Made in  USA  Fishing Tackle Manufacturer

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    Proudly serving the Reel Fisherman since 1983 

September 2024

Photo of the Day
(Click for full size)

Rip Teezer Walleye
9/24/24 Lk. Huron

Iconic FireDot Color
8/24/24 Lk. MI

8/21/24 Ludington
Capt. Kirk's catch

8/20/24 Kayak Koho
E Platte Bay
. MI

7/23/24 Ludington
Capt. Kirk's catch

NFL draft days
Bud & Dr. Stephanie

Salmon Busters™ Great Lakes Info Tips and Trix Capt. John's Log

Welcome New and Returning Visitors
"You've just discovered the most extensive information available to the Great Lakes Angler and Charter Fisherman I've been able to put together so far. Please keep in mind, there's well over 150 different pages. Full of my original content containing a complete encyclopedia fishing tips, past results, photos, 60 You Tube videos, tricks & how to's.  Only here, are the constantly evolving techniques to consistently catch more & larger fish are revealed in an easy to read and understand format" ...Capt. John King 

Today's Update and, ...or Fishing Report

9/7/24  Thanks to all who have visited this website over the years. Pause in daily chats is not of my chosing.  My body when it entered this world in November of 1946 came with a time stamp that said, ":best if used my July 2024."  Ever since it's been a struggle with tasks that now take me 4 times as long to do 1/3 as much.

9/2/24  Hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend. Today's a toughie for me, because of vision issues.  Been doing daily chats since the year 2000.  That's over 8k,  conservative estimate.  Until I get cataract surgery, daily updates will happen only once, or twice a week. 

8/29/24 My failing eyesight is making updates nearly impossible.  17th of next month have an appointment with ReimerEye Care to get cataract surgery.  Live long enough, everyone gets cataracts according to the eye doc.  Detail work of any kind is beyond difficult.  For now, making tackle under a large lighted magnifying glass to get by.

8/28/24  Interesting photo of the day sent in by Larry M.  He was fishing out of Harbor Beach on Lake Huron on 8/24/24 in over 100’ of water and caught a Walleye on one of our scented soft plastic Rip Teezer.  Proving that if it looks like food to one type of fish, all species do the same.   Click RP Walleye

8/27/24  Here's a good read about sink holes in Lk MI and Lk. Huron:  Click for article

8/26/24  Here's a good lesson on "new" impulse purchases.  It's about the old school iconic FireDot pattern.  For me? ...this color has worked since 1969 with 1000s of fish meeting their demise.  What would you rather have? "New" or a proven fish killer?  Here's testimonial:
"CBull's title, "FireDot for the Win!

Fire Dot, with red LED blinker and West Coast setup; accounted for 4 this morning. 2 misses, but those were both doubles and just couldn’t hook up solid.  East Platte Bay, 70’ fow to 115’ ...CBull”

8/23/24  It;s easy to have a grin on your mug when you have a 100 pounds of Kings hanging as today's featured photo of Ludington's very own Capt. Kirk.  This past week's cooler than normal temps mean N wind with colder water temps new shore.  Providing an incentive for the Salmon to head up our rivers, streams and creeks.

8/22/24  Here's a kayak fish report on Coho action in E Platte Bay, 17 miles N of Frankfort, MI by water:

Your white spoon with green LED and west cost style single hook and barrel swivel, accounted for all of these.  Gonna’ try your FireDot LED spoon…in the AM.  75’ to 100’ fow.  Chuck B. Click Kayak Koho

8/20/24  Finally on track with orders that came in over the weekend.  Vision issues are no fun, lost depth perception that make tacking building a challenge.
                In 2 weeks will get word on cataract surgery and new eye treatment called Absmoi that being advertized on TV.,  Only wish I could update you on fishing, but feel it's been decent at cantral LK. MI ports.  Bad nwes travels faster than good.  Tomorrow? ...people looking for bait.

8/16/24  In the nicest way possible, I'm envious of those fishing the Great Lakes.  Feeling the surge of the waves and seeing big Kings coming to the net is s sight to behold.  My present physical being makes me more a liability aboard than an asset.  So, enjoy yourself while you still can, before life throws curve balls at you!  

8/15/24  Missed a few days.  Working with a patched together computer system when Win 10 auto update corrupted the hard drive in 2 of my 4 computer network.  Murphy's law happened at the worst possible time.
               Good news is Lk. MI has rebounded from the drastic Chinook/King Salmon stocking cuts.  Everyone I spoke with lately ordering tackle had good things to say from a variety of ports.

8/12/24 Doctor's appointment at 10am is going slow down work building and shipping orders.  So, that sucks!  Rip Teezers long term usage id tomorrow's focus.

8/10/24  Received an interesting note in the special comment section during check out from my webstore. Reminding me that I got it right making our Rip Teezers fake bait.  Here's what Aaron W. from Grand Rapids, MI had to say:

"The Rip Teasers that I got last time are AWESOME, I've went something like 12 for 13 with one strip that I am still using the very same strip." 

       For a continuation of daily log entries going back 20 years: Click here
  Encyclopedia of
         Tips &Tricks

Pirates &Thieves New
Little River Rip-Off
R.I.P. Teezers
Phat Results

Do I Stay? 1 & 2
Top Tier Tactics
Salmon Busters™
3D Tackle 2014
Super Snubbers 2013

Black's & Bands
Fine Tuning Bait 
2010 Myth Busting 1  
Double Loop Knot
Thinking Inside the Box 
Eaters, or Biters part I

  Click more articles

 Press Releases
History in the Making

"Simply has a edge through knowledge and ability of having broken the lock jaw barrier with his own bag of tricks on a regular basis....
& good sense of humor."

Guy Ellis-The Outdoor Guy "Manistee News Advocate" 
Feb. 2000

"King of the Charter Boat Skippers"

Tom Huggler 
"Fish Michigan" 
March 1999
"The action on Lake Michigan continued at a frantic pace... the crew went on to land 7 Kings (Chinooks), 1 Coho and 9 Lake Trout on the half day Charter." (17 fish)
Dave Richey 
"Sunday Detroit News" 
August 1984

28 lb. King  Pacific Ocean
3/13/21 Soldotna, Alaska

3/13/20 Soldotna, AK
12" White Lightening Flasher
26 lb. King Salmon!

Sunrise over Manistee, MI
Low light? ...better photos!

We've had    strikes since Jan. 2000 
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XG-Frog 12" Combo
9/19/21 Burns Ditch, IN

UP's Fairport, MI
29lb. King last July


27.93 lb. Atlantic Salmon
114' down, Salmon Buster 4.0
Baltic Sea, Russian Federation