Archived Daily
2017 Log Entries
9/30/17 On hold for now.
3D printer that makes my diver rings has been
problematic. Need to fix this 3D printer
machine. Sold out of certain colors that must
be replaced.
9/29/17 Stomach contents
of the Coho we caught earlier this week didn't show
much. Only 2 fish had 5 to 6" Alewives in
their stomachs.
Click stomach contents
This was not from lack of bait. This was a
result of the maturity process when Salmon reach
adulthood and turn into full blown river spawners.
2 of the Coho stomachs had atrophied. Down to
about the size of a soup straw unable to digest
food. But yet, these fish will still strike
out from conditioned response.
Wrote an article about eaters, or biters in 2008 to
add some background about this fascinating part of
Salmon's life cycle.
Click Eaters, or Biters article
Tomorrow why Manistee, MI needs a bigger Coho plant
9/28/17 Answers from
this past Tuesday's Manistee, MI trip begin with the
number of fish caught: 4 Coho. This was good,
because I expected a skunk according to recent
The fish were 75'-105' down. Perfect territory
for a dedicated meat program. So, Todd B. and
I hung meat on our 6 rod spread.
Click meat caught fatty 13 lb. Coho
Area fished was S of Manistee by about 5-6 miles in
front of Gurney Creek. Chose this place,
because the dropoff is closer to shore.
Affording us some protection from a SE beam sea.
This meant a more comfortable N-S troll along
structure. Knew there was not all that many
fish available and used structure to our advantage.
Depth of water we tried to stay in was inside of
140' and never shallower that 120'
Troll speed was never above 2 mph. I'd say 1.8
was the sweet spot considering all the bait that was
there. Big mounds of bait were commonplace for
Tomorrow stomach contents photo and amazing
growth rate...
9/27/17 Sometimes the
stars lineup and we get help from the fish gods sums
up my terrific fishing trip out of Manistee, MI
yesterday morning.
Lk. MI played nice with tee shirt temps in the low
80s. There was a slight breeze that pushed
back the heat until we got onshore.
Then, it was hot 89-90° on the way home. This
was the perfect kind of day that reminds us why we
devote much of our efforts pursuing Salmon and Trout
on the big water.
OK, now for the fishing that shocked even me.
We caught
ginormous Coho to almost 17 lbs.
With the smallest on the 10-11 lb. bracket!
Click 16.95 lb. Coho
were the largest Coho Salmon I've seen since 1999
when all the Coho off Manistee were over 12 lbs. (MI
Master Angler sized fish). Coho are the
smaller cousin of Kings usually are 6 to 8 lb. adult
fish. Any Coho over 10 nowadays is a goodie.
many did we catch? How deep were the fish?
Where did Todd B. and I fish? What was the
best trolling speed? Check back tomorrow for
the answers.
9/26/17 Word from the
Little Manistee Harvest Weir is not many Kings are
there yet according to website member, Kim A as of
last Saturday.
Going to try to recon fish this morning out of my
home port of Manistee, MI. I have zero
confidence going in and know it's not the best time.
This trip will be more about how much bait is around
and how deep it is. Big N blow towards the end
of the week that should push the warm water S.
The N wind will help setup October Lk. MI Steelhead
...I hope. Tomorrow? why I like late season
9/25/17 Successive days
of high temps around 90° makes me glad this is not
the busy time in my shop. When it's this hot
in July and August, starting early around, or before
4am is a must. So, we do not have to work in
the heat of the day.
One thing that's worthy to note is the current
record breaking heat wave. Yesterday, Manistee
broke the previous record set in 2004 (85°) with a
high temp of 90°.
Know there was some Kings caught off Manistee's deep
water weekend before this one. Hope to have
more info on this past weekend very soon.
9/23/17 Have a super
9/22/17 Goodbye summer
2017 and welcome to the official beginning of fall.
Temps are predicted to push 90° for Manistee, MI
today. Enjoy the summerlike weather while you
°9/21/17 Posted a new pic
of a goodie King caught 2 days out of East Chicago,
IN by Frank M on a meat rig combo. This is an
interesting area to fish being the industrial
heartland of the midwest. Kings there do not
have a major river to run up. So, you have a
captive audience from what I learned there this
Do know the lay of the lake where the photo was
taken is only about 30' deep and it has to be warm
water this close in. Kinda surprised these
fish hit meat in these far from perfect conditions.
Frank's IN King Salmon
9/20/17 I'll calling in
sick this morning. I will fix this "sick of
not enough fishing" soon!
9/19/17 Plan on checking
Pine Creek for numbers of Salmon in this stream
before this week is over. This extended warm
spell will not load the rivers and streams with
spawning Kings. A cold rain followed by E wind
usually is cause for a big push of fish.
9/18/17 Since I left the
charter business in 2003, my average fish take since
has been about 1 fish an hour (lines in the water)
thru thick and thin. This season, I'd say this
average fell to 1 fish every 2 hours of effort
...thus far.
This season has yet to play itself out.
There's plenty of time left to raise my fish take
upwards ...if I have a good October for Lk. MI
Steelhead? It will be interesting to see if
the trend of bigger Kings this year carries over,
resulting in larger Steelhead.
Master Anger Steelhead (over 17 lbs.) are hard to
come. In my charter days boated many in the
15-16 range. Breaking the 17 lb. trophy
Steelhead ceiling? Only done this maybe 4
times. With the largest 21 and change out of
Saugatuck in May of 1996.
9/16/17 Enjoy these end
of summer warm days and have a great weekend.
9/15/17 As mentioned in
yesterday's chat, the Firedot color leads my list of
longevity. Having used it for 48 years. That's
how long this early days late 1960s color has been
around. Digging into the history of this
pattern it came and went.
enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in the late 1970s
when Luhr Jensen transposed it dodgers. That
became a mainstay of the Lk. MI fleet. This
was a "go-to" summer selection all thru the 1980s
into the 1990s for attractor fishermen pulling
Firedot dodgers lost popularity when Jerry
Bechhold's slanted vertical fin rotator took over
the market in the early i2ks. Only to be
copied by Ludington's Dreamweaver tackle company
that found a work around to circumvent Bechhold's
This bit of Great Lakes fishing lore brought up
another question in my mind, as next year I
celebrate my 50th year on the Great Lakes next
season. That being, what is my top lure color
over the last 5 decades? This will require
careful thought to answer.
9/14/17 Today's featured
photo is from my last Lk. MI trip out of Manistee.
It's the Firedot pattern on a 4.0 Salmon Buster™
spoon. For me? ...this color dates back
to 1969 when it came out on a slow speed/high action
Luhr Jensen Manistee Wobbler spoon.
The Manistee Wobbler is from the era when the
up-and-coming Great Lakes Salmon fleet was buzzing
about the possibility of 50 to 100 pound Chinooks,
as the Kings were known by ...back then. Kings
as a name never took over in full the about late
Yes, 50-100 lb. Salmon was not out of the realm of
possibility, because Lk. MI was already growing Coho
2 to 3 times, as big for what's considered normal.
At least that's what the word was, spoken around
several campfires in the late 1960s.
In my long career pushing 50 years on Lk. MI?
...1000s of Salmon & Trout have came to the net on
the Firedot color. It was a no brainer to
include this school bus yellow pattern with
fluorescent red dots in my tackle lineup!
Click 9/12/17 Firedot Steelie
9/13/17 Two terms come
to mind about yesterday's fishing trip out of
Manistee, MI. 1st was tee shirt weather.
Second was football Steelhead. "Football" is a
often used word to describe fat-stocky-plump Brown
Click yesterday's fatso Steelhead
Heard fishing was slow/tough going in. So,
this was a search mission to provide hands-on
material for this website. Started off in the
harbor. Made one big long pass thru the pier
heads. Marked a lot of bait in the channel by
the C.G. station. But no large fish marks were
present. Seen about 4-5 boats working the
harbor with no action.
Motored out to the dropoff/shelf and set up in 45'
of water and headed W. There was massive piles
of bait in 80-100' of water. Once again no
fish marks.
Trolled out to 435' of water. Took a fat
Steelhead in about 400' and that was it.
Hours fished was from about 7am thru 11am on a
peaceful Lk. MI that was quite enjoyable!
9/12/17 The back story
from yesterday's guest update began in later
September 2004 when I first met Tom M. He was
following my website, watching the success with a
meat program in 2003 & 2004 and wanted in.
He purchased several flashers and what I had left in
meat rigs. Then, took his new weapon to
southern Lk. MI. He was the first and most
influential fishermen armed with a highly proven
meat program that caused IN and IL anglers to make
the big shift to meat.
It's rewarding for me to have maintained yearly
contact with a valuable fishing friend like Tom M.
His photos have graced this page many times over the
9/11/17 Guest update
from East Chicago, IN's Tom M:
"Finally got my boat in the water
last weekend but only got out one day and didn't get
any bites went this morning and got this 16 lbs. 11
oz. King this morning at daybreak on your big green
frog spoon. I'm not a big spoon guy but it took two
of our three bites today going to run two tomorrow
Click for this IN King Salmon
The other
bite came on the 12 inch 3 fly green frog meat rig
on the downrigger. Tomorrow, I'll send you pictures
with the spoon in its mouth. Hopefully" Tom M.
9/9/17 Have a great
9/8/17 Best thing about
our 2017 Lk. MI season for King Salmon? paints
a pretty rosy picture for next season (2018).
Baitfish, or Alewives were in short supply in 2015
and not all that much more in 2016. This year
was much different with pods of bait rebounding from
all time lows. So, this is very good news for
all of us!
Click pods of bait off Frankfort, MI
9/7/17 This weekend is
looking better and better to fish Lk. MI out of my
home port of Manistee, MI. We all like things
to look forward to. Especially, when it comes
to fishing.
About a
month from now is when it gets reel-serious for Lk.
MI October Steelhead. These are all quality
fish that presents excitement that's off the scale.
This is when my Salmon Buster™ spoons come into
their own. Steelhead have proved a reel-fondness for
high action baits and my spoons fit this bill to a
downside to late season trolling on LK. MI is the
wind and rough water. Hard to plan.
Unless, you're a local to the area and can go on
short notice.
Tomorrow? ...the best thing about the 2017
9/6/17 Restocking meat
heads for next year is high on the agenda.
2017 marks the first time we sold out of certain
base colors in the Magnum heads. Demand was
off the charts as better herring strips became
available after a long absence on Lk. Ontario.
In the tackle
business there's no such thing as the off times.
That's when you build towards the new season by
restocking inventory.
Looking for a
window to fish Lk. MI. Still lots of fishing
left dependant on wind.
9/5/17 Wow, where the
heck did summer go? The last 6-8 weeks have
evaporated at blazing speed. We've been extra
busy in the shop making tackle and shipping orders.
This causes time to fly by without much time to
smell the roses along the way.
still plenty of Great Lakes fishing left weather
permitting. Which is always a crap shoot at
this time of the year when hurricanes hit our
coastal regions. These vast weather systems
have a lot of carryover when it comes to making more
wind then we need.
Lots to
look forward to and that will be discussed in
tomorrow's topic...
9/4/17 On cue, the wind
season officially arrived today. September
going into October means far fewer calm days on Lk.
MI. Big seas are the norm.
Do not
have any fishing reports from this weekend yet for
central Lk. MI. Had 2 website members fish out
of the Port of South Haven, MI with limited success.
For me
it's hard to sum up this season. Do know big
Kings over 30 pounds were more plentiful. This
is easy to figure out. Less Kings in Lk. MI
and more bait is going to grow bigger fish.
But at the possible cost of less action per trip?
9/3/17 In a span of less
then 12 hours, central Lk. MI off Ludington is
playing yoyo with temp. My armchair fishing
says from 25' to 70' is not stable conditions to put
a lot of fish in the box. The water is moving
a lot and hard to keep fish and bait in the same
place for the inshore fishery which is inside of
300' deep.
9/2/17 Have a safe and
great holiday weekend. Like you, I'm going to
take some time off too. Only I have that is
noteworthy? Lk. MI rolled has 50° temp at only
25' down.
9/1/17 Have a great
Labor Day Weekend. Under no means think fish
are jumping in the boat at the Port of Manistee, MI.
Yes, there some fish are being caught, but not at
the same the pace as the first half of August.
I've heard 1 to 3 fish for the trailer boat fleet
with charters doing about twice that number.
Seems like a lot east wind has kept the fish from
stacking up like in years past, or the main herd has
yet to arrive?
8/31/17 Upped the ante
with another plus 30 pound King from Manistee today.
Fish this size were thought an impossibility when
the devastating Salmon crash of 2015 happened.
Just goes to show, with fishing (a word that implies
risk) there's absolutely no way to predict the
future. Good to see Lk. MI's future looks
Click Charlie's 32 lb. King
8/30/17 Long range wind
and sea reports look favorable for the upcoming
Labor Day Weekend central Lk. MI fleet. This
is the time of the season when wind becomes a major
factor for the smaller boat fishermen that do not
have access to current conditions.
It's almost criminal neglect not to have a NOAA
real-time reporting station at Frankfort's Point
Betsie and at Little Point Sable for the
Pentwater/Whitehall fishermen. Both of these
places have lighthouses that are either on, or used
to be federal properties.
Having wide gaps in wind coverage is not safe, or in
the best interest of the big water fishermen who are
planning to fish these areas.
Click for Lk. MI wind reports
8/29/17 Just don't have
a lot to go on as far as fishing reports go.
Lack of reports from our message board generally
means ...catch rates left a lot to desired.
Do have a couple of good links. One pertaining
to the Lk. MI charter industry that explains big
Kings are a major draw for charter anglers.
Click charter study
Plus, a very informative article about this year's
Kings from Michigan State University Extension,
Michigan Sea Grant's Dan O'Keefe.
Click 2017 King info
8/28/17 Yesterday's
photo, Kayak Kings shows the work CBull puts in to
catch fish. You'll notice the peddles just
forward of the 3 Kings. That's his silent
flipper propulsion system, leg power that has to be
the most stealthy approach there is. You have
to admire his dedication to the sport of big water
kayak trolling.
Dust has not settled from the weekend reports yet.
Should have fresh info from this past weekend
tomorrow. Do know the Ghostbuster pattern
continues to be on a tear!
8/27/17 Here's an
interesting Frankfort, MI fishing update from kayak
troller and website member, Chuck B. aka, CBull:
"Capt John, Got these kings in 45 fow
just outside the Frankfort pier heads this morning.
Big and little Ghostbuster SalmonBuster spoons were
Thank you for quality gear, "CBull"
for his Kayak caught Kings
8/26/17 The photos in
the left border marks the 1st time in the history of
this website that goes back to the year, 2000 ...3
Master Angler sized Kings all sent in by viewers.
Master Angler King Salmon must be over 27 pounds to
qualify for the MDNR arm patches.
This is quite a welcomed turnaround from the dismal
Lk. MI King season of 2015.
Offshore E and N wind made it a tough go for the
Manistee, MI fleet yesterday. The was a lot of
bait outside of 200' depths, but not many fish marks
to go with it. Look at this as a temporary
setback till we get a good SW blow.
8/25/17 My job is
getting easier and easier with updates sent in from
website viewers. Today's fishing report is
from Derek L. Here's what he had to share:
"Capt. King,
I forgot to send these pics from early August.
Fished mainly north of town (Manistee) out of
traffic. When thermocline started dropping 10 inch
Ghostbuster was best on the low diver and a 10 inch
frog on the high diver. XG Smurf and my custom
mountain dew also took fish. Master angler at 41
inches and 33 pounds came on a 5 color with the
thermocline at 35 feet in 70 fow. Thanks for
the quality product. Derek"
Click for
Derek's big King
8/24/17 Today's update
is courtesy of Mike K. Here's what he had to
"Good morning John, here is a picture
of another huge king my son Zach landed with your
product. It came on a high diver 250' back, using a
glow ghost BTI meat rig, fishing over 130fow. This
is our third king that has pushed close to thirty
pounds, out of Manistee this year. Thanks again,
Mike K"
Click for this photo
8/23/17 Hat's off to Dan
A for providing today's featured pic of Kings caught
off Frankfort this past Monday morning. It's
not a stretch to say, there's close to, or over 50
pounds of Kings in the 4 fish. Not bad for a
short morning trip!
Click Dan's catch
You might want to look at this year as a rebuilding
season far as the King fishery goes. If
you've fished Lk. MI this year, I'm sure you've seen
plenty of wads of bait. This large amount of
bait is a drastic improvement over 2016.
Foretelling better things in the future and a King
fishery that will continue to perk up!
8/22/17 The over hyped
Solar Eclipse 2017 was a absolute dud in Manistee,
MI. There was nothing different. So, my
idea of being lord and master over the Great Lakes
fish population for a few minutes went down the
Fishing was not a dud for longtime website member,
Dan D. They fished out of the Port of
Frankfort, MI yesterday with respectable results to
Kings over 22 pounds. He fished N along the
steep drop-off/bank towards Point Betsie.
Know for a reel-fact, there's been more big Kings
over 20 pounds caught this year in probably then the
last 3 previous. This equation is pretty
simple to understand. When there's more Lk. MI
bait and less Kings to munch it down, bigger fish do
But this comes with a cost of far-far fewer fish the
MDNR has stopped planting!
8/21/17 Partial solar
eclipse day for Manistee, MI. This got me to
thinking of the low light bite that could be awesome
for the fleet. You get the best of both
worlds. Low light evening bite, then in a few
minutes the low light breaking dawn offers.
If any of you gets into double, or a triple during
the partial eclipse hours of 2:30pm-2:45pm today,
please contact me. This could be an enlightening
8/20/17 Have a great
Sunday! Lk. MI is showing some love for the
weekend fishing fleet with tolerable seas from
glassy flat to 3 footers.
Last week of August and the 1st week of September is
when the most Lk. MI fish are caught (per trip)
according to my years in the charter business
(1983-2003). So, the best is yet to come for
the big water fleet!
8/19/17 The key word in
yesterday's chat session was "fun". This goes
back to my conversation with Kevin D when he stopped
by my place a week, or 2 ago.
Kevin started talking double divers which are a pain
unless there's more than one highly experienced
fisherman aboard (like on most charter boats).
Think he sat out the 2016 season after the dismal
season of 2015 when Kings were as scarce as hen's
Good to see Chummer back and a member of the summer
Salmon fleet once again. And most importantly?
...he's having fun!
8/18/17 Today's featured
4 in 1 reel-story book photo is courtesy of longtime
website member, Kevin D aka Chummer. Here's
what he had to say:
"Deb and I were also out of Manistee last night
(this past Wednesday evening). 70-85 riggers
with meat, 180 wire mag diver with bti/fly and same
with bti and meat on port. Most fun we've had
salmon fishing since 2014! Chummer"
Click for reel-fun photos
8/17/17 Semi progress
was made during last night's fishing trip out of
Manistee, MI. Test thingies showed we're on
the right path. Most notable was a King we
caught in total darkness at 10:45pm over 150' of
water 60' down.
Night fishing is a frontier I've yet to conquer due
to not making a concerted effort and lack of time.
Semi progress is a heck of a lot better than no
8/16/17 Saga of the 2017
big Kings marches on with Master Angler Kings being
caught as far S as the Port of St. Joe. This is the year of the big Kings.
Click St. Joe 28# King
Going to take this afternoon off and try out some
ideas that have been in the thought stage for a
very-very long time.
The plan is there. Now, to put it in action.
Sure, failure could be a part of this. But
nothing ventured? ...nothing gained!
8/15/17 Today's featured
photo is from our Pacific Ocean's NW coast.
This huge King was caught about 20 miles N of the
famed Columbia River that borders the states of
Oregon and Washington. It came on Super Mag
Black Ice Meat Head.
Pacific Ocean King
While I'm on the subject of big Kings, there was a
41 pounder caught off Muskegon, MI and more 30s
taken off the Port of Ludington, MI. I have no
doubt there's been a few 30 some pounders out of
Manistee, MI that I've yet to confirm.
As not to paint too rosy of Manistee's King fishery,
there were blank spots that held no, or not many
fish this past Sunday after the N wind. Seems
N was better than S.
8/14/17 Port of Arcadia,
MI looked like place to be yesterday morning.
Here's a hand-on report from resident charter
skipper, Capt. Steve B:
"17 boats out here this morning john.
All but 1 boat caught between 2 and 5 Kings.
One fish went 32 lb and another went 30.2 lb and
most fish were in the 18 to 25lb range.
So, the
update is the big kings have arrived and are much
bigger this year than the last several year
averages. Both meat and spoons seemed to be working
on these fish that were 100ft down in 150'."
Arcadia, MI Kings
More new tomorrow on big Kings to past and 41
8/13/17 Have a great
Sunday. Go fishing and enjoy yourself!
8/12/17 Lk. MI showing it's
very best behavior beginning tomorrow:
Saturday NNW wind 15 to 20 kt. Mostly sunny.
Waves 4 to 6 ft.
Saturday Night Variable winds 5 kt or less.
Mostly clear. Waves 1 to 2 ft.
Sunday Variable winds 5 kt or less. Sunny.
Waves around 1 ft.
Monday Variable winds 5 kt or less. Mostly
sunny. Waves around 1 ft.
Tuesday Variable winds 5 kt or less. Sunny.
Waves around 1 ft.
Wednesday S wind around 10 kt.
Mostly sunny. Waves 1 to 2 ft.
8/11/17 Lk. MI is having
another big temp swing where the thermocline is
going to be down around 100' from SW winds to 30
knots last night. Wind is supposed to calm
down, making today tolerable for fleet to get
another day in search of Mr. King Salmon.
By tomorrow N wind to 20 knots will bring in colder
water. How much remains to be seen as we
contend with a down temp yoyo that has nothing to do
with moderation.
All the reports I've heard from Big Point Sable to
Frankfort, MI is saying pretty decent King fishing
for the most part. This is great news for all!
8/10/17 The reel story
behind today's featured photo of middle of the day
Kings began last December. Kelly S contacted
me by email about fishing Lk. MI Kings around my
Kelly lives in northern Kentucky has fished Lk. Erie
Walleyes. So, I know he had the concept of big
water trolling. Now, being able to transpose
that experience towards summer fishing for Kings was
my challenge without breaking the bank for Salmon
Then, it's up to me to share/teach what I preach...into practice. Spoons in the top 40'?
...Kelly got that working. Meat deep and slow,
with me telling Kelly, "meat will take fish in the
middle of the day." Kelly proved me right once
again with today's middle of the day catch that took
3 Kings and a released lake trout.
Click Kelly's high sun Kings
It's a daunting task to be an ambassador for my area
and Salmon fishing in general. One I welcome,
but feel like the weight has be lifted with Kelly
getting into fish!
8/9/17 Spoke with a
Frankfort, MI charter boat this morning.
Intimidator Charters needed meat heads and I
needed info. They had a handful in and were
building a nice box.
When it comes to my
home port of Manistee, MI I'm in a holding pattern. Putting in extra
hours to make sure I've banked enough time to free
up a morning, or a pm trip.
Same day shipping
is a tall order that keeps me shop-bound on days I'd like to go fishing. Same day shipping
is what built my tackle business. Amazon don't
delay, neither do I. Fishin' folks know I
don't sit on their orders and get their tackle out the door
8/8/17 Good news, the
wind switched last evening from the N to the W, then
SW. This has pushed in the warm water and
started forming a deeper thermocline.
Finally, conditions are setting up for a
attractor/meat program. I'm in a holding
pattern until later this week ...when there's a
chance take some meat rigs swimming!
are great for the top 50'. Once the Kings go
deeper, spoons tend to lose their effectiveness.
Adult Kings are suckers for meat down deep!
8/7/17 Fished out of the
Port of Manistee, MI yesterday morning from 6am
until about 8:30am. Knew this trip was headed
south when we did not take a hit in the 1st 30
minutes of daylight. Set up in the 12s 3 miles
south of port in 60' of water and seen no marks and
no fish being caught by other boats within eyeshot.
Traffic was moderate.
N in 50' to 110' of water to no great avail.
Took 1 small 3-4 pound King on the GhostBuster SB
4.0 on our Slide Diver rod and that was it.
break was 30' down. Guess the best area was in
and around the harbor if you can tolerate combat
trolling doing circles in the harbor.
Salvaged this morning learning how to operate new
sonar that's a major work in progress. Do
know, I'm way behind the times and needed fishfinder
Back to
the Manistee fishing. Have no fear the fishing
will pick up this week when W & S wind pushes warm
water back in and this port's deep water reloads
with fish.
8/6/17 Perplexing to
me? ...even with all the warm days, the the temp
break has remained fairly high up in the water
column. Deepest fish caught on my boat recently
was only 40' down. Just didn't see any deeper
marks to go after.
These high
fish can be touchy, but will hit if you can get over
them at the right time and place. Alewives the
Kings have been chowing down on are about 3" long.
Fished for a
couple, three hours this morning and that will be
tomorrow's focus.
Began the
learning curve on how to operate my new 9" Simrad
with CHIRP (high & medium) sonar. Impressive
machine that leaves nothing to the imagination.
Was able to compare the Simrad against my C127 12"
Raymarine 50kz machine.
The 50kz
sonar gives your a good idea of what's there.
Medium setting CHIRP is precision picture with
ultra, unbelievably clear marks and bait piles.
8/5/17 Most recent fish
report I have is from this past Thursday evening
after the morning action in the harbor.
Website members Todd B and Dimitri fished straight
out of Manistee in a 100-200' of water. They
hit 6 Kings in the last hour of daylight.
Boating 3 Kings to 19 pounds from 20' to 60' down.
Their hot spoon was the Ghostbuster Salmon Buster™
in the 4.0 size on long leads of the riggers.
Slide divers with long leads took fish too.
8/4/17 Yesterday morning
a N wind followed by E wind stacked up bait and
adult Kings off Manistee, MI's harbor. This
was combat patrol with tackle busting, line ripping,
big nasty Kings on the prowl to test your rod
handling skills and wear you out!
Downside to a big run entering the harbor, going up
river cuts into the herd in the deep water until it
reloads. Time will tell how this unfolds.
sonar tech? ...well, ...honestly some of this stuff
is over my head. But I'm trying to get a
handle on it. Medium CHIRP is the wide beam
and high CHIRP is a smaller narrower cone.
What I'm learning is CHIRP (compressed
high-intensity radar pulse) sonar sends out more
pulses/signals than the traditional 50kz and 200kz
units I'm familiar with.
CHIRP technology is a lot expensive and happened
when the price of DSP (digital signal processors)
chips fell to below $30 to offer this tech to the
general public.
was reel-expensive when it came out in 2011.
I've waited for the price to become reasonable and
purchased a Simrad with the total scan transducer.
This transducer is a 21st century 10.250" long
salami looking thing that should help my woes in the
top 30'.
8/3/17 Marine
electronics when it comes to sonar is breaking new
horizons. Sonar is our most useful tool when
it comes to locating fish.
One of
my biggest bugaboos is catching Kings that are in
the top 30'. These fish do not mark.
Instead, they scoot off to the side of your troll
path escaping even wide coned 50 kz transducers.
So, it looks like there's no fish there.
issue cost me 90 minutes of precious water time last
Saturday when I left the shallower depths (50' to
60') where the fish were to join/sight-see/boat ride
with the fleet over deep water (200' plus) for no
Side scan sonar would have been a help which I do
not have. Garmin's Panoptix is the probably
leader in this field with a pricey $1500 LiveVü
Forward and FrontVü transducer, not counting the
head unit, or display.
Interphase was the company that pioneered small boat
forward scanning sonar. After careful
research, Interphase is now being serviced by
Simrad. So, it looks like Simrad bought out
Interphase. More on this tomorrow....
8/2/17 Need to make
mention, on our UP trip out of Munising, MI on the
way back, fished out of Manistique, MI on 7/19/17.
Hopes were to have the same success at this UP port
we had in 2016. Water temp was all warm and
the massive schools of bait we marked last year were
not there. This port does not have deepwater
close in, I'd say the boat run is good 5 miles to
where we hit the fish back in 2016. Fished for
3 hours, no hits and came home.
In 49 year
career fishing Lk. MI this is the 1st time I fished
both the extreme S end, by Chicago back in March &
the northern end up by Manistique in the same
trailer boats I know of had 1 to 5 fish yesterday
morning with some in 100' and less ...out to the
300' depths. Scattered is the best way to sum
this up.
8/1/17 Still learning
the nuances of my Salmon Buster™ spoons. The
short game is to blab a bunch of unverified facts to
sell/push tackle.
The long game
is to put the time on the water and report
reel-facts I see with my own eyes. Then, share
this info with you, as industry leading product
Do know my
spoons on lead leads (60'-100') off the riggers will
catch high spooky fish pressured my the fleet in all
depths of water. Proved this on 7/19/16 &
Busters kick and wobble is not diminished (loss of
action) on longer leads. This is contrary to
my experiences with metal spoons used ...back when I
ran charters.
good spoon reef-fact is? areas of spare
fish populations you can cruise at a 3 mph troll
speed to cover more water. Still a lot to
learn & that's the fun part!
7/31/17 We're closing
out July 2017 with a vastly improved Salmon fishery
for central Lk. MI ports that began last April.
Kinda think this caught everyone off guard.
Especially, the tackle stores that did not stock up
before demand shot up like a rocket. Now,
retail tackle outlets are scrambling for product in
a pressed market. Know our tackle production
and web sales has been way-way busier then we want,
or need.
One of the hardest things with Great Lakes trolling
is staying the course and not getting pulled off
your program with the "grass is always greener
Learned this lesson again on this past Saturday's
trip when the fleet was concentrated in deeper water
over 100' deep. This pulled us off the 50-60'
depths where we had our 1st action. Went out
to join this party with the majority of the fleet to
discover the Salmon forgot to show up and all the
boats were just riding with no nets going down.
Please check out today's featured pic of a glassy
Lk. MI with the fleet in the background over plus
100' while we were inside of 50' catching fish.
Click for this pic
Tomorrow's chat will be fine tuning the long and
short game.
7/30/17 Fished yesterday
morning from about 6am till about 9:15am.
Fished S of Guerney Creek to the 6s N of Big Point
Sable. Got suckered into wandering around in a
100' to 250' depths with a lot of boats, nobody was
catching that we could see.
If I was fishing the same area today/conditions
today? boat would never see water deeper than
70'. 50-60 foot depth is where we had 5 Kings
hits, none deeper than 35'. Inside water temp
was 56 on the surface with it breaking to 52 degrees
by 20'.
So, these were high skittish adult Kings (14-19
pounds) in flat calm/slick glass water that I've
always struggled to catch in.
Click for our hot spoons on this trip
Long leads on the riggers (17'-30' down) 80 to 100
feet back at 2.7 mph is what worked for us.
Our 5 bites all came on the Ghostbuster pattern,
enough though tried other colors, even a J-Plug that
was a flop.
Click King that choked the GhostBuster SB 4.0
The water that held fish for Todd B and myself was a
milky green that turned clear once you hit the 70
foot depth. Elite boats, dialed-in did a heck
of a lot better.
7/29/17 Have a grand and
glorious Saturday. It's summer in MI, go enjoy
7/28/17 Keeping tackle
in stock is like throwing darts blindfolded, because
you never know how things are going to end up.
Stock storages I take personal. Even
though, you really can never predict what sales are
going to be.
Magnum Meat Heads got hit hard when Lk. Ontario
rediscovered meat fishing. Reason?
players in the bait supply business stepped in with
quality product.
This I can fix, my 3D printed cupped rings were
almost out of stock. I've been making more
everyday till midnight to replenish the supply.
Fishing out of Manistee, MI has been hit and miss.
Those hitting the right stretch of Lk. MI are coming
back in with some pretty heavy boxes of Kings to 25
7/27/17 Sold out on
several 4 packs of Magnum Meat Heads. Since
their introduction in 2005, this is a new one for
me. Demand has been off the chain this season.
Any mags heads in the base color of green,
chartreuse, and X-Glow are out off stock in 2-4
packs, but still available in the super mags and
meat rigs. Some things you just can't plan for
and this is one of them.
7/26/17 It's O-Fish-all
the adult big King Salmon season is upon us.
Kings over 20 pounds test tackle to the limit.
Patience becomes your best friend when dealing with
these massive fish. Here's another Arcadia, MI
report from longtime website member, Wayne N:
"John caught 7
this morning (7/25/17) on your Mountain Dew spoon.
He measured exactly 36 inches. Caught him down 70 in
100 ft of water straight out from harbor. Water temp
at surface was 59 and ran 30 degree angle on cable.
Was a beautiful morning "
7/25/17 Here's a brand
new report from yesterday:
"Hi John, Steve here from Arcadia,
Had a good night (Monday) fishing from my home port
Arcadia using meat rigs.
Temp from few days ago changed a lot as surface was
55 deg ( 3 days ago it was 68) so temp was hard to
gauge. Persevered with rigger set at 30 ft in 100
for and landed 2 nice fish. Big one was 25 lb 6 plz
on certified scales other went 18 lb.
Caught on 3 fly meat rig ( orange/ red) and the
green/ white 3 fly 12 in flasher
Meat seemed to thing that worked best once we
figured out where the fish were cruising about. Both
the fish were males and in very good condition (
well fed) and we were marking lots of nice baitfish
Click 25 pound King Arcadia, MI
This year is definitely turning out better than last
year. I've caught salmon every trip so far this year
(7 times) and they are running bigger
Last Thursday caught the first Coho this year (10lb)
on 6 colors of lead ore using the prototype red
plastic spoon you gave me to try with the gold tape
on the side.
I actually put it out expecting a steelhead but
nailed the big fat Coho instead.
Almost lost one fish last week when the treble bent
open but was lucky enough that it fell out when the
fish was landed.
Of the last 12 fish caught we never lost a single
fish but sure came close.
I make a habit of replacing the hooks you showed me
how to tie regularly as I learnt that lesson the
hard way over the years.
Thanks for making great tackle and passing some of
your knowledge to me over the past several years.
When I started meat fishing I was a complete novice
but now I feel I have all the nuances dialed in and
I enjoy seeing other people catch the biggest fish
of their lives which has occurred several times this
year...all thanks to the meat program."
Capt. Steve B Arcadia, MI
7/24/17 Must defer
today's fishing report until I have some news on
central Lk. MI ports. Got hit with a slew of
orders and my face has been glued to a computer
Trends from my webstore say meat fishermen are
coming out in full force. WI and NY is where
the bulk of these orders are coming from. Need
to find time this week to checkout Manistee, MI.
This will provide a hands on reel story to share
with you.
7/23/17 Recent trip to
MI's U.P. reminded me what a beautiful state this is
to reside in. MI has to have the most
shoreline miles of freshwater coastline in the USA.
Great Lakes shoreline is majestic with everything
from rock walls to sand dunes several hundred feet
Munising, MI on Lk. Superior is where the
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
is located E towards Grand Marais. This area
is a stunningly gorgeous backdrop to a part of MI I
never seen before. Pictures do not do this
scenery justice.
Click for photos
Munising is MI's capital for tour boats.
There's 5, or 6 good sized vessels running tours
every 2 hours that are filled to capacity. A
head count of 250,000 visitors travel on these boats
during the course of the season.
Click tour
boat docks
7/22/17 Have a great
Saturday. Hope to dig up some fresh fishing
info on my home port of Manistee, MI by Monday.
Busy making and shipping tackle makes it difficult
to find the time to do so. Do know according
to the last MDNR fishing report, some Kings are
showing up and being caught. Then, find some
time this coming week to squeeze a trip in.
Tomorrow's chat topic? ...what a
wonderful state MI is to live in!
7/21/17 Traveled 302
miles to fish Lk. Superior out of Munising, MI to
complete my quest to catch Salmon & Trout out of all
5 Great Lakes beginning on 10/1/1968 (1st Coho).
Doubt if this can be accomplished nowadays. Because
Salmon in Lk. Eire are in short supply. In
1986 caught an adult King pushing 19 pounds off
Stoney Point that's the N entrance to Brest Bay
close to Monroe, MI. This is anomaly happened
while running a Walleye charters back then in early
July. Caught several Lk. Erie Steelhead too.
My 1st Lk. MI King in 1971. 1st Lk. Huron
Salmon happened in 1976 out of Oscoda, MI. 1st
Lk. O Salmon & Trout took place in May of 2015 out
of Wilson, NY.
Conquering all 5 Great Lakes has to be a pretty
exclusive club that I'm proud to be in ...spanning
49 years and counting. The challenges Great
Lakes fishing presents guarantees a rich lifetime of
fishing fun! Heck, for that goes, ...several
Need to thank Todd B and his son Dylan for their
help and wonderful company during our recent journey
to beautiful Munising, MI!
Click Todd B Lk. S Pink Salmon
7/20/17 Heavy work load
this morning from the webstore has my time spoken
for. Will update you tomorrow on my mini
vacation to MI's U.P. While restocking
continued in my tackle shop. Meat heads were
the holdup, providing a few days to get away.
To me my fishing career is about personal
accomplishments. 1st to other fisher men and
women. Then to myself. Was able to catch
a Lk. Trout and a Salmon from Lk. Superior to
complete my quest to catch in ALL 5 Great Lakes.
Only took me 49 years since Oct. 1, 1968 when I
caught my 1st Great Lakes Salmon to add this
7/19/17 As of 5pm today,
my webstore located at:
Has reopened and is accepting orders
Have NOW caught
Salmon and Trout from all 5 Great Lakes!
Click 7/17/17 Lk. Superior Salmon
7/18/17 Restocking
continues with progress. Tackle sales
will begin again before this week is over.
7/15/17 Have a great
Saturday. My webstore is closed for sales until
7/20/17, or this coming Thursday. We were
running out of certain items and need time to
regroup. This is a great time for a mini
vacation that starts tomorrow. Details on my
looming adventure will be discussed tomorrow......
7/14/17 Almost the
halfway point in July as intensity of the 2017
builds. In fact, set a new sales record for the
number of Canadian orders accepted and shipped.
King Kryptonite meat heads have been removed from my
website temporarily. Ran out of the WTP clear
crushed ice tape this head uses. Should have
these meat heads back in-stock towards the end of
next week, if not sooner.
7/13/17 Picking up on
yesterday's chat, one thing, leads to another.
It is absolutely necessary for me to take a few days
off and search for that "one thing" that turns into
beneficial info down the road. This is called
moving my product line forward from what I see with
my own eyes and not gross exaggerations.
If you've ordered meat heads? ...we're running about
a day behind as we battle to keep up with demand.
Hope to have backlog cleared up soon. Patience
7/12/17 An idea in the
making has a starting point that everything grows
from. Then, it's like a tree growing branches.
If the initial concept had merit?
Point I'm trying to make? 2016 season
was based on learning that came from my out of town
trip to Manistique, MI in the UP last July.
Here, it was more more by accident, than intention,
learned how deadly the Ghostbuster pattern was.
Then, this spoon color was transposed to flashers &
meat rigs that produced my best box of Kings (to 28
lbs.) on 8/10/16 in a very-very long time.
This 2016 evening trip grew into a written article
with video.
Click 8/10/16
Salmon Fishing
For this reason alone, need to get out of my comfort
zone and fish a new port/area before summer is over.
This can only be accomplished by taking a few days
7/11/17 In a couple 3
weeks adult Kings will start making their appearance
known at all Lk. MI ports. End of July, 1st
part of August is a safe bet to get into the fish we
wait all season for. You know, the bruisers
that test your tackle to the limit.
Now is the time to get your rig shipshape for the
coming onslaught. Most important other than
sharp hooks is the condition of your leaders and
mainlines. Even the smallest nick can cost you
both a lost fish and a hit in your billfold to
7/10/17 One thing that I
noticed and have not made mention of? ...Lk.
MI water level is up about a foot since last
April-May. This is good news to all.
Going back to my last trip, signs of a water flea
bloom were left on my braid rods. This is both
good and bad news. It's great to see Lk. MI
producing zooplankton, but the knots of biomass
fleas leave on our lines is nasty to deal with.
7/9/17 Every boat needs
one. Most boats have one. I'm speaking
of a lure that always comes thru no matter how tough
the bite it. In my case, it's the Salmon
Buster™ 4.0 in the Gold Crushed Orange pattern.
Click 7/3/17 Steelhead jaw ornament
This spoon is
what we call our anti-skunk device, or never failer.
Because it always comes up with a fish when all the
other rod combinations don't.
I'm not on
the water enough to mount a serious threat to the
fish. Having a go-to lure sure helps.
There's a big difference between 1 fish & swallowing
your pride with no fish!
In the midst
of trying to schedule a Lk. Superior trip in the
next week, or 2. This is the only Great Lake
I've yet to fish. Would like to accomplish
this before summer is over. Thinking of
fishing off Munising (Pictured Rocks shoreline),
then dropping down to Manistique's part of Lk. MI in
the UP in a 3 day escape.
7/8/17 Have a great
7/7/17 Waiting and
waiting is where I'm at now, to make another trip to
MI's UP like I did last summer to Manistique, MI.
No consistency is what I'm hearing from the UP
message board that was great help last year.
Both Fairport and Manistique have been hit & miss.
We're about 3
weeks away from when prime time for adult Kings.
This is the big deal at my home port of Manistee,
MI. So, I do have a window for an out of town
Think we all
need a break from daily chores and fresh change of
scenery. Getting away puts everything in
perspective and clears the mind for new ideas.
7/6/17 Colder weather is
on the way for Manistee, MI. Mid/upper 80s is
hot for N country where I live. 70s predicted
tomorrow look a lot better.
Once this
cooler weather comes in central Lk. MI ports will
see stable weather and calm seas. My next trip
looks to be next week after my boat has a thorough
7/5/17 Unless I miss my
guess, Lk. MI summer prime time fishing is going to
be deeper then we've seen in the last few seasons.
Warm winters have kept the main body of Lk. MI warm.
Add in the heating days in front of us? ...this
bodes well for attractor fishermen.
This past
holiday was Manistee, MI's Forest Festival where a
carnival with a bunch of rides takes up most of the
boat trailer parking lot at the 1st Street public
This was part
of the reason of my short fishing trip this past
Tuesday, or risk being blocked in by cars.
Seen more deep fish off Manistee in a longtime.
Downside? ....these fish were not biters on anything
we threw in the water. Area we fished was
slightly N in the 16s to 17s in 55' to 250' of
water. Marks were heaviest in 120' to 150'.
Know these fish would sooner, or later turned on
(hopefully), but did not have all day to wait them
7/4/17 Happy birthday to
the USA! In 1776 the forefathers of our
country approved the Declaration of Independence
from our mother country of England & King George
III. This effectively put a hangman's noose on
every person that signed this document for treason.
It took courage from all the signees to break away
from the, then world's strongest power.
it's fitting to to wish happy birthday to my Salmon
Buster™ spoons that were born with a double header
off Onekama, MI on this day 3 years ago (7/4/14).
Manistee, MI yesterday morning from about 7am till
10am. It felt good to be on the big pond again
after a 4 week absence. Took a 8-9 lb.
Steelhead on my boat's never-failer, aka Gold Orange
Crush SB 4.0.
Click this happy birthday Steelie
Seen plenty
of suspended marks, but could not unlock the
combination to get the 80' to 140' down fish to
bite. Lots of bait in 50'-60' of water.
I thank our founders for all
of our rights to life, liberty and pursuit of
7/3/17 Mini series on
spoons part 3 continues today. Reel fact: once
a spoon reaches market saturation, the revenue
stream for the builders of said product ...ends.
Then, a new model/shape comes into vogue that has
less to do with fish catching ability. But
more to do with catching customers. This has
been played out, time and time again!
Reasoning behind my efforts in the spoon market are
entirely different with a spoon that's going to last
and never become obsolete. The action of a
spoon and the speed tolerance do not change over 10
years down the road.
My mindset on
spoon manufacturing is based on longevity and
reel-worth well into the future. And staying
out of the tackle store spoons wars that never end.
7/2/17 Great weather
continues for Manistee, MI during our 4th of July
Weekend. Seas look good for the next few days
that means I could get off the dock ...finally.
continue my mini series on the history of my spoons
begins with making a plastic spoon for it's obvious
advantages. Lexan spoons can flex and return
to it's original shape. Having the color
imbedded makes a spoon that will last decades, not
Great Lakes spoon market has long been predicated on
selling millions of metal spoons with planned
obsolescence built in. Saying the paint will
sooner, or later fade, chip, peel, fall off, and the
silver will tarnish. So, a constant influx of
new models that flood the market is the way it's
been ...since I began fishing the Great Lakes in 1968.
has been no spoon that's held heavy sway over the
spoon market. Only new models/manufacturers
that promote different brands that fall out of
the fleet's favor over time. Duration of most
spoon companies do not make it in the long haul.
Proof is there is no relevant spoon manufacturer
from the 1970s around today.
7/1/17 This is the
weekend 3 years ago when the prototype version 4
printed 3D spoon took a double on Kings, off the
Port of Onekama, MI. This said I was on the
right track. But still several minor tweaks
had to be accomplished.
Click for this double
making 3D test spoons way back in April 2014, so
this was no over night success. I made 100s of
3D test spoons in this hard fought journey.
batch I made were made out of ABS, a fairly low
strength plastic. Meaning, when the fish hit
the ABS 3D printed spoon, it ripped out the nose
hole, escaping with spoon and all. This was
not good, a major setback that made me rethink my
whole strategy.
Found a
material/filament I could print with called PET,
this is the same plastic throw away bottles are made
with. PET is a lot more durable than ABS.
all along, Lexan, the world's strongest plastic
would be the material production versions would be
made from, but this material is not suited for 3D
Continued below back to the year 2000:
2017 Results
February & March
April, June &
June2016 Results
February & March
April, May & June
July, August &
October, November &
2015 Results
January, February
& March
April, May & June
July, August &
2014 Results
November, & December
January, February,
& March
April, May, & June
August, & September
2013 Results
February, & March
April, May, & June
July, August &
October, November &
2012 Results
February, & March
April, May & June
July, August &
October, November &
2011 Results
February, & March
April, May, & June
July, August &
November, & December
2010 Results
February, & March
April, May & June
August & September
October, November & December
2009 Results
February & March
April, May & June
July, August, &
October, November, &
2008 Results
November & December
July, August, &
April, May & June
February & March
2007 Results
November & December
July, August & September
May & June
February & March2006 Results
November & December
July, August &
April, May &
February & March
October, November & December
July August & September
April May & June
January February & March
2004 Results
October, November &
August & September
June & July
April & May
January, February & March
Feb Mar April
& May
June & July
Aug & Sept
Nov &
Nov & Dec
Aug July
April March
2001 Results
April Brown Trout
May & June
July Salmon
Aug. Tuna Time
2000 Results
Dec. Nov.
Aug. July
March & April
January February |