July, August, & September 2014
P15 Steelhead 32" 9/26/14 Ludington, MI |
Reverse Order Daily Log
9/30/14 Fishing off the Port of
Manistee, MI improved when the bait showed up. Marked
several schools of bait suspended during the middle of
afternoon, well before sunset. Seeing large pockets of
fish food sure perk ups the fishing!
9/29/14 Sometimes in the quest to
catch fish, the things that are the most magnificent, might be
over looked. Lk. MI has been absolutely gorgeous for the
best part of last week. Especially, last evening's ultra
calm, mirror-like water that caused the hours to melt away to
fast. Fishing was OK too!
Click for a tranquil Lk. MI sunset
9/28/14 Fished Manistee, MI
yesterday from 4pm until 8pm. We boxed 5 kings and 1 Coho.
So, for fishing this season? ...was pretty darn decent!
Kings were all fresh silver fish and the Coho was just starting
to mature.
Todd's King
9/27/14 Did something yesterday I
have not done since 1988 when I fished Lowrance big deal summer
tournament in Ludington, MI. Being: launching my own boat
out of this port. Fished aboard other Ludington vessels
since, but not often.
9/26/14 Betcha I had a better day
than many of you yesterday! Lk. MI was placid, temps were
in the 70s. And we didn't get skunked!
Click Todd's
9/25/14 String of beautiful fall
weather continues. Sunny with pleasant temps 70s just
makes things better. Lk. MI is extra calm for the time
being too!
9/24/14 Yesterday's Lk. MI fishing trip
was not a joyous event. 3-4' S lumps with a SW cross chop
made trolling miserable. My Sea Ray 22' boat has a hard
vee hull and is not stable platform in these conditions.
9/23/14 Going fishin' finally!
Here's why: 9/22/14 Fall is going to be kind to the late season Lk. MI fishermen. Beginning tomorrow we're in for a stretch of fairly calm water if the predictions are right. Having 3, possibly 4 days of doldrums in late September is highly unusual, but so is the 2014 season ...right? I think you can guess where I'll be for a few days this week.
9/21/14 Another good day to take off
and let my mind unscramble from the pressure packed months of
July and August. Stepping back to go forward is a wise
move. 9/20/14 Good day to take off and accomplish chores left on backburner too long. Looks like there's a window of tolerable sea conditions beginning by the middle of next week.
9/19/14 My thanks to Chris C for
sending in a couple of links concerning the flow being increased
in the St. Marys River at the soo.
Click water reference article
9/18/14 There's close 20" of more
water compared this time last year and that's as far as I got on
today's original thought theme. Need more research on this
most important subject that effects us all.
Click water reference article
9/17/14 Published a photo
from Kim A. showing what he caught yesterday. Yes, they're
still catch catching some Kings off the Port of Manistee, MI.
Don't like to offer conjecture, but we could be seeing, ...what
we didn't see in August? Factoring in the late spring &
the record cold from last winter.
Kim's 9/16/14 Manistee Kings
9/16/14 Looks like a decent window
this coming Thursday to wet a line on Lk. MI. If I do get
a chance to sneak out of the tackle shop? ...my focus will be
300' & deeper.
9/15/14 Today's photo is supplies
used to make 3D printed tackle. Please note the hair spray.
That's to get the glass build bed tacky so the print sticks.
Stuff in the small can is used to fuse the 3 parts of the
jaye-plug together.
Click 3D build
supplies 9/14/14 Updating my Thingiverse account with number 3 & 4 jaye-Plugs is something I hope to get done soon. Open sourcing these free to the world 3D models is not for financial gain on my part. It's to show we do not have to purchase China made tackle!
9/13/14 Today's featured pic of a 32
lb. jumbo sized Lake trout is courtesy of Matt R. he
neglected to say what port they were fishing. From the
looks of the shoreline, the horizon bears a strong resemblance
to Manistee, MI. But this is only a guess on my part.
9/12/14 Triple T.G.I.F!!! This
has been my hell week when plans are being laid out for the 2015
season. Had 30 hours in two days getting a handle on what
needs to be done.
9/11/14 Probably the brightest spot
on the 2014 season for Manistee, MI is the amount of Steelhead
that showed up this year.
Click 9/7/14 WI
Steelhead 9/10/14 Must forego today's scheduled chat. Too many emails, lots of P15 design work, and regular admin stuff has the fingers on my paws locked up and sore.
9/9/13 Posted a pic of Todd, aka
"Todd the Rod" and can prove it to you how he earned his
when a medium sized King swam into, then around a rigger cable.
9/8/14 Fished yesterday am in a
variety conditions. Overcast, flat with pea soup fog to
sunny in short choppy washboard 2 to 3 footers made the morning
intertesting. 9/6 & 7/14 Fascinating bottom trawl video in 2013 Lk. MI bait survey:
9/5/14 This weekend is off-time for
yours truly. This will be the first weekend going back to
June when making/shipping tackle is not on the front burner.
9/4/14 Some boats that fished out of
Manistee, MI did OK yesterday by going deep with meat. Lk.
MI was tolerable too. I was stuck in shop laying the
ground work for the 2015 season and working on current orders.
9/3/14 Not going fishing yesterday
turned out to be a good move. Know of a couple boats that
fished out of Manistee, MI and they both said it was lumpy 3 and
4 footers.
9/1/14 "Old One Eye" is a nickname I
gave an Undertaker Super Mag Head a good 5-6 years ago.
Fish ate the eyeball off and did a transplant to repair this
oldie, but goodie!
8/31/14 Gonna save the epic tale of
"Old One Eye" 7 years in making until tomorrow and say, the
Labor Day Weekend crowd got disappointed with yesterday's nasty
8/30/14 Fished Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday this past week. During these 3 mornings we
had lines in the water for about 10 hours resulting in 10 bites
amounting to 7 fish boated (2 Lake Trout, 2 Coho, & 3 adult King
Salmon. My trips end before 11am, having to be in the shop
by noon to ship orders.
8/29/14 Yesterday morning's trip out
of Manistee, MI was both bad and good. The bad was from
7am thru 9:15am. That part was as exciting ...as watching
Herring thaw.
8/28/14 Wished I'd have worn a bag
over my head to sneak away un-noticed from the boat launch when
we put the boat on the trailer around 10:30am. 1 small
Lake Trout was the only thing kept the plague of dreaded black
striped kitty away.
8/27/14 Escaped from the shop
yesterday morning and fished Lk. MI out of the Port of Manistee,
MI. Rolled the dice and it came up 6, so we headed back to
the last place I wanted to fish, down by Big Point Sable in the
6 numbers.
8/26/14 Hope to get some water time
soon weather permitting. Reports I have from Manistee, MI
are very confusing. One day is good, next day, ...not so hot? 8/25/14 This website is on autopilot for the time being. Should have some news about Manistee, MI's fishing by this afternoon. Waiting for the reel-facts beat speculation.
8/24/14 Manistee, MI's thermocline
has went deep according to website member, Roscoe. He
fished straight out of Manistee to the north a few miles and
said 44 degree water is now 140' down, Farther you get
away from the drop off, or shelf temp will come up shallower.
On a mission to build tackle today. So, I can have a day
off this week.
8/23/14 Going on an experiment for
the next year beginning today. I'll let lady luck's toss
of 4 dice decide which N-S lat/lons to fish. 4 number
would be Big Point Sable and 24 would put me up N towards
Onekama. All within easy reach of Manistee, MI's
harbor which is in the 15 N-S numbers.
Click for my 3D printed
8/22/14 T.G.I.F!! Have a great
and safe weekend. Gonna grab some R & R myself.
8/21/14 My prayer to the wind gods
on 8/17 for S wind is being answered. Fishing in Manistee,
MI is showing signs of life. S wind and warm temps is
beginning to work!
8/20/14 Jim B sent in a pic from his
double from yesterday morning while fishing out of Arcadia, MI.
2-fer came on a BTI Kevorkian and a 12" White Mamba. Both
had matching meat rigs. Fishing has improved off Manistee,
Click Pat's B's double
8/19/14 Another next gen angler,
Daniel D is featured in today's pic. Always great to see
young men catching fish!
Daniel D's Manistee, MI King
8/18/14 Today's featured photo
speaks for itself. Next generation fisherman, Alex K hefts
some pretty decent fish! Perhaps you remember when you
were first smitten with the love of fishing?
Click Mr. Alex K's King
& Steelhead
8/17/14 Want you fish photo posted?
Just email me your picture and it will be featured now, or in
the future.
Click Adam L's respectable Brown
8/16/14 Good news is S and SW winds
for Manistee, MI finally. The past 3 weeks of N wind has
made fishing tough and catching even harder. 8/15/14 T.G.I.F, tech difficulties prevents today's scheduled chat.
8/14/14 Couple of featured pics for
you today. First one is the .stl file to make Plugs-the J.
Have a 3 piece model where you can print the different colors,
then glue the lure together with a tight fitting center pin.
Click 3D Plug minus
the J
8/13/14 Working on a plug minus the
J for home 3D printing. You can keep your money in the USA
rather than paying the criminals that shipped our jobs to China.
8/12/14 Steve E. aka Chaos was kind
enough to email in a pic of a respectable Leland, MI King at, or
pushing 20 lbs. Please note the adipose fin clip, so this
is a planted, or stocked King and not a naturally reproduced
fish. Steve said catching was 1 to 4 a trip.
8/11/14 Port reports, I trust say
fishing is mediocre at best. 2 to 3 fish from the sports
fleet is what I'm hearing. We're supposed to get a NW blow
tomorrow and that will changes things in 3 possible scenarios:
1. the fishing will remain slow. 2. the fishing will
improve. 3. the fishing will get worse. Let's all
hope for number 2!
8/10/14 Lk. MI's long string of
fairly calm continues Mostly N wind this past
has the fish high and skittish. S wind possibly could make
the fishing easier.
8/9/14 I C (icy) Blue is introduced
to the world today. This special powder blue-ice Mylar is
done in-house. This unique pattern has taken fish, or hits
every trip out since last June. I know it's close to the
blue bubble, but couldn't get the same results with the existing
WTP blue bubble tape. Colors that produce action 3 months
and counting makes the I C Blue a reel winner!
I C Blue stuck in the jaw of a King
8/8/14 Fun time out of Onekama, MI
last evening. Used Portage Lk. to tune the new carb that
worked better than expected. Idle and mid-range is mint!
8/7/14 New Edelbrock 600 cfm marine
carburetor is installed and ready for a water test, or shakedown
this afternoon. Quadrajet 750 cfm that was replaced was a
good carb until I sent it to a rebuilding outfit in Florida. They
shipped me back junk, not even my carb, because I filed 3
notches in the base. New carb is actually a detune at wide
open throttle, but idle and mid range will be better.
Click new Edelbrock
boat carb 8/6/14 Overwhelmed with orders, but found the time to post Derek's catch pic from 8/4/14. He was fishing out of Arcadia and put a good box together. He said it was best in a 140' of water. His custom Mountain Dew flasher was reel-hot. Wire divers were working with a 100' to 175' line off the reel. Click Derek's 8/4/14 catch pic
8/5/14 Wayne N's 23 pound King is
the largest reported from our website members thus far in 2014.
Wayne took this fish off Arcadia, MI on my tackle on a pm trip.
To date, this is Wayne's biggest King!
Click Wayne's big
Arcadia King
8/4/14 Manistee, MI's popular small
boat, big fish event was won with a 19 pound King Salmon off the
Port of Onekama, MI this past Saturday.
8/3/14 Going back to June of this
year, I only have 2 colors working. One is a spinoff of a
Blue Bubble, but it's ice powder-blue Mylar. 2nd one is a
black blade, silver backside and SUV Mylar on the front.
Giving this pattern a copper/gold tone hue.
8/2/14 Word from fleet that fished
out of Manistee, MI yesterday evening it was a pitiful slow go
in the 80' to 150' depths. Not many fish being caught in
the 8s to the 14 numbers. This stretch of water is
traditionally the hot zone for August Kings. 8/1/14 Double T.G.I.F. today! After yesterday's bout with Murphy's Law, I welcome this coming weekend. Hectic off the wall stuff usually happens on Mondays. Not so this week when the thorny stuff came on Thursday. All is better, fixed, and made progress!!
7/31/14 Are you ready to turn the
calendar page to August 2014? This is the big deal month
when it comes to King Salmon on the Great Lakes. Gone are
the days hunting for these critters, because now, ...these fish
are hunting for their home port!
7/30/14 Honesty in fishing reports?
...hard to come by! OK, on a scale from 1 to 10, Manistee
at this time last year was a 4 at best. This year Manistee
deserves at least a 7 for the varied species that lie in wait
off this port. Steelhead, Coho, Lakers, and Kings are all
here for the taking once you get dialed in.
today's Steelhead pic
7/29/13 Big fish award winner in
last weekend's Salmon Splash Tournament held in Manistee, MI was
King that weighed 23 and change. Big fish leading in WI's
long running KD Tournament is pushing 30 pounds. Cold
water is inshore. I'm sure there's some mature adult Kings
being caught in Manistee's harbor.
7/28/14 Posted a photo of a Salmon
you don't hear much about in the Great Lakes States, that being
Kokanee Salmon. Kokanees are smaller version of a
landlocked Sockeye Salmon. Size-wise these fish are more
like our spring Coho with 5 pounders considered a large fish.
Way back the 1970s the MDNR planted Kokanees in Cass Lake, MI.
That program bit the dust after a few years.
Click Kokanee Salmon 7/27/14 Taking today off after order prep for tomorrow. Working the weekend allows me to take a morning off and go fishing without feeling guilty about neglecting business.
7/26/14 Posted a photo of a well
fed, beer belly Laker with seven 6" Alewives in it's stomach.
This fish was taken on a diver equipped with our new P15 diver
7/25/14 Today's focus is about
yesterday's test mission to prove the effectiveness of the P15
cupped diver ring. In works, after 2 weeks of design,
redesign, and engineering tweaks ...we have another tool proven
to help us catch fish.
7/24/14 Seas permitting, hope to
gather diver depth data for my newly invented cupped diver ring
on Lk. MI. Been concentrating on increasing diving hookup
ratios, because losing diver hits is unacceptable. Super
Snubbers help a lot, let's see what the new rings help solve
diver 101 issues.
7/23/14 Near-shore wind and wave
forecast for Manistee, MI: 7/22/14 Manistee, MI offered up some pretty decent catches on the shelf yesterday. Adult Kings, 14 to 21 pounds was reported by Sue Lee's Capt. Tom R. He was in double figures with the fish coming at 55' to 65' down on meat. This is great news for all of us after last season's tough row to hoe. Wind is going to be out of the S and that should keep the Salmon pegged on the shelf. Look for the best depths to be deeper as S wind stacks up more warm water at central Lk. MI ports.
7/21/14 Devoted most of yesterday
(Sunday) printing out test P15 cupped diver rings. Finally, thru
trial and error have the correct sizing for Dipsy Divers.
Next, is to have one fit a Slide Diver which has a slightly
larger diameter.
Click P15 ring V2
7/20/14 Closing in on the final .stl
file for the new cupped diver ring. This is a difficult
part to make. Mostly, due to the tight tolerances several
trial and error rings were made.
7/19/14 In about 2 weeks, on August
2, 2014 the Manistee County Sport Fishing Assoc. will be hold their annual big fish/small boat
Click for entry form
7/18/14 Happy Friday!
Here's a customer testimonial for today's focus:
7/17/14 Extra busy in the shop
trying to keep up with tackle orders. Summer rush came a
week early this year. Central Lk. MI tournament season is
part of the reason.
7/16/14 New diver ring is a work in
progress and will soon hit the drink for dive tests. There
will be NO plastic tabs that break off!
Click P15 super
diver ring v1JC
7/15/14 Debuting one the several P15
projects today. Been working on the nagging issue of
losing diver hits. I know you'll immediately spot the
relevance of having a ring that adds depth without increasing
drag on the rod.
Click P15
cupped diver ring
7/14/14 Today's topic is about the
great photo that was sent in by website member, Mike G. aka
Grand C. Click
Ben and Mike with this King 7/12 & 13/2014 Today is a sick day for me. Summer cold has me laid low.
7/11/14 Fished out of Manistee, MI
last evening from 6pm till 9:30pm. Ran W to the 31 line
(600' fow) with 49 degrees on the surface (shelf was 63°).
wife's Laker
7/10/14 Last year's Lk. MI seasonal
water flea infestation was terrible in July. Worst seen in
many years depending on the port you fished. Water bugs
jamming the rod guides when you have a fish on is a mess.
Unless you resort to unsportsmanlike hand-lining.
7/9/14 Typically, June and
July is when Lk. MI is on it's best behavior. If you like
calm water? ...this part of the season the big pond is fairly
Click for proof
7/8/14 Posted a pic of Jeff V.
hoisting our 4th of July P15 double. This was Jeff's 1st
Salmon fishing experience and he did a fine job.
Click for Jeff's P15 2-fer
7/7/14 Today's featured photo is
from website member, Larry M. who fished on Lk. Huron's Port of
Harbor Beach, MI this past Sat. Larry's daughter caught a
respectable 12 pound Laker on a
Click BTI
Kevorkian w/matching clean meat rig
7/6/14 Today's photo is about
measuring King/Chinook Salmon for MI Sea Grant's Salmon
Ambassador Program. King shown is 29.5 long. This
fish has no adipose fin. Making it DNR stocked fish.
The other fish caught on 7/4/14 had it's adipose fin intact.
Which means it was a naturally reproduced fish.
Click 29.5" being
7/5/14 Yesterday morning it was
chilly 41 degrees when I left my place to fish out of Onekama,
MI. This was to avoid the carnival jam-up at Manistee's
1st Street launch.
7/4/14 Happy-happy 4th of July!!
Recently, rolled 6 million page views, or hits on the web.
6 mil is an impressive number. Even though it took 13 1/2
years to do. 7/3/14 Have a safe and great 4th of July Weekend as we celebrate our nation's Independence Day.
7/2/14 Weather for the soon to be
here 4th of July Weekend is going to be absolutely gorgeous for
central Lk. MI ports. Highs will be in the 70s, partly to
full sun, and nary a drop of rain is predicted until next
7/1/14 Manistee's National Forest
Festival is this week. There will be a carnival in the
boat parking lot at the 1st Street launch. This annual do
will take up most of the parking area. Making parking a
boat trailer in, or out not easy. Look to Onekama, or use
the Stronach launch if you plan on fishing Manistee this 4th of
July Weekend.
6/30/14 Looks like about a 8 degree
temperature break off the Port of Manistee, MI and other central
Lk. MI ports. Good thing is? ...this temp differential is
close to structure, or the drop-off/shelf where Lk. MI rapidly
gains depth.
Click 6/29/14
temp chart
6/29/14 Happy-happy Sunday! It
was hot and sticky at my place in Manistee County yesterday with
temps approaching 90 degrees.
6/28/14 Came to the wise conclusion
I'm a whole lot better at making/shipping tackle than I am at
fishing nowadays. Anyone can do Great Lakes fishing and
become fairly accomplished at it. All it requires is time
on the water to gather intel. My 3 to 4 hours a week I get
to fish Lk. MI is just enough to mount a serious threat to the
fish any longer. Nowadays, if I do hit the fish? ...it's
more a matter of luck, then skill.
6/27/14 Congratulations are in order
to message board member, Verdict aka Tim P for winning last
weekend's long running Manistee Bud Pro-Am in the Pro Division.
6/26/14 Made new hardtop action cam
mount with my 3D printer. Extension mount is from GoPro
modified to fit Sony cams. You cannot buy this custom
part. It has to be printed out. Raising the cam higher
will facilitate better downward/overhead angle to see the
riggers go off. Maybe the divers too.
Click 2014 hardtop
cam mount Continued below back to the year 2000: