Daily Log
(Dating back to the year 2000)
9/30/15 Just when I think
I've heard it all, another bug-a-boo rears it's ugly
head. I'm speaking about aqua-farms where they use
huge net pens to raise fish. Lot's of this is
going on in Alaska and even Scotland.
Click Detroit Free Press article
Some have traced VHS to when the W. coast began rearing
Atlantic Salmon many years ago. 1000s and 1000s of
fish all cramped into a small space has it's risks ...bigtime!
This is just a plain bad, stupid idea that I hope
never happens to the Great Lakes!
9/29/15 Making tackle with
no learning curve is basically what I do. Salmon
Buster™ spoons work with all variables when it comes to
what you attach your spoon to the line with.
Meaning any kind of swivel, i.e. crosslocks, or,
coastlocks in a varieties of sizes.
light wire, to heavy duty and they all work with no
subtraction to the spoon's productiveness. This is
accomplished by the added nose split ring that most
spoons do not have. Besides, the spilt ring makes
attaching it to your line one helluva lot easier!
You can
see this for yourself every time there's close-up pic
published on this website on a spoon caught fish!
Click close-up 1
Click close-up 2
9/28/15 This is the time of
the year when production shifts into high gear for the
2016 season. I'll save you the boring details
about work, being work.
Looking for a window to fish Lk. MI soon. I'll
feel a lot better about 2016 if we can catch a few of
next year's Salmon. That are a no show aboard my
boat thus far.
Winterizing my boat will be delayed as long as possible
while I keep looking for juvenile Kings. If you've
caught any 2 or 3 year olds recently? ...please email
the pics.
9/27/15 Notes from 3D
printed prototypes from this time last year, said the
4.0 XG Bluetail Salmon Buster spoon was due to start
Click Bluetail 4.0 SB Steelhead
Sure enough, this spoon color took a Steelhead and a
Coho on my last Lk. MI trip out of Manistee, MI on
9/23/15. This was half of our 4 fish evening
catch, the other 2 came on the 4.0 SB in the SUV
Click Bluetail 4.0 SB Coho
Main issue I've seen with fish off my home port?
...there's a lot of bait in the 200-350' depths, keeping
the fish well fed with easy meals. Worthy of note? we had only 1 hit in 53 degree water, the other 4
bites came up higher in the warmer water.
Then, there's no surface temp breaks to fence-up the
fish, keeping them scattered from 600' to 250' of water.
Please keep in mind, this was last week and heaven only
knows where the fish will be located on my next trip!
9/26/15 According to my
Salmon Ambassador Program, David Warner, Research
Fisheries Biologist for the U.S.G.S, Bloater Chubs have
been spotted in the stomach of WI Salmon.
If you find stomach contents of a small bait fish, that
might be mistaken for Smelt? Please document this
with a clear photo and send the results to me. I
will forward your photo with credit to you. Then,
send it to the appropriate sources.
This year Chubs have had their best "young of the year"
class since 1992 and could be a bright spot in the bait
fish population.
Click young
Bloater Chubs
Bloaters are a member of the whitefish family.
"The bloater is found at depths of 30 to 198 meters (98
to 650 ft) There it inhabits underwater slopes, and is
tolerant of temperatures between 34.7 to 52.4 degrees
Fahrenheit (1.5 to 11.4 Celsius). When it is
brought to the surface it's gas bladder expands, giving
it a swollen appearance." Part of this paragraph is from
Wikipedia & more info on chubs can be
found by:
clicking here
9/25/15 Late September
weather continues to be a blessing. Never in my
long memory of fishing Lk. MI since 1968 have I seen as
many calm days as this month. Daytime highs 10 to
12 degrees above average aren't too hard to take either.
Cannot put a handle on our fall fishery as of yet.
Maybe the weather is holding it back a week, or two.
Do know we should be seeing better catches then we are.
There's more suspended bait off Manistee, MI right now
then we've seen all season, going back to April.
9/24/15 Yesterday evening
Todd B and I fished Manistee, MI. We had 5 hits, 3
made it to the boat. High flying Steelhead always
come with a high loss ratio.
Best water depth? 200' to 325' of water. 4
of our bites came on Salmon Buster™ spoons, with 1 on a
Frog BTI flasher/meat combo. Temp was 53 degrees
at 75' down. Bluetail and SUV spoons had 2 hits
each in the 45' to 60' depth down range.
Went way out to the 32 line in plus 600' of water that
was a waste of gas and time. Marked lots of bait
closer in, which of course very good news!
Weather and seas are behaving quite nicely.
Click SUV spoon Steelhead
9/23/15 The official fall
season is upon us. Gone are the massive summer
crowds of Lk. MI fishermen. Few boats and wide
open spaces makes this my favorite time of the year.
September 2015 is the warmest on record ...ever.
This extends the growing season for Great Lakes fish of
all species. After two record, or near record cold
winter temps that kept. Lk. MI chilly, having warmer
...late season water has to help.
Hope to fish Lk. MI again very soon. Have a few notes
from this past Monday that should prove beneficial on my
next trip. Do know recent S wind is good
9/22/15 Fished Lk. MI out of
the Port of Manistee yesterday morning looking for next
year's Kings without any luck. Did find a few
Steelhead and Coho, but no immature, or adult King
Salmon. We did have a brief fishery for juvenile
Salmon about this time last year.
The shelf was absolute Deadsville. We didn't find
any active fish until we moved over 250'-350' of water
during the last couple hours of the trip.
spoon & Coho
Then, we (Todd B. & I) had 4 hits, 2 on Salmon Buster™
spoons and 2 on meat.
If the lake had been more conducive to a long offshore
run, would have went out deep in the 1st place.
But a stiff E wind was building a bigger chop than I
want to deal with.
9/21/15 Recent news from the
Little Manistee Harvest Weir says there's maybe 50 to 60
Kings in the hole below the raceway. So, there's
not scads of Salmon there yet.
Last year there was only 2781 Kings that returned.
2014 set a record for the lowest number of fish since
the MDNR began keeping records in the early 1970s.
9/20/15 Have a great Sunday!
9/19/15 Looking forward with
great anticipation to fishing Lk. MI soon. The
lake should roll and cool. Bringing the fish up
higher in the water column. The shallowest fish
caught aboard my boat last July and August was 60' on
the rigger counter. With that fish hitting a 4.65
Kevorkian Salmon Buster™ spoon.
Late season fishing will turn back to spoons.
9/18/15 Happy Friday!
Yesterday, Manistee, MI probably seen it's last day with
temps in the 80s till next year, as fall approaches,
then winter.
If and when the wind allows, we're entering one of my
favorite times of the season. Fall Steelhead and
next year's Salmon will happen soon. The crowds
are long gone and there's plenty of room to troll any
direction without dealing with traffic.
9/17/15 Next big sign post
when it comes to Lk. MI fishing for 2016 is the amount
of juvenile Salmon that will be caught towards the end
of this month, going into Oct.
In 2014 fall fishing for next year's crop Lk. MI Kings was some.
2013 fall fishing for Kings was none, and that's why the adults
that ran in the summer 2014 was sparse.
2015 was a better year for the fleet off the central Lk.
MI ports. But southern ports like St. Joe, MI
struggled to locate and catch Kings.
How much of an improvement 2015 was over 2014?
That answer is going to be in the eye of the beholder
and what time of the season they fished.
9/16/15 Only a few days of
official summer 2015 left. 3 days of S wind to 30
knots has the trailer boat fleet shore bound. How
many adult Kings are left, still out in Lk. MI remains
to be seen. Next break in the wind? ...I plan on
finding out.
9/15/15 14 year old Dylan
proudly hoisting his King pic is from this past Sunday
morning. Fishing has brought me plenty of joys in my
long career. Seeing next generation fisher people
like Dylan B ranks at the top of my list.
Dylan hoisting his King
His fish pounded a 10" BTI Frog flasher with the same in
a 2 Fly Meat Rig™ with 80' of line off the 10' diver
roller rod, dialed on 2.
This would have put the diver right in the 35-40 foot
zone with my cupped diver rings. Need to cover
this diver topic more fully: thought for years trying to
solve the missed diver hits issues we've all
experienced. Every lost bite is a missed
There's 3 factors to consider in my current string of 10
fish for 11 strikes on my divers. 1st, double
snelled trebles on my meat rigs. 2nd, my Super
Snubbers™ that out performs all other diver snubbers by
a wide margin. Lastly, is my original cupped diver
ring that dive deep without the extreme hard pull
associated with traditional mag rings. Hard
pulling diver rings means a tighter drag to prevent line
creep ...that results in missed fish!
All 3 of the above items mentioned are my original
ideas. These are not knockoffs, or imitations of
anything that came before!
9/14/15 Yesterday morning it
was my great honor to fish with the father and son team
of Todd and Dylan B. The seas were mixed up and
nasty coming from all directions at once. That's
the reason we cut our trip short and pulled lines at
The vitals on conditions of the Port of Manistee, MI
begin with N wind raising the temp break, or thermocline
up to 30'-35'. Surface temp was 63°
This trip was a case of being lucky, rather than good.
Knew we were in for a tough time when we marked a large
school of bait that was at least 200' long with nary a
good fish mark around it.
Click Dylan working on wire diver King
We had 2 diver whacks and both stuck. Extending
our bite vs. fish in the net on divers, 10 boated
for 11 strikes when our last 3 trips are added up
Fun part was watching young Dylan gain mastery over a
decent, hard pulling King on a 10' wire diver rod all by
his lonesome. Then, watching his dad, Todd net the
9/13/15 Stiff N wind is the
main story from Manistee, MI. It remains to be
seen what this has done to the adult Salmon off
Manistee's drop-off, or shelf. Hope to hope a full
report on what's left in Lk. MI, that hasn't already
scooted up the rivers.
9/12/15 Today's featured
photo proves homemade old school glow stick spoons still
work. Todd B is holding a King that hit slightly
above the temp break at 60' down over 200' of water from
about a week ago.
glow stick Kevorkian Salmon Buster™ spoon
This photo is
a companion pic on the same day aboard another boat with
a fish caught by Jake R.
Click Jake R's
Kevorkian spoon caught King
The purple
color has been good on adult Kings since the mid 1980s.
This same pattern is a goodie in a flasher/meat rig too!
Click Kevorkian flasher/meat King
9/11/15 Any spoon can be
turned into a bright long lasting glow with one simple
trick. I learned this from another fisherman in 1985
when running spring charters for Kings on Lk. Huron, out
of Harbor Beach, MI. This contraction was then, ...on a
now defunct ET spoon. Which I viewed with great
amount of skepticism.
Click glow
spoon trick
OK, filed this away until I hit hard times on a summer
Salmon trip out of Frankfort, MI a few years later in
1987. Figured what the heck, and needed to pull a
rabbit out of my hat quick. Adapted this line
between the front and rear split rings and used a 1.5"
glow stick that had to be snapped in the middle, then
shaken to make it glow. Glow stick is inserted
into 2 pieces of plastic tubing on the line strung
between the split rings.
back to the Frankfort trip I was struggling on? ...this
method of glowing up a spoon soon turned the trick and
we were fast into fish!
9/10/15 Postponed until
tomorrow. Then, I'll debut one of my new 2015
Salmon Buster™ spoon that carries it's own special
chemiluminescence light
9/9/15 Plan was to fish this
morning out of Manistee, MI. Mr. Wind is a
blowhard again with wind pushing 20 knots, according to
the Ludington offshore data buoy at 6:00am.
2006, the idea of all matching tackle was stuck in my
head. That's the reason my meat heads, meat rigs,
and flashers are precise clones of each other.
forward to 2015 to my Salmon Buster™ spoons pair up
perfectly with all my other selections. I am proud
of this accomplishment that NO other tackle manufacturer
is this galaxy has came close to. That's why I'm
me, cuz you can't raise the bar high enough when it
comes to our sport of fishing ...that at best, is a hit
and miss proposition. 20 years in the guiding &
charter business taught me the best hasn't been made
yet, but I'm trying!
9/8/15 There's enough
favorable in S and W combinations that will work in
favor of those fishing the Port of Manistee, MI.
This should keep the Kings in the warmer off-waters.
full circle on Project 2015 that created my Salmon
Buster™ spoons. Having matching tackle all thru
your program helps take the guess work out of "what to
face it, Lk. MI is a tough nut to crack & has been for
the past few seasons. Putting odds in your favor with
reel-program simplification is what my spoons are about!
9/7/15 Have a great Labor
Day! Everyone gets today off, including me.
Good stuff on the way tomorrow.
9/6/15 A reel-good story for
you today that's helped out with photos from Jake R.
Jake stopped by my shop to pickup a few spoons just
prior to his Friday evening fishing trip.
He told
me to pick out 6 of the larger 4.65 spoons. Which
I promptly did.
Knew the
Kevorkian and Frog patterns in my flashers were working
from earlier in the week. So, these 2 colors
became part of his mix.
Click 4.65 SB Frog King
Told him to
make sure these 2 went in the water. Well, to make
a long story short, he took Kings on both of these 4.65
Salmon Busters™.
Click 10" BTI
Frog King
Now, here's
where common sense comes in, what works in a color,
transcends lure type. It's the color that first
attracted the fish, not the form of tackle. In
other words, if it works as a flasher/meat rig™ combo,
surely it will work as a spoon.
This is proven beyond any
shadow of doubt by both of Jake's photos today!!
9/5/15 Fished Manistee, MI
last evening. Lines went in the water at 5:30pm
and we pulled at 9:00pm. Todd B and I fished
straight out (15s) N to the 18 numbers.
Our best
depth was over 200'-300'. Came into 150'-125' for
the last hour and that was a complete, total waste of
prime fishing time.
We hit
2 quality Kings in the teens. 1 on the diver
towing a 10" Froggie BTI & matching 2 fly meat rig™.
2nd fish was on tricked-out 4.65 Kevorkian Glo Salmon
Buster™ spoon that will be explained/featured tomorrow.
Click for our best King
To sum
up this trip? We were never on good marks from the
git-go and darn few fish. Lk. MI was a smooth as
silk and went to flat calm around 7:30pm.
9/4/15 Need to expand on my
recent evening fishing trip out of Manistee, MI.
Ran out to 400' of water, cuz going in I didn't have the
slightest clue, as where to fish. It was a good 2
weeks since my last trip on 8/16/15. 200' depths
seemed best straight out of port.
5 hits in 3
hours was tolerable. Sure, it's not the EZ glory
days of yesteryear, but I'm not there to empty the lake
anyways. I accept the challenge of the here
...and now.
It was
glorious to see the thermocline light up with bait that
formed a thick red line on my graph just after dark.
8 diver fish in the net for 9 strikes shows my cupped
rings divers can get to 100' down with ease with a
helluva lot less rod strain that the traditional large
hard pulling mag rings. The 9 bites figure adds in
the 8/16/15 trip.
Depending on
how the wind pushed the water around, best advice for
those seeking success this weekend is to fish deep with
9/3/15 Good news, Manistee
has Kings and Coho ready and waiting for this Labor Day
Weekend! Here's the vitals: 400' of water,
temp break was 85' down last night, closer to shore
(220'-155') temp was about 100' down. Lines in the
water from 6pm till 9pm.
troll surface speed was 2.0mph. Todd B and I had 5
fish go and boated 2 Kings and 2 Coho. Figure our
fish count could have been much better, but it took us a
while to get dialed in. So, if it don't glow?
don't go!
for our best King
Every hit we
had was on glow stuff. Kevorkian BTI and Frog BTI
with matching 2 fly rigs worked on our divers.
220' of 7 strand wire off the reel, dialed on 1 with my
cupped diver rings and Super Snubbers. John J 12"
combo down the chute, or center rigger fished 120'-110'
down was the rigger flavor of the day with a 10' lead
off the ball.
9/2/15 It's hot for
September. Stiff winds from the S keeps the temp
break deep. Adult Kings do not have a easy highway
to their river and streams when the inshore water is
warm. For the last 2-3 years, cold water has
dominated the fishing, and, or how deep you fish.
This is not the case in 2015.
2014 could be
called the year of the spoon, when spoons took 1st in my
long running 8 year poll about your best method that
will be featured later this year. This year,
attractors, or meat and attractors should climb to the
top spot, if my guess is correct.
Hope to wet a
line soon. Haven't mentioned it much, but secret
Project 2016 is in full R & D mode. It's
challenging and rewarding when a plan comes together.
9/1/15 This website is
undergoing maintenance today. Daily updates will
resume tomorrow.
8/31/15 A day before we turn
the calendar to September, here's a brief Manistee, MI
recap from this past weekends results. Fishing reports were all over the place.
catching only fish well below the thermocline, around a
100' to 130' down, to those who said all their action
was slightly above the temp break. Attractors
ruled the roost with meat doing most of the damage, but
flasher/fly combos were mentioned too. Catches
ranged from 1 to double figures.
Another commonality? ...was those who live and die by
the early bite had the hardest time adjusting to a later
morning bite. While sporadic, best times were past
8am to all parts of the clock, even when the sun was
Next theme was the S and SW that keeps piling up the
warm water of central Lk. MI's eastern shore. BTW,
this wind pattern is predicted to hold going into Labor
As to be expected, for this time of the season
...there's a few Coho in the mix with mostly Kings, plus
an occasional Lake Trout. Didn't hear of many
8/30/15 Have a great Sunday!
8/29/15 Happy Saturday!
S wind has sent the temp break down to 120' the last I
heard from Manistee, MI. Next week is shaping up
with a stable barometer and steady temps in the 80s into
the Labor day Weekend. Wind is supposed to calm
down too.
Have a great weekend, because you deserve it!
8/28/15 Fished out of
Manistee, MI for approximately 1 hour yesterday morning.
In fact, we pulled lines at 7:55am in building seas.
Straight out of port there was a lot of marks at 75' to
150' down over 175 feet of water when Todd B and I first
setup. S wind pushed us past this big pod of fish
well before we got all our lines in. Turning
around trolling back into the waves was out of the
question. Trolling downhill with the seas was bad
seas were all messed up with converging waves from 2
different directions. While my heavy 22' 1979 Sea
Ray cuts the water on plane nicely, it's a miserable
platform in mixed up waves. This due to it's hard
cut vee hull that echo rolls in the trough.
an hour riding in a nasty 2' to 3' slop, decided I
wasn't having one iota of fun. Knew there were far
better ways to spend my time onshore.
8/27/15 Hanging the "gone
fishing" sign on the door for this morning. Plan
is to fish a mini trip. Then, be in the shop well
before noon to get orders all shipped today. Been
almost 2 weeks since I was last out. It will be
interesting to see where the temp is.
Last night Lk. MI off Big Point Sable was flat calm and
we had a very bright, almost full moon. So, I'm
not overly confident about what this morning will do.
8/26/15 Only 5 days left in
August as the 2015 season rolls on. Best news is,
2015 is an improvement when compared to 2014 and 2013
for central Lk. MI ports.
Here's a guest update from Pete D:
"Thank you for posting a pic of my 14
year old son Daniel in July. He and I just returned
home from our annual two week fishing trip in Manistee
with friends who have been coming to this port for 30
plus years and have been mentors to me and now my son.
Your blue mamba glow flasher and meat rig were deadly
for us 100 feet down. I first learned about your tackle
and daily posts from them and am now a daily reader and
more successful fisherman. Thank you for all you do and
please keep on."
to view Pete's fish
Pete D. Extra Credit fishing team
8/25/15 The central Lk. MI
ports of Manistee, Ludington, & Frankfort, MI have the
deepest thermocline we've seen in probably the last 3
seasons and that's a good thing. Finally, Lk. MI
is recovering from record, or near record winter ice
cover for the last 2 years.
Warm water produces more plankton that's welcome news
for the bait fish population. Also, having warm
water increases the base metabolism and grows larger
Salmon and Trout of all species.
We had a lot of wind from the W & combinations of S the
past 4, or 5 days. Wind is going to come about to
the NW. This should help run some cold water in
and raise the existing temp (thermocline) that ranges
from 110' to 140' down. My guess is we'll have
temp in the 70-80' range when it calms down this coming
Weather outlook for this weekend looks very promising
too with highs in the 80s and winds that look to be
calming down. So, get out and enjoy summer while
you still can!
8/24/15 Fishing remains good
off the Port of Manistee, MI for those brave enough to
to face the stiff winds and big waves. This past
weekend was the Benzie-Frenzy tournament out Frankfort,
MI. Boats that did well in this event ran 20 some
miles S to fish Manistee waters. The thermocline
was said to be deep, like 110'-140' down.
Wind is going to be with us thru mid-week. Then,
the forecast looks a lot more favorable. If this
hold true? ...this Labor Day Weekend's Salmon fishing
off Manistee looks to be one of the better ones in
recent years ...we all hope!
Broke the end barrel swivel off my 2008 BJ riggers made
in Traverse City, MI last time I was off the dock on
8/15/15. I can understand parts breaking, no
problem with that.
Cannot understand why Big Jon wanted to charge me 79.57
(including the 15 buck UPS shipping charge) when I
bought 4 of the same exact swivels off eBay, shipped to
my place for under 30 bucks. Showing it pays to
look before you leap.
BJ's website claims innovation. That was true 30
years ago when they switched from 1/2" stainless steel
to 5/8" aluminum rod. Essentially, the junior
series (6" spool models) are unchanged since 1985.
I challenge this company to live up to their hype.
Do something that even shows the smallest piece of
innovation, cuz I can't find it. I've owned
several sets of BJ riggers since the late 1970s.
So, I know what I'm talking about!
I want
to see this Michigan, USA company do well. They
make a small compact EZ to fish over rigger with a soft
suspension tilt-up arm that's tailor made for small
boats. But you can't be stuck in the past living
off accolades earned a long time ago. They need to
update their riggers.
Click BJ
12/0 end swivel about the fail
A good start would be
rounding off all the sharp corners on the rear of the
junior base plates and tilt arm locking mechanism that
snags your shirt and leaves bruises.
would be revamping the 5/8" aluminum arms that are
notorious for snapping at the threads and go to 5/8"
stainless steel arms like the one's I custom made for my
8/23/15 Today's photo of my Super
Silver Bullet tackle explains why it's deadly. The
10" BTI SSB and same in my 2 Fly Meat Rig™ has been my
best going back to last season.
This lethal combination has worked in Wilson, NY,
along with Manistee & Onekama, MI. It's what I
consider a natural color that's always right.
Unlike some of the more pronounced colors, the SSB
lineup works in all light levels.
Click SSB
SSBs are the only constant in my 2015 program. On
4 different trips, this is the only pattern that
produced results. With as little as I get a chance
to fish, having a money in the bank "go to rig" adds
confidence and beats searching the entire color
It's easy to recommend this color, cuz I know it
flat-out works!
You can clearly see how yummy whole herring
looks in my Super Mag meat heads!
8/22/15 Too much wind kept
me on shore yesterday. Today decided not to go
this morning, because heavy boat traffic,
Traditionally, the last 2 weekends in August are the
busiest of the season for central Lk. MI ports
(Ludington, Manistee, & Frankfort).
Wind is going to be an issue for those who like rock and
roll on the radio and not underneath their boat.
Seas look to be more manageable next week. While
heavy seas of 15 to 25 knots are no one's favorite, the
constant is S and W wind until it shifts to NW this
Monday evening. Hopefully, this will setup Labor
Day Weekend for some reel-good fishing!
8/21/15 S, SW, & W winds to
plus 30 knots have pushed a lot of warm water in on all
central L. MI ports. There's a 50-50 chance I can
fish this morning, but the wind must laydown overnight.
It will be interesting to see how deep the thermocline
is. According to my past experiences, 100' down,
or deeper is within the realm of possibility.
Kings that deep are sitting ducks for attractors and
meat. Deeper you fish, the more effective slower
presentations become.
8/20/15 A big thanks to John
G for today's pic and his kind words about my efforts!
Capt. John King:
We’ve been using your products for years.
I read your log every morning to get the update on the
fishing and new techniques. I have been fishing out of
Ludington/Manistee for 23 years. Love the august sunrise
on the big lake.
I see you posted a pic of my friend Derek the other day.
I fish with him and his dad Doug for walleye on lake
Erie. He turned me on to your flashers and meat rig’s
couple of years ago. They are a proven and part of our
deep troll now.
Just wanted to say thank you. Your passion in fishing is
Thank you, John G.
8/19/15 Fishing of the Port
of Manistee, MI continues to be decent for nowadays.
The morning 0-dark 30 gang is doing OK, when they setup
in a lucky location.
Predicted S and SW winds to 30 knots is on the side of
all Lk. MI Salmon chasers at central Lk. MI ports.
This drives the temp deeper. That helps the Kings
stage in the deep water instead of scooting up the
rivers and streams.
Only drawback is when it's calm enough for the trailer
boat fleet to mount a charge and take advantage of
what's there.
Recent good fishing news is what optimistic anglers
always hope for!
8/18/15 My 20 years as a
fulltime river guide and charter skipper taught me to
how observe and enjoy what you see when it comes to
people doing battle with fish. Last Saturday
evening out of Manistee, MI was a momentous occasion for
me, watching a young Dylan grow up & become a full
fledged member of the adult fishing community.
I was first honored to have Dylan aboard in back 2008,
when he was just 7.
He loved turning a reel handle winding in fish.
So, we stuck a copper rod in a rodholder and we had him
to crank away. The "rod in the rodholder trick"
works for youngsters and women who do have a lot of
upper body strength.
OK, last Saturday evening, Dylan now 14 years old, is in a
big-time scrap with a double digit King on a 10' diver
rod. Then, the port diver rod came to life with a
big King ripping line towards Ludington with no signings
of stopping!
Dylan's dad, Todd promptly rose to the opportunity and we
were fast into our 1st Lk. MI double header for adult
Kings ...this season.
As our war wore on, rods were expertly passed back and
forth by this awesome, father and son team. On a
8' beam boat with an I/O dog-house that limits passenger
mobility, rods & fish must be kept separated!
Dylan & Todd's double
My fishin' buds, the father and son team of Todd and
Dylan B worked in perfect harmony. Landing a
thrilling double on 2 good, decent Kings. To
witness this and see this event unfold? ...well, my
word-smithing skills just are not up to task.
Let is suffice for me to say, "I'm was happy to enjoy
the show and see a new fisherman join the clan!"
8/17/15 Finally caught
enough Lk. MI fish to cover the bottom of 120 quart fish
box this past Saturday evening. We had lines in
the water from around 5:30pm, until we pulled after
boxing a double header about 9:30ish pm.
our 8/15/15 fish box & hot rigs
Area fished was pretty much straight out of the Port of
Manistee, MI in the 16s to the 14s. Best troll
depths was 125'- 200'. Best troll direction was S
at 2 mph, read from speed over ground (SOG) on my GPS.
I measure down speed by rigger wire angle too.
If it's more than 30 degrees, we're going way too fast
to pull fish on meat ...the way I rig it.
Second featured pic of the day shows my plotter screen
where you can see how fast the boat was spun around to
go back thru good sonar marks. There's a lot of
blank spots off Manistee's shelf. So, it was
imperative to work an area with fish and not wander
around looking for something you might not find.
Click plotter screen U-turn
Quick 180 degree boat swings can only be accomplished
with a small compact spread. This means no 300' to
450' coppers, or 10 colors of lead core (300').
Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a great human interest story I know all
fishermen will like!
8/16/15 Manistee, MI
starting acting like Manistee is known for ...producing
Kings at this time of the season. Several days of
S and SW pushed some bait on Manistee's shelf
(drop-off). When the bait comes in, do the
Click sonar screen with bait
Fished with
Todd and Dylan B yesterday evening and had a fine time.
We boated 4 Kings from 10 to 16 pounds and a flat-out
gorgeous Steelhead pushing 12 pounds.
Rest of our reel-story will be expanded on in
detail tomorrow's.
8/15//15 Going to hang the
"gone fishing" sign on the door for today. If the
wind stays down I will be fishing out of Manistee, MI
this afternoon.
8/14/15 90s are what's in
store for this "peak of the season" time to fish Salmon
out of your favorite Great Lakes port. Heat means
S and SW wind that pile in warm water for MI's central
and N Lk. MI ports (Ludington to Charlevoix). In
turn, driving the thermocline deeper. This is a
good thing for all attractor fishermen. Kings have
an inclination get reel-stupid when temp pushes them
down past the 100' depths.
For the
0-dark 30 crowd? ...deep Salmon might not go at 1st
light. The angle of the sun has to come up a
little before these deep fish really turn on.
for all this weekend? ...leave you ego at the dock and
enjoy what Lk. MI is willing to give you. You
cannot create fish.
Have a great weekend, because you deserve it!
8/13/15 Word for today?
Salmon are a easy fish to catch with modern technology.
If you ain't catchin' them? You're in the wrong
place, or quite possibly right place, at the wrong time.
The EZ window for Kings is at 1st and last light.
Coho tend to be far more aggressive and can be
cooperative all day. Same goes for Steelhead.
8/12/15 Salmon and Trout are
predators. They will eat what's available.
This is born out in today's featured photo from Tom M
and King Seeker Charters.
The stomach contents of the Salmon and Trout they've
been catching have been stuffed full of young, very
small Yellow Perch.
partially digested Perch
The weirdest chow I've seen in Salmon was a 15" Pike in
a 14 pound Coho. Next was a dandy, beautifully
marked 3 lb. river Rainbow, caught out of the Jordan
River that had a mouse in it's gut. Filleted more
than 1 Walleye that had a stone in their stomachs.
8/11/15 Saturday 8/8/15
Manistee, MI evening trip part 2: stayed out extra late,
didn't pull rods until after it was pitch dark after
11pm. Wanted to see if bait would rise up off the
bottom and blot the sonar screen at last light, like in
year's past. No such luck. Seen a little and
I mean a little come up 10' off the bottom at last
Click our 8/8/15 King
Inshore depths off 80 to 120' were pretty barren when it
comes to bait and the only 2 bites (Laker and a 1 King)
for Todd B & I came over 130-150'. Although, the
majority of my troll was in the 100' depths with good
temp from 80-100' that should have held more.
Fishing meat at 1.8-2mph does not allow for covering a
lot of territory, but know meat at this speed will
prevent skunks. We were in a strictly "prevent
skunk" defense.
Scuttle butt at the 1st Street public launch before we
left was 1-3 fish per 1/2 day trip, with most scoring at
least 1 good King in the mid to high teens.
I can only report on what I see and what's heard from
trusted sources. Have no doubt some boats did
better. But N of the harbor were we fished was
unproductive with only an occasionally mark and not many
takers. We were the last boat in ...and the last boat to
leave the launch around midnight this past Saturday
8/10/15 Saturday 8/8/15
Manistee, MI evening trip part 1: launched around 6:30pm
and traveled N of the pack in the 19s. Surface was
70° and the thermocline was about 80' down where it
broke to 53° ...until it tapered off to 47 degrees at
100' down.
Started in the 80' of water, nothing there. Moved
to 100' on a N troll and had a few marks in the 80-100'
down, no hits, no runs, no errors.
Headed W and took a Laker 130' down over 150' of water.
Then, at 8:30pm had a 10-12lb. King smack my Super
Silver Bullet 10" BTI flasher that's been Boss Hog on my
boat going back to May ...when I fished Lk. O out of
Wilson, NY.
to see this rig
Didn't pull lines until 11pm
and that part of this reel-story will be told tomorrow.
8/9/15 Today is a
continuation of yesterday's chat that focuses on the
extreme S part of Lk. MI. I've been very mindful
in checking out the size vs. girth in this year's crop
of Kings.
S Lk. MI seems to have more bait ...then, what I've seen
off my home port of Manistee, MI.
I have to go
back to early July to that last time I've been suspended
pods of bait and that was off Onekama, MI, a few miles N
of Manistee.
Click S Lk. MI
In today's
pic, supplied by King Seeker Charters you can clearly
see his Kings, while not huge are well-fed and healthy
looking. Size vs. growth rates are tied to water
temp. For the last 2 winters Lk. MI has had a lot
of ice cover from record, or near record cold winters.
This has to effect growth rates. Not to mention,
filtering out the sun's solar power that is nature's
heat pump. Lot hope for more normal winters and
less ice for Lk. MI.
8/8/15 Today's 15 pound
Brown Trout pic is from E Chicago, IN sent in by Tom M
caught aboard the charterboat, King Seeker yesterday.
This dandy Brown was accompanied by 4 high teener Kings,
2 Lake Trout and what looked like 3 Coho. Have the
entire catch photo that will be posted tomorrow.
Click S Lk. MI 16 lb. Brown
busy when you're in business sure beats the alternative.
Hopefully, I can find some time
this weekend to test potential tackle ideas for 2016.
It's been difficult for me to find, or stay over fish
this season. This can lead to false test results
when you're plowing new ground that's 100%
dependent on fickle Mr. Fish.
8/7/15 Delayed until later
this morning. Swamped with work that must be done.
Shipping tackle orders takes precedence.
8/6/15 Fished out of the
Port of Manistee, MI yesterday morning. Started
slightly S of the harbor in 75-80' of water, with lines
going in about 6:45am. First 1/2 hour was a
totally, 100% experimental program that netted zero
Changed over
to attractors, flies & meat around 7:30am. Then,
moved out over deeper water (150-200') and began seeing
deep marks, a 100' down and deeper. Finally, ran
the goofy BTI discussed yesterday with meat down to 110'
and almost immediately took a fish. By then, we
were in the low 12s fighting choppy 3' seas getting
further and further away from the harbor. Meaning
a slow go to the harbor there was no time for.
Began pulling
lines a little after 8am and cut a trail thru a lumpy 3'
NE seas to be in the shop filling orders a little after
goofy BTI & juvenile King
From what I
saw, if you fished a dedicated meat program a 100' down
and deeper, outside the pack, it's my sincere opinion
you'd have a good chance at 5 to 6 fish box.
8/5/15 Going to try for a mini 2
hour trip this morning out of the Port of Manistee, MI.
Need to be home well before 10am to fill and ship
8/4/15 First off, a big word
of thanks to Mike S for sending in today's featured
photo. Mike fishes out of Fairport, MI.
Fairport in in MI's far western UP close to WI on Lk.
been putting the hammer down on some pretty decent
catches lately. He's a firm believer in meat and
is quite accomplished at running it.
As you
can see in his pic, that's one healthy, fat girthed King
in the 20s. The flasher is a 10" BTI and by size
relationship this chub boat of King is easily over 30"
Interesting fact about the flasher in the image?'s
a mis-match that was never intended. It was
supposed to be a clear double glo on a clear blank.
Instead, the help mistakenly taped over the Smurf,
daylight blue glo blades.
Click Mike's
jumbo Lk. MI King
weird semi-Smurfs had green glo tape. Not the
industry leading blue X-Glow tape that's matched up with
the very popular Smurfie blades.
Incidentally, these goofed flashers have been bonus
free-bees and on the clearance corner page where I
couldn't hardly give them away, ...even if I stood in
the street in front of my house. While this
off-matched blade was not a commercial success, it's a
proven winner when you let the fish pick what they
8/3/15 Cold front pushed
thru Manistee, MI yesterday. Most of the day, it
rained. Thunderstorms and high winds caused a lot
of damage in some areas. Leelanau County was the
hardest hit. We got the best part of 2" of rain at
my place. Perfect for my garden.
Carrot on a
stick best describes my weekend. With the carrot
being a chance to get a morning off sometime this week.
That's why I put a lot of hours in this past weekend.
Best catches
on Lk. MI I've seen reported are from MI's UP on the
WI's border. Manistee for me has been very hit and
miss. Set down in the right place, you'll do OK.
While 2 miles in another direction yields little.
thing about this season? ...all the trailer boats I've
spoken with at Manistee's 1st Street Public Launch have
had at least some fish. This was not the case in
2014 when skunks were quite commonplace, as the small
boat fleet struggled.
8/2/15 Happy 1st Sunday in
8/1/15 Big deal month for
all Great Lakes Salmon fishermen has arrived. My
plan for today and tomorrow is to make inventory.
So, I don't feel guilty when I take a morning off this
coming week. After a steady diet of S and W winds,
tilting the biomass of warm water toward the MI shore,
NW is predicted for Monday. This should put some
Kings in Manistee, MI's harbor and within easy reach of
the small boat fishermen.
7/31/15 Good luck to
everyone fishing this weekend. 1-3' seas are
what's predicted.
Been miserable all this week. This past Monday had
to put my big guy Lab down. It's just pitiful to
say goodbye to your K9 friend that takes a piece of your
heart with them when they pass. For a 100,000
years dogs have been part of human history. They
help provide food, security, and companionship like no
other animal on this planet.
I've had a Lab in my household since 1986 and couldn't
tolerate being without a doggie buddy. So, added a
lovely new family member yesterday. A 7 week old
beautiful chocolate Lab female we pickup next week.
Haven't decided a name yet. Cocoa and Molly Brown
are topping the list.
Click for my
new girlfriend
7/30/15 NOAA Wind and
sea forecast for Manistee, MI:
West winds to 30 knots this
morning...diminishing to 10 to 20 kt this afternoon.
Waves 4 to 6 ft occasionally to 8 ft subsiding to 2 to 4
W and SW
stack up warm water on Lk. MI's eastern shore.
This will drive the thermocline deeper. If you're
fishing central Lk. MI ports on the MI side this
Be prepared to fish deep and use attractors to increase
your chances at success.
Wise words for today: You don't grow old
fishing. Your grow old when you stop fishing!
7/29/15 Fishing in Manistee,
MI? ...I'm probably not the one to ask. This is
our extra busy time of the season and even a few hours
to go fishing is hard to come.
Here's what I know, the trailer boat fleet is doing 1 to
4, may be 5 fish a trip. With 5 being considered a
big deal. Size of this year's crop of Kings? ...if
you have anything close to 20 pounds, you got a goodie.
Fished way S yesterday morning out of Manistee.
Had lines in the water for about 90 minutes
(7am-8:30am). Took one hit on an almost, all
experimental program with new 2016 test stuff. Lk.
MI taught me another important lesson of humility again.
Cuz what we had the water? ...the fish weren't buying.
I'm OK with this. I'm there to test, & when you
swing for the fences, you're bound to strike out every
now & then. If I was there to catch? ...there'd
had been 5 meat rigs™ in the water. My job is to
make tackle that catches fish for you. Tackle
improvements happens thru trail & error.
7/28/15 My last 3 trips out,
80% of the hits have came within 5 to 15 feet of the
bottom. Mid strata in temp riggers have been a
dud. Close to the bottom is the only place I'm
getting bit. The trio Kings we've cleaned
are chuck full of 3 to 5 inch alewives. Even
though we've never marked a pod of suspended bait.
I can only surmise there's bait on the bottom and that's
where the fish are finding their chow.
With the surface of Lk. MI climbing in the 70 degree
range, get ready for a zoo plankton bloom that gunk's up
the fishing lines, especially braid.
7/27/15 Lead off story today
concerns Microsoft giving away their new operating
system, Windows 10. Chances are, the major
majority of you are using a Windows based machine to
view this website. Computing now days is broken
down in a couple ways.
Regular laptops-desktops for people like me, that need a
powerful workstation box that performs all tasks to run
a business. Then, mobile devices like cell phones
and tablets that do little else, but provide access to
the internet.
Windows 10 is an upgrade and the way I understand it,
does not need to be done with a clean install: meaning
saving all files, then reinstalling all your programs.
This says it's not all far off from the base code of
Windows XP. You'll have a year from Windows 10
introduction for this free upgrade. Upgrade will
be in the same version as you have now.
I use Windows 7 Pro, therefore my upgrade will be
Windows 10 Pro.
Giving stuff away for free? ...I get real skeptical, cuz
nothing in this world is for free. There has to be
a major benefit back to Microsoft in some way, shape, or
form. Probably in the amount of control they gain
over your entire computing system.
My plan is to get the free 3 gig Win 10 download and do
a clean install on a new solid state hard drive.
Saving my used hard drive in case this all blows up in
my face.
New 500 gig SSDs are now under $200 & major to boost
computing performance.
Microsoft has a dismal track record when it comes to new
operating systems. Citing Vista & Windows 8 as their
recent flops. Windows SE & Widows ME were flops
Tomorrow? ...complete data on where I've
been get my bites for my last 10 fish!
7/26/15 Been fishing all
BTIs & flies in my last 3, two hour mini-morning trips.
2 hours is lines in the water time, add an hour for "to
& fro" the fishing grounds (half hour each way).
This puts me at home by 10am and that's plenty of time
to get orders received by 8am MI time out the door and
on the way. Tackle ordered must be shipped ASAP!
Any outfit that sits on, or delays orders is not going
to work in internet sales. Just look at Amazon &
they don't dilly dally. BTW, Amazon recently
surpassed Walmart's net worth.
BTIs and flies are a deadly combination. My 10"
BTIs accomplish everything a dodger does (and more)
without the critical speed sensitivity issues presented
by dodgers. Fly leader length behind my BTIs is
not touchy. 18" works as good as 24 inches.
1st light now in Manistee, MI is about 6am and that's
the easiest time to catch aggressive King Salmon.
I'm losing out on this 1st crucial hour and still having
a steady catch from 7am thru 9am. That's why
there's a time stamp on all fishing pictures I take.
Main reason behind me using all artificials? ...I can
set up/tear down in 1/2 the time compared to a dedicated
all meat program.
7/25/15 Just take a gander
at Kennedy's Lk. MI Kings she's holding in today's fish
The larger of the 2 is a full blown, girthed-out adult
King that looks like it came from Lk. Ontario.
Obviously, this fish spent it's life where there was no
shortage of bait fish. These fish where caught in
Michigan's far western UP close to Green Bay, WI
My thanks to Mike B for sending in today's featured
photo. He shared my Smurf Mamba has been his hot
color lately.
Click Kennedy's
7/23/15 Kings
7/24/15 Fished another mini
short trip yesterday morning from 7am till 9am.
Todd B and I setup off Guerney Creek in the 10s S off
the Port of Manistee, MI. In 80' to 120' of water
marks were decent, down 55' to 80'. Took an OK
King about 8 lbs. almost immediately.
Then, about 45 minutes later did a double on a feisty
low-teener King and an anorexic long skinny Steelhead,
right before 8am.
for our morning's action
That was the total sum of our action. Being a
short trip, we traveled N back up towards Manistee in
water cleaned out by the charterboat fleet's vacuum
Lures used? 10" BTI flashers in the Super Silver
Bullet and the new 2015 Silver King Mamba and George
Richey's green Sparkle Flies. I'm gaining more
respect for this Silver King flasher, cuz this pattern
pulls fish every time it's put in the drink.
Charter fleet all headed S towards the Big Point Sable
in the 100' to 150' depths.
If I was fishing today, or tomorrow? ...I'd start in the
10s again at 1st light and keep going S to the big
point, trying to stay ahead of most the charter fleet.
After the pro fish killers plow a trail, there's just
not much left. Some adult Kings are beginning to
show. But there's not giant herds of them ...yet.
If and "if" is a mighty big word! If I was forced
to rate this season?'s a tad better at this
time of the season, when compared to 2013-2014.
"Tad" is not the glory days that produced limit catches
of Kings in seasons gone by. Still, if you
set your expectations within reason, Lk. MI will
probably reward you.
7/23/15 Today's chat begins
in 1982 when I first met and fished with the Godfather
of ALL Great Lakes trolling flies, my cherished departed
friend, George Richey.
George is probably well known to many you, if ever
attended a spring fishing trade show? ...up until 2003
before he went to the big pond in the sky.
In the 1970s we used a lot of deer hair, or bucktail
flies behind dodgers. George was allergic to deer
hair and concentrated his efforts on his Michigan
Squids. Then, in the later 1970s he introduced his
ground breaking Mylar Sparkle Fly.
The Sparkle Fly was hot stuff for Kings and Coho in
George's home port of Frankfort, MI & all other central
MI ports.
Click 5 in 1 pic of fish taken on 7/22/15
Around 1978 Rich Lowenthal, former owner of the
Frankfort Tackle Box gave me my first green Sparkle Fly,
he said, "try this." I soon returned to port and
bought several more after we came in with a box of Kings
no one person was going to unload.
So, today is my homage to George Richey's and his green
Sparkle Fly that took 5 fish (1 King, 4 Lakers) for my
crew of John J and Todd B yesterday. Every fish we
caught came on a green Sparkle Fly behind a Super Silver
Bullet, or Silver King BTI 10" flasher. Time
fished was a short 2 hours (7am till 9am), because there
were orders to fill & ship.
make a lot of tackle that catches fish. It was fun
to step back in time and use a timeless classic that
still works almost 40 years after it's introduction.
Thanks Georgie!
7/22/15 Mini fishing trip
this morning is the plan to see what lurks off the Lk.
MI waters at Manistee, MI. Need to be home by 10am
to make sure today's orders are shipped in timely
fashion. Make a lot of stuff that catches fish,
making time to do it is another story.
7/21/15 Today this website
in on autopilot and a good chance for you to visit the
Tips and Tricks section. I recommend anything
concerning hooks, releases and hook sharpening.
The most important piece of tackle on your boat should
be a quality hook like I sell. The sharper a hook
is, the more it will need attention. Especially,
after digging into bone on a good sized adult King
Salmon. Take the time to make sure your hooks are
sticky need-point sharp. You take care of your
hooks and your hooks will ...then, take care of you.
7/20/15 Surface of Lk. MI is
finally beginning to warm up after being stuck in the
30s & 40s most of this year. This makes the
deepwater temp breaks much less attractive and helps
drive the bait and fish closer to shore. Fishing
in Manistee, MI is on the uptick for Steelhead and Lake
Trout. Haven't heard a lot about adult Kings yet,
but sure I soon will.
7/19/15 Seldom when I
purchase pricey gear for my boat, do I feel like I got
my money's worth. This is not the case with my
Garmin TR1 Gold autopilot. It's worth every cent I
paid for it! Adapting it to my 2015 fuel injected
Suzuki kicker took a lot of backyard engineering.
Had to modify the bracket with homemade threaded rod
U-bolts covered with 3/8" rubber gas line. Used a
hard rubber spacer behind the bracket to provide
adequate clearance too, as not to scratch up my new
adapter bracket
Garmin has not yet made a kit for this motor yet.
Review of the 2015 fuel injection on my new kicker is a
reel-thumbs up. This 15 hp Suzuki 4 stroke starts
instantly and idles smoother then my 2008 OMC Johnson
made by Suzuki. Which I didn't know in 2008, or I
would have never bought it. Cuz I'm no fan of
anything made overseas that stole jobs from the American
work force. Truth is, Corporate America no longer
chooses to make any clamp-on small motors in the USA.
says Ole Evinrude invented the 1st commercially
successful outboard motor in 1907 that set the
beginnings for Harley Motorcycles.
Click for this story
7/18/15 Unless you've owned
what's considered a large boat, like my former 28'
Cherokee, you might think bigger is better. 28'
Cherokees are the same as 30' model, less the bow
pulpit. You have to have deep pockets to tolerate
1.1 miles per gallon from the twin 350 GM V8s. That's all my former 28' got
on a good day in favorable 1' to 2' seas.
Know 1.1 is correct on the long trips made where you
could get an good handle by GPS on water mileage.
Harbor Beach, MI on Lake Huron to Monroe, MI on Lk. Erie
was the longest trip I did by water and that took all
day. Several trips from Manistee to Saugatuck, or
South Haven on Lk. MI where logged too at 6 to 8 hours,
depending on seas.
Trailering the Cherokee was a cheaper option, but that
requires dealing with the State on MI for an oversize
load permit. Then, accepting the route the state
makes you travel around construction zones. Often
putting you on secondary, less traveled roads.
Cost to
operate dictates where you fish, if you're on a tight
budget. It was the norm to put in a 100 gallons on
every third day, cuz when I ran charters
...short-changing customers for gas consumption never
happened. I ran to the fish, and gas pump too!
the exact cost to own a large boat with
maintenance/dockage is the reason I'm perfectly happy
with my older 1977 22' Sea Ray that has a new 350 GM V8
and all the modern upgrades. This boat runs on
chump change at 6-8 gallons averaged out per trip over
the course of a season. Plus, it trailers like a
dream with no size restrictions.
I'm a lot
happier now since I retired from running charters in
2003. Gone are the "push yourself to the edge"
responsibility having to pull rabbits out of a hat to
produce fish.
I still enjoy
dealing with the Great Lakes fishing public, but now I
do it in a different way with a top-notch line of tackle
and product support that's always raising the bar!
7/17/15 It was deja vu all
over again when we pulled into the 1st Street Public
Boat Launch in Manistee, MI yesterday morning around 6:30am.
Sitting in ramp 1 was my old charter boat, a 28'
Cherokee I owned from 1988 thru 2004.
today's 4 in 1 photo
Motivation behind this trip was to test out the new
kicker/trolling motor just purchased. I hate to
give a thumbs up on any product that used to be made in
the USA. But all smaller 4 stroke outboards I know of
....are all made overseas.
The 2015 Suzuki 15hp is the only small motor made with
fuel injection. Features include a 12 amp
alternator, power trim/tilt, better fuel economy, and
the lightest weight in the class of this size motor.
This is a lot better setup than my 2008 OMC 15 kicker.
Lines went in the water around 7am and we pulled lines
at 9am. Action was OK. Todd B and I had 4
hits, 3 up to the boat, with 2 Lakers we played catch
and release with.
Super Bullet BTI with our Monkey Puke Fly took 3 hits
90' down over a 100' of h2o in the 14s. SSB BTI
and Silver King BTI/same fly is producing at least a
fish an hour.
This is a good working down deep combination where
Lakers will come up a good 10' off the bottom to eat it.
Did see some good suspended marks in the 12s S of the
harbor. Best area for bites was in the 14s inside
of 110' to 100' of water
7/17/15 It was deja vu all
over again when we pulled into the 1st Street Public
Boat Launch in Manistee, MI yesterday morning around 6:30am.
Sitting in ramp 1 was my old charter boat, a 28'
Cherokee I owned from 1988 thru 2004.
today's 4 in 1 photo
Motivation behind this trip was to test out the new
kicker/trolling motor just purchased. I hate to
give a thumbs up on any product that used to be made in
the USA. But all smaller 4 stroke outboards I know of
....are all made overseas.
The 2015 Suzuki 15hp is the only small motor made with
fuel injection. Features include a 12 amp
alternator, power trim/tilt, better fuel economy, and
the lightest weight in the class of this size motor.
This is a lot better setup than my 2008 OMC 15 kicker.
Lines went in the water around 7am and we pulled lines
at 9am. Action was OK. Todd B and I had 4
hits, 3 up to the boat, with 2 Lakers we played catch
and release with.
Super Bullet BTI with our Monkey Puke Fly took 3 hits
90' down over a 100' of h2o in the 14s. SSB BTI
and Silver King BTI/same fly is producing at least a
fish an hour.
This is a good working down deep combination where
Lakers will come up a good 10' off the bottom to eat it.
Did see some good suspended marks in the 12s S of the
harbor. Best area for bites was in the 14s inside
of 110' to 100' of water.
7/16/15 My thanks goes to
Brad B for today's pic and email in the title bar said,
"All King Tackle Night." Here's what Brad
"Wanted to send this along...just
bought an X-Glow Yellow Tail meat rig & a Black
Mamba Salmon Buster spoon yesterday and first time
out with them tonight (used Black Mamba RF w/meat
rig) we landed what I think is a steelhead and a 21
lb king out of Pentwater.
Thanks for the great products!:
Click for Brad's photo
Sincerely, Brad Bolton
Aboard the 'Wast'n Tyme'
7/15/15 Tackle bonus ends
today at midnight. Cancelled my plans to fish Lk.
Ontario this July. Reason for no Lk. O? ...just
too busy to leave my tackle shop for a day, let alone a
4 day jaunt to Canada. I'm already making plans to
return to Wilson, NY next May for 5 days, including the
2 days of travel.
Decided to upgrade a piece of equipment on my trolling
system that will be revealed tomorrow. Lot's of
custom backyard engineering went this project.
7/14/15 In all likelihood,
there is no coldwater species of Great Lakes fish that
has a revered following like Steelhead. River
fishermen often mistakenly blame the big lake fishermen
for slaughtering too many Steelhead. Hence, less
numbers of Steelhead, or "bows" in the rivers, where
bank fishermen get their shot at these beautiful fish.
In 1996
Lk. MI produced record numbers of Steelhead documented
by charterboat catch data sheets. This population
carried over into the rivers too. In the fall of
1996, into the spring of 1997 (in my river guiding
days), my guests took their MI 3 fish per person limit
too. So, this blows the theory, the boat guys are
killing all the fish.
is a difference between the river fishermen and the boat
fishermen. I know that, being both. River
fishermen are more prone to release fish. But,
none the less, sight fishing Steelhead on the beds is
what leads to unknown repercussions.
seen too many dead hens, (which are highly aggressive
when nesting) floating down the Big Manistee River belly
up, from the do-gooder crowd of river fishermen who
think releasing their spawning hens is actually
preserving this specie and doing no harm!
7/13/15 Guest update today
is from Algoma, WI's Jim R aka Blue Rhino. On
7/2/15 Team Blue Rhino found an area of 38 degree water
25 miles offshore. He what he shared:
"This 4 man limit of 7 kings, 12 Bows, and one LT
(still in the cooler) was taken by using meat, Salmon
Buster spoons, flies and various other spoons from 50
FOW early on, then ranging to 837 FOW 25.5 miles from
harbor where we found a large pocket of surface water at
38 degrees. There we found a large school of Bows mixed
50/50 with Lake Trout. Successfully released several
fish along the way."
Click Jim's brag board photo
7/12/15 Fresh fish being
caught sure makes this website perk up. Visitors
that send in their pics is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to Ken M for the Lk. Erie Walleye photo
taken on one of my Salmon Buster™ spoons.
Click spoon fed
Lk. Erie Walleye
Finally, figured out why the call the fish we seek,
"gamefish." It's the cruel game fish play on us
with preferred colors that can change from day to day in
a endless cycle of perplexing choices. Trying to
outwit a fish is not as EZ, some might think!
7/11/15 It's amazing how
much fun you can have in 2 hours on the satin sheet calm
waters Lk. MI provided this past Wednesday. Goal
was to track dive-depth performance on my exclusive
cupped diver rings. I posted 1000's of photos on
this site, but checkout the darling silky smooth waters
in the background. It was joy made even better
when a good sized Laker tugged on on the port diver rod.
Click 7/8/15
goodie Lk. Trout
7/10/15 A big thank you goes
out to the skipper of the Extra Credit fishing team.
Pete D was kind enough to share a photo of his son, Dan
with a nice King (caught out of S. Haven, MI).
It's wonderful to see fishing as a family sport with new
young anglers.
favorite "go to" rig is our Super Silver Bullet BTI 10"
flasher with a 2 fly green meat rig™.
Click Dan D's 7/8/15 S Haven, MI King
planned chat about what I saw in my head-clearing
Onekama mini trip 2 days ago is postponed until
tomorrow. It was a pure joy to be afloat again, if
only briefly!
7/9/15 Yesterday morning,
fished for 2 hours (7am-9am) off the splendid port of
Onekama, MI. This town, located on Portage Lk. is
neaty-wheaty that's extra clean & well cared for!
was to gather dive depth hard data on my cupped diver
rings performance. Dialed on 2, 225' of line off 7
strand wire-diver reel will get down to about 90' at 2.5
it's all about water resistance due to troll speed.
Slow the boat to 1.5 and my cupped rings on regular size
1 Dipsys (again dialed on 2) will hit bottom with a
helluva lot less line off the reel. Faster does
not add depth, as the forces of water resistance against
the line skew any idea of one-size fits all speed chart.
was performed with a BTI 10" flasher-fly combo on the
port diver and a Salmon Buster™ 4.0 spoon on the
starboard diver.
Did catch a good sized Lake Trout on the new Silver King
Mamba BTI with one of my multi-color Monkey Puke flies.
Click to see
this combination
More observations on this mini trip tomorrow...
7/8/15 All work and no play
ends today. Plan is to fish a short morning, be in
the shop around 11am to process orders. Need to
try some stuff out and gather depth data.
7/7/15 The 3rd week of July,
adult Kings start showing up in the central Lk. MI
ports. My largest Kings of the season were always
caught in the last week of July and the 1st week of
August in my charter years of 1983 thru 2003. Last
week of August going into the 1st week of September
generally produced the best numbers.
was then, and this is now. Hard to believe we
still have surface temps in the main body of Lk. MI in
the 40 degree range. I can only offer conjecture,
which I dislike doing. But ever clearer waters
cuts down on the amount of heat from the sun has to be
part of the reason. And of course, cold winters 2
years in a row. Cooler water translates to below
base metabolism/growth rates for Lk. MI fish too.
Tackle bonus
giveaway will end on 7/15/15. This is a 2 week
extension. Thanks to all who've purchased tackle
to qualify for the extra 20 bucks in free-bees.
7/6/15 This past 4th of July
weekend was flat-out gorgeous in Manistee, MI.
High 70s to mid 80s shows that summer is here.
Spent most of my 3 day weekend doing chores.
Sorted out my lake trolls, or cowbells that goes back to
the 1970s. When I went into the charter business
in 1983 charter skippers had to be good at catching Lk.
MI's bread and butter fish, Lake Trout.
There's 3 kinds of shapes cowbell blades, being Indiana,
Colorado, and willow leaf. Indiana and Colorado
are more slow speed and work from 1.2 to 1.8 best.
Willow leaf blades are more speed tolerant that you can
run faster to slightly over 2mph.
Nowadays elitists wrongfully snub their nose at Lake
Trout. This is and was Lk. MI's original charter
fish that goes back to the 1930s.
vintage cowbells
7/2/15 Have a great and safe
4th of July Holiday Weekend. Going to take a few
days off and enjoy where I live. Summer in N
Michigan is to be appreciated and now's the time to do
it. Still lots to do on the water. Cupped
diver ring data needs to be collected and verified.
7/1/15 If you plan on
fishing out of the Port of Manistee, MI now thru the 4th
of July Weekend be aware of the Forest Festival the City
of Manistee hosts every year at this time.
The spacious
1st Street boat trailer parking lot will be taken up by
carnival rides with not much room to park, let alone
with a boat trailer hooked to a vehicle.
There are 2
boat launches on Manistee Lake. The launch in
Stronach, MI on the south end of Manistee Lk is
first-class, but it's a long ride to Lk. MI.
extended the June Tackle Bonus thru July 15th for
procrastinators. |