Archived Daily Updates
3/31/13 Thanks to everyone
who placed an order during my special preseason sale
that ends tomorrow (4/1/13) at midnight.
3/30/13 Reserved this
afternoon for something very important. That being
putting the batteries back in my boat for the 2013
3/29/13 Whew ...what a
week! With Herculean efforts we cleared up the
backlog for Leader Lockers that goes back to February
preorders. All orders have been shipped!
3/28/13 Current preseason
sale has been extended thru 4/1/13. Special offer
lowball 2004 pricing will be going up on 4/2/13.
New 2013 Leader Lockers will increase from 24.95 to
29.95 on that date too and worth every penny of
3/27/13 Title of today's
featured pic is, frustrated fisherman. Maybe, you
share this same malady waiting on the big lake fishing
season to begin? Too much thinking and a little
extra free time led me to Mamba-ize my rigger weights
used for shooting video.
3/26/13 Renamed the formerly
Meat Rig Cases to: Leader Lockers, because that's
exactly what they are. Our 2013 Leader Lockers
secure and organize meat rig strings and trolling flies
like nothing else. I've been using them since 2008
and know how durable the Plano Pro Latch boxes are.
That's 6 seasons of hard usage with zero issues.
3/25/13 In limbo waiting for
Plano to complete my order for the boxes the foam
inserts go in. Order was turned in 3 weeks ago on
3/4/13. I've ordered from Plano before and had my
order in-hand in 2 weeks, or less. There will be a
video on sharing what I learned storing flies and meat
rigs with these cases going back to 2008.
3/24/13 Resolved myself to
the reel-fact my boat will not be coming out of storage
until the 12-18 inches of snow melts. Plain and
simple my boat is snowed in for a while. My guess
is with the right weather? about 2 weeks. 3/23/13 Word is Manistee has 3 docks in at the First Street Public Launch. Next semi-kinda warm day I will probe water depths to help Manistee fishermen know whats-up. Need to see how much concrete ramp is actually available. Look for a full report on launching conditions from the Port of Manistee, MI soon.
3/21/13 In case where you
are does not present the opportunity to take part in the
joy of plowing snow on the 1st day of spring 2013?
...snapped a pic from the inside of my plow truck.
So, you too ...could experience all the happiness of
pushing snow into huge 6' white lumps to adorn your
Click 3/20/13 snowplow POV
3/20/13 First day of Spring
2013, but in name only. Mr. Winter decided to give
us a parting shot yesterday in Manistee County, MI with
about 10" of snow at my place. More snow is
predicted for today. Our recent snowfall is lake
effect from evaporation, not system snow that adds to
water to Lk. MI.
3/19/13 Miserable March
weather in Manistee, MI with a snow advisory for up to 7
inches is today's headline. Spring seems like it's
located in another universe, cuz it sure ain't happening
here. We had cool October and November turned
chilly fast. For the past 6 months I've witnessed
not even the smallest signs of global warming a-at-all!
3/18/13 Did a pull test on a
10' diver rod. Drag was set at 4.6 pounds of
straight line pull. Arched the rod to a 45 degree
angler and was able to pull 6.6 pounds before the drag
system slipped. This kinda exploded my idea of a
rod being a force multiplier. Additional gained 2
pounds of pull was probably from rod guides and rod tip
Some things are just mean to be. Debuting the new
2013 Green Mamba
wasn't planned for today, but it just worked out when we
got the right paint last Thursday. New metallic
green is a very pricey 90 bucks a quart.
3/16/13 Major
accomplishments this week. Installed 2nd computer
workstation in the shop and trained the help to process
orders and make shipping labels. This will free up
some time for me and still maintain company policy of
same day shipping.
3/15/13 What a difference a
year makes. This time last year Manistee, MI was
experiencing temperatures in the high 70s to low 80s.
Yesterday morning at my place it was a frigid 8 above
with spring 2013 5 days out?
Click 3/14/12 thermometer
3/13/13 Yesterday was a
glorious day in Manistee, MI if it was the middle of
January. Snow and below freezing temps makes
spring look like a distant galaxy, far, far away. 3/12/13 Finished the written text article abut my snubs to expand our Encyclopedia of Tips &Tricks section. Combining text, color photos & video all in one instructional package is why the paper-print medium cannot compete with the internet. Not to mention the high costs involved to print & distribute. Click Super Snubbers article
3/11/13 Special video update for
today. See interesting Super Snubbers reel-facts, hook
demonstration, & Twili-Tip
installation. Learn a EZ way to secure divers on
divers rods:
3/10/13 Buttoned up the new
Super Snubber 2013 video. Shot and uploaded in
full HD video with extreme clarity that far surpasses any of my
previous attempts on my
You Tube page 3/9/13 Tonight is when we yo-yo our clocks forward one hour to adjust for Daylight Savings Time. My task for today is to complete editing the snubber movie that will feature a EZ way to store your diver rods intact without your Dipsys flopping around.
3/8/13 Hard to believe, but
a week from now I splashed my boat for the first time in
2012. No such luck this year. It's gonna
take a good week of warm weather to melt
3/7/13 Gained more knowledge
when we shot the video test footage for our new Super
Snubbers. Found out snubbers must stretch/cushion
between 5-10 pounds of pull to be effective.
Straining a diver rod to 10-12 lbs. of direct line pull
tested against a hand held scale was getting close to
where ...I felt we were going to break the 10' rod.
Lever and fulcrum laws are not in your favor with long
diver rods.
Click 9 oz mag diver
3/6/13 2013 lineup is now
complete at the webstore. Added last year's
sell-out, Stealth Cable. New 2013 Super Snubbers,
Meat Rig/Fly Storage Cases, & Flasher Storage Cases have
built in preseason discounts.
Click for just added 2013 tackle
3/5/13 2011 & 2012
Chinooks/King Salmon planted were all wire tag coded
adipose fin clipped fish. Coded wire tags are
imprinted with where and when these fish were planted.
Any skippers you caught in 2012 without fins missing
were naturally reproduced Kings. Same goes for
this year, but now we have 2 year classes of clipped &
tagged Kings. This mass tagging program is slated
to run for 5 years began in 2011.
3/4/13 Best news on the
horizon? Later this week Manistee, MI will see
extended days above freezing. We need a thaw with
the record February snowfall of 55 inches. Road to
my pole barn is snowed in with 3 foot drifts of hard
frozen snow. 3/3/13 Yesterday's world reveal on the snubbers marks my entry into generic tackle industry that appeals to a boarder marketplace. Some might not be into pulling attractors, but will still be using divers. Our Super Snubbers are the most thoroughly tested piece of tackle I've introduced thus far. The technology behind this product will be explained in great detail in a new article and new video side by side vs. comparison.
3/2/13 February 2013 set a
Manistee, MI record with 55" of snow. This broke
the last record set in 1958. Good news is that's 5
inches of rain, if every 10" of snow equals one inch of
water. Bad news is it sucked to deal with that
much snow in a short month.
3/1/13 Flint Steelheaders
Boat & Fishing Show opens this afternoon. The
place is easy to find at the Birch Run exit off I-75.
Expo Center is due W of the E-way.
2/28/13 Need to call in sick
today. Good to see snowy February 2013 come to an
end. 2/27/13 Snow fleas ...ever seen 'em? If you haven't you'll probably think I'm pulling your leg, or was going nuts. When the temp starts pushing 40 degrees tiny insect life starts flicking around on melting snow. I know not what they are, but know that are very tiny and black and do move. Click yesterday's snow flea infestation
2/26/13 Please note
yesterday's review about our tackle withstanding the
rigors of the Pacific Ocean's saltwater environment.
Having interchangeable coastlock hardware and not
stationary welded split rings explains itself.
Salt water damages even stainless steel. 2/25/13 Here's a customer testimonial from B.C. Canada on the W coast:
"Hi there, just a note to say my
fishing buddies and I have been using your Combos
with Anchovy and/or Herring in the large meat heads,
and have been doing really well with big Chinook off
the West Coast. Favorites of ours are the Black and
Blue Mambas, and the Smurf gear. We have also done
well with Coho when they come in later in the
season, King Krimson worked well for us last year.
We all place an order ever year (I
just placed mine again) and the gear we first bought
still looks and works great. Keep up the great
work!" Would rather be fishing... Lance
2/24/13 20 inches of snow on
the ground at my place in Manistee, MI and we got more
today. Season total for the 2012-2013 season I'd
estimate at 90 inches plus. This is probably more
snow then we got the last 2 winters combined. 90
is no big number for my area that normally averages 160 inches,
or more during a winter season.
2/23/13 Searching thru my
2012 photos ran across an interesting reflective green
bouncing off the backside of the new Kevorkian pattern.
Setup on this pic is mid-morning with the sun behind the
shoulder of John J. Seldom do I shoot photos into
the sun. But I did use fill-flash to counteract
shadows. Then, upon review yesterday noticed the
green mirroring off the laser glow backside lure tape.
2/22/13 Next week the
daytime highs are at, or above the freezing mark for
Manistee, MI. It's been a long time since we've
seen consecutive days this warm.
2/21/13 2 topics on the
front burner today. First off, it's exciting to
deal with USA industry when bringing new tackle online.
But it's a hurry-up and wait deal too. Wait is for
tooling design. Then, accepting the new parts
in-hand before full production runs.
2/20/13 Heard the one about,
"the mail must always go thru?" That doesn't apply
to where I live in Manistee, MI. No mailman for us
yesterday. That means I have all the orders from
the weekend and yesterday are still waiting go into the
US Mail system. As a matter of pride I dislike any
delays. Even the ones I have no control of.
2/19/13 Glad another Monday
bit the dirt. Mondays are always the most hectic
workday of the week for any small business. I go
out of my way to tie up any loose ends on Fridays
previous to the weekend, but the dam always seem to
burst on Mondays.
2/18/13 Today is
Washington's birthday i.e. Presidents Day. A federal holiday for the
US Post Office. That means no orders will be
shipped until tomorrow.
2/17/13 Happy Sunday!
Daylight comes now a little after 7am. About an
hour earlier then last month. Keep looking for
moderating weather, but there's no sign of improving
temps in the immediate future. Batteries will be going
in my boat in about 2 weeks.
2/16/13 About half of Lk.
MI's watershed is listed as long term abnormally dry to
moderate drought. This is part of reason for the
falling water levels. Manistee, MI has had more
snow/moisture this winter compared to the last 2.
Click drought
2/15/13 Tackle store is back
up and accepting orders again. All sold-out tackle
has been restocked. Want 10% off, free shipping,
and a bonus free flasher?
2/14/13 Valentine's Day
alert to do something special for your mate. In my
case, wonder if she'll accept a new rod, reel, or sonar
as a romantic gift?
2/13/13 From experience I
know when video cameras come out, conversation wanes.
Camera shyness will be overcome onboard my boat, because
of the cams will always be live and soon ignored by the
crew. Did a good 10 regular TV shows in the 1980s
and 1990s when I was in the charter business as
promotional events. So, I have a firm idea of what
goes into a pro video shoot and have plans to raise the bar
even higher,
2/12/13 Yesterday's tease
photo of my "dream bags" is camera/video gear for 2013.
In those 2 bags are 3 mini cams and a quality prosumer
shoulder mount HD camcorder.
2/11/13 Today's feature
photo is the new hyper-holo effects tape vs. the older
purple tape. While the old stuff is good, good is
not good enough when there's better.
2/10/13 Restocked with
Cortland's Spectron Super Braid line last Friday.
The 6 larger 1200 yard spools you see? ...those were all
I could get when I ordered last Monday.
2/9/13 Recent snowstorm for
Manistee, MI was no big deal. Over a couple of
days we got about a foot of new white stuff. Good
news about this is it added a good inch of
precipitation, or water for the Great Lakes watershed.
2/8/13 Today it's about the
proposed changes to the cost of fishing licenses by MI
Gov. Snyder. His proposed 2013-2014 budget is to
jack up prices on one day licenses from 7 to 15 bucks
and double the cost of nonresident license fees.
2/7/13 Made major progress
on 2 new projects for 2013 yesterday. Both have
been thoroughly tested and should have instant market
2/6/13 Yesterday was very
productive. Finally had time to order the tackle
we were lacking. Plus, turned in a large order for
meat heads. We were almost out of X-Glow heads and
that's just one of several reasons for shutting down the
2/5/13 Today is going to be
about decompressing after a good 10 days of hectic
double shifts that pushed our production capacity well
beyond it's limit.
2/4/13 My most sincere
thanks to all that purchased tackle during my 2013 hyper
holo promo event. Due to tremendous demand we're
out of Obama Mambas, XG White Mambas, Super Silver
Bullets, Redtail SUVs, Kevorkians, Spectron, Twili Tips,
etc. 2/3/13 Procrastinators take heed, my 2013 promo sales event ends at midnight. See 1/31/13 update for details on 13% discount, value added bonus flasher, & free shipping.
2/2/13 Ground Hog Day folk lore says if this animal does not see it's shadow,
spring will come early. If it's sunny and Mr. G. Hog
sees it's shadow he'll retreat into his burrow to await
6 more weeks of hard winter. Supposed to be cloudy
at my place today.
2/1/13 We've closed the book
on the longest and darkest month of the winter, January
2013. Spring 2013 officially opens on 3/20/13.
Only 40 some days from now!
1/31/13 Need to explain a
few things about the promo code: hyper holo
1/30/13 Had a wonderful day
yesterday spending a few hours on the phone providing
tackle support. Talking to other fishermen is a
joy. Click
shop work 1/29/13
1/29/12 Webstore is now open
for the 2013 season. Use promo code: hyper holo
1/28/12 Michigan's DNR is changing some of the weights necessary to qualify fish for their Master Angler program. Salmon and Trout species requirement have remained virtually unchanged over the past 20-30 years. Every year is different when it comes to fish size. Example? ...what was an average King in 2011 (16 to 20 lbs) was a whopper in 2012 when size was down by pounds on adult Kings. What will 2013 bring us as far as size goes? Don't know, but it will be ....big fun finding out!
1/27/13 Clearance Corner is
my new page at the webstore. This page to
clearance out odds and ends of flashers in small amounts
just taking up space.
1/26/13 I was in the right
church, but the wrong pew when speaking about Triple
Fish line on 1/24/13. So, I stand gratefully
corrected by Jeff from Fort Myers, FL: My Manistee, MI snowometer is now at 40" for the 2012-2013 season.
1/25/13 T.G.I.F. in it's
full meaning. Widescreen redo of
1/24/13 Posted a photo of
our newly restocked supply of line for 2013.
Triple Fish has changed their name to Trik Fish.
Which I view as a smart move.
1/23/13 Nome, Alaska had
better weather yesterday then Manistee, MI. Nome's
high was in the 20s with a low in in the teens. My
place in Manistee, MI? about -1 for the low 7-6
degrees for the high.
Manistee's major January burrrrr!
1/22/13 8 days and counting
to the 2013 relaunch of my tackle store. New
Mambaville page features 15 unique Mamba selections.
Nobody even comes close due to the reel-fact Mambas are
labor intensive to produce.
2013 XG White Mamba
1/21/13 Spent the majority
of the weekend preparing the Combo Deal page for the
1/30/13 relaunch of my internet based tackle store.
1/20/13 It's wise move to
charge your boat batteries during winter layup.
Keeping the batteries charged and filled will save money
over the long haul.
1/19/13 Rolling out the
brand new 2013 Obama Mamba Combo. If there was
ever a perfect fit between rhyming words? ...this is it!
After my late season underwater video shoot, black stood
out best at 80' down. 80' is where the camera lost
light film.
1/18/13 Generally, we see a
lot of the deep red Cardinals when spring breaks in
Manistee, MI. Cardinals in the winter around my
place are unusual. This winter we've had a
Cardinals visiting the bird feeder since last spring.
Click 1/17/13
1/17/13 Exposing a big
rip-off today. My GoPro action cam needed a remote
mic to capture audio for the upcoming 2013 season.
Bought a Sony
ECM-DS70P on eBay for 3.89 plus 2.99 for shipping from
Beijing, China. Same mic on Amazon was 54.30.
1/16/13 To understand
today's update about dredging you'll need to click and
review these links:
Click dredging update
Click MDNR & MSWC info
1/15/13 Original pan for
today's chat has been put on hold. Genius moment,
or lack thereof is the reason. Woke up yesterday
morning and waited for a rare genius moment to occur.
Next thing I knew it was bedtime and my first genius
moment must have been put on hold like this website,
...cuz it didn't happen!
1/14/13 Most of the time,
the month of January is a long drawn out span of winter
days. Not so this year. Reformatting the
mich-angler website and building inventory for 2013 has
my days just flying by at warp speed as we approach
mid-month. 1/13/13 January thaw has came and gone. Good day to take off and rest up for the coming week of reformatting the webstore that's opening in about 2 weeks.
1/12/13 Preseason prep is my
story for today. Demand at the end of last season
wiped out most of our meat rigs. We store the
strings with the flies on, then adjust the order to customer
preference to either Magnum, or Super Mag meat heads.
1/11/13 Thanks for hanging
around this week to see my old fishing pictures.
45 years and counting fishing the Great Lakes is my
1/10/13 The
reel-story on today's 45 year old tattered dog-eared
pic? Toughie to answer, because it sent me on a
lifelong journey. Guess it's not so much about the
fishing, or the catching. But the place where it
takes you. For me it's an escape to a higher form
of being where the everyday treadmill of life melts
1/9/13 1. Ford had
their Edsel & Chevy had their Vega. Traverse
City, MI downrigger company, Big Jon Inc. had a
spring loaded rod holder that would smack you right in
the middle of your noodle ...if you weren't careful. Idea behind the
double spring holder was to help hook the fish, as the
rod holder sprang upwards. Instead, the movement
only help bind the rod in the holder. Needless to
say, after a few of seasons Big Jon's ill conceived
goofy Tight Line Rod
Holder went the way of the dodo bird.
1/8/12 I'll have a new mid
1980s fishing photo tomorrow, but need to explain the
1970s fishing style photo with more detailed
Click oldie pic from the 1970s
1/7/12 Today's combined 2
part photo is from the mid-1970s. I made the boat
in the photos. My boat project began in early 1975
when I bought a 16' flimsy outer hull with no stringers,
deck, gunnels, or floor for 25 bucks from a boat dealer
in Pontiac, MI.
1/6/12 Winter snowfall for
my area and other counties in northern Michigan is
about, ....or less then half of what's considered
normal. Snow has been a no-show.
1/5/12 Finished up an
exciting week in the tackle shop. Seeing the new
2013 lineup take shape surpasses any of my previous
efforts. We are the industry leaders in meat
tackle design with our exclusive red, blue, & green
Super UV series.
1/4/12 The featured pic for
today shows how we used to fish in the 1980s. I'm
pretty sure this photo was from 1984 and predates the 10' diver
rods we rely on nowadays. That's the reason for
the outrigger in the background ...used to run Deep-6s &
drop weights. Directional Dipsy Divers were
around, but not the fleet standard yet.
1/3/12 2013 marks my 30th
anniversary in the fishing business. 30 years ago
at this time of the year I was studying to pass the USCG
exam on the way to becoming a charter skipper. Longevity
has it's perks. I've seen a lot during the past 30
years and done a lot too. This subject will be
elaborated on next week in far greater detail.
1/2/13 On January 31st of
this month my internet tackle store will be reopening
for the 2013 season. Look for new 3D tackle in a
condensed ...easier to order format. 1/1/13 Happy New Year! Continued below back to the year 2000: