch of great photos of our
fish box from yesterday morning, but you'll have to wait until
Prototype 2008 is properly announced later this year. 9/4/07
New product testing for the 2008 season took an even better turn
this morning. We dropped lines at 7:30am and hooked up our 6th
King by 9:30am. The fish came in 3 sets of doubles, which was
not easy, seeing there was only John J and myself onboard. Plus, a really
stout 20 knot SE wind played havoc with boat control.
All fish came on Prototypes 2008, which was a good thing! Click
for our largest King
Fished last Thursday and had a
helluva catch out of Leland, MI. Then we fished Manistee last
Friday morning in a zoo and Sunday evening in very lumpy
here check out my Captain's Log for a full report over Labor Day
Weekend 2008. 9/3/07
11am fish report from Manistee: this morning, the bite is over 200
to 250 feet of water, fishing down 90 to 120 feet. Heard action
was good, but hooking up was difficult. Lk. Michigan has laid down
and is very fishable, after yesterday's big seas.
If you're looking for a good read?
Check out what happened on 8/30/07 in Leland, MI. Click
here for the reel story on that fishing trip 9/2/07
testing was on the agenda last evening. I fished with John J
& his fine grandson, Kris. It was a very slow bite for
us. We dropped lines on the fish around 5pm and pulled at
8:45pm. During this time span we only managed 4 bites, 3
stayed stuck and we ended up with 2 Cohos, along with a fair King. Click
for Kris's King
Yesterday's morning fishermen had a lot
better results compared to what I heard and seen caught during the
evening set. Solid, lumpy 3 footers and 22' boat made for not ideal
conditions, severely limiting our travel and troll direction.
By the
way, 3 of our 4 strikes came Prototypes 2008. Three rods accounted
for 75% of the action and out-fished the other 4 in our well separated
7 rod spread! 9/1/07
morning, I fished Manistee with my very best fishin' bud, John
J. We set lines a little after 7am in front of Orchard Beach
State Park in 60' of water and headed west. From 7:15 to 8:15
we hit 5 fish on Prototype 2008s.
Then disaster struck, as a 22
footer tangled into our far-side rigger while we were opening a can
of whoop a-- on a King in the low teens. Now, this meant his
diver was tied to our fish and starboard rigger, though we did our
best avoid this unknown vessel, crossing on our portside. Click
for released Steelhead
Weird ...as his diver
crossed over our entire 2 rigger, 2 diver spread? The boat
that got into us was towing a mono diver dialed on 3, with a
11" finned flasher and squid combo. His sorry rig was a
long ways from ever getting down to the fish in the 70' range.
Plus, he had at least 200' of string off his reel!
Well, to make a long story short: I
pulled up our starboard rigger, cut his line, we landed our King and
kindly gave him back is diver rig. Was I pissed?
In fact, I kinda chuckled to
myself and found the true meaning to the word, "weekend
warrior!" It's a war to fish around Labor Day Weekend in
crowed Manistee.
Having lost our mojo, we pulled
lines and went back to the dock at 9am. We kept 2 Cohos,
tossed back a King, along with a fair Steelhead. We got 4 more
great photos of Prototype 2008s stuck in fish faces, and that's what
our trip was about! 8/31/07
it was my great pleasure to fish Leland, MI with charter skippers:
Bill Wright, Jim Munoz, Dave Deforest and budding first mate, 9 year
old Mike. Mike was the reel joy of the trip & he's gets
his own rod when a rigger goes off!
We fished the mid-day time frame,
from 1:30pm and pulled lines at 4pm. We took 15 Kings, had 3
doubles and 1 triple! Click
for young Mike & our 15 fish brag board
Hang on to your socks here folks!! We
never stuck any meat in the water. Using just flies and the
BTI 10" flashers. I've known for a quite while how deadly
BTIs are with flies, but for production reasons ...never said a word
about it here on the website. We can only make so much product
and my manufacturing facility is already stretched to the
limit. So, am I, as far as that goes. Click
for a fish box from hell
That's why I chose towards the end
of the big lake season to bring your attention to this
reel-fact! A superior meat flasher like the 10" BTIs can
only be more deadly with flies. 30% less water drag than what any of
competition offers too!
Also, yesterday was the world debut
of the King Emerald Green Glow BTI and caught fish with prototype
2008, which I intentionally did not photograph! 8/30/07
North winds might be bring up the temp before Labor Day
Weekend. If you're faced with all warm water from top to
bottom in depths to and exceeding 150', just move to the deeper
water. Fancy-dancy tricks with a large spread will cause only
tangles when targeting depths to 200' with your riggers. Pull
the speed out of your program and choke up the leads to your
offering to NO more than 10' from the cannon ball. Speed will
only make more carry back in the rigger cables. So, slow is
your best bet. You might be amazed at what just 2 good working
rods can do for your fish box!
Weather is predicted to be
out-right beautiful thru the Labor Weekend with no rain until Monday
evening. Seas look like they could be on the cooperative
side too! Good luck to those lucky enough to leave today and
avoid the traffic snarls. 8/29/07
a worthy tip for all Lake Michigan fishermen: Recent south
blow pushed the temp down to at least 120' by 11am yesterday.
I suspect there's no cold water on the inside of 150' and it's about
the same temp from the top to the bottom.
Warm and cold water do not readily
mix, being of different molecular densities. Keeping in mind,
Lk. MI has had all season to warm up. Huge amounts of warm
water can get pushed towards shore in my neck of the woods. I
understand the ports of Ludington, Manistee and Frankfort.
These ports are capable of huge temp swings.
Unless we get some noticeable north
wind, fishing over water depths from 250' to 450' will be the
program. The further out you go, the temp will climb
higher. So, pay attention to this fact and look to 120' to
180' down on the riggers for action.
Tomorrow's update will focus on
A.M. (after meat) and reel-tactics to turn these deep fish into
biters with consistency. 8/28/07
It's game on for all Lake Michigan big water anglers as Salmon
action intensifies at all ports. Being flexible is the secret to
full boxes. What worked last week, or a couple of days might not
turn the trick. Getting locked into a program, or a certain depth
range is a recipe for a struggle down the road!
I had to re-teach myself this lesson learned a
couple of weeks ago when I fished out of Arcadia, MI, with little to
show for our 4 hours on the pond. My mistake was concentrating on
the inshore depths of 70 to 150 feet.
It's hard to switch depths/colors/speed, cuz
once confidence is gained, but it only comes back to haunt you. My
success on the evening of 8/26/07 was due to being able to wander out to
the deeper water, by giving up on the "normal" (if there is
such a thing) inshore depths of 50' to 150' that should have been
producing fish.
Here's a worth while tip: never re-trace a
route/direction/depth is it's not working. Be open-minded, which
goes hand in hand with boxes full of fish! 8/27/07
Manistee, MI, last evening's report: Major traffic drove the
fish out deeper, is the only thing I can come up with. Not many
fish in the inside of 170' and biters were out to, and past 325'.
Best Rigger was equipped with Prototype 2008 at 111' down, over the deep
stuff. Had a bite every 15, or 20 minutes from 5pm until we pulled
lines around 8:30pm and headed for the dock. Click
for BTI Froggie fatality
Released all landed fish.
Intentionally shook fish off the divers, as testing is not about
catching. Besides, pulling in diver fish is all work, even if the
Kings are only 12 to 15 pounds. Secret One & X-Glow Green Frog
BTIs with matching 2 Fly Meat Rigs made their presence known to Mr. King
on divers and core. Great evening to be out, water was almost
flat, crowds went home, and the fish were biting!
Took a bunch more photos of
Prototype 2008 stuck in fish that will be shown sometime later this
year, when this new fish whackin' product is formally introduced! 8/26/07
from Frankfort, MI: 6:30am to 7:30am fish are on fire during the
early bite. Later in morning action in West Platte Bay has
been fairly decent with Kings to 18 pounds, but fish over 20 seem to
be extinct. Never the less, fishing is reel good!
Arcadia, MI is still producing Kings
to just past 17 pounds. Mid-morning bite won the Oakland
County Sportfishing Tournament for message board member, "Reel
Adventure" ...aka Steve B. Click
for Steve's choice of flashers & meats rigs
Steve fished this event with his son Allan
and his girlfriend Brie. Many thanks to Steve for today's
great featured photos. Click
for Brie's Salmon 8/25/07
When rigging Project SR 1979,
I decided to go with Big Jon riggers and rod holders. Big Jon Inc.
is located in Michigan, within 60 miles of Manistee. Main reason
behind BJ products? ....is they're made in America, by American workers.
Due to normal pounding and vibration all
boats take, the pull-out knob on my FR423 diver rod holders vibrated
loose and fell off (more than likely in the drink).
I emailed the service department as Big
Jon Inc. last Wednesday (8/22/07). Yesterday, Sat. 8/24/07 a
new complete assembly arrived free of charge.
I did not use my website's high traffic
to purchase any products at promo rates, paying over the counter prices,
just like 99% of you. Discounted cost, or free comes with the
price of not being able to report 100% truthfully on performance issues.
Incidentally, back in 1986, I was among
the very first to install the FR423 diver rod holders on my boat.
In my opinion, there's not a stronger, better made rod holder available
for divers on the market since! The BJ service department is to be
commended to their fast resolution of a minor problem. Click
for warranted part 8/24/07
the Manistee net locations thanks to Capt. Dave Deforest. Dave
is both a charter skipper and Tribal Law Enforcement Officer.
There's only one mystery net and that's the one up towards Arcadia,
MI, said to be south of the golf course.
Now is the time for testing.
This ties in with advanced prototypes for 2008 that needs more water
time and durability trials. I test thoroughly. So, you
don't have to!
Good luck to all fishing this
weekend! If the seas cooperate ....there should be some pretty
hefty catches reported in next week's daily updates. 8/23/07
rewind to Tuesday's update (8/21/07) when sharp hooks were
mentioned. This is important, cuz as our Salmon mature, their
gums shrink, skin gets hard, and the mouth is a bunch more boney,
then back in May. Pay attention to extra sticky sharp hooks
and the rewards will be self evident.
Looks like the squawk the from
Manistee residents and businesses about boycotting the casino are
starting to show action. Ducks Unlimited cancelled their convention
at the Little River Resort/Casino. According to minutes of a
tribal meeting, this is gonna cost them around 50k in lost
revenue. No organization wants to get involved in any local
pissing match. Much less, be linked to
The question is: how much more can
they tolerate before the tribe brings moderation to the tribal
netters that now have more nets in Manistee, than any other place on
the Great Lakes. More LRB credibility will be lost when the
inland consent decree is finally settled, as the LRB pushed for a
spring Steelhead spearing season. 8/22/07
we've entered the third week of August, all the photos posted, show
mostly silver Kings, ....a long ways from running the rivers.
Generally, more darker spawner fish predominate the catch at this
time of the season. Excellent Salmon fishing should last thru
the 10th of September (at least). Prime time is here NOW!
Today's featured photos are courtesy
of Ludington Skipper Chris S. While some might stuff turkeys,
Capt. Chris stuffs his fish boxes to the point of overload. Check
out his photo of mostly all silver Kings on 8/16/07 by clicking
here! Hoisting a 200 lb. box like that off the boat, ...is
a lot of grunt and groan. Click
for stuffed fish box 8/21/07
and all ports leading north are on fire. If fishermen aren't
limiting on Kings? .....they're getting more than enough the
bites. Tighten up your releases and sharpen those hooks, to
cut down on the missed opportunities.
Here's a testimonial from one of our message
board members:
"It was down right catching in Manistee this last week, or the
salmon had death wish. We had 4 boats and 21 people our best morning was 46 kings and
Cohos. The meat program dominated after light working 130 to 150 fow 110 down with the
Black Mamba. I would be surprised if your stock in manistee was out,
because we were all on the radio when it was going. Limits most mornings with 9 to 11 in the
evening trips the guys would fish the mornings and the women would go out at night
can't wait till next year to get back. Hottest lures were the
Black Mamba, Krystal killer and Green Doub L Glo after light." Snagglepuss aka Darren
H Click for a
reel meat catch! 8/20/07
expand a little further about our message board member's
gathering in Arcadia, MI last Saturday (8/18/07). Member
"Getaway" had the best box numbers wise. Winning
member, "Codfish" had the best weight in his largest 3
Kings that blew everyone else away by several pounds Click
for Getaway's 8/18/07 fish box
What did these two tournament
contestants have in common? Both were using this tournament to
test special some of my new 2008 prototype tackle.
Also, another member,
"Reel Adventure" won the big fish award in the Oakland
County Sportfishing Tournament on 8/19/08 with the same 2008
prototype products held in Arcadia. Once these new trial products
undergo more rigorous/durability testing, full production will be
reached sometime in late fall of this year. Look for a future
special announcement about these secret new dynamic products slated
for 08. 8/19/07
is about memories, either in the making, or remembering them.
That's exactly what happened yesterday when we fished out of the
Port of Arcadia, MI. Seeing the "Herring Hole" and
the Frankfort fleet brought me back to 1968 when I first fished this
stunningly scenic area. Click
for Getaway's 8/18/07 fish box
The overlooking soaring bluffs, sugar
sand beaches, and deep water (over 100') just a mile off shore shows
why I went into the charter business in Frankfort, MI back in
1983. Other than Leland, MI & Glenn Arbor, MI no ports
come close Arcadia & Frankfort for a beautiful background to
fish in front of.
Yesterday's 2007 Arcadia
Challenge message board get-together went well, with all boats
catching fish! Many thanks to my fishin' bud, Bob K. aka
Getaway for handling the details. Congrats to board member
Codfish for winning our tourney. 8/18/07
luck to all the weekend warriors everywhere! I'll be fishing
our message board event being held in Arcadia today. Our
message board members will be on the look out for the new trap nets
said to be in this area. Boats that fished Frankfort's Lower
Herring Lake Hole did fine early yesterday morning, as did the
Arcadia boats before the wind/sea conditions got down right nasty
with 4' to 6' seas. 8/17/07
Be flexible this weekend when it comes to places to fish. The
wind has came full circle twice. I've heard reports of fish in
close, like 40 feet of water, all the way out to plus 250'. It's
gonna be a crap shoot to find the best spots.
Here's a late report from R. Ellis about
Onekama, MI last weekend:
"John, here is a pics of my WI fishing buddies from last weekend. The kids had a great time and are both good fishermen. 1st Pic is Cody battling one between Arcadia and
Onekama. second one is Jake Craig and Cody at the dock on Monday night. As you know, we
run an exclusive Meat program and a 4 road spread with an occasional
lead core out the back" Capt. Rich. E. Click
for catch from evening of 8/12/07 8/16/07
It's often said, one picture is worth a thousand words.
Today's featured photo of "so-called" tribe spear fishermen is
proof of that. They claim this is their right, way of life, or heritage.
Did this long standing tribal tradition include the modern technology 5
tine steel spears and Hodgeman hip-waders? Click
for this photo
Please let me bring attention to
the fact: legal, law abiding US citizens paid for the King Salmon
speared and there was no Salmon when the Treaty of 1836 was
signed. Some things are just blatantly wrong with our out of
control liberal court system and this is a perfect example of
it. 8/15/07
of dealing with heavy traffic for the first light sunrise
bite? Here's another quotable testimonial from Rob M. that
verifies what Grant F did last Monday in the mid-day
timeframe. News like this could lead you to re-thinking your
normal program. Especially, if you're in an extremely super
busy port ...like Ludington.
"Sure glad I purchased the Pearl
Squirrel flashers and heads from you two weeks ago. Ran your
Pearl Squirrel out of Ludington last weekend. Friday we setup at 11:30am and pulled lines at 3:00pm with a 3 man limit. We went 10 for 22.
Saturday setup was at 1:00pm and pulled lines at 4:00pm going 11 for 20.
The middle of the afternoon is the ticket with no pressure. Your Pearl Squirrel performed awesome in high sun and calm
seas. I suspect my fishing buddies like Jim N. and Mike L. will be calling for more product as well.
Since they were with me this weekend and were amazed we could go out in the middle of the afternoon and catch so
quickly!" .....Thanks again, Rob M.
There's probably 10,000 lures
that catch the early eager to bite Salmon. The tackle I offer
can do it all day long, cuz it works on neutral to negative
lethargic fish. 8/14/07
Ludington is whack city, cuz what's going on there is catching, not
fishing! Early am daybreak set is in shallow water, like 40' deep
for out of temp adult Kings. Then moving to deeper to temp once
the sun clears the horizon. Bath house to Big Point Sable has been
rocket red-hot! Be forewarned, boat traffic is intense in Lud.
Yesterday morning in Manistee was almost the
same story, with limit boxes by 8am. Action was inside the deep
part of the shelf, like over 60 to 70 feet of water. Best areas
include straight out of Manistee, to just the north of the trap net set
in the 15s. Heard good stuff about the 16s-18s & 10s to the
8s, being in net free zones.
Message board member Grant F. proved a
point to himself about meat fishing. He went Mano
a Mano in
the middle of the day (12 noon to 1:30pm) He boxed is MI limit of
3 Kings on my tackle. Not bad for a solo fisherman & a middle
of the day bite. Grant was fishing the Port of Manistee, MI and I
got this story first hand. 8/13/07
Here's what I know, or heard about this past weekend's fishing
results. Manistee was good, Ludington was "stupid"
reel-good. Arcadia was good Saturday morning, but fishing was
suckie there in the afternoon when the wind came up.
Posted a picture of my fishin' bud,
Roscoe with a fair Steelhead we took on last Thursday evening's fishing
trip. The interesting thing about this photo, as luck would have
it, often mentioned Guerney Creek was dead smack in the
background. Guerney is a favorite with all Manistee big water
anglers. Now you know how this landmark looks on Manistee's famous
shoreline. Click
for Roscoe's Steelie & Guerney Creek 8/12/07
Was on an intelligence mission to reconnoiter the Port of Arcadia,
MI for our first annual message board outing, forward slash ...friendly
Next Saturday (8/18/07) is the date.
Message board members will have the scoop on how to navigate this port
safely. Click
for Arcadia's harbor entrance
Also, they'll have an idea of how the
structure runs either to the north, or south and some landmarks to go
by. I chose this port, cuz there's no net's for those newer to the
Manistee area to deal with, like the net farm off the Port of Manistee,
of that, there's a new trap net on the north rim of Onekama's
"barrel." No exact location for now. So, be on the
look-out if you fish this area. 8/11/07
a photo of how well the double trebles stick fish.
Capitalizing on bites is what our game is about. Click
for stuck fish! The pattern/color featured is called the
"Secret One" and it's been hot as of lately.
Today's plan is to check out the Port
of Arcadia for our upcoming fish-together for our message board
members next Saturday. I'll be fishing there this afternoon
with member, Steve B who has a place close to the launch ramp.
Hopefully, I'll have a report on our results in tomorrow's update.
Tight lines, calm seas, full boxes
and good luck to all big water anglers! 8/10/09
Fished last evening out of the Port of Manistee, MI with my fishin'
buddy, Roscoe, aka Steve B. Time frame was from about 5pm until
late dusk, being a little after 9pm. We took 6 Kings (2 person MI
limit) & one fairly decent Steelhead.
Fished south off Guerney Creek (net free zone) and
had most of our bites between 55 to 77 feet down over 100 to 150 fow,
with 120 to 125 seeming best. We ran a 2 rigger, 2 diver program
& a 300' copper rig. Click
for our fish box & hot rigs!
All the hits came on BTI 10"
Flashers and matching 2 Fly Meat Rigs. Best was the Secret One
(see Roscoe photo), the super deadly Black Mamba Glow/Clear Red, &
the ever in demand X-Glow Green Froggie. Click
for Roscoe's "Secret One" King
New Tactic? Did something a little different last evening,
by stacking two "B" sides of hand-cut bait together for a more
tantalizing lifelike presentation. This was our best rig
action-wise and out-fished the normally better "A" sides (with
the backbone and tail left on). Click
for double-decker Big Mac meat sandwich
If you're new to this website? Click
to see a "how to" on making bait.
Used the new 2007 Super Mag Heads to accommodate
the two "B" sides of meat. 8/9/07
another tournament victory for my product line. Especially,
when big fish count! Here's the exact words from Charter
Skipper, Bruce N:
"Hey John, just a quick note from Whitehall. Had the annual
Johnson's Great Outdoors Tournament this weekend. 25 boats over 2 grand in prizes and money.
We won it this year with 135.60 pts. It's a weigh 9 fish tourney with bonus for two trout.
Had the two trout, as did many others. Fishing was excellent with most boats weighing
their 7 kings. The difference again was meat and the Krystal killer 12 incher/Krystal
Killer head. Had 7 kings with a 15 pound average. Largest fish in the tourney was 18.6.
So, being able to catch 7 kings with that pound average was pretty tuff.
104 feet down over 140 foot of water on the Krystal Killer was the ticket. That rig took 7 fish
Saturday morning and 5 of them were over or at the 15lb average. Thanks for a great product.
Without it, I'm sure we wouldn't have won. This was 3 out of 4 years for my team. Can't believe Whitehall still won't totally convert to Meat when you need big
fish!" Capt. Bruce, KCK Sportfishing Charters, "Chantilly Lace III" 8/8/07
Here's a report and "how-to" from Manistee yesterday.
Message board member, Roscoe... aka Steve B had a respectable
catch. He took the majority of his 8 fish box after the early
first bite was over. The bite lasted thru straight noon, when they
pulled lines to come in. This was accomplished by pulling the
speed back to 1.5 to 1.8 for negative, neutral or just plain
non-biters. Most of his action was 77' down over 80 to 150 feet of
water, and probably 125' was best. Click
for a nice box
Waters fished? Towards the south,
in trap net free zone in the 10.5 to the 7.5s south of Manistee.
Also, the area mentioned is just off Guerney Creek for better
reference. Steve's best was Black Mamba Glow RF and X-Glow Green
Frog BTIs off his divers. It's no secret, many big water fishermen
are avoiding Manistee like the black death (cuz of the nets)! This
means lowered crowd pressure and plenty of fish to go around for those
with expertise to avoid the nets. Click
for 8/7/07 meat pole catch 8/7/07
Straight from Frankfort, MI 8/4/07: "John, had great luck on your
Blue and Pink Bubbles this weekend. Here's ....morning catch north of
Frankfort. Evan caught the one he's holding himself on the pink bubble you gave him as well as several
others. Thanks again."...Kurt K, skipper of the "Kirtstin K"
for a Reel-Catch!
Second featured photo is from message
board member, Mike R aka....mrymar. Mike says, "the Lake
Ontario Kings are averaging about 3 pounds smaller then
I attribute the smaller Kings this season
to the very cold winter-like April, shortening the growing season. Click
for 25.5# Lk. Ontario King 8/6/07
going on this week, as big lake Salmon fishing is heating up.
Today's featured photo is message board member Joe V.G. While
competing in the Detroit Steelheaders Ladies Day Ludington
Tournament, "Team Sloppy Joe" took a 26.9 pound King
Salmon. This almost master angler King hit a Green Bubble flasher
and matching meat rig. Up until now, the my Blue Bubble has
been the main attention getter, but the Green Bubble pattern catches
up in August. Click
for 26.9# Ludville King
Green-glow has always been a predominant, preferred color for August
adult Kings!
Tomorrow's update will feature
some hog Lake Ontario Kings from message board Mike R...aka
mrymar. Mike is the best cross platform fisherman on our
board. He's good on Sturgeon, Salmon and Muskies! This
is a seldom accomplished feat. 8/5/07
Fished Manistee, MI last evening from 6pm until about 8:30pm and
had lines up, returning to port by 9pm. This means we did not stay
for the easier last light bite.
Reason? ...still not that comfortable putting Project SR 1979 on the
trailer. Especially, in the dark. Worked the water in the 3 mile
gap of trap net-free water in the 11s to the 8s. Had 6 hits, hooked up
4, and 3 made it to the boat. Click
Project SR 1979
No big deal, but for no wind
flat-calm and not much on the graph, our action was adequate for a
scaled back 2 rigger, 2 diver program. Click
for 8/4/07 biggest King
Fished all 10" BTI Flashers
& 2 fly meat rigs, which are more favorable then my larger 12"
flashers/3 fly rigs for mid-depth 50 to 80 foot fish. Click
for best BTI/rig BTI's in X-Glow
Green Froggie, Secret One and Black
Mamba Glow all
had bites!
Used a prehistoric Fish Hawk 520
(1st introduced in the mid-1970s) to locate down-temp. Method
used: clip the probe and run the rigger down to get temp info with
the vessel stopped. While not as precise as the more modern
expensive down-temp/speed sensing probes, it's a cheap reliable way
to get an idea of where to start. With the many trap nets in
Manistee, for me ....this is a wiser choice. When compared to
donating a plus $200 probe to the said trap nets. Click
for demo
This trip was much needed a
shakedown cruise for refining Project SR 1979. The weight
shift by moving the batteries to the portside to compensate the 110
lb. 4 stroke trolling motor (on starboard side) worked out just as
planned. This boat has a far better water stance now (no
built-in list). New 18 pitch prop is a gas saver: at a fuel
stingy 2600 rpms this boat cruises easily at 21 mph and gets on
plane quicker. 8/4/07
up some more info on the 24.9 pound King that took the 25th Annual
K-D Salmon Tournament in Wisconsin. Rewards included free
taxidermy and a trip for 2 to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Plus, a big check for $5,000.00. Congratulations to Bill W. for his
win with my Undertaker Reel Flasher/matching 3 fly meat rig while
fishing aboard the boat, "Wind River". Click
for 24.9 aboard the "Wind River"
As not sway the actual winning fish
testaments, I do not believe in offering up front cash rewards. This
could lead to what I consider a form of buying what took the fish. I know the K-D tournament had a $500 offer from another
lure manufacturer, "if" it was caught on his
product. 500 bucks with some folks, ....can buy "if!"
Need to water test Project SR 1979
this afternoon. Numerous changes for the better since this
vessel's last outing in Manistee, MI on 7/19/07. Counteracting
the starboard stern weight of the 110lb. trolling motor was
accomplished by moving batteries forward portside and a new prop. 8/3/07
Good luck to all hitting the big water this weekend. Last I
heard, from Onekama to Leland, MI was slow to medium. Ludington is
still doing good and the word from Manistee is varied results across the
spectrum of good to slow.
is restocked with Smelly Jelly in jars and the special 3 scent
kit. Meat rig/flasher boxes have been re-stocked and all products
ready to go.
Today's featured photo is a truly great
Steelhead/'bow photo when lighting, focus and composition all come
together. Click here
for a WI 'bow from message board member SteveO aka Photodynamix in
Green Bay Wisconsin 8/2/07
Today's featured photo comes from the winner of the K/D Salmon
Tournament held in Kewaunee and Door Counties in Wisconsin. The
winner of the July 29th competition pulled the scales down to 24.9 pound
and was caught out of the Port of Bailey's Harbor, WI. This large
fish (for 2007) was caught at 7:30 AM on 7/25/07, 72 ft down in 80ft of water,
on my Undertaker Reel Flasher/meat rig.
Click here for Jeff's K/D 7/29/07 tournament winner and
Rumor of a new net in the 8's south of
Manistee is not true. Some idiot cut off the inshore net marker
buoy and it drifted there. Cutting off net markers is dangerous
and plain stupid. Anyone caught doing this with a fatality
involved should face manslaughter charges, cuz it's like removing stop
signs from our highways! 8/1/07
The big time Salmon fishing month we wait for all season!
Here's some topics of interest to all that fish the Great
1. The 25th Annual K/D Salmon Tournament,
July 21-29, 2007 was won with my Undertaker flasher and matching
meat rig. K/D stand for Kewaunee Door County, WI. The
$5,000.00 grand prize was won with a 24.9 pound King.....more
details to come!
2. The trap net to the north of
Manistee, up towards Onekama is located at:
N 44-20.455 x W 086-21.880 150 FOW with three staff buoys. According
to Tribal Enforcement Officer, Capt. Dave Deforest, it's strange looking
set with 3 staff buoys.
3. Here a fish report From East Chicago,
IN. "The kings in the pictures were all taken on your meat rigs. The action has been good on this end of the
lake and meat is taking over.
for a helluva meat rack photo of Indiana Kings
We went 12 for 20 today (7-30) from 8:30am to 12:30 with 2 doubles and a
triple. It seemed like all we had to do was find them and the meat did the rest because when we marked fish
we caught fish. I still can't get over how well these rigs
work! Thanks again, see you in September."
Capt. Tom M.... aka Black Ice 7/31/07
From Capt. Chucks in Ludington, MI: 50 to 150 feet of water from the
bath-house to Big Point Sable is the big deal place to fish.
As a departure from the norm, there's a lot of Steelhead mixed in with
the salmon in Ludington.
Julie S. from Rogers City reported in with
decent catches of Kings from 8 to 15 pounds and was kind enough to email
today's photo of the day. Click
for RC Kings
It's good to see Lake Huron recover some of
it's lost Salmon glory days. While Lake Huron is not back up to
what it once was, Lake H is on the mend.
Project SR 1979 has reached another plateau,
with newly upholstered dinette cushions and a new dressy looking
table. Click
for new dinette Several other needed upgrades have been added
in the past couple of weeks. This boat is ready for Aug! 7/30/07
Just don't have enough info for a meaningful report on this past
weekend's results yet. Sometime around noon today, I should
have a better handle on what went on, and which ports produced the
best action.
Posted a great photo, sent in
by message board member, Ed C. It's photo of an inland waters
(Seneca Lake) in the State of New York. What makes this a great photo?
...the young man who's holding a large 29" Lake Trout.
Trophies are relative to the water you're on, & for Seneca Lk. this
LT is a whopper! Click
for pig Lake Trout 7/29/07
Today's feature photo is a custom Mirage 3 Fly Meat Rig made by
Capt. Len Mitchell. Skipper Len prefers to make his own stuff
from scratch and does a heck of a job. Click
for Capt. Len's custom meat rig He sold some of best the
flies on the market back 2001 thru 2003. Before that business became
to crowded for the quality vs. cheapie price issues. Top notch
tackle always more and that's a fact none of us can get
around. You've all heard this before, "you get, ...what
you pay for!"
Message board member Roscoe reported good
to excellent fishing in Ludington, MI in regards to yesterday's
Flint Steelheader's Tournament. He said, "I'm amazed at
the good mixed bag. Coho, Steelhead and Kings are all
there!" 7/28/07 Fishing
is good in Manistee, south of the harbor seems to be the
place. Capt. Dave Deforest was on a mission today to marks the
nets, but ran into foggy conditions. Dave's update on the net
is on hold until this coming week.
Today's feature photo is a custom
Mirage 3 Fly Meat Rig made by Capt. Len Mitchell. Skipper Len
prefers to make his own stuff from scratch and does a heck of a
job. Click
for Capt. Len's custom meat rig He sold some of best the flies
on the market back 2001 thru 2003, before that business became to
crowded for the quality vs. cheapie price issues. Top notch tackle
always more and that's a fact none of us can get around. You've
all heard this before: "you get, ...what you pay for!" 7/27/07
Today's featured photo is from Capt. Dave Deforest of Enforcer Charters in
Manistee, MI. On 7/25/07 his guests boated a nice mix of fish
(Kings/Coho 14 total). He fished BTIs exclusively with meat
& KRW Flies. Capt. Dave said, "Green Frog BTI with
matching Froggie 2 fly rig and Kenny's (KRW) in Blue Dynamite fly paired
with a Blue Bubble BTI were on fire!" Click
for Enforcer's meat rack
If you haven't figured it out by
now? ....Capt. Dave pulls double duty as the Tribal Law
Enforcement by locating and marking the nets for us. I truly appreciate
his work in the interest of public safety. The photo he sent
in is clear evidence he handles both of his jobs pretty darn good!
Also, Capt. Deforest is going to try,
weather permitting to get exact locations on the new net, north of
Manistee (in the 20 number) & the net/nets south of Ludington. 7/26/07
a brand new trap net south of Ludington, MI in the 50 numbers.
Scuttlebutt says another net is in the works for the 52
numbers. The new net & purposed net are 5 to 7 miles
south of the harbor at Ludington. I'm pretty sure the result
of new Ludington nets is, .....because Tommy Batista got shoved off
the area north of the big point by the Stone commercial netters from
Manistee. Mr. Batista had his sets surrounded in a cut-throat,
unethical move by the Stones gain to control of all waters north of
Big Point Sable to Manistee/Onekama and points beyond.
On the Net Location Page, Ludington
now has it's own section. The nets page is priority one with
me keeping it updated ASAP. Click for Net
Locations Page The printable version will receive the same
care. Click here for printable
This needs to be said: In 2003 many of our message
board members started a boycott against all companies/businesses
supporting the Little River Casino in any way, shape, or form.
Too bad this situation is totally out of hand now. Back in
2003 we had the chance to apply pressure before the roof caved in,
like it has now!
If you'd like to view the member's No
Nets page from 2003, click here
Some of the companies, never even took the time to respond to a
letter composed by our membership in a joint effort. Maybe, if
they'd took a good long hard look back then, Manistee wouldn't be
the world's leading Great Lakes commercial netting port.
If any of the outfits listed in red would like to have their status
changed it's not too late. Please Email me at kingscharter@yahoo.com
with your intentions.
A future update will explain the
actions/outcome of the 2003 No Nets Page 7/25/07
a new trap net in the 20 numbers, north of Manistee, MI. Also,
there's a rumor about a new net going in at the 18 numbers.
Please keep in mind, this only a hearsay rumor for the time being
and there's a bunch of them floating around.
Today's featured photo is from our buddy
across the pond in Kewaunee, WI. According to Capt. Steve S, "The
after the sun up fishing has slowed a bit BUT is still very good. Went 13 for 18 on Sat with this set as a double. Green Foggy
and Krystal Killer, with a few on Chartreuse Doub L Glo." Click
for his double header 7/24/07
I'm sure you've all heard the poem about "Casey at Bat."
....being the bottom of the ninth inning, 2 out and the winning run
at bat, only to strike out. Here's a twist on the same kind of
story with a far better ending!
Message board member "Beer &
Nuts" entered the Youth Tournament held in Ludington, MI last
week. They struggled most of morning with only a few smaller
fish to show for their efforts. Then, Capt. Scott M. decided
to spend the last few minutes of the tourney trolling around
Ludville's harbor in search of a big fish.
With only minutes left in the
deadline of Youth Tournament being over, a big King ripped into a
12" Blue Bubble Reel Flasher. Scott's son, Hunter
skillfully, gained line and landed what ended up being the largest
King (weighing in at 20.65 pounds) during the 4 days in ALL
tournament events! Click
for Hunter M's 20.65 lb. King
Short on time, Team Beer & Nuts
had to back down on this fish, as line was being torn from the
reel... just like big game, salt water Marlin fishermen have to
do! After Hunter whipped his huge King into submission, the
race to get inside the pier heads was on, with only a couple of
minutes to spare. Click
winning flasher/meat rig
I'm extremely proud of all
participants in the youth tourney. Congratulations to
Ludington Tournament Committee on getting the women and younger set
involved during the 4 days of competition. My hat's off to
Team Beer & Nuts and Hunter for winning a $1000 saving
bond. Plus, the life lesson learned about "never giving
We all need to get reminder in that department from time to time! 7/23/07
Pretty much, all states surrounding Lake Michigan reported in with
decent to excellent catches. East Chicago, IN and Algoma, WI
sounded best, with easy limits in under 3 hours on Kings. Action
in Manistee has been fair to respectable, considering the lake rolled
over and the temp was all screwed up. Arcadia, MI had all
good-sized Kings from 12 to 16 pounds.
Here's the reel-story from Algoma, WI
from Terry's Toy:
"Took a retired DNR fisher man who just started fishing salmon out a couple of times to show him how to run meat. He will be joining our
group, his name is Jerry Wagner.
Left the dock at 4AM and put the last fish in the box at 6:30 AM only had one triple and landed all
three!" Capt. Terry W. Algoma, WI Click for Terry's
catch 7/22/07
There might be some minor relief on the horizon for Manistee, MI
anglers. Some of the trap nets closest to the harbor could be
removed. This story is a result of the Stones encroaching on
the Tommy Batista nets just north of Big Point Sable.
The Manistee (Stones) netters
shut down the trap nets by setting nets on both sides of the
Ludington/Batista sets. This just goes to show, ethics among
commercial fishermen are lacking. The crux of this difficult
story to explain is the good news for the Manistee guys and bad news
for Ludington, as Batista will probably be moving his nets somewhere
south of Big Point Sable. Please keep in mind the words
"probably," "might" and "could" are
heavily involved and nothing has happened yet. 7/21/07
a Lake Superior tackle testimonial from Capt. Rich H:
Hi John, I need to order some more 12” Silver Bullet Reel Flashers, They have been my number 1 producer on Lake
Superior for Lakers for the last 3 seasons. Many days when other nearby boats are catching from none to a handful we already have boxed 10-15 fish. Today, we went 24/30 with probably 75% coming off your
Silver Bullets, we ran 2 on the boom riggers and even put on 1 BTI
Silver Bullet on a inside rigger and it immediately started to
produce!" .......Capt. Rich H. aka Dot Net
If I hear any mid-tournament news for
the Ludington Gander Mountain event today, I'll post it for
tomorrow's update and hopefully have more news on Monday. 7/20/07
The first leg in the Ludington Gander Mountain Tournament weekend
was won with 75 lbs in 5 fish, all Kings. Yesterday's tourney was
called, "the Pedro" in honor of legendary tournament
fisherman/charter skipper, Pete Ruboyianes. My former deckhand and
longtime friend Mark Pefley was on the winning boat,
"Fishlander" and was nice enough to share this timely info.
Ludington tourney contestants might want
to take a long hard look at Fred Mac Donald's 333 event, if he's going
to be there. The last I knew, this was another joint venture
between Fred and the LRB Casino. A big uproar about the many nets
in Manistee MI, caused a boycott against all Little River Casino
sponsorship. 7/19/07
a chance to escape from the tackle shop for a few hours yesterday
morning. We hit 3 fish and boated 2 OK, but not huge
Kings. Fished slightly north of trap nets mostly in the 16s to
the low 17s in 80' to 150' of water (net free zone).
Click for John J's 7/19/07 Salmon Click
for imbedded Clear Red Super Mag Head
My lack of time on the water over the last 4 years was blatantly
obvious, so no excuses. We did what we could with what was
under our boat. Some might have blamed it on foggy conditions,
trap nets, east wind and flat calm seas, but that would be the easy
way out. As a charter
skipper from 1983 thru 2003, it's always the captain's responsibility
to be over fish & stay over fish,.... this was not
Something came to mind that should
be a help to all. A printable version of the net locations, to keep
onboard. I came up with idea while John J and I were trying to
remember net locations. So, even though we had a slow morning
fishing-wise, a good idea came from our outing! Click
here for printer friendly net locations
Dave Deforest, Tribal Law Enforcement confirmed all net locations
again yesterday. The locations listed on the Net
Locations Page are all current for Manistee, MI. No new
Manistee nets were located as of yesterday afternoon.
Today's featured photo is 16 pound
'bow/Steelhead caught on the Blue Mamba Glow. Capt. Steve S
fished a tournament in Kewaunee, WI. and the 10 fish he could
weigh-in came in at 12.35 per, or a total of 123.5 lbs. For now,
these are larger average size fish than what State of Michigan
anglers are seeing. Click
for 16 lb. 'bow
The race card played
recently by the LRB deserves another reply: "I don’t
have a problem with people being proud of who they are, but if you
believe you are entitled to something other cultures are not,
because of your racial decent, then you are racist and promoting
racism. With such behavior there can be no equality among
everyone." Well said,......eh? From one of our
message board members.
Here's my rebuttal to the recently published LRB statement in
the Manistee News Advocate and the Ludington Daily News about
tournament sponsorship:
The LRB is trying to play the race
card with "anti tribal" being mentioned concerning them
getting rejected by the Manistee sports fishing fleet as the Salmon
Splash Tournament sponsor. With all the money the Little River
Casino has? ...you'd certainly think their Public Relations
Department could do a better job with originality.
News for the Little River Casino: this ain't the OJ trial and
Johnny Cockran is dead. This not a race issue, it's a wall of
17 commercial fishing nets that's choking Manistee!
Let's change the subject to a
fishing report we all can enjoy:
"Hey Capt John, Just a report from Milwaukee on 7-15-07. Had lines set at
4:30am and pulled the last one at 8:00am. We fished the 40 to 90
feet of water. Riggers at 60' and dipseys at 120' loc were hot, especially
the Krystal Killer! Green frog and Krystal Killer did the damage. I love that
Krystal Killer no matter if it's in the BTI or 12" Reel
Flasher, that rig plain ROCKS! Click
for Tim's limit of Kings & Perch
We put the last King in the box at 8:00am
and headed south to Oak Creek power plant and setup for perch. After sorting, threw some of the smaller ones we kept our limit of 11" to 12" perch. What a perfect day a limit of salmon then a limit of perch all by
11:00am and on top of that the seas were flat and weather was great!! Man you gotta love Lake Michigan!!!"
Capt. Tim S. (message board member, TROUT SNIFFER). 7/16/07
best Manistee fishing report from this past weekend (I've seen) comes from
private message board member, "Jerryriggin." Their
rough water adventurous Saturday afternoon fish produced 11 Kings
and one Steelie. Sunday morning saw 10 Kings and a Brown Trout
meet their fate at the hands my products.
12" King Purple and Undertakers
were mentioned on the riggers & the divers were towing BTIs in
Blue Bubble, plus the newly revamped 2007 Pearl Squirrels. The
new genuine pearl looking base material is fast becoming an
ultra-proven super fish killer.
All fish were caught using whole bait
with the 2007 Super Mag Heads. Depth of water fished was 150
to 500 feet and the fish came deep, like at 100 to 160 feet
down. All of his Salmon were caught north of the inshore trap
nets in the 15s to 17s.
Posted new locations for 2 trap nets off
Whitehall, MI. Click here for
lat/lons 7/15/07
Posted a photo of Manistee's harbor with depth grid lines from a
bathometry card in my GPS. What used to take a bunch laps to
learn, is now at your finger tips. Seeing where the bottom
rises and falls is truly amazing, at least to me. Today's
electronics are incredible and cuts off years on the dreaded
learning curve! Knowing the fish holding depth structure means
no one is a rookie anymore. Click
GPS photo
Updated the Project SR 1979 page
and broke this article into 4 pages to aid load time for dial up
users. Click for SR 1979
progress accomplished yesterday.
As Paul Harvey might say, ........."click
here for the rest of the stories."
Yesterday, this website achieved another most important milestone,
by celebrating crossing the 2,000,000 mark, or hits. It took 4 1/2
years to reach the first million and 2 1/2 years to attain the second
million home page views.
Here's the exact stats for the last 12
months: 447,300 hits/index page views, 240,834 unique visitors, 75,433
first time visitors and 165,391 returning visitors. I have a stats
program and the above numbers can be verified. Hit counters can be
set at any number, but I keep mine extremely honest to gauge
reel-traffic flow. Yearly total website hits would number in the
millions, but only keep stats for this home page.
The internet is our number one source for
information on non-headline, front page news and that's what this
website does, report on things that would more than likely never make
page one on a major big city newspaper!
Tomorrow's update will focus on how modern
electronics has changed the game. 7/13/07
Is Friday the 13th putting a curse on this upcoming weekend?
Kinda looks like it, as 15 to 25 knot wind with seas ranging from 3 to 6
feet on Saturday, and good solid 2 to 4 footers for Sunday. Looks
like my boat will be staying shore-side.
The first causality in the conflict of
interest between sport and commercial fishermen looks to be Fred Mac
Donald's long standing collaboration with LRB enterprises. It was
told to me by 3 separate reliable sources that Fred has severed his
relationship with the Little River Casino for the upcoming Manistee
Salmon Splash Tournament on July 27, 28, & 29, 2007. Fred is
said to be looking for another location to hold the weigh-in/captains
meeting. Not on casino property like previously.
This story needs further verification,
before I take it as gospel. Hopefully, this will send a message
what's going on is wrong to the LRB tribal leaders. I can live
with commercial fishing, but not a solid 12 mile wall of nets choking my
home port! 7/12/07
hear that old saying, "cheer up, things... could be
worse!" So, sure enough, I cheered up and things got
worse!" What I'm getting at is the 7/10/07 headline (and
today's photo) from the Manistee News Advocate stating more nets are
coming. Yeah, right.....like we didn't have enough (17)
already! Click
for headline
Personally, I do not like to
get bogged in issues I have no control over and would rather expound
the virtues of the tackle I offer to the big water angler.
However, this website was built on honest fishing reports and what's
news concerning our fishery, not unwelcome negative announcements on
how we're getting jacked around!
The Canadian Environmental Defense
said trends in Ontario's annual "Guide To Eating Sport
Fish" found consumption advisories are generally getting
worse. Yet, they're not clear to the public on the
contaminates, except pregnant women and children should limit, or
avoid eating Great Lakes Whitefish altogether.
For now, "we have to endure, the
unendurable" until more and more people get pissed off.
Which is happening daily, time is on our side and the bottom
sucking, pesticide ridden Great Lakes Whitefish are not becoming any
less contaminated!!! 7/11/07
has kept many fishermen shore bound as a lately. So, no word
from Manistee, but the last I heard, straight out was easy catching.
Many of the captains in Manistee's
Charter Fleet are going ahead with plans to boycott Fred Mac
Donald's Manistee Salmon Splash events on July 27 thru 29. Mac
Donald has put himself in an untenable position with his long
standing allegiance with the LRB & it looks like the buzzards
have finally came home to roost!
This new "Alternative
Tournament" will feature the same rules and entry fee as the
one held by Fred Mac Donald and his cronies at the Little River
Casino. Let's hope this boycott sends a message to Fred and
the hierarchy the LRB Casino what's going on in the waters off
Manistee is just plain wrong in no uncertain terms!
More news on this new
"Alternative Tournament" will be forthcoming soon.
I've heard several of out-of-town tournament teams are all for this,
showing support for the beleaguered
Port of Manistee with 17 nets in 12 miles of formerly net free
waters. 7/10/07
Here's a report from last evening out of Michigan City, IN:
"Fished again today after work. The fishing is still unbelievable. We were hammering them again in 70-85' of water, straight out of the harbor. Easy
Green Frog and Green Bubble are UNSTOPPABLE! Hard to even keep 4 rods down the action is so
hot!" Take Care, Capt. Andy S. Click
for Green Frog photo
Here's a fact in our favor as we enter into
prime time for summer adult Kings. Spring Salmon (May) fishing
was a bust in many ports, so the main herd has not been thinned out
by angling pressure. Hence, a lot more summer fish!
We had a hard blow from the SW last Sunday
and this should further enhance our fishing chances. The fish
should start relating more to a deeper thermocline. The fish won't
be scattered all over hell's half acre up and down in the water
column. 7/9/07
from Lake Michigan, on the Michigan side are encouraging. Big
water anglers are catching Kings from Michigan City, IN to Manistee,
MI, probably Frankfort too! If there is a down side to the
fish reports I seen, not many Kings over 15 lbs. are being
mentioned. Let's hope size improves a bunch by later this
Let's all get behind the Riverside
Ladies Day Tournament towards the end of this month in
Manistee Rules are simple and start time is 5am and be back to
port deadline is noon. Entry free is 100 bucks and a FULL 100%
payback! Contact Amy, or Capt. Paul Schlafley at:
(231) 723-4901 for the rest of the particulars.
The Riverside Ladies Day will mark
the first hometown tournament in Manistee without the Little River
Casino name on it in at least 5 years ...it's 'bout time!
Do not believe the crock of
BS/spin Fred Mac Donald is using by saying the casino is not for the
nets. The casino is the same arm, from the same governing body
that sets the rules for their approved cut-throat hooligan
commercial netting tactics! 7/8/07
just go with snippets for today's update. Here's what I know,
or heard from reliable sources: lots of bait and no fish off north
Manitou Island. There's 3 sets of new trap nets off Whitehall,
MI. Fishing is decent in Manistee, but most of the action is
said to be down by Big Point Sable. King fishing is hot in
Michigan City, IN.
Capt. Paul Schlafley and his wife Amy are
proceeding forward with plans to avoid the LRB Ladies Day Tournament
towards the end of this month. They're holding their own Ladies Day
event, with absolutely no ties to the Little River Casino/commercial
fishing operations that are presently besieging the waters off
Manistee County!
Are you interested in showing your support
for a non-casino sponsored event in Manistee, MI? If so, call
(231) 723-4901 and speak with Amy or Paul for more details.
I have not fished any tournament with the
Little River name on it since 2002, when they started having the
weigh-in at the casino. Under any circumstances, I will not
set foot LRB Sovereign Nation property until things change for the
better in Manistee! 7/7/07
Posted a photo of our trolling course off Leland, MI from our recent
excursion to this overlooked port. Not owning boat since 2003, I'm
truly amazed at how far the marine electronics industry has came.
The color GPS unit I purchased works flawlessly and is almost semi-user
friendly. The pinkish-violet line shows the travel/trolling
course, as we explored the waters off this port. Click
for GPS plotter tracking
I applaud Capt. Paul Schlafley's from
Riverside Charters here in Manistee about boycotting the scheduled LRB
casino tournaments here in Manistee towards the end of this month.
It seems that many fishermen are starting to take a harder line against
the stingy-gut commercial fishermen that have monopolized all waters
south of Manistee. The Little River Casino's job isn't to piss off
everyone in Manistee by creating a public relations nightmare, it's to
put people in their gaming establishment 7/6/07
A family emergency cut short the visit to fish out of Leland,
MI. In total, we fish about 4 hours, hit 2 fish and threw one
back. Slow is the word and the experienced charter skippers were
coming in with about a handful. Never the less, the trip was a
great getaway, all be it may ...an abbreviated one. Leland has
unbelievable structure, like about 2 miles off shore, you're in plus 300
feet. Added another port photo of my collection of Lk. MI harbor
entrances. Click
for Leland's port entrance 7/5/07
Project SR 1979 will be cutting a trail to Leland, MI later
today. I promised a fishing buddy (Roscoe) some new water to
fish. This will be a business/pleasure trip as the Capt. Jim Munoz
from the Leland charter fleet has ordered more BTIs. Full report
will be forthcoming when I return Friday afternoon (7/6/07).
On 7/2/07 John J and I fished my new boat for a
couple of hours. Getting orientated Manistee's landmarks on
shoreline after not seeing it for a year was a welcome sight. We
fished just north of the nets and way-stayed clear. In fact,
knowing where they are saved a whole lot of grief. The Manistee
fleet is quickly becoming adaptive and learning where it's safe to troll
and areas to avoid.
We had 3 hits, 2 hooked up and landed an OK
King pushing 10 pounds. I did find out the 2007 Super Mag Heads
handled the red, orange (bait sizes) and strips beyond anything hoped
for. The spin is absolutely perfect, making this a multi-purpose
all-around piece of excellent tackle that kicks butt! Click
for Super Mag welded King 7/4/07
of July, when over 200 years our forefathers signed the Declaration
of Independence. This document put forth the idea all men were
created equal. 231 years later we have a two cast system,
where certain citizens, have rights exceeding others. This is
just not right and violates the principle this country was founded
Commercial and sport fishermen have
long been at odds with one another, as their goals are entirely
different. Not to fear, the world can not offer one example of
commercial fishermen not depleting the fish stocks to almost the
point of extinction. So, given enough time commercial
fishermen always put themselves out of business.
Had a chance to put Project SR 1979
thru it's second sea trial a couple of days ago. From 6 to 8pm
we hit 3 fish and boated this vessel's first fish of the season.
We fished open water north of the nets in depths from 60 to 200
feet. More on this tomorrow, but here's some photos: Click
for welded King Click
for our first fish 7/3/06
Message board member, SteveO was beating up on the fish again over
in the land of cheese. Steve seems to have a lock on the fish
out of Kewaunee, WI and hardly ever doesn't come back with a heavy
box. Click
for reel-proof
SteveO leans toward my Frog
pattern in the 10 and 12 inch flashers with matching meat
rigs. From the photos he sends in every week, I don't think
anyone will argue with his tried & true consistent
success. Click
for SteveO's favorites
Got off the dock last evening for
the maiden fishing voyage out of Manistee, MI in Project SR
1979. Boat trolled like a dream and was easy to fish
from. How'd we do?
I guess,.... you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find
out! Click for sneak
peek 7/2/07
gonna ...and didn't, kinda describes my plans for yesterday.
Everything was not in our favor with a carnival at Manistee's First
Street Public Access (boat launch) pushed our plans back about
fishing. We had an alternative of going to Ludington, but in
no way did I want this misconstrued as an avoidance of the nets in
Manistee. Besides, weekday fishing is always better. Click
for boat ready to go!
Ludington and Manistee's harbors were, or
are loaded with Alewives. This is our first major run of bait
into these 2 harbors this season. Even by conservative
estimates, this is a good 3 weeks behind what's anything close to a
"normal" schedule. This just goes to show how the
winter-like weather we had back in April has everything turned topsy
turvy. 7/1/07
Fishing took a nose dive yesterday in Manistee, MI, according to
Capt. Tom Rasmussen. While fishing in Manistee has been fairly
decent since May, every port will have it's off-days. Cold
down temp was said to be part of the problem.
Worked on Project SR 1979 all day
yesterday. There's a difference in just going fishing and
being ultra prepared to go catching. Re-lined all the rods,
changed the leaders on the divers and core. Packed a good
selection of my line of tackle that covers all light, depth and
temperature conditions. Gonna
hit the big pond later today, which will be a joy. I haven't
been fishing once, so far this season!