here for my first Salmon I caught on Oct. 1, 1968
Daily Log
(Dating back to the year 2000)
12/31/16 Goodbye 2016!
2016 was good to me in many ways. Had my heaviest
catch on 8/10/16 since I left the charter business in
2003. Learned the 4.65 Salmon Buster™ spoons were
fish candy in the right circumstances. Proved lure
design is a 2 way street when the Ghostbuster spoon
pattern were cloned into flashers and meat rigs™.
Having perfectly matching tackle makes sense. It
removes a lot of the guess work when trying to put a
program together. This is a major time saver!
Looking forward to 2017 with a few out of town events
that are in the planning stage now. Exploring new
waters is always challenging and fun! 'till next year.....
12/30/16 My heartfelt
condolences to the Weber family for their loss of MI
tackle icon, Terry Weber. Terry died in an ice
fishing accident when he fell thru the ice on 12/16/16.
First time I met Terry was in the early 1980s at George
Richey's Custom Flies booth at the Outdoorama held at
the fairgrounds in Detroit. George had a display
with several of Terry's Michigan Stinger spoons.
Terry's silver plated spoons were eye catchy.
Over the next many seasons, I'd run into Terry at
several sport shows all over MI. He was a class
act, always very friendly, and down to earth.
Stinger treated me good, back when I was in the charter
business (1983-2003) and in need of product.
12/29/16 Proposed weir on
the Big Manistee River reminds me why I left the river
guide & charter business. After a while, rules and
red tape wore me out.
This weir is going to be a hindrance to boat traffic.
Not to mention the personal required to pass the
Steelhead and Walleyes upstream. Plan says it
would be checked twice a day. Don't believe this
for a second. We all know about the shameful
fiasco the Little River Tribal net fishermen caused
during the money grab that pillaged MDNR funds.
12/28/16 Been thinking a lot
about the proposed seasonal tribal weir on the Big
Manistee River downstream from the Rainbow Bend public
Click for entire proposal
Mother nature is a powerful force and will make this
project costly for any barrier installed bank to bank on
the big river. During high water stages, seen this
part of the river 2' above the bank ...with water
flowing thru the woods.
During a cold winter, this area is known to freeze over.
So, the late February install time is in doubt.
Ice breakup with massive sheets of ice a foot thick will
plug this weir. Causing water force that will
destroy this already dumb idea.
After bow fishing/spearing Salmon on the Little Manistee
River it's hard to even faintly understand why the tribe
has any interest in conservation what-so-ever!
Stuff like this gets gets crammed down the fishing
public's throat, because fishermen are not organized
like hunters are with the NRA keeping things in check.
There's 2 things that come to mind about this weir.
First, is the potential sale of caviar from the Sturgeon
roe. Second, this posturing by the Little River
tribe prior to a new 2020 Consent Decree that needs to
be negotiated for the fishing/netting rights in Lk. MI.
In i2k, this tribe raped our MDNR with a net scam for
millions with criminal intent.
12/27/16 Today's story
begins in the 1970s with then, MI US Sen. Phil Hart
pushing for the Sleeping Bear Dunes and most of the
shoreline N and S to become National Lakeshore.
To be
maintained in a "natural state" free from all
homes/cottages and commercial development. Then, feds
went in and forced land owners to sell for the so
called, "greater good," or imminent domain that means a
government takeover.
This area included the famed Platte River where our Great
Lakes Salmon Fishery began with the stocking of Coho
Salmon in 1966 that was in high use from fishermen.
This created a dilemma for the US Forest Service on how to
manage usage and still keep everything in the "natural state."
Main issue (among others)? ...the Platte River, a Coho Salmon hotspot
is free flowing into Lk. MI not protected by breakwalls.
So, every late summer/fall a dragline is hired to dredge
a channel for the small boat fleet to be able to safely
access Lk. MI.
Latest word is the US Forest Service no longer wants to
dredge the mouth of the Platte River for the many
generations of
fishermen that use it.
Once again our Great Lakes fishery is under assault by a
government agency. If you think this doesn't
effect you ...guess again. Because when we lose
any part of our Great lakes fishery, we are all losers in the
long run!
12/26/16 New 2017 XGB (xtended-glo
blue) meat heads are revealed today. This addition
is a matchup to what's available in my Salmon Buster™
2016 was a total validation of how cloned tackle such as
flashers, meat rigs, and spoons work in your benefit.
Days of mis-matched tackle are ancient thinking and do
not represent technology that can work in your favor!
XGB King Smurf heads
12/24/16 Merry Christmas!
12/23/16 Big Christmas
weekend looms. Peace on earth and good will
towards men is the theme that needs remembering.
So, with that thought in mind, have great Christmas!
12/22/16 Federal Forest
Service and the Little River Tribe are conspiring to
install a weir to capture Sturgeon on the Big Manistee
River at Rainbow Bend during the spring.
This is below 2 major tributaries of Bear Creek and Pine
Creek that are naturally reproducing Steelhead.
Not to mention, impede all species all their way up to
Tippy dam. Including a self-sustaining Walleye
Both the feds and the tribe are criminal enterprises as
far as I'm concerned. The feds run a racket that
makes guides pay a portion of their guide fees back to
them. Plus, a bunch of hoops for river guides to
jump thru when common sense is plenty enough.
At one time, the MDNR had control of the Manistee River.
This was ceded to the Forest Service when the Big
Manistee River became part of the National Wild and
Scenic River Systems. Too much government where it
don't belong!
12/21/16 Good day to put
this website on autopilot. There's plenty of
articles and videos to explore that might expand your
knowledge base.
Having extreme difficulties trying to edit the August
10, 2016 evening trip out of Manistee, MI video.
This is the event that tore the lid off the cooler
trying to stuff the last big guy in. This movie is
constant nonstop fish action.
broken fish box lid
Video was shot with the hardtop cam and a hat cam that
both present audio issues. Hardtop cam does has a
faint audio track. Hat cam has a good audio, but
picks up the trolling motor too much. So, there
issues trying to make this into a great "tell a story"
show. Footage is there, now all I have to do is
assemble it wisely.
12/20/16 Too many requests
for the test minnow spoon needs to be addressed.
Caption says, "test" spoon, not for sale. I don't
have a clue about the adhesive and printed image holding
up. Won't know until test phase is complete.
Click real
test spoon
It's wonderful to have the interest and that's much
appreciated. So, let's not put the cart in front
of the horse. Tests and time will tell if these
spoons enter production.
My thinking behind posting the photo was to something
new & gaze upon during this early winter arctic blast.
Showing the 2017 season is right around the corner.
12/19/16 Ludington Regional
Fishery Workshop will take place from 8:15am until
3:15pm on January 14, 2017 at West Shore Community
College in Scottville, MI. This meeting is where
those informed share knowledge about the Lk. MI fishery.
Cost to attend is $30 per person and comes with a free
lunch. You must pre-register to attend.
Click here for more info and how to register
W Shore Community College is located on 3000 North
Stiles Road—Scottville, MI 49454. Meeting is in
the Administration and Conference Building.
Click campus map
12/18/16 Only 7 days left
before Christmas and about 2 weeks to the 2017 New Year.
If you're in a pinch for a gift for the fisherman in
your family? I can make you a gift certificate
with a code to enter at my webstore for tackle.
Call me at (855) 950 3474 for more details.
12/17/16 It's great
to hear positive feedback like what Lew had to say:
"I really like the minnow spoon you
have on Facebook. Ship me one and I will post a picture
with a Lake Huron fish caught with it in late March :). I was a grim reaper with your HRP
on the Steelies over here in the Thumb. I guarantee I
caught Steelies 2 to 1 with your spoons. I'm a believer."
...Capt. Lew J.
Facebook spoon
12/16/16 Results from my
annual poll page are in. There was a first.
Spoons and meat (cut & whole) tied for the lead with 33%
each. Never had a tie for first before. Rest
of the results echo the past 13 seasons with no big
swings. Just being able to archive data over time
shows the worth of computers.
Click for this 13 season poll
With this website being on the bandwagon for meat, look
at the tie as a weighted result with spoons probably
number 1 overall. Spoons rank this high, because
they're easy to use and a lot more speed forgiving than
any attractor program.
My Salmon Buster™ spoons? ...proven to have caught fish
from 1.2 to well over 3 mph and in one instance a
Steelhead at a bunch over 4 mph. So, with a wide
speed range, it no wonder why spoons are probably at the
top of the list.
If you have complete, total control over your boat's
trolling speed, the rewards you'll reap will be many
with an attractor program. Problem is boats on
their own do not troll slow enough. Double true in
a following sea with the wind at your transom.
12/15/16 Chances are any of
the glow tackle you own is not only used in low light
conditions. For glow tackle to be multi purpose
and perform in daylight is my goal.
Having a pearlish white base my 2017 XG-green color is a
proven performer in all kinds of light situations.
10 years ago I introduced this extended green glow
tackle and it's been in demand ever since.
2017 XG Meat Heads
12/14/16 Proud to share with
you today's world debut of the new 2017 XG-Blue Magnum
Meats Heads. This probably world first, but I
don't have time, nor the interest of what other "late to
the meat fishing game" are doing.
Click 2017
XGB Mag Heads
There's several others selling meat stuff that NEVER
heard of it until I brought to the forefront of Lk. MI
fishing in 2003. All the copycats concentrating on
the Lk. Michigan market did not exist back then. One
thing I have done is to raise the bar in meat tackle &
keep leading the less visionary manufacturers who's next
original idea ...will be their 1st!
12/13/16 Restocking Magnum
and Super Magnum Meat Heads is the task for today.
On hand inventory was very low and must to be
replenished. I'm looking forward to the new 2017
X-Glow Blue meat heads on order. Have a good idea
for a couple of new meat rigs down the line when time allows.
Now, onto precision machining the new heads.
12/12/16 Have about 20%
completed on a new written article. This one is
fun to write, because it's about the choices all big
water fishermen have to make.
Installed the long running poll page.
The poll has been ongoing since 2003 about your most
productive method to catch adult Kings. Having
data like this can spot trends, but so far ...the results
are very static. Click archived
poll page
12/11/16 Have a great
Sunday! Going to enjoy today. Lots on the
plate for next week.
While this is considered the off season for fishing, for
manufacturers it's the foundation for the 2017 season.
New tackle to debut soon.
12/10/16 It's turning
towards hard winter this week in Manistee, MI.
Gone is the extended warm fall that was enjoyed by all
in my neck of the woods. I mean woods, because I
live in the Manistee National Forest. This is a
patch work quilt of federal and state lands.
Including the 80 acres my property adjoins.
Official winter is still 11 days out. Wednesday,
December 21, 2016 is the winter solstice and the
official start of winter 2016-2017. First day of
spring 2017 begins Monday, March 20, 2017. I'm
looking forward to the days gradually getting longer
after official winter begins. Loss of daylight
seems to curtail a lot of stuff I want to get done.
12/9/16 Big water
fishing/trolling is all about decisions to find fish.
It's a daunting choice to search out the zone/depth of
water where the fish are. Compound this hunt with
the bazillions of cubic yards of H2O in the Great lakes.
Sometimes it's pure luck. Defining luck? ...this
where opportunity meets preparation. Trolling is a
highly efficient method to cover a vast amounts of
water. In 4 hours at 2 mph (attractor speed),
you've traveled a path of 8 miles. At 3 mph (spoon
speed) would be 12 miles. So, logic says; fate is on
your side to run into some fish.
Plain & simple, I make deadly tackle. Made for the
all big water anglers. You don't have to be an
expert to figure out how my tackle works. It's designed
to be no muss, no fuss, with a zero learning curve, as
long as you can dial in the speed of your boat!
12/8/17 Informative article
from Sea Grant goes a long ways explaining why stocking
cuts are not as detrimental as many think.
Hatchery reared Kings have such a poor survival rate the
DNRs would have to plant tons more than they do now to
even have the slightest impact on the Lk. MI King Salmon
Detailed Sea Grant Stocking Info
Which raises anther point: some ports in 2016 had a
banner for Kings like the extreme S end of Lk. MI.
While Manistee was no bed of roses in 2016 it was a huge
improvement over 2015 and a reason be very positive
about the future!
12/7/16 75 years ago today,
the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor sent the USA on the
path to becoming a world super power. Eventually, Japan
found out what happens when the American people come
together, united in a common cause.
Pearl Harbor Day is special to me. My father was
in the Navy. Surviving 2 ships that were sunk in
battle. Most of my uncles were in the Navy during
WWII too.
Tomorrow? ....encouraging info about the Lk. MI King Salmon
12/6/16 2016 was a year for
me with 2 major boat upgrades. New pickup bedliner
interior came out better than expected. Lots of
work to rip out the old carpet and prep. But the
EZ clean ups from now on makes it worth it. Carpet
has no place in a fishing boat!
New enclosed cooling system makes winterizing a piece of
cake. Just ran a 50-50 mix of anti freeze thru the
motor with a funnel adapted to the earmuffs on the
outdrive. Presto-amazo the entire process took
less than 10 minutes.
12/5/16 Snow is on the
ground in Manistee, MI. Yesterday 2 to 3 inches of
wet heavy snow accumulated. Full blown winter is
not too far off.
This the time of the year I begin to look at what were
my major achievements in 2016. New blue glow
spoons ranks high. Developing the daytime pearl
appearing into blue glow in the dark took a lot of time
before it was acceptable.
Click new blue glow
Upgrading the Combo Deal page to include both 10 and 12
inch flasher/meat rig™ should have been done a long time
Click Combo Deal Page
12/4/16 Windows 10 was a
free upgrade from Microsoft. Now, I see why after
replacing an old laptop. Win 10 is like George
Orwell's 1984 science fiction novel that said, “Big
Brother is Watching You." Yes, Win 10 is
loaded with big brother spyware.
10's default settings can use your laptop's webcam and
microphone for their own ends. Not to mention
everything you do and touch is an open source free for
You can configure for privacy, but that's not the point.
It's the gall this company has to pull pervasive
intrusion into every part of our lives, as the new norm.
Worst part of my new laptop's Win 10 OS? ...not being
able to control when updates were downloaded. This
ate up 3.5 gigs of my 10 gig monthly data cap limit.
Have since learned a work-around with a metered
connection setting.
12/3/16 Began post
production (video editing) of my 8/10/16 trip.
Have some pretty intense action scenes, all excellent
when my team was in full battle mode. Issue is
what do I edit and what do I leave on the cutting room
floor. Doubles leading into a triple don't allow
for cutting that might spoil the flavor of this Salmon
wars epic.
This was the kind of trip we all live for. Action
became an accepted reel-fact. We didn't have to
pull rods, the fish whacked every rod we had left in the
Best part? ...I have living proof captured in video to share
with you. Santa don't have to bring anything this
Christmas. My Christmas present came last August!
12/2/16 Finished the video
from last July 20th when I traveled to MI's UP in search
of decent fishing and found it. My Salmon Buster™
spoons did the trick. This event was a great confidence
builder for my larger 4.65 spoons that had were being
Hope share this video, here on this page ...when time
allows. If you have a few minutes to spare and
want to view this new video now?
click for
12/1/16 Ludington, MI's very
own, Capt. Kirk is a serious early and late season
specialist. He had a good day yesterday boating 5
respectable Steelhead and a 30 some inch Pike!
I have lots of history with Kirk. Going back to
when I first started my tackle business in 2004.
Back then, he was my UPS delivery driver and seen him most
everyday. It was natural for us to strike up a
relationship, because we both like to fish Lk. MI.
He's behind my spoons 100%. But it was a long
journey to get him off metal. Only convinced by
performance did he switch.
Click Kirk's 11/30/16 catch
Presently, he's running a 6 rod surface program and has
6 Salmon Buster™ spoons in the Gold Crushed Orange
pattern trailing behind each of his Yellowbirds.
11/30/16 My big lake
trolling season officially ended yesterday when I ran
antifreeze thru my motors. Enclosed cooling system
is very-very easy to winterize. This was a big
2016 upgrade over the old standard freshwater cooling
11/2/16 boat ramp
Kept hoping for one more trip, but the weather never
cooperated when I had time to go this month. So,
on 11/2/16 is when the curtain came down. Kind of
hate to say goodbye to 2016, because it was a huge leap
forward over 2015 fish-wise.
Had by far, my best box of fish based on weight since
2005 during evening trip on 8/10/16. Broke the lid
off the cooler trying to stuff the last fish in it!
If I can put all the details together, my webstore could
closing next week for a winter vacation. Time off
is good. Taking a step back puts things in
11/29/16 Need to skip
today's chat for time's sake and play catch-up on
orders. Many thanks to all that have ordered.
11/28/16 Installed the
highly successful Ghostbusters as combo deals. New
for 2017 you can now order combo deals (flasher/meat
rig™) in both the 10" and 12" flasher sizes.
My season turned on a dime when the mostly blue glow
Ghostbuster tackle went fishin', then catching!
Gauging productivity can only be done in side by side
Ghostbuster flashers and matching meat rigs™ performed
as good, if not better than the proven old standbys XG
Green Frog & Super Silver Bullet slayers.
12" XG Ghostbuster flashers are in very short supply and
will not installed as stand alone flashers pages at my
Click updated combo page
11/27/16 Lots to do in the
next few days. Have an idea for a good read
(article) that ties into last season and will strike a
strong note with everyone.
17 spoons for 2017 is a limited time offer. Due to
the fact the XG Blue and XG Green Krystal Killer spoons
were short test runs to see how the base glo material
The new XG-B (extended glo blue) are the most costly
I've ever made, but still sold at the same price as my
industry leading standard X-Glow green.
Retroactive all 17 for 2017 spoons deals will include a
9.95 hook file too. Bringing the total value of
these ground breaking spoons to well over 160 bucks.
Sale price is 125 that includes free shipping and bonus
diamond hook file.
You can be confident when you purchase this offer with
12 extended glo spoons you have my very best effort in
modern day tackle technology!
Click 17 for 2017 spoon deal
11/26/16 Sneak peek at my
2017 Spoon Deal is the focus for today.
4 are green glow and 8 are the new extended blue glow.
17 spoons loaded with 10 extended glow selections for
125 with free shipping. Retail would be over 160
Click 2017 Spoon Deal
Rest are my proven best in 2016 that cover a wide range
of conditions. If you think there's room for
improvement in your spoon program, please consider.
11/25/16 Today's featured photo of
fish boxes on 7/20/16 and 8/10/16 is very important.
It shows the wide speed variance of my spoons. The
7/20/16 trip was in MI's UP out of the Port of Manistee,
on Lk. MI. This was all spoons hot on speed (2.5
to 3.3) and where I discovered how deadly the
Ghostbuster pattern was.
The bottom photo was a mixed program, spoons and meat
from 1.2 to 2.0. While there's only one 4.65
Ghostbuster spoon, we had 3 out on 300' coppers and a
full 10 color lead core. This spoon accounted for
4 fish in said box. Including number 3 of a triple
in total darkness. Let's not overlook the
reel-fact by then ...I cloned the lethal Ghostbuster
pattern onto 10 and 12 inch flashers/meat rigs.
2 boxes of fish pic
There's 2 vital goals proven here. First: being my
spoons are not speed sensitive. Second: when
a color works? does so in both spoons and
No longer do you have to use a mishmash of different
brands of tackle to sort out a workable program.
Yes, this can be done. But at a huge cost in time.
Water time is in short supply for me. My time on
the water cannot be mis-
managed with trial & error sorting
out the hot, from what's not, in an effort to catch fish!
11/24/16 Happy Thanksgiving
to all!
11/23/16 Designing a lure to be
effective in normal daylight and have it be a killer in the
dark, or low light conditions is no easy task. The
new XGB (extended glow blue) Bluetail Salmon Buster™
spoon works in all kinds of light to dark conditions.
Click 2017
XGB Bluetail
The base non-glow is a pearl-ish white in the XGB
Bluetail. Almost the same as my XG standard green
glow spoons. This is an in-house proprietary
technical process!
The glow being molded into the base stock of my tackle
means it will never chip, or peel off. This is
lifetime glow will never wear out from too many charge
It was surprising to see the blue glow base illuminate
the blue painted top edge. This Bluetail pattern
proved itself back to the days with I used 3D printed
prototype test spoons. So, I know it good and and
even be better in low light with the blue glow.
The idea behind the glow blue base came from 4.65
Ghostbuster has a lot of blue glow on it. This
Ghostbuster pattern was my best spoon for adult Kings
last summer. So, it was a given (XGB) extended
glow blue needed to be in my 2017 tackle lineup!
11/22/16 World debut
photo are prototypes. So, there's good and bad
news for you today. Bad news is these spoons will
not be for sale. Being a prototype test run, I
just don't have that many of them.
Click new
blue glow 2017 tackle
Good news is? ....these 4 Salmon Buster™ spoons in the
4.0 & 4.65 sizes will be part of a giveaway when I come
out with a spoon deal later these week.
My 2017 spoon deal will have new XGB (extended glo blue)
in the mix of 17 spoons with a huge discount compared to
purchasing singles. XBG spoons will glow for a
very long time, 4 to 6 hours with a sweet spot of good
glow for at least 2 hours.
Tomorrow I will start revealing some of the reel
production XGB models...
11/21/16 Today is a partial
reveal of what I have been working on since last July
19th. This when Todd, Dylan, & I traveled to MI's
UP to fish Lk. MI ...out of the Port of Manistique MI.
Truth is the fish were a hard puzzle to solve & we were
getting our butt kicked!
It was getting late, the sun was sinking low on the
horizon, and what we had in the fish box wouldn't feed a
hungry yard cat.
for this box of fish
It wasn't until we grabbed the glowy-ist spoon in my
arsenal, the 4.65 XG Ghostbuster, and sank it down to
50' on the chute rigger did things turn around.
Within minutes this spoon with a lot of blue glow sprang
to life with a good adult teener King. Then, it
was game-on until we pulled lines and headed in with a
very respectable catch. Big clue was the blue
glow! Click
new blue glow 2017 tackle
I always wanted a blue glow as a base color in my tackle
lineup and now was time to make finally this happen. To
be continued tomorrow...
11/20/16 Burrrr.................!
Mr. Winter 2017 has finally hatched. I'm thankful for
the warm extended Indian summer we had this fall. Important
announcement tomorrow!
11/19/16 Steelhead stomach
contents photo supplied by Ludington, MI's Capt. Kirk is
our focus for today. It's fascinating to see the
different year classes of bait. Kirk's intriguing
photo shows 2" to 6" alewives all present in
the belly of fish
caught on 11/17/16.
Spoon in the pic is a HRP Laser 4.0 Salmon
Buster™. It's fluorescent red on both sides that's
a fleet consensus Steelhead favorite.
for this pic
All the Steelhead I've seen this fall are fat plump fish
not suffering from lack of food and that's terrific news
for the future of Lk. MI!
11/18/16 Posted a picture of
John J's 7 point buck shot on his property in Manistee,
John is a most wise and dedicated deer hunter. He
puts his time in and always comes up with meat.
This deer will be part of snack trays next season on Lk.
MI. Served with crackers and cheese for a great
eating on Lk. MI in 2017.
Click John's deer
11/17/16 Firearms deer
season in Manistee, MI has been going pretty good.
Most I know have taken at least one 6 to 8 point buck.
Production continues for my 2017 tackle lineup.
Trying to clear the 1st part of December for a vacation.
This is a good way for me to hit the reset button and
get ready for 2017. Signs are incremental of an
improving King fishery with more bait and an increase in
the 2016 vs. the 2015 season. In 2015 we hit rock
bottom and are on the way back.
11/16/16 Major change in the
weather this weekend leaves me 3 days to complete all
lure painting. This is a must while the
temperature is on my side. Once it turns cold,
like next week? ...this becomes a losing effort trying
to keep the shop heated. The must have exhaust fan
that pulls paint fumes from the building takes the heat
with it.
Part of the "yet to debut" reel-amazing new tackle
additions for 2017 is in
house. 21st century technology is light years
ahead of tackle used in 1968 when I caught my first
Salmon! It's incredible to see how far we've come
on all fronts.
11/15/16 Have a safe
and successful hunt today.
11/14/16 Today's featured
Steelhead photo is from John Kr. He caught his 3
Steelhead limit solo out of Manistee, MI and a Coho on
11/6/16 on stickbaits. His time frame was in the
middle of the day in a 150' of water.
Click John Kr's limit
Firearms deer season begins tomorrow. Have a safe
and successful hunt. Looks like this warm fall
comes to an end next weekend with the possibility of our
first measureable snowfall for Manistee, MI.
11/13/16 Big deal this week
is the firearms deer season that begins this Tuesday the
15th. Lk. MI looks like it might cooperate for my
last trip of 2016 this week.
There are Lk. MI Steelhead to be caught, but not in huge
numbers like you'd expect.
11/12/16 Michigan DNR has
decided to cease stocking Chinook/King Salmon in Lk.
Superior. This policy comes from a study that
found 99% of Kings caught were naturally reproduced
fish. This says a couple of things.
It's good the
fish have adapted. 2. Is there a possibility
the MDNR is raising a
genetically weak strain of Kings that have next to no chance of
The MDNR stopped planting Coho Salmon in Lk. Superior in
2007 and still has a decent fishery for this specie of
Salmon that are
self-sustaining, naturally reproducing fish according to
the MDNR in the Detroit News article.
Click for Detroit News Article
11/11/16 Politics is like
religion. It's what you believe in. I find
anything to do with politics distasteful, crooked,
nasty, and loaded with liars. I live the small
village of Stronach, MI with about 400 people that vote.
Click for my
anti Smith sign
Back 4 years ago Tom Smith was running for drain
commissioner. He stood on my property and flat-out
lied about his future intentions. This pissed me
off bigtime.
He ended up spending way over 200k building an overkill
48" concrete box drain under a dirt road that might have
30 cars a day using it. A corrugated steel drain
pipe would have done the job at a huge savings to us
He was soundly defeated in the last election earning
only 28% of the vote. Smith got exactly what he
deserved when he lost. I made a large roadside
sign to let every one who drove past my house this
person was not trustworthy.
11/10/16 Plans for 2017 are
well on underway for an exciting world 1st reveal.
Enhancing my tackle lineup with products no other tackle
company offers is my job!
Been at work on a new project since last August.
Mediocre results was our first try. Outcome better
with the 2nd effort, but no cigar. Third time was
a charm. Turning an idea into a finished product
is immense, but worth it!
Perseverance paid off with another world first I am
truly proud of. Know you'll see the merit of this
fish catchin' tackle when it's debuted later this year.
11/9/16 Congratulations to
President Elect Donald Trump who turned the political
world upside down. I'm going to really enjoy
phone being quiet today from robo political and pollsters calling.
Dragging on the presidential election for 500-600 days is
way too long!
11/8/16 Election Day 2016.
Go vote.
11/7/16 Warm fall continues
in Manistee, MI. Ludington, MI's Capt. Kirk C.
fished Lk. MI for Steelhead yesterday. His results
were decent with most of his fish coming in 150' of
water, or deeper on 4.0 Salmon Buster™ spoons. Top
30' is best.
These fish are feeding on very small Alewives.
Size is a 2 1/2 to 4 inches. Kirk's photo
bait shows a standard key for size relationship.
Click for
11/6/16 bait
11/6/16 Pulled a major "duh"
my last trip out. Forgot a long learned lesson:
when it's bright, full-sun chrome usually works better.
Darker days, gold is the way to go.
So, on my 10/25/16 trip it was bright, almost full sun.
Memory from this trip said chrome Silver Orange Crush SB
4.0 spoon got bit most often.
10/25/16 hot spoons
Loaded the spread with chrome on 11/2/16. Just
wasn't thinking to to adjust for the dark, gloomy day
conditions and overlook the silver stuff & go with gold.
Lost a good part of last Wednesday pulling chrome, or
silver spoons when the fish's flavor of the day, by far
...was gold.
11/2/19 hot spoons
Believe it, or not? 400 pound Salmon with dagger teeth
11/5/16 This past
Wednesday's fishing trip slowed drastically once Lk. MI
went to no wind and the surface slicked up around
noontime. Talley was 3 Steelhead to 8 pounds
and a chunky hen Coho. The HRP 4.0 Laser Salmon
Buster took the most hits. This spoon is
completely fluorescent red (both sides).
Click slick water Lk. MI
This was the 1st time I fished Lk. MI into November
since the mid 1980s. The good news fall has been
on the warm side. This should help the Lk. MI bank
warm water so we don't get a solid freeze-over like 2013
and 2014. In turn, helping the bait fish
population. Did see plenty of water fleas collect
on the rigger and diver rods.
Late season fishing has been made possible by my boat's
new enclosed cooling system that was installed earlier
this year. So, this is a major plus that extends
my season!
It's the time of the year we
adjust our clocks and fall back a hour tonight.
11/4/16 What makes a good fishing trip even better?'s the company aboard that enhances the whole
experience. I'm lucky, because I have two long
term fishin' buds to share my passion with. I've
fished with Todd B. for the last 11 years and 16 years
with John J. They both own boats & know exactly
what to do!
Todd B. & John J.
My bond with John J goes back to when I ran charters and
he was my deckhand/1st mate in the early i2ks.
John J. is a very savvy heads-up fisherman.
Todd B. aka "Todd the Rod" earned this nickname, because
he does not lose many fish. I can just about count
on one hand how many fish he's dropped over last 11
OK, now for the fishing report: this past Wednesday's
Lk. MI fishing trip out of Manistee, MI started out OK
with bite every 1/2 hour. We started 3 miles S of
port in 125' of water in the 12s and began marking big
bait piles in 3' swells. Surface temp was 55°.
Todd took 9-10 lb. Coho right of the bat on a 4.0 Gold
HRP Salmon Buster™ on a Slide Diver up high.
Missed a few hits before John J tied into a decent
Steelhead off a planer board rod with a HRP Laser 4.0 SB
in tow.
Click SB 4.0 HRP Laser Steelhead
11/3/16 Best news I can
possibly give you from the Port of Manistee, MI?
...marked more Lk. MI bait yesterday then I seen all
season long!!
11/2/16 Lk. MI bait
Mound after mound of bait happened from the 11s to the
9s (Guerney Creek area) in 100-125' of water.
Then, about every 1/2 mile thereafter all the way to Big
Point Sable.
report tomorrow. Breaking the bait story took
precedence today!!
11/2/16 Updated final 2016
totals for the Little Manistee River Harvest Weir:
Chinook harvested: 1,379 (twice as many Kings
compared 2015)
Coho passed: 528
Steelhead passed: 310
Brown Trout passed: 44
Thanks to the MDNR's Mark Tonello, Fisheries Management
Biologist in the Cadillac, MI for emailing me the correct
counts. Info I posted was 2 weeks old and not current.
My math
totals yesterday were way off. These numbers are fixed
Tomorrow the focus will be on the number
Manistee Kings caught out in LK. MI.
11/1/16 Please closely
examine the Pine Creek dead spawned out Kings photo. You
can easily see 4 to 5 Kings that have completed their
circle of life.
This is in a distance of a few yards. Straight
line Pine Creek runs 6 miles from it's head waters to
the Big Manistee River.
Click Pine Creek dead fish
Being very conservative ...let's say there's 1.5 spawned
out King per 100' of creek. 6 miles is 31680' not
counting switchbacks and "S" turns as this stream
meanders thru the forest. Math says 474 Kings.
Let's add to that figure and make 1k for "S" turns.
Don't think for an instant only 889 Kings returned the
Port of Manistee. That number is for the Little
Manistee River only that does not count the Big Manistee
There's 2 more major tributaries the enter the Big
Manistee River. Claybank Creek and Bear Creek both
have decent runs Kings that return every fall. In
fact, Bear Creek was one of the original stocking sites
for Great Lakes Salmon in 1966.
As a low estimation and I mean low: Manistee comes
in way over 5k for a 2016 total. Probably closer
to 10k, but let's stay away from speculation for now.
Going back to the 10k 2016 number, reason fishing is
considered off? not too many years ago 30k Kings
returning to this port was probably a given.
10/31/16 King Salmon news
from WI's Strawberry Creek capture weir is better than
the info I have from MI's Little Manistee River Harvest
Weir. Please let me stress, these are not the
final numbers from the Little Manistee facility: WI
2,895 vs. MI's 889.
Strawberry Creek Weir Report for October 20, 2016:
..."Hatchery goals to spawn 100 female Chinooks and to
collect roughly 500,000 eggs for the day were met, and
these eggs were collected for MI DNR."
Click for full WI report
WI supplying MI with Chinook/King Salmon eggs is a good
sign for state to state cooperation. MI having to
go to another state for eggs is not!
10/30/16 Updated the Pine
Creek page/article for last 10 years with a short road
trip yesterday. This was probably the latest trip
to this Salmon spawning tributary of the Big Manistee
River. Seen several dead Salmon with a few Kings
still working the gravel.
Do know this is the least amount of live fish I've seen
going back to 2007 which can be attributed by the late
date of this visit.
Pine Creek 10 year article
My annual pilgrimage to the birthing stream bed of
future generations of MI's hardest fighting gamefish,
King Salmon is always a rewarding event for yours truly!
10/29/16 Today's featured
photo is from Ludington, MI's Capt Kirk. He is an
early and late season stalwart when it come to producing
fish in marginal conditions.
Kirk's Steelhead were caught from 15' to 50' down over
125' water. This echo's my success last Tuesday
for depths. Having Steelhead scattered up and down
a 50' water column makes for a challenging outing.
Click Capt. Kirk's Steelhead
His photo shows a Salmon Buster™ spoon in the Gold with
orange crushed tape. This has been an excellent
producer for my boat in 2016 too.
10/28/16 Need to tie up a
few loose ends from this past Tuesday's Lk. MI fishing
trip out of Manistee, MI. Point that sticks out
most? there was no clear pattern. Being
slider hit, rigger hit, 10 lead core whack, a surface
strike and a 5 color hookup.
Most of the time was spent trying to locate fish.
Then, dial in on the 4.0 Salmon Buster™ spoons, cuz the
Steelhead didn't want the larger 4.65 size. Only
thing close to a pattern was chrome/silver spoons
out-fished the gold.
Been waiting all year to use the new 2016 fluorescent
orange base colored spoons. Knew this color would
work, but needed absolute proof and that only happens
when a fish yanks on it!
Salmon Buster™ spoons used on 10/25/16
Going to fish Lk. MI a time, or 2 before storing my boat
for the winter. There's fish there. Just not
in huge numbers. Silver lining is the size with an
average Steelhead in the 7-8 lb. range, catching 11-12
pounders is above the curve.
Click 12 pounder
Camera battery died and had to use the photo feature in
an action cam. The pic of the 12.35 pounder is
barely passable at best. But you can see the hog size of
the fish.
10/27/16 Last Tuesday's
fishing trip out of Manistee, MI begins with a long ride
in uncomfortable 2'-4' rollers in a miserable E wind
cross chop. Intension was to head S. Big N
seas said otherwise. Setup in 200' of water &
angled westerly in search mode out to 400'.
S troll took a good 2 hours to reach the 10s and that
was out first action. Took Steelhead over 12 lbs.
This fish hit a free slider with a 4.0 Salmon Buster™
spoon in the Firedot 2 pattern. Troll speed was
2.7 to 3.0 mph.
Click for this fish & spoon
Hit number 2 came within minutes when 5 colors of lead
off a planer board accounted for a 11 lb. hen Steelie.
She whacked a 2016 Silver Crushed Orange 4.0 SB.
Then, it was Deadsville for next hour until we hit the 8
numbers S of Guerney Creek in 125' of water.
Doubled with 10 colors of lead SB 4.0 XG Yellowtail
spoon. Part II of the double hit surface spoon
with a with a 1/2 oz. bead chain keel weight towing a
4.0 SB Sliver Orange Crush. Missed a drive-by
rigger bite at 35' down on the new 2016 SB 4.0
CFO-silver (crushed fluorescent orange) spoon.
Click for
exact lures used on 10/25/16
Be sure watch PBS TV at 10pm tonight for
another episode of the Great Lakes documentary that
explains in impressive detail invasive species impact on
several fronts.
10/26/16 For now, let it suffice
to say the Steelhead were in small pockets and not
present in big numbers. When Todd B and I finally
got over fish? ...we took 12.35 and an 11
pounder fish in a half hour, rode an hour looking for
another bite.
took a double and missed a 50' down rigger fish in
another span of 30 minutes. 3 of bites were 15' to
20' down.
Not on the surface as you'd expect.
Water temp
surface ranged from 53 to 58 degrees. 30' down is
was in the low 50s, at 50' down water broke to 42
degrees and stayed that way to a 100'. Best depth
to be over was a 100' to 125'. Explored out to
almost 400' and that was a massive mistake of 2-3 hours.
S down by Guerney Creek in the 10s and 8s were best.
Full update about yesterday's trip
out of Manistee, MI will happen tomorrow.
10/25/16 Going to try to
fish Lk. MI out of the Port of Manistee today.
Reports from the WI side say they have bait. Need
to find out what's on our side. Last year at this
time there was plenty of bait down towards Big Point
Sable. Hope it's there today!
10/24/16 If and when Lk. MI
cooperates another fishing trip could happen this week.
Yet to hear anything good from Lk. MI out of Manistee.
Big Manistee River has been producing some fish on the
right days. Lower end was said to be decent.
Brown Trout return at the Little Manistee River Weir
confirms what a lousy April Lk. MI season we had this
year out of Manistee, MI. Pitiful best describes
my 3 April trips on Lk. MI didn't yield a single strike,
let alone a fish. Hope improves in
Fall Steelhead returns at the LMR weir have fell off a
cliff, or the conditions that pull these fish into the
river systems has not materialized ...due to a very warm
Have not had a frost, or a hard freeze at my place in
Manistee this October so far.
10/23/16 Info from the
Little Manistee River Weir shows the largest King at
22.5 lbs. While this might sound small, I'll
willing to bet this 22 and change King was in the 40
inch class. King Salmon lose a lot weight as they
mature into full blown spawners.
In the later 1980s, took a King from the Big Manistee
River that was 46 inches long and this fish struggled to
make 22 pounds. If this same 46" King was caught
in Lk. MI
it would have been in the 34-35 pound bracket, maybe
Click LMRW info
10/22/16 Little Manistee
harvest Weir King/Chinook Salmon count is 889 fish thus
far for this season. This is a 20% plus increase
over 2015's dismal return on 672. And this might
not be the final tally for current 2016 operations at
the Little River Weir.
Alarming count is the low 68 fall Steelhead that have
been passed upstream. This could be attributed to
the warm fall we've had and warm Lk. MI water
While 889 Kings is nothing to rejoice about, any
improvement is good news.
Today's whiteboard photo was provided by Kim. A and our
thanks goes out for his willingness to share this very
important info.
Click LMRW
white board tally
10/21/16 I'm suffering from
bad case of election burnout. Plain tired of the
many, many robo calls that plague us all.
Solicitation phone calls of any kind I'm against.
What gives these people the right to interrupt our lives
with BS scams that want money?
If you're over 60 (like me) you can have a no questions
asked absentee ballot mailed to you. I chose this
option and voted a split ticket last week.
I'm just not into this day and age of extreme polarized
politics. Always remember the motto: united stand,
divided we fall!
This slogan dates back to 1768 patriotic ballad, The
Liberty Song, by John Dickinson. It has been
used in the Civil War, WWII and most recently, the 9/11
10/20/16 Met Lil' Sammy
Salmon yesterday around 10am. He was a young
beautiful 8" toddler full of spunk that latched onto a
4.0 Gold HRP Salmon Buster™ spoon. Lil' Sammy
was unhooked him very carefully, then returned Lk. MI.
I told him, "I'll see you again in 3, or 4 years when
you're an over 20 lb. big bruiser called, Big Sam!"
Click Lil"
Sammy Salmon
The factual part of yesterday's Manistee trip starts
with a building W 2' to 3' chop with whitewater.
Making the best option to fish the harbor. Water
temp in the channel and Lk. MI was both 60 degrees.
Did not mark any bait and fish marks were very skimpy.
Did see one medium sized Steelhead caught off the N
By noon the seas had built to a steady diet of 2 to 4
footers with a 1' surge at the boat launch.
Hopefully, Lk. MI with offer up a few calm days before
October is over.
Manistee is a unique port where the channel to Lk. MI
runs parallel on the backside of main street with 2 draw
bridges and plenty to see.
Manistee channel
10/19/16 Postponed for a
fishing trip today out of Manistee, MI.
10/18/16 Here's the why fishing
tomorrow is a reel-possibility:
Overnight: SSW wind 25 to 30 kt. A chance
of showers and thunderstorms before 1am. Waves 7'
building to 10'.
Tuesday: WNW wind 10 to 15 kt. Mostly cloudy, gradually
becoming sunny. Waves 4' -6'.
Tuesday Night: WSW wind around 10 kt. Mostly clear.
Waves 2'-3'.
Wednesday: Variable winds 5 kt or less. Mostly sunny.
Waves around 2'.
10/17/16 Tackle production
for the 2017 season begins this week for my shop.
Took the best part of a month off for the new boat
floor/interior and outside projects.
After coming off the terrible 2015 season, last year it
was difficult to stay on focus for new exciting tackle.
Not so this year, ...the fire has been stoked again with
decent catches 2016 produced for me the few times I was
able to get afloat.
Big Lk. MI S winds today and tomorrow. This
Wednesday morning looks like it might be OK in the
morning. Don't care too much about what's caught.
This trip is to see what the sonar marks for bait.
S wind pushes the bait deeper where it will mark better.
10/16/16 All dressed up and
no place to go is the reel-story about my efforts to
fish Lk. MI this past week. Wind, or rain, then a
combination of both kept me dockside.
October fishing says volumes about what to expect in
2017. If 2017 is going to be a good year for Lk.
MI Kings? October answers that question.
Last October there was a good amount of bait around the
Point Point Sable area. But no bait (alewives)
showed up at the Port of Manistee, MI until later July.
Then, it was in isolated pockets scattered up and down
the coast.
10/15/16 Backyard bucks is
today's topic. Living in a target rich
environment, could kill lots of deer, if I wanted to?
...but I don't don't. Whitetails are voracious
critters will eat everything in sight that's not
10/14/16 backyard bucks
In 2 days
since I took the garden fence was removed, the
deer have mowed the garden down to stubble.
Surprising thing? ...deer eat jalapeno peppers like
Warm as it's been (no killing frost as of yet), the rut
has to be a ways off, or bucks would not be hanging out together.
10/14/16 It seems WI has
broke with the MI policy of reducing the amount of Kings
in Lk. MI recently by NOT cutting their WI King plants
in 2017.
Before MI anglers dream of King fishing the way it once
was, we need bait to have predator species.
Fisheries leader of the MDNR, Dexter is fully committed
to to Lk. Trout restoration. But not so much to
the King/Chinook fishery by dumping millions of LTs in
Lk. MI the sport fishing fleet does NOT want as their
primary target species.
While there's nothing wrong with Lakers. The bad
part is the nowadays condition of the bottom in Lk. MI
that's covered with mussels & green algae slime.
This was not the case 20 some years ago The out of
control infestation of mussels has to be the reason.
This gunk fouls lures and is horrendous to deal with.
Naturally reproducing Lake Trout are said to be
contributing to the biomass of Lk. MI. Planting
more LTs only causes further stress on the already
diminished Alewife population. It's a dim-witted
pipe dream to ever think Lakers will ever replace Salmon
to maintain a viable reel-sports fishery in Lk. MI.
This just ain't never gonna happen!
10/13/16 Posted the entire
WI DNR email Steve S. sent in from Green Bay, WI:
"DNR strikes a balance in its decision
to maintain chinook salmon stocking levels
MADISON - Following a series of public meetings and
review of comments submitted by stakeholders, the
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will preserve
Lake Michigan chinook salmon stocking at current levels
while maintaining a diverse and robust fishery. This
will be accomplished by reducing stocking levels of
other species.
DNR Sec. Cathy Stepp said the decision highlights the
importance of Lake Michigan's world class fishery to
communities throughout the region and Wisconsin's
economy as a whole. Each year, Wisconsin's Great Lakes
anglers including those on Lake Michigan contribute
$114.3 million to the economy through direct retail
expenditures while generating more than $12.5 million in
state and local taxes.
"We listened closely to our stakeholders and applied the
best science available to develop a balanced stocking
approach that will maintain exceptional Lake Michigan
fishing," Stepp said. "Sustainable angling opportunities
work hand in hand with tourism and long-term economic
development. We believe this decision represents another
step forward to ensure accountability in our decision
making and support for great local jobs."
Todd Kalish, DNR fisheries bureau deputy director, said
the department put extensive effort into using input
from stakeholders to develop an innovative and balanced
plan that maintains the recreational, economic and
biological benefits of the chinook fishery. The overall
plan also includes stakeholder supported collaborative
efforts such as increased use of net pens to boost
survival; enhanced marketing of the Lake Michigan
fishery; and more involvement of stakeholders in data
"We appreciate the public's engagement in the process
and for 2017, we intend to again stock some 812,000
chinook in the Wisconsin waters of Lake Michigan,"
Kalish said. "In the years ahead, we look forward to
putting a variety of groundbreaking initiatives in place
that build on the input we received."
In addition to maintaining current stocking levels of
chinook, for 2017 the department will increase hatchery
space for steelhead production but reduce stocking of
other species such as lake trout and brown trout.
For 2017, Wisconsin's Lake Michigan waters will see the
stocking of: 812,270 chinook (same as 2016); 452,867
coho (same as 2016); 300,000 lake trout (712,377 actual
in 2016); 340,000 steelhead trout (269,512 in 2016); and
362,000 brown trout (727,014 in 2016). Stakeholders who
track the numbers closely should be advised that the
actual yield from hatchery production may vary from year
to year by approximately 10 percent.
The department's decision fits within the parameters
agreed on by the Lake Michigan Committee, a group
composed of fisheries managers from states and tribes
bordering the lake, said Brad Eggold, DNR Great Lakes
fisheries supervisor. Wisconsin's brown trout stocking
cuts will be made in areas where stocked fish are not
contributing to good fishing while increased steelhead
stocking should enhance diverse Lake Michigan and river
fishing experiences.
In addition to preserving chinook stocking at near
current levels, numerous stakeholders expressed a strong
desire to reduce lake trout stocking. As reflected in
Wisconsin's final stocking plans, Lake Michigan
Committee members have asked the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service to eliminate stocking of yearling lake trout at
secondary priority sites in southern Lake Michigan and
reduce stocking on Wisconsin's portion of the mid-lake
reef to 300,000 for 2017. The result is that about
412,000 fewer lake trout will be stocked in Wisconsin
waters starting in 2017.
Meanwhile, a Lake Michigan Technical Committee working
group has been tasked to review lake wide lake trout
stocking as it relates to individual jurisdictional and
multi-jurisdictional management goals."
10/12/16 Breaking news:
WI will not follow MI's lead by reducing their King
Salmon stocking in 2017. WI DNR will stock/plant
the same number of Kings in 2017 as they did in 2016.
While MI slashes their King Salmon stocking plans by
major cuts in 2017. Going back to 1999 this is the
4th time MI has cut their King Salmon program.
2017, Wisconsin's Lake Michigan waters will see the
stocking of: 812,270 chinook (same as 2016); 452,867
coho (same as 2016); 300,000 lake trout (712,377 actual
in 2016); 340,000 steelhead trout (269,512 in 2016); and
362,000 brown trout (727,014 in 2016). Stakeholders who
track the numbers closely should be advised that the
actual yield from hatchery production may vary from year
to year by approximately 10 percent."
To me? ...this looks like a major break
in policy from the states that border Lk. MI that were
onboard as a coalition the last couple of years. Please
note WI's increase in Steelhead plants for 2017.
Today's important news supersedes planned topic about
luck that will be discussed in the future.
10/9/16 fat healthy WI juvi Kings
10/11/16 Pride of boat
ownership comes with the big financial outlay Great
Lakes fishing boats cost and maintenance. Having a
topnotch fishing rig is a blessing at this stage of my
life. Being able to take an old beat-up 1979 22'
boat I purchased in 2006 and turn it into was it is now
is a work in progress.
Click new
floor done
Total cash in my rig doesn't amount to the interest I'd
have to pay, if this 1979 Sea Rig could purchased new
today ...for a boat of the same quality. But,
that's conundrum, because manufacturers will not build a
boat like this nowadays due to cost.
New floor is a winner. Making all the work that
went into it worthwhile. This was a job from hell
that will pay dividends in the future with simple damp
mop clean-ups.
Tomorrow what is luck? does it affect your
fishing outcome?
10/10/16 WI and MI Salmon
returns at harvest weirs are exact opposites. WI's
Strawberry Creek had 6k in 2015. Little Manistee
Harvest Weir had 672, or 10% of what history proved in
WI in last year.
Click for WI weir data
To compare WI vs. MI on returning Kings to capture
facilities here's a link to the Little Manistee Harvest
Click for MI's Little River data
10/9/16 There's one
important reel-fact that needs to be brought up.
There were no juvenile Kings caught at this time last
season out of Manistee. This year some have been
reported and even made it into the MDNR weekly fishing
report for Manistee.
Next time the weather is one my side, I will be on Lk.
MI to see what the fishing and bait situation is.
End of this week looks like there might a window to go.
10/8/16 2.4 million Lake
Trout versus a vastly curtailed plant of Kings is the
agenda chosen by the powers to be for Lk. MI in 2017.
Not sure where the fault is, but something is way out of
kilter with the mindset for a viable Lk. MI fishery.
MI's 40 some years of an outstanding Lk. MI Chinook/King
Salmon is a long ways from what it once was. 2016
was a good year of Lakers in my home port of Manistee,
Yet, the 1st Street public launch was a ghost town most
of the season until August. Point I'm trying to
make?'s a tough sell to change the fleet's
attitude towards Lake Trout as the preferred target
When I was in the UP out of the Port of Manistique in on
7/19/16 there were far more boats then out of Manistee
during the same time span. Only difference was
Manistique had Kings & bait while Manistee was limping
along with Lake Trout & no bait.
10/7/16 By the end of today,
my boat will be ready to fish again. New floor
bedliner project took about 50 man hours. Fixed a
leaky power trim pump and took care of a few minor
cosmetic issues. New floor/interior is a luxury
that can be pressure washed.
According to the MDNR weekly fish report for Manistee,
MI there a smaller Kings and a few Steelhead being
caught on the other side of 200' depths. I expect
this is mostly down rigger, core and diver fishing and
not off the surface.
Surface Steelhead in October is my favorite and hope the
right conditions happen soon. Need surface temps
in the 50s, not in the mid 60s like it is now.
10/6/16 Out of the 19 Kings
I turned for the Salmon Ambassador Program, only 4 were
planted fish with adipose fin intact. 2 of those
were juveniles caught on the N end of Lk. MI out of the
Port of Manistique in MI's UP. There was scads of
bait in this port.
Should be buttoning up the rest of the interior with the
new bedliner floor installed today. This project
has been delayed waiting for the coating to cure.
Now, I'll be able to use a pressure washer washer to
clean off dirt and fish slime. This probably never
would have happened if we didn't luck into big catch on
Doubles and triple coming aboard got the boat nasty in
hurry. Then, in a few days the summer heat took
over cooking the stinky fish smell into the rug.
10/5/16 Questionnaire I had
to fill out for the Salmon Ambassador Program run by Dan
O'Keefe asked for my opinions. Tough call when
there's 5-6 levels on how to answer. Used the
neutral answer probably more times that I should have.
Do know since becoming a member of this program, I'm far
more aware of planted versus naturally reproduced fish.
Naturals are a big part of the Lk. MI King fishery.
Yet there's no safe guards in place to protect Kings
during the spawning season.
Alaska on the other hand has several different zones and
rivers boundaries closed to fishing altogether.
While our DNRs do nothing to protect spawning Salmon!
10/4/16 Posted a close up
pic of what the texture looks like on my new boat floor.
To me it looks like a pro-job I can be proud of.
new boat floor texture
In filling out my Salmon Ambassador catch data reports
it became painfully clear how little get out to fish.
Only went 6 times after the 4th of July. On 7/19,
7/28, and 8/11 boated 19 Kings to 28 pounds. Other
species were in the mix. Total fish count was 25
when the Lakers and Steelhead are added up. 8.3
fish per trip is about 2 fish an hour.
10/3/16 4th quarter of 2016
means bookkeeping chores for today closing out the 3rd
quarter. Know this season went by in a blink for
2016 provided us with a glimmer of hope after the lousy
2015 Salmon season. While this year won't set any
records, had my heaviest box of Kings in a very long
Best thing I learned in 2016? ...just how deadly the
4.65 Salmon Buster spoons were at 2.5 to 3 mph with the
100' rule. 100' rule means 30' down, 70' back, or
50' down, 50' back, etc. 4.65s were reel-producers
on Slide Divers with long leads too.
Began reassembling my boat yesterday. Texture on
new floor seems to provide plenty of grip. Sprayed
on bedliner is a winner. Now, to see how it holds
up over time.
10/2/16 By the end of this
week my boat will be ready to chase fall Steelhead on
Lk. MI. Checked the surface temp off my home port
of Manistee, MI & what I saw was the surface temp of the
main body of Lk. MI was in the 66 degree range.
Too warm to get me excited about this awesome October
Steelhead fishery. So, I'm in the wait & see mode
for now.
Do know this is when my high action Salmon Buster™
spoons kick into high gear. Looking forward to
using the new custom fluorescent orange base color that
debuted last winter. Red and orange for reasons
beyond explanation are very attractive to Steelhead.
10/1/16 Reasons I own and
fish out of a boat pushing 40 years old is many.
Sea Ray boats from this era were top of the line.
Maybe the best built from this time frame (1970s).
Layout of my 22' boat is excellent for 2 to 3 persons
with comfortable dinette seating. A hardtop with a
full enclosure means a warm boat even on the coldest
Cost to operate is chicken feed compared to my charter
boat with twin GM 350 V8s. Older Sea Rays are
purchased for pennies on the dollar over new boats.
No boat payment means you can make reel-upgrades ...not
in debt laden with interest.
Then, there's the several ports I've been able to
trailer to. Top of the list was Wilson, NY on Lk.
Ontario. Made it to the MI ports of: Pentwater,
Ludington, Frankfort, Leland, New Buffalo, Manistique,
Traverse City, Crystal Lk. and Holland. A trailer
boat offers up tremendous opportunities. All you
have to do is take advantage of them!
Continued below back to the year 2000:
2016 Results
February & March
April, May & June
July, August &
October, November & December
2015 Results
January, February
& March
April, May & June
July, August &
2014 Results
November, & December
January, February,
& March
April, May, & June
August, & September
2013 Results
February, & March
April, May, & June
July, August &
October, November &
2012 Results
February, & March
April, May & June
July, August &
October, November &
2011 Results
February, & March
April, May, & June
July, August &
November, & December
2010 Results
February, & March
April, May & June
August & September
October, November & December
2009 Results
February & March
April, May & June
July, August, &
October, November, &
2008 Results
November & December
July, August, &
April, May & June
February & March
2007 Results
November & December
July, August & September
May & June
February & March2006 Results
November & December
July, August &
April, May &
February & March
October, November & December
July August & September
April May & June
January February & March
2004 Results
October, November &
August & September
June & July
April & May
January, February & March
Feb Mar April
& May
June & July
Aug & Sept
Nov &
Nov & Dec
Aug July
April March
2001 Results
April Brown Trout
May & June
July Salmon
Aug. Tuna Time
2000 Results
Dec. Nov.
Aug. July
March & April
January February |